Parent Weekly Bulletin A College-Preparatory High School in the Benedictine Monastic Tradition Volume 1, No. 18; April 27, 2015 Calendar Monday, 4/27 Deanery Schedule Tuesday, 4/28 Periods 1-4 9:00am 3:15pm 6:00pm Convoca on Schedule Junior Class ACT Development Mtg. Faculty Mee ng Xtreme Open House Wednesday, 4/29 Mee ng Period (Clubs A and B) Sophomore Class Retreat Varsity Baseball vs. Walsh Jesuit…5:00PM JV Baseball @ Walsh Jesuit…5:00PM JV Lacrosse @ WRA…5:00PM Varsity Baseball @ Walsh Jesuit…5:00PM JV Baseball vs. Walsh Jesuit…5:00PM Track @ Gilmour…4:30PM All day Freshmen Baseball vs. Cleveland Heights…4:30PM Varsity Lacrosse vs. Padua…4:30PM stantly working through all of salva on history to form a rela onship with us that helps us realize the tremendous gi we are in his plan. The gi of Jesus Christ to us revealed the tremendous investment of God to us as his only-bego en Son gave all for us through death and into eternal life. The Spirit connues to shape us as it works within us. Jesus refers to himself as the Good Shepherd that gives of himself totally, not for a paycheck, but because of love for us. Our call is to imitate this unselfish and total love through our commitment to a life of holiness and in service to others. May the investment of God in us reap dividends for our salva on and may our investment in our faith and in service to others reap dividends beyond our imagining. Saint Benedict, pray for us! Thursday, 4/30 Morning Assembly Schedule Periods 1-3 Freshmen English Exams (Caf) 10:45am NHS Induc on and Luncheon 1:30pm Admin Team Mtg. JV Baseball @ Garfield Heights…4:30PM Freshmen Baseball vs. Gilmour…4:30PM Track @ St. Igna us…4:30PM Friday, 5/1 All day Convoca on Schedule Photography Retreat Varsity Baseball @ Bay…4:30PM JV Baseball @ Bay…4:30PM Freshmen Baseball vs. Independence…4:30PM JV/Varsity Lacrosse vs. Rocky River…5:00/6:30PM Track @ U.S. [PRACTICE] Saturday, 5/2 8:00am 4:00pm SAT Tes ng Booster Derby Day Varsity Baseball vs. Heights…11:00AM JV Baseball @ Heights…11:00AM Track @ Aus ntown Fitch…9:15AM Monday, 5/4 7:00pm Tuesday, 5/5 Periods 9-7 9:00am 7:00pm Wednesday, 5/6 Thursday, 5/7 12:30pm Friday, 5/8 Saturday, 5/9 7:00pm Deanery Schedule Alumni Board Mtg. (Caf) Mass Schedule (FLIP) Freshmen Math Exams (Caf) Development Mee ng Parent Boosters Mtg. Mee ng Period Schedule (Clubs C and D) Deanery Schedule Admin Team Mtg. Priory Day Schedule Junior-Senior Prom Prayer for the Week: What kind of investment do we have in our faith? We are o en concerned with returns on our investments in life, be they financial, rela onal, temporal, or otherwise. But what about our faith? God has invested much into our salva on. He has been con- Dear Parents and Guardians, Our XTREME Open House is right around the corner, Tuesday, April 28, 2015 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm! Our students and faculty have some extremely exci ng ac vi es planned for 5-8th grade boys and their families. Here's where you come in! We would lovesome extremely interested parents/ guardians to volunteer their me and talent for this XTREME Open House event. You could make some extremely delicious and creave treats. You could volunteer on Tuesday evening to meet and greet some extremely interested families Drop off your extremely delicious treats to the Welcome Center any me before the evening of Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Thank you again for your con nued support and assistance to our extremely awesome school. If you have any ques ons, please email or call Ursula Szabados at or 216.421.2080 ext. 358. Junior ACT: Tuesday April 28th All Juniors will be taking the ACT during the 1st half of the day. Please make sure they get a good nights sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. Students will be ea ng lunch at Benedicne and returning to their 7th period class. If you would like informa on about the ACT please visit: h p:// Sophomore Class Retreat: The en re Sophomore Class will be on retreat Wednesday, April 29 all day. Faculty and staff chaperones for the retreat include: Fr. Paschal, Mr. Marn-Shultz, Mr. Shurtleff, Mr. Reeves, Mrs. Hopkins, Fr. Gerard, Mr. Hyland, Mrs. Szabados, Mr. Laffey. Fr. Michael