Document 166796

Vol. 32
No. 11
Monthly Publication______
December 1, 2013
Christmas Concert
Children’s Choir
will present
Hanging of the Greens/Candlelight Service
The Christmas Puzzle
6:00 pm
On Sunday, December 15,
6:00 pm
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Lou DeMott and Ramona Mayfield
will present their 5th annual Instrumental
Christmas Concert as their Christmas Gift to us.
Also please bring an ornament for each member of your
family to join in decorating the Bethesda Family
Christmas Tree.
VeggieTales Movie
& Christmas
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, Dec. 1
12:00 pm
from the staff
Craig, Jordan, Jason
For all children Preschool thru 6th grade
Lou, Ramona,
There will be Lunch,
Christmas Cookies, and
we’ll each make an ornament to take home.
Andrea, & Peggy
Adult Choir Musical
to be presented on Saturday,
December 21, 7:00 pm
Refreshments to follow
We pray God’s blessings on you
and yours as we celebrate the
birth of our Savior.
What would your life look like if you gave God the best that is
in you? What if your heart, your hands, and your voice were
Totally His?
This year our church has set a goal of $3,700. Reaching this
goal will require that each of us prayerfully consider how God
would have us give and then to simply be obedient to his leadership.
Totally His is the theme for this year’s Lottie Moon Offering
for International Missions. Thankfully Southern Baptists have
a group of people who are seeking to be used fully so that many
will come to know Jesus Christ.
There is still much to be accomplished. Out of the world’s
11,000 people groups, nearly 7,000 are still unreached. This
represents more than half of the worlds’ population.
As of this past April, we have 4,867 missionaries serving
around the globe. They have surrendered their lives to make the
good news of Jesus known to the most remote parts of the earth.
Through personal sacrifice and great commitment they are answering our Father’s call to tell people in distant lands how
eternal life can be found through faith in Christ.
The latest available statistics (from the 2012 Annual Statistical
Report) tell us that their hearts, hands and voices were used by
our Lord to lead 266,000 persons to become new believers.
Through their efforts 24,000 new churches were planted. They
engaged 133 new people groups with church planting strategies and a commitment to share the story of our Lord and
Lottie Moon once said, “It is grievous to think of these human souls going down to death without even one opportunity of hearing the name of Jesus.”
The Week of Prayer for International Missions will be observed December 1-8. Pray for our missionaries that God will
bless their efforts and cause them to bear fruit for his kingdom.
Pray for how God might use your heart, hands and voice to
support and bless their work. Ask God how he would have you
give to this worthy offering.
Together we’ll be His heart, His hands, and His voice sharing
the good news of eternal life with a world that so desperately
needs to hear it. May God use our gifts to lead many others to
be Totally His.
Each year, Southern Baptist churches like ours join together to
observe the Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions.
Together we provide the resources necessary to keep our missionaries on the field. 54% of the International Mission Board’s
income is supplied through this single offering.
With Special Thanks
This extra-special thank-you note sent to you today
Holds more appreciation than any words can say…
For you’re among the nicest people I have ever known,
And you’ll never be forgotten for the thoughtfulness
You’ve shown.
Thanks for Everything!
Thanks to all the ladies for the fruit and candy basket. It was
Love, Ruth Hicks
Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the canned goods
drive….Response has been great! Please continue with your donations
until November 24.
New Member by Baptism:
Andrew Holcomb
1112 Browncrest Rd.
Burleson, TX 76028
Surrendered to the Ministry:
Quentin Clark
2525 Glenn Ranch Dr.
Burleson, TX 76028
To Sarah Flinn at the birth of her daughter, Alice Mae Otis, at 5:38 pm
on Nov. 13, 2013. Alice weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20 in. long.
Grandparents are Jim & Nita Flinn.
WMU—WOMEN ON MISSION—Meeting in the church
Thanks to all the men who helped load up the vehicles and a special
thanks to Rob Bruner for delivering all the canned goods to Helping
Hands for Jesus in Alvarado.
fellowship hall Monday, December 2, 11am. Please
bring a covered dish to share. All ladies are welcome to
Thanks to Chick Smith for delivering 500 cards with scripture (“Every
good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the
heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to
give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits
of all he created.” JAMES 1:17-18 NIV) for Helping Hands for Jesus to
distribute to their clients along with the food. The cards also contained
our church address and contact information.
WMU-Women on Mission would like to express our
appreciation to all those who contributed Shoe Boxes for
Samaritan's Purse "Operation Christmas Child". We delivered 90 boxes. Please continue to pray for the children who will receive the boxes as
they are delivered around the world. Pray that their little hearts will be
touched by Christ and they will see God's love in action. Thanks so
much for your support of this project.
Shut-In Ministry
Many thanks to those who attended the meeting and picked up their gift
for their shut-in. Don’t forget your special person during the Thanksgiving
and Christmas holidays. We will have a meeting in January to discuss
plans for the new year.
Please read page 2 of your December church calendar for
more Missions information regarding the Lottie Moon Post
Office and other mission news.
Nov. 2013
Monthly Average
TOTAL …………………………………..
YEAR AGO………………………….....
A.M. WORSHIP………………………
Weekly Needs-$5,566.00
Budget Needs……….
Budget Received…….
Total Receipts.............
Average Budget
As of 11/18/13
Budget Needs………..
Budget Received.........
($ 15,849.69)
Received…………………. $
Total Receipts……………. $ 186,912.40
Week of Prayer for International Missions
December 1-8, 2013
Our Goal: $3700
Dear Members of Woman’s Touch,
The friends & families of the Ronald McDonald
House wish to thank you for your gift of Pop Tabs.
