Comparing automated methods for estimating party positions

RAP0010.1177/2053168015580476Research & PoliticsHjorth et al.
Research Article
Computers, coders, and voters:
Comparing automated methods
for estimating party positions
Research and Politics
April-June 2015: 1­–9
© The Author(s) 2015
DOI: 10.1177/2053168015580476
Frederik Hjorth1,Robert Klemmensen2,Sara Hobolt3,
Martin Ejnar Hansen4,Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard5
Assigning political actors positions in ideological space is a task of key importance to political scientists. In this paper
we compare estimates obtained using the automated Wordscores and Wordfish techniques, along with estimates from
voters and the Comparative Manifesto Project (CMP), against expert placements. We estimate the positions of 254
manifestos across 33 elections in Germany and Denmark, two cases with very different textual data available. We find
that Wordscores approximately replicates the CMP, voter, and expert assessments of party positions in both cases,
whereas Wordfish replicates the positions in the German manifestos only. The results demonstrate that automated
methods can produce valid estimates of party positions, but also that the appropriateness of each method hinges on the
quality of the textual data. Additional analyses suggest that Wordfish requires both longer texts and a more ideologically
charged vocabulary in order to produce estimates comparable to Wordscores. The paper contributes to the literature
on automated content analysis by providing a comprehensive test of convergent validation, in terms of both number of
cases analyzed and number of validation measures.
Text as data, automated content analysis, party positions, Wordscores, Wordfish, CMP
Assigning party positions to political actors in a policy
space is a task of key importance to political scientists.
Since spatial models of political behavior are the preferred
workhorse of many branches of empirical political science,
obtaining valid party position estimates is essential (Cox,
1999). Recently, the use of textual data has regained prominence with the advent of techniques for automated text
analysis (Grimmer and Stewart, 2013). By using automated
content analysis methods, the huge costs traditionally associated with coding text are dramatically diminished, which
opens a host of new avenues for data collection. However,
whenever a new content analysis method is proposed, validation is needed in order to ensure that it can be appropriately applied to texts and contexts of interest.
In this paper we evaluate two prominent automated content analysis techniques. The first of these is the Wordscores
approach developed by Laver et al. (2003). The second
method is the more recently developed Wordfish approach
(Slapin and Proksch, 2008). Our study contributes to the literature by providing the first systematic test of the validity of
each method’s estimates of party policy positions based on
the same manifestos. We use a very rich set of textual data,
allowing us to estimate a total of 254 party positions across
33 elections. In addition to testing each method on a large
number of party manifestos, we cross-validate the estimates
of Copenhagen, Denmark
of Southern Denmark, Denmark
3London School of Economics, UK
4Brunel University, UK
5University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Corresponding author:
Frederik Hjorth, Department of Political Science, University of
Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5, opgang E, Copenhagen K, DK-1353,
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Research and Politics 
against three different benchmarks, which provides assurance that our findings are robust to the specific benchmark
measure used.
Important past scholarship has demonstrated that legislative speech can be used to estimate the positions of members
of the US Senate and the UK House of Commons. Following
Beauchamp (2012), we find that Wordscores correlates
more strongly with benchmark measures than Wordfish. We
seek to test empirically which method, that of Wordscores or
Wordfish, is best at predicting the party positions expressed
in party manifestos in multiparty systems over long periods
of time. In doing so, we are able to provide guiding principles for researchers in search of valid estimates that can be
derived from manifestos or similar textual sources.
The paper proceeds as follows. Each of the methods is
presented in the following section. Thereafter we discuss the
data and turn to a comparison between the obtained scores
from the automated procedures and positions obtained
through expert surveys, voter placements of parties, and the
CMP RILE measure, which is obtained through hand-coding
of party manifestos. In this context, we conceive of ideology
as a latent variable. The best way to validate the automated
techniques is therefore to compare their estimates with a
number of independent measures. As such, although we can
never be 100 percent certain that we are measuring ideology
correctly, we can have good reason to believe we are capturing this latent variable if we have several different measures
using independent sources of data that correlate highly.
