D T I D I NG S GG L A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHOF OFWESTERN WESTERNSPRINGS SPRINGS CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN Author C. Christopher Smith Coming to PCWS On Sunday, May 17, from 11:00 a.m. to noon, author C. Christopher Smith will join us for a special lecture and Q&A on Slow Church. He is the editor of The Englewood Review of Books, blogger and co-author of Slow Church, and a member of the Englewood Chris$an Church community on the urban near eastside of Indianapolis. Slow Church is inspired by the language and philosophy of the Slow Food movement to rethink the ways in which we share life together in our church communi$es. Just as Slow Food offers a pointed cri$que of industrialized food cultures and agricultures, Slow Church can help us unmask and repent of our industrialized approaches to church. It can also spur our imagina$ons with a rich vision of the holis$c, interconnected, and abundant life together to which God has called us in Christ Jesus. Slow Church is a call for inten$onality, an awareness of our mutual interdependence with all people and all crea$on, and an a8en$veness to the world around us and the work God is doing in our very own neighborhoods. Our goal for the Slow Church book and blog is to help inaugurate what we hope is a broad and long and even slow conversa$on on these topics. Read his blog at h8p://www.patheos.com/blogs/slowchurch/ or download a FREE sampler from his Slow Church book at h8p:// bit.ly/SlowChurchSampler MAY, 2015 MONTH YEAR Faith Formaon: End of Year Celebraon & Teacher Recognion May 3 is the last day for Sunday School and Explore un$l next fall. We want to thank all the teachers, youth advisors and everyone who supports these ministries for our church. To show our support, we’ll thank teachers in worship and have an ice-cream social for Explore; with one last Bible teaching by Associate Pastor Ma8 Schmidt to finish our "God Is Green" series. It has been a great year, filled with friendship, laughter, cra;s, Bible lessons, prayers, and discipleship—all of which help shape the hearts of our congrega$on. On behalf of the adult leadership, the Faith Forma$on Commi8ee is dona$ng new books for children of all ages to our library. Please join us in celebra$ng on Sunday morning, May 3, for 9:30 a.m. worship and 10:30 a.m. ice cream! Spring Blood Drive Sunday, June 14 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The blood drive will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Jones Room. To get your top choice for dona$on $me, sign up early by contac$ng the church office or by registering online at www.lifesource.org. (Under group code enter WS14.) Appointments are recommended, but walk-ins are welcome. This is a great opportunity to invite neighbors, friends and rela$ves to donate blood, too. Donors should bring iden$fica$on (i.e., LifeSource or military ID, driver’s license, employee badge with picture and full name, or a birth cer$ficate along with a picture ID that includes the donor’s full name). Thanks for your support! Monday, May 25, 2015 Church and Offices will be closed. C !"# L%" There’s something going on at PCWS every Sunday in May. From teacher recogni$on to Mother’s Day, Pentecost and our annual $me of remembrance in the Memorial Garden, there are many occasions to give thanks, reflect, and li; our voices in song and praise. And while some programs will be winding down for the summer, others are gearing up and geLng ready to launch as spring moves toward summer fun. I hope you’ll plan to join us o;en in May, and I hope you’ll consider invi$ng a friend to worship with you or a8end a program or mission ac$vity. The month of May is a great $me to explore some resources that can season your summer months. If you’re interested in learning more about the Bible and the treasure it holds, check out some of these great, recent publica$ons: How to Read the Bible and S$ll be a Chris$an- John Dominic Crossan - Harper One 2015. The acclaimed Bible scholar grapples with Scripture’s two conflic$ng visions of Jesus and God, one of a loving God, and one of a vengeful God, and explains how Chris$ans can be8er understand these passages in a way that enriches their faith. How to Read the Bible- Harvey Cox - Harper One 2015. Renowned religion expert and Harvard Divinity School professor Harvey Cox deepens our experience of the Bible, revealing the three primary ways we read it, why each is important, and how we can integrate these approaches for a richer understanding and apprecia$on of key texts throughout the Old and New Testaments. Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today- Adam Hamilton- Harper One 2014. One of the country’s leading pastors and Chris$an authors addresses the hot-bu8on issues that the church and culture debate, and answers many of the ques$ons frequently asked by Chris$ans and non-Chris$ans alike. Wishing you a glorious spring! Jennifer Saturday, May 16 8:00 a.m. - noon www.facebook.com/presbyws You don’t need to join Facebook to see photos of all the ac$vi$es that happen at PCWS. OUR PASTORS Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Ma2hew Paul Schmidt, Associate Pastor jlewis@presbyws.org mschmidt@presbyws.org For a complete list of our staff, visit our website: www.presbyws.org. 2 May, 2015 C !"# N"& The youth will offer two opportuni$es to help raise money for their Summer Mission Trip: Sunday, June 14 Bake Sale 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Stop by the table of baked goods and sa$sfy your sweet tooth and help the youth at the same $me. First come -first served! Car Wash 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Come and have your car washed and vacuumed and eat some delicious baked treats while you wait. In addi$on to washing cars and selling delicious baked treats, you're also invited to walk your dog or cat or turtle over to church and the UPYs will wash your favorite pet with tender love and care! These projects help fund this year’s Youth Mission trip to the Appalachia Service Project in Tennessee. From July 17-24. We will be helping with house projects and much more. Thank you for your support! Sunday, May 10, 2015 Ge9ng to Know Your Deacon: Laurie Merrifield You could say Presbyterianism has always been near and dear to Deacon Laurie Merrifield’s heart. She grew up next door to a Presbyterian minister. When Laurie and her husband, Sco8, married, they rented an apartment next to a Presbyterian minister and his family. So when the young couple moved to Western Springs and met the Rev. David Bebb Jones in 1987, “it was a done deal that PCWS would be our church home,” Laurie says. Since then, Laurie has been volunteering her $me and talents in all sorts of PCWS ac$vi$es, including Chancel choir, Ac$vity Center, Vaca$on Bible School and Music and Drama Camp. But she’s probably most closely associated with the Christmas pageant, which she has organized and directed for many years. “The Christmas Pageant is magical,” she says. “It’s the telling of the same beau$ful story every year, but always with a different personality because of the way the children portray their part. There are so many people that help make it come alive.” Read on for more about this merry, animal-loving lady with a quirky sense of humor: Birthplace: Elmhurst, but I grew up in Oak Park Family: Husband, Sco8, and four daughters: Erin, Sara, Linda and Laurie Morgan Pets: A horse named Hot Rod Stewart, a new puppy named Pippa, and a cat named Ella Childhood: Believe it or not, I was pre8y quiet. Then when I got into high school I blossomed into “Miss Friendly.” Educaon: Graduated from Elmhurst College Employment: Worked as a secretary, taught school and was a lunch room supervisor for 11 years at Forest Hills Grade School. I was a subs$tute teacher. I also taught equestrian skills at Stanley Lake Farm. Volunteer work: Nothing now except at church. I used to volunteer a lot when I had children at home. Now I have too many animals to take care of. I take care of five feral cats that live in the barn hay lo;! Something I’m good at: PuLng on a party. I love when people have simple, silly fun. Con$nued on page 5 May, 2015 3 C !"