WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Overview of the 120-Day Study on the WSU Research Enterprise Presented to: WSU Regents May 7, 2015 Dr. Christopher J. Keane Vice President for Research Professor of Physics Washington State University 1 The 120-day Study is a follow-on to the WSU Strategic Plan • WSU Strategic Plan highlights importance of research (“Theme 1: Exceptional Research, Innovation, and Creativity”) • Plan tasks the VPR to “identify areas of research excellence and emerging areas requiring additional investment to achieve national and international prominence.” Broad WSU community participation was essential to the success of the 120-Day Study Team goal: Advance research, scholarship, and creativity at WSU 120 Day Study: By the Numbers • Process: • 4 subgroups (Research Themes; Research Infrastructure; Faculty and Student Engagement/Productivity; Outreach, Engagement, and Economic Impact) • 141 Study participants • 116 comments submitted on the 120 Day Study public comment webpage • 24 Subgroup Meetings (not including sub-subgroup meetings) • Key Study outcomes: • 5 identified WSU Grand Challenges • 19 Final Recommendations/61 Sub-Recommendations • 421 page report including 17 Appendices- serves as a compilation of information on WSU research • 120-Day Study formally ended on January 30, 2015 with completion of the draft report • We are now in the implementation phase- this will include prioritization of proposed major research investments “Grand Challenges” are used to define, focus, communicate, and advocate institutional research agendas Research Themes subgroup surveyed the WSU community regarding WSU research strengths WSU Research Grand Challenges are inspirational, multidisciplinary, and inclusive • Sustaining Health: The Uncompromising Pursuit of Healthier People and Communities • Sustainable Resources for Society: Food, Energy, and Water • Advancing an Educated, Informed, and Equitable Society • Improving Quality of Life Through Smart Systems • Fundamental Research in Support of National Security Grand Challenges “roll-out” is planned for September 2015 120-Day Study Recommendations Be Strategic: 1. Integrate Grand Challenges into WSU research strategies. 2. Align faculty recruitment with WSU research aspirations. 3. Ensure colleges Strategic Plans, including multi-year and cluster hiring plans, are aligned with WSU’s Strategic Plan and research Strategic Plans. 4. Offer competitive faculty salary, start-up and consider space, computing, and administrative impacts of hires in planning and recruitment. 5. Target resources to the hiring of promising mid-career & prestigious faculty in areas of importance to achieving impact in the Grand Challenge areas. 6. Pursue excellence in recruitment and retention of research trainees. 7. Create and charge a standing University Research Infrastructure Committee to increase efficiency and impact of research infrastructure investments. 8. Create a centralized high-performance computing committee & involve this group in relevant hiring plans. 9. Address small and non-equipment infrastructure needs & recommend targeted investments. 10. Enhance and coordinate training and support systems for sponsored projects. 8 120-Day Study Recommendations (cont.) Be Collaborative: 1. Create effective information systems for tracking faculty & trainee activities to enhance opportunities for collaboration, and improve program coordination & reporting efficiency. 2. Create physical spaces that facilitate interdisciplinary discussion and faculty engagement. 3. Reduce barriers to collaboration, research & creative activity caused by WSU’s geographic location. 4. Develop strategy to increase industrial research partnerships. Be Visible: 1. Enhance and coordinate mentoring for prestigious fellowships and awards. 2. Encourage faculty, at all stages of faculty careers, to participate in activities that raise visibility or deepen partnerships with external partners in the both the public and private sectors. 3. Enhance coordination and support for international collaboration across the university. 4. Improve pathways for WSU research and creative activity to be communicated to the public. 5. Clearly define WSU’s message to communicate Grand Challenges and research strengths with consistency. 9 Strategy for implementation of the 120-Day Study report • Grand Challenges • • • • Complete initial formulation Develop communications plan and rollout strategy Continue refinement via workshops and other means Develop seed grant and other supporting programs • Implement recommendations and provide feedback to University Strategic Plan via the Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC) • Revise Office of Research organizational structure, staffing, and support to reflect “best practices” and support 120-Day Study implementation In response to a 120 Day Study recommendation to enhance WSU research visibility, the Office of Research is sponsoring two student attendees at the upcoming AAAS CASE* workshop • The students: Senior Megan Caruso of West Linn, Oregon (a bioengineering major with a minor in Spanish, and a research assistant in the lab of Wenji Dong), and doctoral student Erim Gomez (a fourthyear doctoral student in the School of the Environment, studying ecological modeling, aquatic ecology and amphibian conservation) of Coquille, Oregon. • Workshop activities will include an introduction to U.S. science and technology policy, an introduction to the federal budget process, a look at the workings of Congress, and a perspective on the role of science and technology lobbyists and advocates. *Catalyzing Advocacy for Science and Engineering 12
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