will be guiding the retreat. Permission forms are due Monday by 3:00pm with $5 retreat fee. Please be sure your student turns it in. Thank you! Na onal Honors Society Induc on: Thursday, April 30 will witness the following students inducted into the Na onal Honors Society: TJ Beltavski Ryan Kelley Johnathon Smenda Terrell Mitchell Max Furst Rowen Gray Stephen Matz Stephen Joyce Francis O’Brien Paul Merimee Ian Lawson Trevor Hongosh Keyon Cohen-Harris Patrick Hoover Joseph Dober Brian Schoeffler Vincent Ferrante Thomas Lehmann Alex Heil John Fissel PJ Triolo Ma Gnatowski Brandon Kelly Ma hew Brodsky Anthony Brown Aaron Davis Christopher DiFrancesco Daniel Fuerst Paul Gnatowski Joseph Houser Joshua Jackiewiecz Colin Pecoraro Charles Spinks The above listed members of the NHS as well as the new inductees will be assis ng at the recep on immediately following the induc on (Periods 5-6). Parents of inductees, please be sure you RSVP for the luncheon a er the ceremony. Call the main office to put in your reserva on! Photography Retreat: The following students will be on the this retreat all day off-campus on Friday, May 1: Jerome Baker Zach Bales Brian Bopp Alec Brennan Ma Brodsky Jesse Cadle Connor Bogard Ken Currie Aaron Davis Mateo Durham William Ellison Mark Flachbart Reggie Flowers Connor Gorbe Brandon Hancock Kyndell Hardy Joe Herriot Trevor Hongosh Joe Houser Zach Krebs Andrew Linderman Paul Merimee Terrell Miller Kenya a Mitcham Tyler Musarra Deric Nichols Francis O’Brien Frank Paskay D’Andre Penny Joe Perro Brendan Prendergast Ronnie Ryan Joe Shean Jonathan Szuch La’Dell Thedford Timothy Wainwright Frank Washington Robert Wells Robert Zrnich Business Algebra Field Trip: Mr. Langjahr and the Business Algebra class will be on a field trip off-campus on Friday, May 1 with the following students: Ben Keiper Seniors: Jesse Cadle Darryl Childress Noah Cvijanovic Mark Flachbart William Gielink Jeff Jenkins Peter Knab Tyler Musarra Michael Reeves Ibraahiym Rosa Pat Zawadzki Junior: Stephen Joyce Jus n Sylver Benedic ne Athle c Boosters Present the 4th Annual Derby Day Extravaganza: The Boosters have combined the “Night at the Races” with the Kentucky Derby this year for twice the excitement! When: Saturday, May 2, 2015: 4:00pm to 11:00pm. Where: BHS Cafeteria (Benedic ne Downs) Contact: Mrs. Jane Fazio at the Bengal’s Den or email at mestands Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple. The cket price includes: food, bo led beer, wine, so beverages, prizes, awards for the winning horse owners, 12 races including auc on race and the Kentucky Derby, live broadcast of the Kentucky Derby. Also Available: Cash liquor bar, Chinese raffles, Aucon race, losers lo ery, ladies hat contest, side boards 50-50 raffles. College Board Tes ng (AP Exams): The schedule for this year’s exams is as follows: Monday, May 4 Psychology (PM) Tuesday, May 5 Calculus AB (AM) Calculus BC (AM) Wednesday, May 6 English (AM) Friday,, May 8 US History (AM) Euro History (PM) Monday, May 11 Biology (AM) Tuesday, May, 12 US Gov’t (AM) AM schedule is from 8:00am to noon. A ernoon schedule is from noon to 4:00pm. All exams will be given in the south conference room unless otherwise noted in next weeks PWB. A list of students involved with each exam will be in next week’s PWB. Living with St. Benedict Retreat: The following students will be par cipa ng in this retreat Monday, May 4 a er school through breakfast, May 6. Students will not be missing school those days: Darrell Childress David Jefferson Liam Kilbane Peter Knab Shawn Lozada Darnell Miller Dontez Rash Brian Schoeffler Charlie Spinks Dan Veenstra Saidi Wadesisi Reggie Willis Permission slips with $20 fee are due Friday, May 1! From the Counseling Department: As the college decision deadline is quickly approaching please remember that Mr. McMillin is always willing to meet with you to discuss your op ons. The counseling department also requires all students to submit their financial aid award le ers from every college they were accepted and any addi onal scholarship awards your son received. This data