# "& Save the Date! We bring you glad $dings of great joy! Surely we’re not talking about Christmas already! We just celebrated Easter! Wait! We do have good news! The Deacons will be crea$ng a new photo directory with Lifetouch to wrap up the PCWS 60th Anniversary year. What does this have to do with Christmas? We have reserved five dates between Christmas and New Year’s Eve for individuals and families to gather and have their picture taken. Many families are together then. We have a variety of appointment $mes on Saturday, December 26 ,through Wednesday, December 30. What if I will be out of town? Don’t worry. We have a number of op$ons for anyone who cannot schedule a $me at PCWS on the reserved dates. What if I cannot get myself to church? Like Chicago ward bosses on Elec$on Day, we will work with anyone needing transporta$on to and from the church. What does this cost the church? Nothing. Lifetouch makes its money from photos our families purchase, but you don’t have to purchase anything. What’s in this for me? Each group photographed will get a: Free 8 x 10 photo Free hard copy of the directory (finally, something to help me remember people’s names) and Free access to the directory online, which is secured by a password and updatable. What does PCWS get out of this? PCWS will have a brand, spanking new, up-to-date directory with many, many smiling faces to mark our 60th Anniversary. How can I help? The Deacons already know they will need help, including ways we haven’t an$cipated. So, stay tuned for pleas for help. We already, we know we will need: Discerning eyes to gather photos for several historical pages. Willing hands to digi$ze the old photos. Crea$ve minds to lay out the historical pages. Safe drivers to get people to church for appointments. Skilled photographers to capture PCWS events during the remainder of 2015. We’ll have lots more informa$on to share. If you can help or have ques$ons, contact Deacon coordinators Kay Kelly or Jan Paddock . 4 Please welcome our newest members! Have you met Carol, Debbie, Julie and Tony yet? We were so pleased that these new friends became members of PCWS at our Seekers’ Class on March 15 and were happy to introduce them in worship on March 29. Debbie Tice Carol Coughlin Debbie Tice and Carol Coughlin are friends and neighbors who live in Burr Ridge. Debbie is IRB Special Projects Manager at Northwestern University. Carol stays busy taking care of her grandchildren and enjoying $me with them. Julie and Tony Tinaglia live in Willow Springs with their one-year-old son, Jake, who was bap$zed at PCWS on April 12. Julie is a Department Manager with Neiman Marcus. We’re so happy to welcome these new members to the PCWS family! Be sure to say hello when you see them around PCWS. May, 2015 A'# "& Jane Austen and Her Women. Thursday, May 7, 2015 Luncheon: 12:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church of La Grange R.S.V.P. to First Presbyterian Church of La Grange church office 708-354-0771 by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, May 5. Cost: $8.00 Leslie Goddard has been presen$ng history programs for more than ten years. A PhD from Northwestern University specializing in American history as well as a master’s degree in theater, Leslie is a former museum director and the author of two books on Chicago history. Her na$onally recognized presenta$ons include programs for the Illinois Humani$es Council, Chicago’s Navy Pier, WBEZ, Questers Interna$onal, the Victorian Society in America, and scores of schools, libraries, re$rement centers, museums, and businesses. Leslie portrays memorable women from the past and tells historical stories so that lessons from the past are more entertaining and educa$onal. Deacon (connued from page 3) Something I’d like to be able to do: Ice skate like a Chicago Blackhawk! Favorite color: I love color, especially the color we find in nature…the flowers and the plumage of birds. Most memorable vacaon: Every April some horse friends and I journey to the Kentucky Horse Park for the Rolex 3-Day Event. Some of the best horse and riders in the world compete. For many horse people, it is the best weekend of the year. May, 2015 Summer Book Group Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown traces the lives of four women who meet at a retreat center in Michigan. Woven into the book are opportuni$es to learn about, and experience, spiritual