We conclude that, across contexts, the supervised
Wordscores is the most promising automated content analysis method for placing political actors, achieving estimates
with high cross-validity with our three independent data
sources. However, when party manifestos are long and
when their vocabularies are politically polarized, the unsupervised Wordfish produces estimates on a par with those
of Wordscores. Consequently, the choice of which method
to use should hinge on the quality of the textual data available vis-a-vis the availability of prior information to produce estimates.
Our analysis relies on the manifestos of Danish and German
political parties. We cover 24 elections from 1945 to 2007,
which amounts to 212 manifestos in total. In the German
case we analyze a period spanning from 1980 to 2009 over
nine elections and 42 manifestos. The set of analyzed manifestos exactly matches those analyzed by the CMP.
Table 1 provides summary statistics for the textual data
The cases of Denmark and Germany are suitable for our
analysis for several reasons. Here, we highlight four. First
of all, the Danish party system underwent dramatic change
during the period we are investigating (Pedersen 1979). In
contrast, the German party system has exhibited considerable continuity for the past four decades, even accounting
Table 1. Summary stats for German and Danish manifesto
Avg. manifestos per election
Avg. manifesto length (no. of words)
Std. dev. manifesto lengths
for unification (Saalfeld 2002). This allows us to test the
ability of the different techniques to detect dramatic changes
in a political space.
Second, as shown in Table 1, the average number of parties per election in Denmark is 8.2, far higher than the 4.7
average in Germany. As the number of parties increases,
the a priori difficulty of correctly placing parties within any
given election increases factorially.1 This should, ceteris
paribus, make the Danish data a harder test of each method’s ability to retrieve the correct left–right ordering of parties within each election.
Third, as shown in Table 1, Danish manifestos are
approximately eight times shorter than the German manifestos. Accordingly, it should be difficult for the automated
techniques to place the parties correctly on a political
dimension. Proksch, Slapin, and Thies (2011) show that
Wordfish is capable of placing Japanese political parties
correctly relative to CMP measures despite the manifestos
being relatively short. By using a new source of relatively
short manifestos, this study provides an additional test of
each technique’s ability to estimate positions under conditions of limited information.
Fourth, the two cases differ in terms of the ideological
polarization of political lexica. Grimmer and Stewart
(2013) suggest that one reason why they are unable to
reproduce valid left–right estimates applying Wordfish to
the US Congressional record is that the vocabulary used in
the German manifestos is more ideologically charged. We
revisit the question of the role of ideologically charged
political lexica at the end of the article.
Automated methods compared: Wordscores
and Wordfish
Several methods have been developed to place political
parties. Mair (2001) and Benoit and Laver (2007) provide
excellent discussions of the various methods, and these
authors also discuss the pros and cons of using different
data sources. In this article we confine ourselves to discussing methods based on content analysis of text, specifically
party manifestos.
A key difference between the two techniques analyzed
here is that Wordscores is a supervised method; that is, it
requires prior information to produce estimates. Wordfish,
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on the other hand, is unsupervised; that is, it produces estimates using only the information available in the textual
data itself.
The Wordscores method was the first automated but
supervised method of content analysis to gain influence
within political science (Laver et al., 2003). The starting
point is to assign position scores to a set of “reference texts”
whose positions are known. Since the frequencies of words
contained in these texts are also known, it is possible to
calculate the value of each word that occurs in the reference
texts. The values of these words are calculated as averages
of reference document scores, weighted by the posterior
probability of each document given that the word in question occurs within it. Policy position estimates for the “virgin texts”—the documents whose positions are to be
estimated—are then computed as the mean of the scores of
the words in the reference text, weighted by their relative
frequencies within the virgin texts (Lowe, 2008). The
Wordscores technique therefore requires ex ante available
estimates of the positions of the reference texts on the policy dimension under investigation.