Your generous donation supports the most special
house in town…a place where families with seriously
ill children receive shelter, support & serenity.
Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth
Our Youth will be having a Progressive
Christmas Dinner on Saturday December
14, 2013, from 6:00PM to 9:00PM. This fun-filled event will be offered free of charge for all who attend. We will be eating a 4course meal which will include: Appetizers, Salads, Main Entre’, and
Desserts! Feel free to invite your friends along to join us for this
fun evening!!!
We will begin by meeting at Bethesda at
6:00PM. We will be travelling to different
houses for each of the courses and our last
stop will be for our gift exchange . You are
asked to bring a wrapped Christmas gift that
costs no more than $10. Sign up in the Youth
Room today!
Merry Christmas,
Well, by now everywhere you go Christmas music is probably playing
in the background. And the more you hear it, you seemingly become in
a more Christmas mood. Well, for the choir we have been singing
Christmas songs since August. That was when we started working on
Rejoice! Three and a half months later, we are about to present this music not only to you, our church family, but also the general public. Last
year 180 people were present to listen to “God Speaking” and this year
it would be nice to pack the sanctuary so we can touch as many lives as
we can. The music this year is upbeat and portrays a look at how we
should celebrate every day, not just Christmas day. Our God has done
great things for us, He IS Emmanuel! We should Rejoice! constantly.
Come on out and join us on December 21 at 7 pm. And invite as many
people as you can because you never know just exactly who needs to
hear the message of Christ.
Before that, on December 15 at 6 pm, our children will be presenting
The Christmas Puzzle to us. I am really, really proud of these children.
They mean everything to me and have worked really hard on this music.
When we started in August we took a few months just to learn what it
means to sing, and why we are supposed to worship Jesus in song with
all our heart. The Christmas Puzzle is just what the name says, a puzzle
explaining the birth of our Lord and Savior. So let’s come and support
our kids AND our adults during their presentations this holiday season.
In HIS grip!!!
Bethesda Baptist Church
P.O. Box 756
Burleson, TX 76097-0756
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit #77
Burleson, TX 76028
Pastor — Dr. Craig Vire
Associate Pastor/Youth Minister — Jordan Sauceda
Minister of Music — Jason Alford
CHURCH PHONE — 817-295-4632
FAX NUMBER — 817-295-7631
in Prayer
Andy & Treba Andrews
Sarah Armstrong
Pete Armstrong, Jr.
G.W. & Betty Bain
Neal & Linda Brandt
Joe Burke
Lucille Burdette
Dannie Cross
Gail Dougharty
Mary Jo Evans
Rose Fiscus
Heather Jones Garcia
Ray & Carolyn Groves
Irene Hardin
Jim & Dorotha Hargett
Saturday, December 1
9:45 am—Bible Study
10:55 am—Worship
12:00 pm—Veggie Tales Party
5:00 pm—Children’s Choir
6:30 pm—Adult Choir Rehearsal
Monday, December 2
11:00 am—WMU/Women on Mission Mtg.
Wednesday, December 6
Gladys Johnson
David Lawson
Claude Maberry
Verdell & Lynda McClure
Caseline McCoy
Laura Moncrief & Family
Hasel Nicholson
Guy & Betty Peacock
Conrad, Keith & Tyler Rogers
Peggy Seelbach
Jack & Joan Shelton
Bobbie Lewis Stickney
Ethel Tombow
Charlene Vaughan
Craig & Pamela Vire
Thursday, December 12
6:30 pm—Woman’s Touch Ministry (Meal & Christmas Movie)
Friday, December 13
6:30—Senior Adult Fellowship
7:00—Adult SS Class Party at the Colyer’s
Saturday, December 14
9:00-11:00 am—Children’s Choir Dress Rehearsal
2:00 pm—Adult Choir Rehearsal
6:00 pm—Youth Progressive Dinner & Christmas Party
6:00 pm—Potluck Meal
Sunday, December 15
6:45 pm—Adult Bible Study/Youth Refuge/TeamKid/Pre-TK
9:45 am—Bible Study
7:45 pm—Building and Grounds Committee Meeting
10:55 am—Worship
Thursday, December 5
4:30 pm—Children’s Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am—3:00 pm—Lottie Moon Craft/Bake Sale Cleburne
6:00 pm—Children’s Choir Musical “The Christmas Puzzle”
Friday, December 6
7:00 pm—Finance Committee Meeting
6:00—8:00 pm—3rd & 4th Grades Christmas Party at Gena’s Wednesday, December 18
Saturday, December 7
6:30 pm—Business Meeting/Adult Bible Study
2:00 pm—Adult Choir Rehearsal
6:30 pm—Team Kid/Preschool TeamKid/Youth Refuge
5:00 pm—Women leave for Dinner & a Play in Cleburne
7:30 pm—Adult Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, December 8
9:45 am—Bible Study
10:55 am—Worship
12:00 pm—Holiday Meal
1:00 pm—Children’s Choir
5:00 pm—Deacons’ Meeting
6:00 pm—Christmas Concert & Hanging of the Greens
Wednesday, December 11
6:30 pm—Adult Bible Study/Youth Refuge/TeamKid/PreTK
7:30 pm—Adult Choir
Friday, December 20
7:00 pm—Adult Choir Christmas Party at the Flinn’s
Saturday, December 21
9am-11am—Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm—Adult Choir Program “Rejoice!” Refreshments to follow
Sunday, December 22
9:45 am—Bible Study 10:55 am—Worship
Tuesday, December 24—Christmas Eve Offices Closed
Wednesday, December 25—Christmas Day
Offices Closed
No Mid-week Activities