prac$ces such as lec$o divina, walking a8en$vely, praying with imagina$on and more. Read a compelling work of fic$on and join us for discussion and a dip into some new and ancient spiritual prac$ces. We will be mee$ng for twelve weeks on Thursday evenings, beginning on June 4th at 7:00 p.m. Read the book before we meet, or read along in smaller sec$ons all summer long! You can also come and go, if your schedule includes $me away this summer. Books will be available at cost through the church office. Theology and Brew — “Tell them Bugsy sent you” Evening Edi$on is set for Thursday, May 21 at 7:00 p.m. in La Grange’s new speakeasy, Adele’s Front Room, 13 S. La Grange Road—in the first block south of the Metra. An added highlight to food, your favorite beverage and another engaging discussion of a current blog post will be staying on a;er our gathering for live piano music. You don’t want to miss this newest venue. If a;ernoons are your preference, Day$me Edi$on will be mee$ng on Tuesday, May 19 at 1:00 p.m. at the Grapevine Cafe, 9 W. Hillgrove, La Grange—on the north side of the tracks opposite the Metra sta$on. Mediterranean fare is a specialty, and the owner recently joined into the discussion with Presbyterian Women . . . so much is happening there. In either case, if you are not already on the mailing key, please call the office or write tandbrew@presbyws.org. You will receive the blog post/ar$cle for discussion a day or two before the respec$ve gatherings. 5 C(!" ) * '#( MAD CAMP, June 8 - 12 Registraon Open This year's MAD Camp (Music and Drama Camp) will be held Monday-Friday, June 8-12 from 2-5 p.m. Boys and girls entering grades K-8 are welcome to join us. (If you have ques$ons about whether your K or 1st grader would enjoy it, talk to PaL.) MAD Camp is always a blast as we spend a week preparing a 3045 minute musical from scratch! We learn the music, make the costumes, create the sets--everything necessary for a stellar produc$on on Sunday morning during worship (June 14). Our leadership team includes Laurie Merrifield and Carol Coughlin for art, and PaL Mangis, Erin Sullivan and Kami Booth for music. Registra$on begins May 1 and con$nues through May 31. Tui$on which covers all music and materials is $20 per camper, $30 for a family. Registra$on forms are available on the website and on the music bulle$n board. Parents can pay online through the church electronic payment website. You don't need to be a member of Bethlehem Choir, JAM Choir, or PCWS to par$cipate, and friends are always welcome. Baccalaureate Breakfast Will you be puLng on a cap and gown this spring? If so, we are hoping to celebrate with you! All high school students and their families are invited to breakfast on Sunday, May 17th at 8:30 a.m. Please let us know (email Carolyn Bozek) if you will be able to make it to the celebra$on. This year’s gradua$ng seniors’ are: Lindsey Allen, Jessica Bonner, Kalie Hoskins, Shelby Long, Allie Montgomery, Max Strohl, Anna Weber, Tom Wennerstrum and Griffen Wilson III. We will introduce each of them as part of the worship service that Sunday. We send them into the wider world with our prayers and blessings. Short bios for each graduate will be part of the June issue of Glad Tidings. Mark your calendars for Vacaon Bible School July 20-24! EVEREST Vaca$on Bible School is coming to PCWS, July 20-24, 9:00am -11:30am. Our VBS promises to be mountains of fun, where we will learn to conquer challenges with God's mighty power. Team-building games, cool Bible Songs, cra;s, storytelling, mission ac$vi$es and tasty treats are just a few of the standout ac$vi$es that will help develop a rock solid faith in God. PCWS Everest is open to all children going into Kindergarten through 6th grade in the fall of 2015. Cost is $25/child. Ques$ons? Contact the church office at 708-246-5220. Register online at h8ps://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/pcws ! 6 Erik Hanson Vytautas Kovalik Jack Melilli, III May, 2015 Y '#( M #!