A more recent approach to placing political parties is the
Wordfish approach. The Wordfish method has one considerable advantage over the Wordscores method: It does not
depend on documents with ex ante assigned reference scores.
Position estimates derived using Wordfish are based only on
the information in the texts. This lack of an ex ante defined
dimensionality is a double-edged sword: while Wordfish
scales texts independently of prior information, it renders
uncertain the exact nature of the dimension being estimated.
One important drawback of unsupervised algorithms is thus
that the nature of the dimensions produced requires intensive
validation before they can be applied across different sets of
texts and contexts (Grimmer and Stewart, 2013).
The only input required by Wordfish is a word frequency
matrix that lists the frequency of each word across all documents. The Wordfish procedure then fits the frequency of
each word j in party i’s manifesto to a standard Poisson
count model, where the mean and variance λ ij in each document is assumed to be a function of the policy position of
the document, represented by the parameter ωi .2 Along
with the policy position parameter, the model includes
fixed-effects terms for words and document length.
Regardless of the specific approach used, there are several
reasons why computer-based estimation procedures are preferable to those based on human coders. For one, the reliability
of the obtained scores is dramatically enhanced (Grimmer
and Stewart, 2013; Mikhaylov et al., 2012). Furthermore, the
costs of conducting the content analysis are reduced dramatically, which in turn vastly increases the text universe and the
number of actors for which positions can be estimated. This
leaves the crucial question of whether the computer-based
procedures can produce valid measurements.
In order to assess the validity of the two automated
approaches to measuring party positions, we compare each
method with three alternative measures based on experts
and voter surveys and the widely used CMP dataset, which
is also based on manifestos.3
Validation measures: experts, voters, and CMP
We analyze only the general left–right dimension. The
reason for this choice is mainly empirical. It is the dominant dimension of party competition in European politics; moreover, it is widely accepted that party competition
in Danish politics has been predominantly uni-dimensional and that the economic dimension has been very
salient in Danish politics (Hansen, 2008; Klemmensen et
al., 2007). Similarly, while lower-order dimensions can
be identified, the economic dimension dominates German
party politics (Debus, 2008a; Proksch and Slapin, 2009).
In principle, the analysis could be extended to cover more
As we conceive ideology to be a latent variable, the best
way to validate the text-based techniques is to compare several independent measures. The first measure we use is
expert survey estimates. As Benoit and Laver (2006) argue,
average expert judgments can be interpreted as a local consensus on the relative positions of the parties in a party system. We follow Klemmensen et al. (2007) and use the party
expert positions reported by Damgaard (2000). For the manifestos from the 2005 and 2007 elections, we use the Chapel
Hill expert survey (Hooghe et al., 2010). The expert surveys
we use do not provide interval-level point estimates of party
positions, only ordinal rankings of party positions.
Consequently we rely on the rank order correlation measure
of Spearman’s ρ as the measure of association.
The second measure is the aggregated voter left–right
placement of parties. We use the question used in
Eurobarometer surveys where respondents are asked to
place themselves on a 1–10 left-right scale. For each party,
the voter-assigned position is the value of this scale averaged across all respondents intending to vote for that party.
For each election year, we use estimates from the nearest
Eurobarometer survey prior to the election.
Finally, we validate the two automated techniques
against the positions retrieved by the CMP data set’s RILE
measure (Volkens, 2013). The positions have been retrieved
by hand-coding manifestos from 55 countries since 1945.
For decades, the CMP data has had close to monopoly status in the comparative study of political processes, and consequently we believe that they serve as a sensible benchmark
for the automated techniques.
Assigning Wordscores reference values
As discussed above, the Wordscores method requires that
we assign scores to a set of texts that serve as reference
texts, providing information on which values should be
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Research and Politics 
Table 2. Summary stats for reference and virgin texts.
Reference text election year(s)
Avg. manifesto length (no. of words), reference texts
Avg. manifesto length (no. of words), virgin texts
assigned to the individual words. For the Danish case we
follow Klemmensen et al. (2007) and use the expert estimates for 1947 and 1975 elections as references.4 For the
German case, we use the estimates from Debus (2008b) for
Germany’s 1998 election as references.5 In both cases, reference texts are excluded from the set of virgin texts estimated by Wordscores such that they do not artificially
increase the correlations.