helps students of future genera ons as well as allowing him to evaluate the strength of the college program at Benedic ne. Please email the award le ers to or have your son bring them to the counseling department to make copies. College Credit Plus Informa on: All students in the CCP program received a packet of informa on on Friday, April 24, 2015. Within that packet there are instruc ons on how to fill out the applica on to Notre Dame College. Also there are 2 forms that need parental signatures. These forms must be returned to school by Friday, May 1, 2015. What is a Night at the Races? A Night at the Races is the closest thing to being at an actual race track without being there. Included in the cket price, you will receive dinner, several varie es of bo les beer, wine, so beverages and, of course, the races and live broadcast of the Kentucky Derby. Just before the start of each race, the be ng windows open for you to place your wager. If your horse wins, you receive a payout based on the amount wagered during the race. Races are on DVD and are projected on the big screen for all to see. A live race announcer will enthusias cally call each race. This year, there will be a total of 12 races, 10 regular, 1 auc on and—of course—the Kentucky Derby, along with a Daily Double and Trifecta Race (see explana ons below). Each race will consist of 12 horses. All horses will be available for sponsorship (first come, first served) and you as the “owner” will have the right to name your horse and to collect a percentage of any winnings. The Auc on Race is the very last race of the evening. Usually groups of people combine resources to bid for horse sponsorship. The winning owners split the pot with the house 50/50. Trifecta is a bet in which the person making the wager forecasts the first three finishers in the race in the correct order. Daily Double is a single bet on the winners of two named races in a day. Hat Contest: Wearing a hat to the Kentucky Derby is believe to be good luck! Wearing a hat is much like ge ng into costume, you might be pleasantly surprised to see what type of character you become. There are no rules or limits, it’s free to par cipate, and you could win a cash prize as a result! When you name your horse, you are encouraged to be as crea ve and clever as possible. Some examples are: Hoof hearted, Phil McCrackin, Ben Dover, etc. Say these fast and you should get the idea! So please join us for a night of fun, food, dancing, music and good company. And remember, all proceeds go directly back into the school. Have fun and good luck! Derby Day Extravaganza Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Gates open at 4:00pm Name:_________________________________________ Phone #:______________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Payment Method: ___________________ Total $ Enclosed: _____________________________________________________________ Deadline for Ads, Horses and Sponsorships is Monday, April 27th. Please make checks payable to Benedictine Athletic Booster Club. For your convenience, you may submit any art work, horse names, or business descriptions to Tickets for Derby Day _________ x $25 each = _________ Sponsor a Horse _________ x $20 each = _________ Owner’s Name:______________________________ Horse’s Name:______________________________ Advertise in the Race Program Full-page ad (5-1/2” x 8-1/2”) $100.00 Half-page ad (5-1/2” x 4-1/4”) $50.00 Quarter-page ad (2-3/4” x 4-1/2”) $25.00 Number of ads: __________________ Type:________________(full, half, quarter) Amount: ______________________ Horse’s Name: ______________________________ Sponsor a Race: $100.00 Number of races_____ x $100 = _________ Sponsor’s name headlines their race, name is read aloud by the event announcer at the start of the contest as well as after. Owner’s Name: ______________________________ Sponsor’s Name: _____________________ Horse’s Name: ______________________________ Horse’s Name: ______________________________ Use reverse side for additional names Business Description: __________________ ____________________________________
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