* JUPYS (Grades 6 – 8) JUPY Year End Celebration Sun. May 3 5:005:00-6:30 p.m. Coming Events… Sunday, May 3, 5:00 - 6:30 pm End of Year Celebraon All JUPYs are invited - please come for dinner and FUN!!! Summer JUPY Fun There will lots of fun events planned for the summer… Stay Tuned This month at a glance… PIZZA SAMPLER PARTY SUN. MAY 1 7-8:30 P.M. Help us plan some fun UPY events for the summer! Sunday, May 10 No UPYs, Happy Mother’s Day Come help plan events for the summer. We want your ideas!!! Sunday, May 17, 7-8:30 p.m. UPY:SUBVERT Wrap-up CSO WSLV/BSWT SSXT Sunday, June14 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Bake Sale starts at 10:30) Sunday, June 7, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Mission Trip Meeng for all par$cipants Sunday, June 14, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Car Wash and Bake Sale May, 2015 Tentave Secret Safari in June UPYS (Grades 9 – 12) Sunday, May 3, 7-8:30 p.m. UPY:CHILL Sunday, May 24, No UPYS, Enjoy Memorial Day Summer JUPYs begins in June Please bring baked items to sell ♦ Lunch will be provided for $5. ♦ Spread the word! Invite friends and neighbors to get their cars and/or pets washed. MKLLKMN TOKP IQPMORSNR DSRTL Sunday, June 14, 3:00 p.m. A;er Car Wash Par$cipants Mee$ng Sunday, June 14 $100 Deposit due Sunday, July 19, 9:30 a.m. Commissioning Service ♦ Saturday, July 25 Depart from PCWS to Drive Saturday, Aug 1 Return home 7 MKLLKMN Y LTOZK[T Thank you for your support of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering! We collected over $1,417 during the Lenten season that will go directly toward PCUSA Mission Agency’s efforts to provide assistance to those in need throughout the world. The three programs you’ve supported: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Hunger Programs, will provide a range of responses to people and communi$es with both immediate and long-range needs. Ever Wonder Who We Support? If you’ve been wondering where our mission dollars are spent, take a look at the thank you notes on the Mission bulle$n board outside the Jones Room. There are several agencies we support every year and most send a kind note of thanks a;er receiving a gi; of support from our congrega$on. Your gi;s to mission are appreciated! Are You Interested in Parcipang in Mission? For years, our congrega$on has supported the efforts of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago to feed the hungry in their Woodlawn neighborhood. We support them by preparing and serving a meal on the 4th Tuesday of every month, pre8y much year-round. Delivering and serving this meal is a very rewarding experience, a real insight into the challenges this church and its neighborhood face and is an opportunity available to anyone in our congrega$on. If you have availability during the day on April 28, May 26 and/or June 23 and would like to par$cipate in this mission opportunity, please contact Kathy Wennerstrum at kowennerstrum@me.com. Summer Music Summer Music plans are underway, and will include the No-Name Band and a Summer Handbell Choir. If you would enjoy offering your gi;s in worship, please contact PaL Mangis (pmangis@presbyws.org.) 8 Presbytery News It’s been over thirty years since the PC (USA) has added a new confession to its Book of Confessions. The Confession of Belhar is a powerful confession of Chris$an faith that emerged in South Africa during the years of Apartheid. It is named for the city in South Africa where it was first adopted. It is a statement that focuses on three themes, unity, reconcilia$on, and jus$ce, in a church environment where racial separa$on made it impossible for brothers and sisters in Christ to worship together or come to the Lord’s Table together. Churches around the globe have recognized the power and theological insight of Belhar as an expression of Scriptural truth for their own contexts. Before it can be added to the denomina$on's confessions, the Belhar would have to be ra$fied by 115, or two-thirds of the denomina$on's 171 presbyteries, by June 21, 2015. Then the 221nd General Assembly (2016) must again approve inclusion in the Book of Confessions. Belhar would join the eleven Eurocentric creeds and confessions in the second part of the PC (USA) Cons$tu$on. It would also be the first addi$on to the Book of Confessions in nearly 30 years. As of April 21, 2015, 107 presbyteries have approved the inclusion of the Belhar Confession, including the Presbytery of Chicago. To read the Belhar Confession, please visit h8ps://www.pcusa.org/resource/ belhar-confession/. May, 2015 M ) S"!