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics for the reference
texts and the virgin texts in their full and reduced forms. As
can be seen, the German texts are considerably longer than
their Danish counterparts, making it possible for us to
assess the robustness of Wordscores to the use of reference
texts of varying length.
Both sets of manifestos are preprocessed according to standard procedures in quantitative text analysis: Numbers, punctuation, and white space are removed from each document,
all words are converted to lowercase, and the most common
words, so-called “stop words,” are removed. Finally, words
are stemmed using Danish and Germanic adaptations for the
Porter Stemmer algorithm (Porter, 1980).6
The Spearman’s ρ correlation measure we apply to the
methods is rather forgiving: A method only has to get the
ordinal ranking of the parties right—in the sense of being
equivalent to the benchmark measure—in order to achieve
a perfect correlation. Hence, using rank order correlations
ensures that the observed correlation measures do not rely
on unreasonable assumptions, while remaining a conservative test of the validity of each method.
Figures 1 and 2 plot the Spearman’s ρ correlation
between Wordscores and Wordfish and each of the three
benchmark measures for Denmark and Germany respectively. The vertical black line in each plot represents the
average correlation across years. For Wordfish, which does
not automatically produce a left–right direction of the estimates, we have chosen the direction that maximizes the
average correlation. Table 3 summarizes average correlations and reports the computation time spent producing the
Figure 3 provides an alternative perspective on the data,
yet reveals a similar pattern. The figure shows all estimates
1947, 1975
from CMP, voters, Wordfish and Wordscores plotted against
expert estimates across all elections. In order to ease comparisons across different scales, all measures are standardized within country-years.
In the case of Denmark (top row in Figure 3), Wordfish
stands out from the rest, with a noticeably noisier association with expert estimates compared to the other three
measures. In other words, across all observations in the
Danish data, Wordfish estimates exhibit weak cross-validity with expert estimates compared to the other measures,
Wordscores included.
However, results in the case of Germany (bottom row)
are quite different. Wordfish and Wordscores are both
strongly associated with expert estimates in the German
case, and equally so. In other words, Wordfish performs at
least as well as Wordscores when applied to the German
Difference in cross-validity: manifesto length vs.
ideological strength
The difference in cross-validity obtained for Wordfish
when comparing Denmark and Germany is probably
attributable to the two key differences between the manifesto data sets described above: The greater length of the
German manifestos and the ideological strength of the
language. In order to assess the relative contribution of
each, we re-ran the analysis on a set of artificially
“laconic” German manifestos reduced by randomly sampling a number of words from each manifesto such that
the average length is comparable to the Danish data. The
results, reported in the online appendix, show that a substantial part, but not all, of the relative advantage of the
German data vanishes when using the subsampled manifesto data. As a rough approximation, this indicates that
around half of the relative advantage for the German
Wordfish estimates is attributable to the difference in
average manifesto length, the other half stemming from
more ideologically charged language.
Discussion and conclusion
This study set out to test the validity of two prominent automated methods for estimating party policy positions on two
sets of manifesto text data that differed in the number of
party positions to be estimated, their average text length,
and the strength of their ideological lexicon.
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Figure 1. Wordfish and Wordscores estimates’ rank order correlations with CMP, expert and voter estimates for each election
year in the Danish sample. Vertical lines signify average rank order correlation across years.
While each method was tested against three benchmarks, the results were remarkably consistent across all
three: When tested against the Danish data, Wordscores
clearly outperforms Wordfish, exhibiting noticeably
stronger rank order correlations with each of the three
benchmark measures. In the German case, however,
Wordscores and Wordfish perform equally well, correlating
strongly with each of the three benchmarks.
