Shofar Soundings Confirmation Shabbat Service MAY 2015 Followed by Festive Oneg Friday, May 30, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Shabbat Service Confirmation Class of 2014/5774 Friday, May 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Followed by Festive Oneg Emily Braverman Abigail Clark Joseph Mattis Yaffa Muhlbaum Arielle Seid FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 5:15 p.m. School Program Opens 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Ro c k Shabbat Service Honoring Teachers and Madrichim, High School Senior Tribute, and 8th Grade Awards ...Plus Birthday Blessings! 7:15 p.m. Cookout Dinner & School Program Continues Shavuot Services Erev Erev Shavuot Shavuot rd Shavuot Saturday, May 23 & Sunday, May 24th Tuesday, June 3, 2014 Wednesday, (See page 5 for more details) June 4, 2014 10:30 a.m. Shavuot Service 7:30 p.m. Service Women of Rockdale WOMEN OF 8:15 p.m. Refreshments Membership Appreciation 8:45 p.m. Erev Shavuot Study ROCKDALE Event With Yizkor Tikkun LeylMemorial Shavuot Followed by Luncheon TEMPLE OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, May 23rd at 8:30 p.m. “Don’t Stand Idly by the Blood of Your Neighbor: How Racial Inequality Touches Us” 8501 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 513-891-9900 Fax 513-891-0515 All are welcome to be our guest for dinner! Membership appreciation Thursday, May 14ththat 7event p.m. (See page 11 for more details) INFORMATION TO FOLLOW (See page 10 for more details) IN THE COMING WEEKS Thursday May 14 7pm (See page 7 for more details) Table of Contents The Rabbi’s Reflections......................... 2 Counting Days Opera Goes to Temple.......................... 2 From our Assistant Rabbi...................... 3 Expressing Gratitude From our Board President..................... 4 Confirmation Shabbat Service.............. 5 Executive Director................................. 6 Oh, What a Night! Library Update...................................... 7 Rak Limud............................................ 7 Tot Shabbat Service............................. 10 Women of Rockdale............................ 10 Rock Shabbat Service.......................... 11 Volunteers Needed.............................. 11 Greeters and Candle & Kiddush Tribute Funds.................................12-13 Condolences & Mazal Tov.................. 13 Mitzvah Opportunities........................ 14 Birthdays & Anniversaries................... 15 Welcome New Members..................... 15 K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Join Us On Where you are valued... ...and values matter! K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Tem Where you are valued... ...and values m The Rabbi’s Reflections Counting Days our Confirmation students to do each year. We are each called to affirm and confirm who we are as Jews. As I write this, I find myself counting the days-- counting the days to the end of the school year. Counting the days until my daughter comes home for a few weeks after her first year of college. Counting the days until my son, Jacob’s graduation into the next phase of his life. My other son, Micah, is counting the days until camp. And Matthew, Eden and I are counting and planning for our summer adventure. An adventure that will include time for me to study as part of some Sabbatical time (but more on that in next month’s Shofar Soundings). I am grateful to our Confirmation students for the commitment they have made and to their families who have made spiritual counting a value by which they have raised their teenagers, in a world in which so much else seems to count more. Join me in wishing a Mazal Tov to Max Auerbach, Andrew Feagins, Max Frankel, Emily Hageman, Lauren Kurtzer, Noah Stern and Oliver Varland. I have had a great year teaching and learning from these amazing (and funny) young people. I look forward to celebrating the commitment they make to our people on Friday night, May 22. I also look forward to our celebration of Shavuot—our own opportunity to confirm our lives and count ourselves among the Jewish people on Saturday night, May 23rd and Sunday morning, May 24th. We will join together in making our conviction and our values count in prayer, remembrance and study. Sometimes we might be eager to just cross off these dates on our calendar, passing through the days. But as we count, we try to remember we are moving towards a day, towards a goal, towards spiritual significance. There is a lot to count in our family and even more to count in our community. We have begun to count the days to Confirmation and Shavuot. Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran Senior Rabbi With Passover begins the Counting of the Omer in which we count seven weeks to the holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot commemorates Matan Torah, the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. Whereas most Jews know and understand the traditions surrounding the celebration of the Exodus from Egypt, we are a bit shaky in our knowledge of the equally important celebration of Shavuot. CINCINNatI opera & roCkdale temple present opera goes to temple As we count the Omer, we move closer to the day in which we consider the Ten Commandments, the gift of Torah and the Revelation. We attempt to understand our role in receiving Torah. It is this role that our 10th grade students take on each year as they study and plan for Confirmation. Each of them will confirm and affirm their own Jewish identities as they lead us in Shabbat services. The tradition of counting the omer hearkens back to harvest times and an omer was a measure of wheat. The measures of barley were counted until the first wheat was brought to the Temple on Shavuot. Today these 49 days are a spiritual counting. Each day brings us closer to Shavuot and to recalling the gift of Torah. The counting asks us to take spiritual stock of ourselves, us to count which mitzvot we are committed to, to enumerate the ways in which we are involved in Jewish community, just as I ask 2 Shofar Soundings ICkKeE tTic ts AvVA A Ail ILAAbBlTeS LE ApN rO ilW 1!0 A summer Afternoon of contemporAry And clAssicAl music rockdale temple Rockdale Temple sunday, July 13 Sunday, June 14 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 8501 ridge road Cincinnati, oH Road 45236 8501 Ridge Cincinnati, OH 45236 tickets: FREE, but reservations are required. Tickets: FREE, but Available beginning reservations Thursday, April are 10 atrequired. 