Sculpture X WSU Student Art Installation Award Objective The Sculpture X WSU Student Art Installation Award is an opportunity for art students from the James Pearson Duffy Department of Art and Art History to share their talent with the public. Students are invited to create temporary artworks under the restrictions of facility limitations and a strict deadline. Temporary public art provides an out of the ordinary experience for the viewer. The artwork is perceived as a temporary reformulation of the architecture and its attendant landscape or urban-‐scape. Such site-‐ specific work also provokes people who are experiencing the space on a daily basis to reconsider the manner in which they interact with their surroundings. New audiences, perhaps visiting the chosen site for the first time, are invited to become aware of the cultural heritage and art communities that contribute to the vitality of the University. The duration of the installations will be September 11 through October 10, with an awards ceremony on Saturday, October 10, 2015. The awards will be announced during a reception for the Sculpture X Community Workshop Exhibition at the Art Department Gallery, WSU. Visitors from the university, community, and the Sculpture X Symposium will be given the opportunity to see the works and vote online. About the Sculpture X Symposium: The Sculpture X Symposium: Value Added, hosted by the James Pearson Duffy Department of Art and Art History at Wayne State University, will be held October 9-‐10, 2015, with sponsorship by the Cranbrook Academy of Art and the Penny Stamps School of Art and Design, University of Michigan. The term “Value Added” is used to describe/entice/advertise. It indicates a supplemental quality intended to move a particular product or service beyond others of its kind. How does artwork make its connection with technological/social movements, such as the Maker-‐Movement and Eco-‐Social Activism? As a “Value Added” quality, is artwork transformative? Or is its character opportunistic? Are the generative impulses behind Making and Activism diverted or consumed or undercut by artwork? Or are these impulses fostered and enhanced when engaged as artwork? What are optimal conditions for artwork’s “value added” role, and do those conditions persist through the lifespan of technological/social movements? Submission Selected proposals will be based on how concepts incorporate chosen sites, the capability of the artists to produce work by the restricted deadline, and the quality of recent artworks by the artists. Proposals will only be considered if their concepts do not interfere with the function of the site. Artworks in all mediums are welcome. WSU offers up to $300 in materials for each of the selected artists. A list of requested materials should be included on the proposal application. Materials will be purchased through the Art Department. The final request for materials must be submitted via email to by Friday, June 5. Materials will be available for pick up June 29 – July 3 at the WSU Foundry, attention Mike Bogdan, Sculpture Studio Supervisor. Art Activity Awards Two Art Activity Awards will be given after the artworks are installed on campus and voted upon: Best Art Installation Award and First Place Award. Visitors from the university, community, and the Sculpture X Symposium will vote on the exhibited installations to select the award winners who will be announced during the reception for the Sculpture X Community Workshop Exhibition at the Art Department Gallery on Saturday, October 10. Art Activity Awards will be paid out directly if the student doesn’t have a financial obligation to the university, such as tuition payment or student loan. Please contact the WSU Financial Aid Office for more information. Best Art Installation Award First Place Award Eligibility $1,000 $750 Eligible candidates must be Graduate or Undergraduate students who are currently enrolled in the James Pearson Duffy Department of Art & Art History. Students working in any concentration are invited to submit a proposal. Entry Procedure Artists are required to submit a completed registration form (below), five images of current artwork, a brief written proposal, and one or more sketches of their proposed idea. Submissions must be mailed or hand delivered to 150 Art Building, attention Tom Pyrzewski, by Friday, May 15. A faculty committee from the James Pearson Department of Art and Art History will jury and announce accepted proposals via email on Wednesday, May 20. A list of accepted proposals will also be posted outside of the Art Office. Registration Name_____________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________ Major and concentration_____________________________________________ Checklist __ Application __ Written proposal __ Sketches __ Images of current work __ Materials requested Comments Signature I, ___________________________ agree to hold Wayne State University harmless in the event of loss or damage to my artwork submitted for exhibition. Calendar of Events Saturday, April 25: Call opens Friday, May 15: Deadline for submissions Wednesday, May 20: Notifications Friday, May 29: Lunch meeting with selected students / review selected proposals Friday, June 5: Submit finalized proposals and material lists June 29 – July 3: Material pick-‐up at WSU Foundry July 3 – September 1: create works September 1-‐9: installation September 11 Opening Reception: Online voting begins Saturday, October 10: Sculpture X Community Sculpture Exhibition Reception: WSU Campus Art Installation Award winner presentation Sites The following sites have been approved, with minor restrictions. Please evaluate the site images and consider their limitations. We also encourage you to visit the sites before applying. You can find the locations of the available WSU sites on the university map: McGregor Memorial Conference Center, WSU Student Center, WSU General Lectures Building, WSU Exterior Courtyard of Old Main, WSU Interior Courtyard of FAB, WSU Pedestal on Reuther Mall, WSU Ellen Kayrod Gallery, Midtown Detroit About the Ellen Kayrod Gallery: "Committed to fostering an understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and the quality of life."‐facebook‐Kayrod-‐Gallery/667543863286165 Available Sites McGregor Memorial Conference Center Student Center General Lectures Building Exterior Courtyard of Old Main Interior Courtyard of FAB Pedestal on Reuther Mall Ellen Kayrod Gallery
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