How to explain this rather stark difference across the
two cases? One likely explanation is that the lower
threshold for number of words necessary for Wordfish to
estimate positions accurately lies somewhere in the considerable gap between the (comparatively short) Danish manifestos and the (comparatively long) German manifestos.
Yet, as indicated by the analysis using the artificially
“laconic” German manifestos, the difference is not due to
length alone. The relatively better performance of Wordfish
on German manifestos even when holding length constant
illustrates the informational value (for estimation purposes)
of a politically polarized vocabulary.
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Figure 2. Wordfish and Wordscores estimates’ rank order correlations with CMP, expert and voter estimates for each election
year in the German sample. Vertical lines signify average rank order correlation across years.
It is arguably an important advantage of Wordfish that is
does not require prior information in order to estimate text
positions. This feature has the double advantage of making
Wordfish applicable in contexts where no such priors are
available and rendering the estimation process fully datadriven rather than partly dependent on researcher input.
However, as the results of this study show, this advantage
comes at a cost. When the available textual data is less
plentiful and less ideologically polarized than is the case
for German manifestos, the validity of Wordfish estimates
suffers while Wordscores estimates remain reasonably
In Table 4 we summarize our recommendations for
researchers based on the results of this study. The recommendations should be read as a summary of the findings
presented here. As such, their applicability in novel contexts is uncertain. With this caveat in mind, they may provide some guidance for researchers. We recommend that
researchers use Wordscores if some ex ante position estimates are available; if not, use Wordfish, provided text
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Table 3. Average rank order correlations with benchmark measures, Wordscores and Wordfish.
Estimation time (secs)
Avg. ϱ
Figure 3. Expert estimates plotted against standardized estimates from CMP, voter surveys, Wordfish, and Wordscores. Estimates
are standardized within each country-year. Dots are jittered and semitransparent in order to make varying dot densities clearer.
Table 4. Summary of recommendations.
Some ex ante position estimates
No ex ante position estimates
Long and ideologically polarized texts
Short and ideologically similar texts
Gather more data
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length and ideological polarization are at least on par with
the German data tested here. If this latter condition is not
fulfilled, researchers should seek more data.
Based on this study, neither of the two methods can be
said to be superior regardless of context. Researchers would
be wise to take careful account of the context and quality of
the textual data available if and when settling on an automated method for estimating party positions.
The authors would like to thank Marc Debus, Zoltán Fazekas, and
the two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier
drafts of this manuscript.
Declaration of conflicting interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Supplementary material
The online appendix is available at:
1. Specifically, in the typical German election, the probability
of randomly ordering parties correctly is equal to 4!–1 or 1 in
24; in the typical Danish election, the equivalent probability
is equal to 8!–1 or 1 in 40,320.
2. Slapin and Proksch (2008) denote this parameter ωit. This
suggests that Wordfish explicitly models temporal variation,
which is not the case. Hence, we denote the position parameter ωi.
3. We have also used various scaling techniques on more than
8000 roll calls. We get the same results as presented here but,
due to the impossibility of estimating the position of governing parties with such data, we have not included the analysis
in this paper. The results are available upon request.
4. The two years are chosen to account for the 1973 “earthquake”
election. In 1947, parties are assigned the following scores:
Communists 0, Social Democrats 3, Social Liberals 5, Justice
Party 7, Conservatives 8, Liberals 10. In 1975, parties are
assigned the following scores: Communists 0, Left Socialists
1, Socialists 2, Social Democrats 3, Social Liberals 5, Center
Democrats 6, Christian People’s Party 7, Justice Party 7.5,
Liberals 8, Conservatives 9, Progress Party 10. We have run
estimations using different reference texts and obtained similar results to the ones presented here, provided that we include
manifestos prior and subsequent to the 1973 election.
5. Parties are assigned the following scores: PDS 3.9, Green
Party 8.8, SPD 9.4, CDU/CSU 14, FDP 17.5.
6. Results when removing rare words are available upon
request. Both Wordscores and Wordfish are estimated using
the package Austin for the statistical software R (Lowe,
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