10 a.m. Limit 2 per household. Limit 2 per household. About Opera Goes to Temple Opera Goes to Church and Opera Goes to Temple concerts have been presented annually throughout the region since 2006. Cincinnati Opera works closely with the music staff and artists at each partner congregation to create powerful, unique programs featuring internationally acclaimed artists from Cincinnati Opera’s mainstage season, dynamic congregational choirs, talented youth performers, and more. t r A T L call (513) 241-2742 c or visit o WHeN plaCINg YoUr order U W Create lastingCode legacy Useapromo “praIse” and enrich your community now and for years to come. An initiative of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati I have been thinking a lot about gratitude in the last few months - and hopefully expressing my gratitude, too! My greatest moment of gratitude came on January 14th with the birth of our first child, Seth David Flowers gratitude to God who brought us through that moment in health and safety, to the wonderful doctors and nurses who provided us with exemplary care, to my husband for being my partner in this journey. The gratitude kept flowing to the family members who cooked, cleaned, and took care of all of us in those early days. And then the gratitude starting flowing to friends and community - for bringing food, giving beautiful gifts, and simply just sharing in our immense joy. I am particularly grateful for our generous congregational community who has celebrated this milestone with us. Our Rockdale family gave us the gift of those early weeks together at home, and of course, continues to shower us with so much love, support, and excitement. Of course, three months later, I’m still very grateful for all of the love, support, help, and gifts we’ve received - gratitude is still definitely on my mind as I work on thank you notes!! Expressing thanks for all that is good in our lives, for all we have received, for all our blessings - this is an important Jewish value. The middah (value or virtue) of Hoda’ah (gratitude) is at the forefront of much of rabbinic literature, modern Jewish thought, and even our liturgy. Our tradition teaches that gratitude is not only a virtue, something to which we aspire, but is in fact a necessity in our lives, something we should not live without. To that end, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz teaches that, “Gratitude is a virtue that you don’t learn from books, and which, if lacking, may be considered a sickness of the soul.” We know that it’s easy to express thanks at a momentous occasion in our lives, like the birth of a child, as well as when we have survived a difficult moment, such as recovering from a significant illness. Judaism certainly asks us to be grateful for those events. But the middah of Hoda’ah is also to be felt and expressed with regularity, as we experience everyday things. Our Sage Rashi wrote, in response to the Talmud, that the thing God requires of us is our gratitude, so much so that we are asked to say one hundred blessings a day, simply to express our thankfulness (Rashi on B.T. Menachot 43b). One hundred blessings seems like a lot, but let’s take up the challenge of looking for moments of thanksgiving and opportunities for gratitude in our lives. The Institute for Jewish Spirituality offers these ideas to get started: Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. From our Assistant Rabbi & Educator Expressing Gratitude 1. When you wake up in the morning, identify five things for which you are grateful and either recognize them in your heart or say them out loud as an expression of thanks. 2. Send a thank you e-mail or note card each day to someone to whom you are grateful. 3. Say a blessing of thanks before and after at least one meal each day. We express our gratitude not just because it’s the “right” thing to do or because it is what our tradition asks of us. We also should feel grateful, teaches Rabbi Karyn Kedar, because this virtue is tied to the middah of tikvah - hope. Rabbi Kedar explains that “we affirm the goodness in life when we offer a daily prayer of gratitude. When life is difficult and still we find the spiritual fortitude to offer a prayer of gratitude, then we declare possibility, optimism, hope. Gratitude and hope are the spiritual foundations of a life of meaning and purpose.” May we all find moments of thanksgiving and opportunities for gratitude in our lives. May we recognize our blessings in moments of great joy as well as in moments of survival and persistence. And may God and our tradition lead us to say those extra “thank yous” day by day. “Praised are You, Adonai, Your name is goodness and You are worthy of Thanksgiving.” Rabbi Meredith Kahan Assistant Rabbi & Educator YGOR at NFTY-OV Spring Kallah. March 26th - 29th. May 2015 3 From Our Board President We have a lot going on at Rockdale Temple! The hard but loving work of our congregation really takes place within our committees and the volunteer activities in which our members engage. This year, we have been inviting committee chairs to make reports at our monthly board meetings, and I expect we will continue this practice. In this way, your board of directors is learning from our committees—from you--about all the good work you are