+," New Pastor at Nueva Paz Grow to Give and Share the Harvest Nueva Paz has a new pastor, Marielys (Mary Elise) Diaz, who was installed on March 1, 2015. Marielys moved to Nueva Paz at the end of February with her 10 year old daughter, Marena. Marielys has 20 years experience as an ordained pastor and she has come to the Havana Presbytery from the Central Presbytery. She is 41 years old and knows some English. We welcome Marielys to our sister church in Cuba. Now that Spring has sprung and thoughts turn to gardening, we’re happy to be par$cipa$ng again in Share the Harvest, sponsored by Grace Seeds Ministry. This program provides tomato, cucumber and pepper seedlings FREE to anyone able to give them a lot of TLC so that the abundant harvest from each plant can be shared via the LaGrange Second Bap$st Food Pantry with neighbors who are struggling to feed their families. Simply sign up before Sunday, May 10 on the Mission bulle$n board outside the Jones room or via Sign-Up Genius for the number and types of seedlings you’d like. Plants will be delivered to PCWS in $me for distribuon on Sunday, May 17. Once you’re able to harvest your veggies, bring whatever you can to the Food Pantry basket next to the Mission Dona$on Center, outside of Ma8 and Jennifer’s offices. Produce will be delivered to the Second Bap$st Food Pantry every Monday. Thank you for sharing your abundant healthy harvest! Travel to Cuba The Presbytery of Chicago is planning a trip to Cuba November 9 - 17, 2015. The arrangements will be made by Rev. Muriel Miller who is the long-term coordinator of the Cuba Task Force. Learn how Cuban Presbyterians live out their faith in the midst of difficult situa$ons. Experience loving Cuban hospitality. Visit historical sites, other Presbyterian churches, and the Theological Seminary in Matanza. It is fun to get to know other Chicagoans with an interest in Cuba, people at our sister church, and get an understanding of the Cuban culture. The cost is $2,000 all inclusive from Chicago to Havana and back. Deadline for applica$on is June 15 with a $1,000 deposit. Please consider this important opportunity. Contact Jane Boxell (jboxell@ameritech.net) for details. May, 2015 Repack Day Greater Chicago Food Depository. July 18 - 9:00 a.m. - noon We have 15 spots reserved so bring a friend! The Greater Chicago Food Depository regularly needs volunteers to help with repacking donated food and other products. The repack session is a great introduc$on to the Greater Chicago Food Depository, the work we do here, and the need that we see in Cook County. A lot of the food we receive at our warehouse comes in bulk quan$$es and volunteers are scheduled to help us break it down into more manageable sizes. In a repack session you might be sor$ng produce, looking over a shipment of bread, or repacking bulk dry goods (cereal, pasta, rice) into smaller quan$$es. Together, we can properly and efficiently distribute quality food to par$cipa$ng food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters in Cook County. The minimum age for volunteers is 14 years old. If you are 14 or 15 you must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18. 9 M"-."! N"& Thank you for your service at PCWS in April! We can’t do it without you. Collated and/or folded bullens: Norman Duncan Helped in the office and with scanning and database updates: Donna Strunk, Michelle Hennessy, Carol Ulreich, Ruth Riordan Crushed cans: Mary Jo and Ron Blough, David Boxell, Jane Boxell, Herb Habermann April Food for Life team: Driver: David Boxell Server: Jane Boxell Cooks: Mary Jo Blough, Ron Blough, Sue Eck Second Bapst Food Pantry run: David and Jane Boxell Prepared Glad Tidings for mailing: Mary Kae Headland, Ruth Riordan, Dorothy Andersen, Joyce Habermann and Be8y Anderson Flower Guild designers and flower setup in April: Nancy Glickman, Sue Kovalick and Sue Eck, Jan Paddock, Harriet Potenza Percussion Workshop PCWS is one of five churches sponsoring a percussion workshop led by Dr. Abraham Caceres on Saturday, May 9th at Grace