1(` ~~ - Optcl

(A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking)
Tel: (0674) 2541633 (EPABX) Fax: (0674)-2540871
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OPTCL has the mandate to build, operate and maintain State wide transmission
network consisting of 112 EHV Grid Sub-stations and 1200 Ckt KMs of EHT lines
disbursed all over the State. Construction of new projects, timely commissioning of new
Grid Sub-stations, continuous up-gradation and regular repair I maintenance are essential
to keep the Intra-State network in a safe and operational condition as well as to meet the
current requirements of DISCOMs demand vis-a-vis to fulfill the Commission's and
consumers' expectations on quality of supply, performance standard and availability of
-transmission network. Similarly, GRIDCO is responsible for procurement of power from
generating stations and bulk supply to DISCOMs. SLDC regulates the Power System
depending upon the system demand under the overall supervision of Eastern Region Load
Dispatch Centre in accordance with the Grid Code.
All the employees of OPTCL, GRIDCO & SLDC are in 24X7 operation in order to
ensure supply of secure, reliable power supply to the DISCOMs, and consumers of the
State. Currently the employees of OPTCL, GRIDCO, SLDC have been marking their
attendance in Bio Metric attendance system in some offices vide this Office Order
NO.11693 dated, 29.06.2013:
The matter of integrating Bio-metric attendance system with online Leave and
Payroll systems has been under active consideration by the management for some time in
the past. After careful consideration, the Apex committee in its meeting held on 25th Mar
2015 decided to implement the integrated online Attendance, Leave and Payroll system for
about 9 offices in phase-I, to start with, in order to further streamline -and make the
attendance system more systematic. The primary objective of this e-integration of Bio
Metric attendance system with pay roll is to provide an efficient and effective online time
attendance system which adopts the Information Technology and best practices prevailing
in other PSUs and Govt. offices. Some of the objectives set forth are as follows:
To provide an efficient and effective time and attendance management
To promote punctuality and ensure discipline among the employees
To facilitate e-integration with online Leave and Pay roll management.
Scalable system
MIS reporting
Accordingly the Office Order No. 11693 dated, 29.06.2013 stands modified to the
extent as follows:
The leave and salary management shall be regulated depending upon the
attendance of the employees through the e-Shakti modules w.e.f. t" April 2015.
Accordingly, all the employees of OPTCLIGRIDCO in -respect of the following offices shall
record their attendance in the Bio metric machines installed in the office premises, both at
time of entry in to the-efficeas well.as at the time of.leaving.
(i) OPTCL Hqrs.
(iii) SLDC
(iv) Zonal Office (Construction)-I, Bhubaneswar
(v) Telecom. Circle, BBSR
(vi) Telecom. Divn., BhUbaneswar
(vii)Stores Circle, BBSR
(viii)Stores Division, BBSR
(ix) E&MR Divn, BBSR
Period of presence in the office shall be counted from the time of recording
attendance at entry till the recording at the time of final leaving on a particular day. The
attendance data obtained from these machines shall be integrated with e-Shakti System for
online access of the same to all concerned.
The attendance period shall be from 21st day of the previous month to
day of
the current month for calculation of salary. The procedure of treating unauthorized absence
for leave accounting in e-Shakti System is as follows:
1. The Office working hours is from 10.00 Hrs. to 17.00 Hrs. with lunch break at 13.30
Hrs. for half an hour. The employees are to give their attendance I impression in the
Bio Metric Machine by 10.00 Hrs. at the time of entry into the Officeand at the time
of leaving the Office i.e. at 17.00 Hrs. or later. However, 15 Minutes of grace time
i.e. up to 10.15 Hrs. at the time of entry and 16.45 Hrs. or later at the time of leaving
shall be accepted by the system.
2. If the attendance is recorded by employee later than 10.15 Hrs. and up to 10.30
Hrs. at the time of entry, it will be treated as unauthorized absence. For every three
such unauthorized absence I incidents in a month, one day shall be deducted from
employee's C.L. account by the system.
3. If the employee reports to duty later than 10.30 Hrs. or leaves office before 16.30
Hrs., it will be treated as unauthorized absence. In every such case of unauthorized
absence, system will make a deduction of half (Y2) day from the employee's C.L.
In case of an employee proceeding on Official Tour to a place outside the Head
Qrs. for one day or more, shall have to apply for "on tour" through ESS leave
management prior to proceeding on such Tour. On approval by his Controlling
Officer, absence from headquarters on account of official tours shall be regulated
automatically by the ESS system of e-Shakti.
5. If an employee attends official work in other offices for less than one day, then he
-has to-apply-in-ESS-as-E.on-duty~entiol"lil"lg--the-time-period_oLabs_enc_e_citiOQ_tbe
reason. His reporting officer has to approve his application in Manager Self
Service for regularization of the period.
If an employee neither gives attendance! impression in the System for a day nor
applies leave through ESS for that day, the day shall be treated as unauthorized
absence from duty and the System shall deduct the salary of the employee for that
day. The reporting Officer shall forward through official email the matter of
unauthorized absence along with his! her recommendation for regularization to the
DGM (HRD) EE (hr.cspradhan@optcl.co.in) in case of Executive or to AGM (HRD)
NEE (hr.amahapatra@optcl.co.in)
in case of Non-Executive are authorised to
convert unauthorized absence to authorized leave.
7. In the event, the C.Ls of an employee is completely exhausted, further deductions
towards unauthorized absence as above shall be made from his ! her Special
Casual Leave, Earned Leave and Extra Ordinary Leave in that order.
8. The senior officers in the rank of Sr.G.M and CGMs who will be required to attend
meeting! official work at Secretariat! OERC or any other forum, shall have to apply
through ESS as on duty. The application needs self-approval for regularization.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Memo No.
1b9 ~
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Copy to all Functional Directors of OPTCL & GRIDCO ! Sr.G.M.(PS),SLDC,
Mancheswar for information and necessary action.
oJ ",.., ~DY.GENERA~(HRD)
Memo No.
T IV v
O:J CAY ():
Copy to the 8GM (IT)-fortlploading -the Circular inthe-OPTCL Website. Further,
this may be forwarded to all the Managers and above grade Executives of OPTCL
Corporate Office through Webmail for wide circulation among the employees working
under their control.
All Notice Boards of OPTCL & GRIDCO Hd.Qrs.!
PTC, Chandaka & SLDC, Mancheswar