doing to make Rockdale a real and successful Jewish community. In October, for example, we heard from Tracy McMullen, chair of the Marketing Committee. Have you seen the publicity, almost every week, in the American Israelite? Preparing the articles for the Israelite, collecting photographs, and working with the rules of the newspaper take serious commitment. That is the fruit of Tracy’s committee and our Executive Director, Gene Meyers. In November, we heard from Joanne Gerson, chair of the very active Environment Committee. I hope you have read about all the tireless work they do to make Cincinnati and our planet a better place. They are even digging deep into the challenges posed by our old, energy-inefficient building to learn how we might save energy—and money. We have already replaced all of our incandescent lights, and there are other energy-savings and environmentally-responsible ideas on their agenda. It is difficult work, especially given Rockdale’s old physical plant and tight (but sound) budget. Did you see the photographs of the committee’s Mitzvah Day project, planting trees along the Mill Creek? Tens of thousands of trees have been destroyed in connection with the widening of Interstate 75, and Rockdale’s Environmental Committee is doing its part to contribute to replacing those losses with new trees. Have you noticed that we no longer use disposable plastic tableware at Rockdale dinners? That, too, was the result of the committee’s work, and its success in repairing one of the dishwashers in our basement kitchen. Even small changes like this take a lot of coordination among volunteers and staff but are worth the effort in order to make our world a little more habitable. In January, we heard from Andrea Herzig on issues relating to planned giving as we launched our participation in the Jewish community’s Create Your Jewish Legacy project. The board approved a formal Endowment Policy to assure the permanence of existing and future contributed endowment funds. The board also adopted a Gift Acceptance Policy to define precisely how we will accept, use, and preserve donations to the temple. Over two-thirds of our board has already submitted a Letter of Intent naming Rockdale Temple 4 Shofar Soundings as a beneficiary of their estate planning to assure Rockdale is here forever. ( Join us!) Then, in February we heard from Linda Chatterjee, who has pulled together a variety of our social action programs into one oversight committee, the Social Action Committee. Now we can all be in better communication about all of the social action work that our members do and help volunteers choose which projects they might like to try. We do a number of social action projects on an ongoing basis, including the Interfaith Hospitality Network that houses and provides for the homeless, our soup kitchen in Over-the-Rhine under Dolores Goldfinger, our Caring Community under Fay May, our meal service at Ronald McDonald House, and the Brotherhood’s crib program to reduce Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Camp Washington. The board has also received a good report from the Investment Committee chaired by Stan Ruby, and the board has redesignated that committee as the Endowment Committee to better define its responsibilities. Very importantly, the board has adopted a new Charter for the Endowment Committee that prescribes its composition, governance, and duties, as well as the sound delegation and supervision of investment management to competent professional managers. The board is comforted that our substantial endowment is well-managed and that the supervisory process is as it should be. Elaine Fishman, chair of the Baby Boomer Committee (did you know we have one?!) reported in March on some of the activities of that age group. This relatively new area of temple life has been very active with very creative and fun events. Whether an afternoon at Findlay Market (no pigs’ feet!), supper together at a nice restaurant, or other outings, Elaine and her group are offering lots of fun to anyone who wishes to join them. But you will have to read Rockdale’s website and open our email messages or you will miss them. More committees will report in the months and years ahead on a rotating basis. If any of the work of any committee appeals to you, please let the committee chair, Rabbi Coran, Rabbi Kahan, Executive Director Gene Meyers, or me know. Would it not be a complete Jewish community if every single member of Rockdale Temple were to volunteer on a committee? Perhaps there is a project in which you would be interested for which no one yet has stepped forward. It is never too early--or too late. Dan Hoffheimer Board President Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Confirmation Shabbat Service Followed by Festive Oneg Friday, May 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Class of 2015/5775 Maxwell Auerbach Andrew Feagins Max Frankel Emily Hageman Lauren Kurtzer Noah Stern Oliver Varland Erev Erev Shavuot Shavuot Shavuot 7:30 p.m. Service 8:00 p.m. Refreshments 8:30 p.m. Erev Shavuot Study 10:30 a.m. Service With Yizkor Memorial Followed by Luncheon Saturday, May 23, 2015 Sunday, May 24, 2015 (see page 7 for more information) K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Where you are valued... ...and values matter! 