Lutheran Church in Evanston. As a sponsor, we can bring up to five people to this limited capacity event. The workshop will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and includes lunch. Youth and adults are welcome to a8end, and you don't need prior percussion experience. Our hope is that percussion will enhance our congrega$onal singing of world music, which is in ample supply in our Glory to God hymnal. If interested in a8ending, please let PaL know. "Dr. Abe" is an outstanding and enthusias$c teacher. He teaches, demonstrates, performs, and involves students ages elementary thru adult at workshops throughout the United States, South America, Mexico, and the Philippines. Dr. Cáceres earned a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from Indiana University, was a Fulbright-Hays scholar, and a Fellow of the Ford founda$on. To see more about Dr. Abe's work, go to ww.worldhousemusic.org. 10 LIFE EVENTS Sean Hoskins and Laci Wilkes were married in Evanston, Saturday, April 11, 2015. PRESBYTERIAN DISASTER ASSISTANCE Following the devasta$ng tornadoes in Illinois in April, there will be a need for volunteer work teams. Mission will be helping to coordinate a work team if one from our area is needed. Please contact Mission Elders Sco8 Karstens or Kathy Wennerstrum if you might be available for this Mission opportunity. May, 2015 M"-."! N"& Sextons Needed The Ahme$ Family Mike Slesicki The Allen Family PaL Schoenbeck Paul Allen Connie Sligh Connie Spar Neil Stark Margaret Swaar Beth Tooth Chad Tressler Joe Van Cura Sandy Carucci Dorothy Wilson Be8y Davis Dan (friend of Julie Garino) Michael (friend of Jane Norman) Our troops sta$oned abroad Presbyterian Church Congrega$on in Nueva Paz, Cuba The people of Syria, especially family members of PCWS Interfaith Women’s Book Group Tom Allen Kimberly Bone Mary O8mar Booth David Boyer Diane Markley Bruser George Bruser Phil Carper Jessie DeFano Cathy Dold Norman Duncan Billye Dvorak Paul Eck Paule8e Erickson Bob Fencl Jean Geary Craig Harris Maggie Joseph Kathleen Kircher Michael Leong Those seeking employment Those in Health Centers Mary Jo Long Margaret Miller Deborah Ma8hews Mary Randa Be2y Toa Gloria Nicolai Holly Oliver Ginger Oswald Bob Quandt May, 2015 We have a need for sextons. These posi$ons are part-$me and not compa$ble with spring sports. Work hours are Monday -Friday from 3:30 $ll 6 pm three or more days a week. 15 year olds through adults are encouraged to apply. Please see Mr. Kurt Smyers if you're interested. May 7, 2015 Bullen Deadline Please submit all announcements to the church office by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Email to pcws@presbyws.org or fax to 708-246-4276. Glad Tidings Deadline Ar$cles for the next months Glad Tidings are due by the 10th of each month. To ensure your submission is received, please email ar$cles and pictures to: GT@presbyws.org Help prepare the June Glad Tidings for mailing Tuesday, May 26th. Meet @ 10:30 a.m. in the Jones Room. 11 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WESTERN SPRINGS 5250 Wolf Road Western Springs, Illinois 60558-1898 Web Page: E-Mail: Prayer Requests: Telephone: Fax: www.presbyws.org pcws@presbyws.org prayers@presbyws.org 708-246-5220 708-246-4276 04-24-15 Dated Mail Scan to Learn about PCWS RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Upcoming Events in May Upcoming Events in June May 3 Teacher Recognion June 2 Deacons May 5 Deacons June 3 Commi2ee Meengs May 6 Commi2ee Meengs June 4 Summer book club begins May 7 Naonal Day of Prayer June 8 MAD Camp May 10 Glad Tidings Arcle Deadline June 10 Glad Tidings Arcle Deadline May 12 Endowment & Special Gias Commi2ee June 14 UPY Car & Pet Wash, Bake Sale Blood Drive May 16 All Church Work Day June 17 Session May 17 Baccalaureate Breakfast Christopher Smith - Slow Church June 21 Father’s Day May 20 Session June 24 Book Club May 21 Presbyterian Women Gatherings June 26 Prepare Glad Tidings for mailing May 24 Pentecost May 25 Memorial Day (Church and Offfices Closed) May 26 Prepare Glad Tidings for mailing To view a full calendar of events, please visit our webpage: www.presbyws.org
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