8501 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 513-891-9900 Fax 513-891-0515 Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. May 2015 5 Executive Director Oh, What a Night! Saturday evening April 4, Passover’s Second Night, was a rousing success. It was a fun-filled evening with the seder, led by Rabbi Coran, telling the story of our Exodus from Egypt. There was singing, great food, and the opportunity to build new and renew old friendships! We had the largest attendance in recent memory. Please plan on attending future events at Rockdale. You’ll quickly understand why people keep coming back for more. It’s time to renew your Kroger Card Community Rewards designation. During April of every year, Kroger requires you designate or re-designate your account’s community rewards recipient. Please log on and specify Rockdale Temple as your designee. It’s a pain free way to contribute to Rockdale, every time you shop. Just follow these easy steps: 1. Log on to 2. Click on “Sign In” or “Create an Account,” depending on whether you are renewing your designation or establishing an account for the first time. 3. Once signed in, click on the “Enroll Now” button. 4. Designate Rockdale Temple as the beneficiary by entering “rockd” or 81236. Click on the “Search” button. Fill in the open circle (ο) in front of Rockdale Temple. Now click on “Enroll.” 5. You can now check and edit (if necessary) your account summary. Completing the form should take you less than 10 minutes. For those contributing securities to Rockdale, please remember we have a new Transfer Agent. Contact Sean O’Brien ( or 513-8919900) for more information. Do you know an individual, couple or family looking for a new congregational home in the Cincinnati area? Suggest they contact Rabbi Coran, Rabbi Kahan or me (Gene Meyers). If you prefer, please let us know and we’ll make the contact. We care and want prospective members to try us out. Join your fellow congregants in learning more about how you too can Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL) in the Cincinnati region. There’s absolutely no obligation Simply contact Dan Hoffheimer, Dick Friedman, Andrea Herzig, Ed Herzig, Rabbi Coran or Gene Meyers. If you prefer, leave a message at the Temple and we’ll contact you. Soup Kitchen: Six times a year, members of Rockdale give their time, working at the Soup Kitchen. It’s a few hours of loving work as they help those less fortunate than themselves. Not only do they give their time, they purchase and prepare the food served. The Women of Rockdale contribute funds to cover some of the costs, but it’s not enough. The program needs your support. Please help by making a contribution to the Soup Kitchen Fund. Every dollar helps give so much to so many in need. I hope you enjoy “a Lovely Month of May.” Eugene Meyers Executive Director 6. You’re done. Exit the program. START SHOPPING! We may still be awaiting the arrival of your Rockdale Temple Member Census Form. Please call us to check and see if yours has been received. If you’re not sure, or don’t want to call, go to our website, Then click on the ROCKDALE TEMPLE MEMBER CENSUS FORM heading, at the lower right corner of the home page. 6 Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Library Update Rak Limud Adult Education 5775 May Update As Religious School wraps up another year, it’s a good time to look around for Rockdale library books checked out by your children on Sunday mornings. Our library’s books are stamped “Rockdale Temple Library,” if you wonder which library a book is from. Books do get to remote places in cars, backpacks, under beds, and sometimes, even onto bookshelves. Many books have circulated successfully BACK to Rockdale Library this year, but a few are still out there… somewhere… Please try to return Rockdale’s books to the book box by the front door before Religious School ends. This book round-up doesn’t mean that Rockdale’s children’s books are off limits all summer--it simply puts a neat ending on our school year’s library activities. The library is OPEN all summer, whenever Rockdale is open, for parents to help their children check out as many books as they care to read! Granted, with our “manual” checkout system, clear handwriting and contact info are key, so we really appreciate if parents help kids follow the instructions on the administrative desk. Your phone number written legibly will really help. Summer for many of us grown-ups is a time when we “allow” ourselves more time for reading, like we did when we were kids. And while everyone knows you never read all the books you check out, if you don’t check it out, how ya gonna READ it?! Come up to the library before or after Shabbat services, a meeting, or a JCC workout. Take advantage of our “Extended Checkout” and keep books for up to three months. Pack them into a suitcase, beach bag, or daypack this summer. So many books, so little time! Karen Zanger Volunteer librarian Talmud Study for Beginners Lunch and Learn May 12th at 12 Noon At Temple or via Google Hangout Rabbi Sigma Coran We will learn together how to maneuver through the twists and turns of Talmudic literature and look at the Tractate of Avodah Zara. What did it mean for the ancient rabbis to live among idol worshippers? What meaning does that have for us, living in a diverse modern world? How might we navigate living in many worlds at the same time? If you have a computer with a camera, or a smartphone, please join our lunch and learn via Google Hangout. You will need to set up a Google plus account and then download Hangout or install the app on your phone. Let Rabbi Coran know you will be joining in, and she will send you the email invite! Tikkun Leyl Shavuot Saturday, May 23rd at 8:30 p.m. “Don’t Stand Idly by the Blood of Your Neighbor: How Racial Inequality Touches Us” With Rabbi Sam Joseph, Steve Sunderland and Rabbi Meredith Kahan An exploration of Jewish values and the Jewish experience in the context of racial inequality. We will hear from Steve Sunderland and Rabbi Sam Joseph about the Cincinnati experience of April 2001. In addition, we will examine what has changed in Cincinnati since then. We participate in Tikkun Leyl Shavuot as “Tikkun” means a repair. We pray that our study on this Shavuot brings repair to us and our community. Dr. Steve Sunderland Steve is director of the Peace Village Cancer Project, having just retired after 35 years at UC as a professor of peace. After the 2001 riots, Steve was part of the team working to develop a peace treaty with the police and community. Rabbi Sam Joseph Sam is the Eleanor Sinsheimer Distinguished Service Professor of Jewish Education and Leadership Development at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. Rabbi Joseph has taught and consults with rabbis, educators, administrators, communal leaders and lay leaders all over the world, supporting them as they lead their institutions and organizations. Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. May 2015 7 Rock Where y May 2015 Sunday Monday If you want one of these K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Where you are valued... ...and values matter! Tuesday Wednesday Thursday you’re going to need a few of these. Apply for the Hilb Scholarship Today. The Hilb Scholarship Fund serves middle-class residents of Greater Cincinnati by offering the opportunity to apply for a need-based academic scholarship. Applications can be made for: • College/university enrollment • Professional training programs • Short-term vocational training programs in non-academic fields 39:30 a.m. Religious School 10:30 a.m. Environmental Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Kulanu (CRJHS) Wise Center 10 17 2015-2016 School Year May 1, 2015 4 54:30 p.m. Hebrew School with Ice Cream Social For an application or information, go to: Friday Saturday Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 15:45 p.m. Shabbat Service or contact: Scholarship Administrator at JVS Career Services. 513) 936-9675; e-mail: 6L ag B’Omer 7 85:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings and Religious School Year End Celebration: Services, Honoring Teachers & Madrichim, High School Senior Tribute and 8th Grade Awards Followed by Cookout 11 12 12:00 p.m. Rak Limud: Talmud Study 18 13 14 TBA Sisterhood Membership Appreciation Event 15 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service with Anniversary Blessings and Choir Singing 19 20 21 22 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Board Meeting Confirmation Confirmation Shabbat Service Shabbat Service Followed by Festive Oneg Followed by Oneg Friday, May 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Class of 2015/5775 24 S havuot 10:30 a.m. Shavuot Service with Yizkor Memorial Service Followed by Luncheon 31 Soup Kitchen Cooking 25 M emorial Day Maxwell Auerbach Andrew Feagins Max Frankel Emily Hageman Lauren Kurtzer Noah Stern Oliver Varland 26 29:30 a.m. 27 28 Temple Office Closed 99:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:00 a.m. Tot Shabbat Service Followed by Snack & Activity 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 16 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 23 E S rev 29 30 Pre-Ordination Shabbat Service No Services at Rockdale 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. HUC Ordination 9:00 a.m. - Noon HUC Ordination at Plum Street Temple Erev Erev Shavuot Shavuot Shavuot 7:30 p.m. Service 8:00 p.m. Refreshments 8:30 p.m. Erev Shavuot Study 10:30 a.m. Service With Yizkor Memorial Followed by Luncheon Saturday, May 23, 2015 Sunday, May 24, 2015 (see page 7 for more information) K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Where you are valued... havuot 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 7:30 p.m. Erev Shavuot Service 8:00 p.m. Break & Refreshments 8:30 p.m. Shavuot Study oCkdale temple Sunday ticke t AvAil s Ab April le 10 7 A summer Afternoon of contemporAry And clAssicAl music About Opera Goes to Temple Opera Goes to Church and Opera Goes to Temple concerts have been presented annually throughout the region since 2006. Cincinnati Opera works closely with the music staff and artists at each partner congregation to create powerful, unique programs featuring internationally acclaimed artists from Cincinnati Opera’s mainstage season, dynamic congregational choirs, talented youth performers, and more. 14 4:00 p.m. Opera Goes to Temple 21 CINCINNatI opera & roCkdale temple present Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 8 opera 2 goes 3to temple 97:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal sunday, July 13 4 p.m. 8501 ridge road Cincinnati, oH 45236 tickets: FREE, but reservations are required. Available beginning Thursday, April 10 at 10 a.m. Limit 2 per household. 16 7:00 p.m. Use promo Code “praIse” WHeN plaCINg YoUr order 23 Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. 11 12p.m. A summer Afternoon of contemporAry And clAssicAl music5:30 About Opera Goes to Temple Opera Goes to Church and Opera Goes to Temple concerts have been presented annually throughout the region since 2006. Cincinnati Opera works closely with the music staff and artists at each partner congregation to create powerful, unique programs featuring internationally acclaimed artists from Cincinnati Opera’s mainstage season, dynamic congregational choirs, talented youth performers, and more. 18 Tot Shabbat 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service 19 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Discussion with Maia Morag 24 55:45 p.m. with the naming of Seth David Flowers call (513) Choir241-2742 Rehearsal RUACH: Israel or visit 22 17 6:30 p.m. ticke t AvAil s Ab April le 10 Shabbat Service 10 rockdale temple 15 4 7:30 p.m. Annual Meeting Friday June 2015 Shabbat Service with Anniversary Blessings and Choir Singing with visitors from Emmanuel UMC 25 26 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings Followed by Dinner 28 6:00 p.m. RUACH: Noa Concert with Israelity Series (Washington Park) 29 30 Saturday 69:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 13 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 20 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 27 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round A nnual M eeting Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Honoring Leah Citrin on her Ordination Menorah AwardAwards 2015 Gary2012 Heldman Menorah Tot Shabbat Service Women of Rockdale Saturday, May 9, 2015 May Update Welcome to our new WOR Executive Board: Continuing two-year terms, ending 2016: Come and Celebrate Shabbat! Join with other Tots and Caregivers for a Shabbat Experience filled with Laughter, Stories and Songs! Jennifer Clark, co-President Pam Chundrlek Julie Torem Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Followed by Snack & Activity Elected to two-year terms, ending 2017: Enrichment. Jen Smilg, co-President Carol Frankenstein, Treasurer Linda Chatterjee Kat Lanphear Serving ex officio: Teresa Ames, Immed. Past President District Board Members: Alison Auerbach, Beth Goldstein, & Jan Muhlbaum WOMEN OF ROCKDALE At Cedar Village, care of our residents is our first priority. We offer services for the whole person, meeting their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs to ensure that they achieve an optimal quality of life. We take our commitment to the community very seriously and we live our mission, to provide the highest quality healthcare, senior residential and community services, in keeping with Jewish values, yet open to all faiths. Cedar Village … It’s about caring. ....................................................................... cedar village services ....................................................................... • Driving Assessment Program • Cedar Village Home Care • Independent and Assisted Living • Rehabilitation After Hospitalization • Nursing Care and Specialized Dementia Care • Hospice—Comfort and Care • Shalom Center for Elder Abuse Prevention ....................................................................... Membership appreciation event Thursday May 14th 7pm INFORMATION TO FOLLOW IN THE COMING WEEKS 10 Shofar Soundings Cedar Village is a nonprofit retirement community, located in Mason, Ohio. ....................................................................... Cedar Village Retirement Community 5467 Cedar Village Drive, Mason, Ohio 45040 Tel: 513.754.3100, Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Rock Shabbat Service High School Senior Tribute, 8th Grade Awards & Honoring Teachers t, Rock Shabba Join us for e the Ultimat d an er nn Di ol. Religios Scho Last Day of Be our Guest for Dinner! RSVP to Services, Honoring Teachers & Madrichim, High School Senior Tribute and 8th Grade Awards followed by Dinner and Closing Day Program! FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 5:15 p.m. School Program Opens 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service 7:15 p.m. Cookout Dinner & School Program Continues *Students can participate in the school program before services, after services, or both! 8th Grade Students 12th Grade Students Son of Michael & Lisa Berry Daughter of Brian Braverman & Erin Braverman Son of Steven & Barry Kraus Son of Allan & Sara Frankel Daughter of Jamey & Vanessa Kurtzer Son of Scott & Alexia Kadish Jason Berry Benjamin Kraus Ariela Kurtzer Henry Schmulewitz Son of Nathan & Kimberly Schmulewitz Sydney Braverman Adam Frankel Zakary Kadish Julia Mattis Daughter of Kevin & Debra Mattis Ethan Smilg Son of Larry & Jen Smilg Greeters and Candle & Kiddush We need volunteers who are interested in lighting candles and participating in Kiddush after services on Friday nights. It’s a special way to honor a significant date such as a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah, Birthday or Anniversary. It’s also a very meaningful way to celebrate the beginning of Shabbat. Your whole family is more than welcome to join you on the Bimah for the blessings and the candle lighting. Also needed are people who would act as greeters to our members and guests when they arrive for services. For more information contact: Chris Malhotra by phone (513) 777-2039 or email Janie Meyers by phone (704) 771-0721 or email Ward’s Window Cleaning Service “I can see clearly now...” Dan Ward Fully Insured Free Estimates Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. 513-390-2369 May 2015 11 Tribute Funds Donations from March 2, 2015 - April 6, 2015 Rabbi Coran’s Discretionary Fund In Honor of Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran Bobbie Leitner In Honor of the Birthday of Alexandra Dias Ramesh & Christine Malhotra In Honor of the Birth of Seth David Flowers Alane & Jan Katzew In Honor of Grace Hageman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Barry & Madeline Berman In Honor of the Naming of Ari Leonid Zmood Zina, Michael, & Anna Zmood In Memory of Stacy, Dorthy & Arty Allan & Sara Frankel In Memory of Helen Regina Ackermann Larry & Mary Jo Bratbud Fred D’Ambrosi & Elizabeth Jackson-D’Ambrosi Robert Ingberg Scott & Alexia Kadish Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence Ramesh & Christine Malhotra Scott & Sheryl Mattis Bob Prescott & Fay May Darrell & Tammy Phillips Lois Spahn Gerald & Nancy Schwartz Kenneth & Susan Sherman Brad & Suzi Streit In Memory of Roselyn G. Dave Bernard Dave & Family Florette Hoffheimer Lois Spahn In Memory of Louis Kaplan Rusty & Renee Frankel In Memory of Saul Marmer John & Denise Marmer Bert & Barbara Rosenberg In Memory of Louis Peller Kenneth Peller 12 Shofar Soundings In Memory of Sue Richard Robert & Emily Rosenberg In Memory of Joan Schaengold Anne Mishne Gloria Wells In Memory of Oscar Schwartz Philip & Helene Cohen In Memory of Betty Wacksman Barry & Madeline Berman Rabbi Kahan’s Discretionary Fund General Donation: Ursuline Academy In Honor of Seth David Flowers Beatrice Ballas Barry & Madeline Berman Scott & Sheryl Mattis In Memory of Joan Schaengold Daniel & Pamela Wojnilower Bimah Flowers Fund In Honor of Grace Hageman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Mark & Sherri Hageman In Honor of Our New Members Rockdale Temple Board of Directors Barrows Music Fund In Honor of the Rock Shabbat Band Daniel J. Hoffheimer In Honor of the Shir Shalom Adult Choir Daniel J. Hoffheimer Soup Kitchen Fund In Honor of Susan Auerbach becoming a Bat Mitzvah Robert Ingberg In Honor of Gabriel Kaufman becoming a Bar Mitzvah Robert Ingberg In Honor of a Speedy Recovery for Kenneth Cohen Philip & Helene Cohen In Memory of Helen Regina Ackermann Mark Michaelson & Barbara Turner-Michaelson In Memory of Joan Schaengold Adam & Jennifer Geller In Memory of Betty Wacksman Philip & Helene Cohen Temple Fund In Memory of Roselyn G. Dave Anonymous Donation Frank & Rosemary Bloom Jack & Tulane Chartock Adell & Malcolm Coleman George & Mary Croog Donald Docter Stewart & Ellen Dunsker Janet Elam James Hagerty John & Betty Heldman Joseph & Marilyn Hirschhorn Daniel Hoffheimer Florette Hoffheimer Gerald & Sally Korkin Millard & Helene Mack Scott & Sheryl Mattis Bob Prescott & Fay May Rudolph & Carol Polak Bert & Barbara Rosenberg J. David Rosenberg Ann Rubenstein Melvin Schaengold David & Harriet Schiebel Sherri & Hal Tieger Robert & Loris Ungar James Vance Edward Wertheimer Tom & Louise Wides Amy Diamond & Eddie Wolf In Honor of the Birthday of Ed Herzig Gerald & Sally Korkin Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Tribute Funds Continued... In Honor of the Birth of the Grandson of Rabbi and Cantor Katzew Bob Prescott & Fay May In Memory of Katherine Trager Kahn & Willard Kahn Marjorie Bender In Honor of Maggie Sonnenshine becoming a Bat Mitzvah David & Abby Schwartz Estelle Levine Fund for Special Children In Memory of Helen Regina Ackermann Edward & Andrea Herzig Daniel Hoffheimer Larry Silbermann In Memory of Saul Marmer Brian & Rebecca Byrge David W. Ellis III David Leo Harris Glen & Lynn Mayfield In Memoy of Sue Richard Rodney & Vallie Geier In Memory of Joan Schaengold Steven & Marjorie Adler Maryann Betagole Frank & Rosemary Bloom Cori Green Gary Hollander Jay & Betsy Karpen Stuart & Carolyn Lowitz Scott & Sheryl Mattis Hedy & Ron Pearlman Drs. Steven and Susan Perlman Kenneth & Susan Sherman Ellie Shott Joel & Jody Tsevat Alex & Lynn Warm In Memory of Betty Wacksman Adell & Malcolm Coleman David & Harriet Schiebel James Vance In Honor of Congregation Eitz Chayim Anonymous Donor Library Fund In Honor of Susan Auerbach becoming a Bat Mitzvah Joyce Alpiner In Memory of Helen Regina Ackermann Edward & Anita Marks In Honor of Grace Hageman becoming a Bat Mitzvah Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence In Memory of Betty Wacksman Larry & Mary Jo Bratburd Heldman Family Fund In Memory of Roselyn G. Dave Anne Heldman In Memory of Faith Golder Ruth Heldman In Memory of Joan Schaengold Ruth Heldman Heritage of Learning Fund In Honor of Rabbi Dr. Ofer Sabath BeitHalachmi, for his teaching at Rockdale Daniel J. Hoffheimer In Honor of Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, for her teaching at Rockdale Daniel J. Hoffheimer Jules & Elizabeth K. Oppenheimer Fund In Honor of Gabriel Kaufman becoming a Bar Mitzvah Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence Louise Reichert Flower Fund In Memory of Roselyn G. Dave Bercie Frohman Women of Rockdale In Memory of Roselyn G. Dave Sonia Strauss Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. Honor & Remember Your Loved Ones Tribute Fund with a contribution to your favorite Call Christie Woodside Rockdale Temple Office 513-891-9900 Or make an online donation at Click on “Donate” at the bottom of the screen. Condolences To the Family and Friends of: Saul Marmer loving father of John Marmer Frances O’Koon beloved mother of Neal and Michelle O’Koon beloved grandmother of Evan, Joel and Adam O’Koon Mazal Tov On the birth of Tobias Alan Burke son of Felicia Wennersten and Chris Burke Born March 14th On the birth of Rebecca Sydney Friedman daughter of Mark and Susan Friedman sister of Ellie, Jackson and Abigail Born March 17th May 2015 13 Mitzvah Opportunities Comfort Trays for the Grieving Jewish Hospital Needs Volunteers The Jewish Hospital is a community faithful to its Jewish heritage and grounded in the Jewish and Catholic traditions of Service to the community. We are looking for volunteers who would like to share their time. A minimum of 4 hours a week is the commitment. We have many opportunities in various departments to make a difference! Join our team! Contact Information: Volunteer Services, 686-5330 Sisterhood recognizes the need to help make things easier for congregants sitting shiva or hosting family after a funeral by providing a tray of sweets. If you are able to provide baked goods that we can store in the freezer, or if you are able to help assemble and deliver the trays when needed, please contact: Alison Auerbach at Volunteers Needed Rockdale Temple IHN Volunteers Needed Go to and click on the COMMUNITY tab on the top of the page, then select Kroger Community Rewards along the left hand side of the page. Or, call the Rockdale Temple office and someone will be happy to help! The Kroger rewards program requires an annual enrollment. Please volunteer and do not miss a fun Sunday with a nice group of people. Looking forward to working with you. To volunteer please call: Dolores Goldfinger 891-0725 Next Cooking Date: May 31, 2015 It only takes a few minutes to set aside a half dozen cookies or brownies in a freezer bag and to drop them off at temple. Please mark the bag with the list of ingredients for those who might be allergic to specific items and you have performed a mitzvah. Interfaith Hospitality Network Kroger Reward Cards are an easy way to support Rockdale Temple. Soup Kitchen Interfaith Hospitality Network hosts a group of homeless families at Adath Israel Synagogue for 3 weeks per year – a week in July, a week in August and the week of Christmas. (For more info about the IHN program see For each of those weeks, Rockdale supplies the food and the volunteers to host on Friday nights. The Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati is Seeking Volunteers Join the Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati in the mission to change lives through reading, tutoring and character development. Volunteers are needed for various programs, including Cincinnati Reads, Winners Walk Tall, and office help. Contact Kathy Ciarla or Sarah Cranley, at (513) 621- READ, on how you can positively impact the lives of children in the community. For further information and a tour of the facilities, please contact Rockdale Temple’s chairperson, Linda Chatterjee at Anything is everything. 14 Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays dults of May A 1����Matvey Chudnovsky ����Maayan Yarchi ����Jenny Vaske-Punkari ����Leonid Sigalov 5����Lynne Meyers Gordon ����Arieh Venick 7����Marjorie Schaal 8����Robert Ungar 10����Perry Leitner 11����Linda Abrahamson 16����Lori Krafte 18����Lesha Greengus 19����Shelley Leitman 20����Nancy Messer 21����Donald Newman ����Joan Roberts 26����Vivian Schwab 28����Anita Marks 29����Doug Pullins 30����Bea Ballas ����Harriet Lazarus 31����Madeline Berman Children of May 2����Jojo Blackmore ~6 years old ����Maria Steinberg ~ 16 years old 7����Emily Braverman ~ 17 years old ����Jackson Friedman ~ 8 years old ����Marina Kottler ~ 8 years old 14����Ethan Chundrlek ~ 13 years old 15����Griffin Lynn ~ 9 years old 20����Cameron Csendes ~ 16 years old 21����Noa Jaffee ~ 6 years old 25����Noah Csendes ~ 15 years old 28����Yaffa Muhlbaum ~ 17 years old 30����Maya Berry ~ 12 years old dults of June A 6����Edward Rosenthal ����Sheldon Kahan 8����Randy Green 9����Trip Wolf 10����Lynn Zirkes 11����Steven Messer 16����Jean Chimsky ����Kathe Kellar ����Melvin Schaengold ����Marvin Siegel 20����Phyllis Gold ����Margaret Meyer ����Barbara Nelson ����Alice Perlman ����Mary Silva 21����Jerome Itkoff 22����Jeff Goldman 23����Jonathon Spaulding 25����Lori Reidel ����Barbara Reed 30����Fay May Children of June 1����Max Routh ~ 15 years old 4����Tobias Eiser ~ 7 years old 4����Matias Knudsen ~ 7 years old 7����Soloman Ostreicher ~ 1 year old 10����Danielle Peters ~ 18 years old 11����Phillip Richman ~ 10 years old 15����Rachel Herzig ~ 8 years old 15����Lauren Kurtzer ~ 16 years old 16����Joel O’Koon ~ 10 years old 16����Lydia Rosensweet ~ 3 years old 16����Isaac Rosensweet ~ 3 years old 18����Ben Seid~ 14 years old 18����Sivan Yarchi ~ 15 years old 19����Sebastian De Falco ~ 1 year old 19����Maggie Rubenstein ~ 7 years old 22����Sydney Braverman ~ 18 years old 27����Jonah Lillenstein ~ 6 years old Beginning in May, adult Birthdays are listed every five years starting with the 20th birthday and every year for members who have reached the age of 75. Anniversaries May 14����Patrick & Jennifer Clark ~ 20th 20����Burton & Alice Perlman ~ 59th 27����Kevin & Nancy Dick ~ 20th ����Darryl & Bonnie Dick ~ 25th 28����Larry & Jen Smilg ~ 20th 29����Bradley & Karla Blackmore ~ 10th 31����David & Marilyn Reichert ~ 56th June 3����Jeff & Mindy Seibert ~ 25th 11����Zvi & Adele Zuckerman ~ 15th 17����Barry & Madeline Berman ~ 53rd 17����Maurice & Erva Dick ~ 64th 17����Russell & Renee Frankel ~ 53rd 17����David & Hildegard Kerman ~ 65th 18����Arthur & Susan Stern ~ 61st 21����Morton & Barbara Harshman ~ 58th 21����Ronald & Anne Roth ~ 45th 23����Ira & Linda Abrahamson ~ 55th 25����Matvey & Elizabeth Chudnovsky ~ 50th 25����Michael & Margaret Meyer ~ 54th 26����Phil & Helene Cohen ~ 67th Beginning in May, anniversaries will be listed every five years starting with the 5th anniversary. All anniversaries of 50 years and over are recognized. Welcome New Members Allison Schottenstein Emily & Jim Silver David Weiman & Priya Parikh “Children of the Temple” are those who are 18 years old & younger. Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. May 2015 15 K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Where you are valued... ...and values matter! 8501 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 Address Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Cincinnati, Ohio Permit No. 7074 Liturgical Calendar Friday, May 1, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, May 8, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings and Religious School Year End Celebration: Services, Honoring Teachers & Madrichim, High School Senior Tribute and 8th Grade Awards Followed by Cookout Saturday, May 9, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:00 a.m. Tot Shabbat Service Followed by Snack & Activity 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, May 15, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service With Anniversary Blessings and Choir Singing Saturday, May 16, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, May 22, 2015 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Shabbat Service Followed by Oneg Saturday, May 23, 2015 Erev Shavuot 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 7:30 p.m. Erev Shavuot Services 8:00 p.m. Break & Refreshments 8:30 p.m. Shavuot Study 8:30 p.m. RUACH Shavuot Study Sunday, May 24, 2015 10:30 a.m. Shavuot Service with Yizkor Memorial Service followed by Luncheon Friday, May 29, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Pre-Ordination Shabbat Service Saturday, May 2, 2015 No Services at Rockdale Temple 9:00 a.m. HUC Ordination Plum Street Temple 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, 45220 Send us your e-mail address for weekly Rock-mail! Affliliated with the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) Serving Reform Congregations in North America Sigma Faye Coran Senior Rabbi Meredith Kahan Assistant Rabbi & Educator Eugene Meyers Executive Director Daniel Hoffheimer President Mark N. Goldman, D.D. Rabbi Emeritus Rockdale Temple 8501 Ridge Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 Phone: 513-891-9900 Fax: 513-891-0515 e-mail:
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