2014 Financial Highlights for RVCC, Inc. 2014 Revenue for RVCC, Inc Community Sources of Income for RVCC Operations Grants (Corporate & Foundations) $24,295 Fundraising (Net) $23,117 (excluding non-cash contributions) Total: $282,487 Community Breakfast $3,570 Christmas Tree Sales $2,784 Rockfish Nights $6,945 Market $3,096 Other Events $6,722 Annual Fund Drive $29,126 Direct Public Support $18,484 Business Council Total $2,355 2014 Annual Report 15th Annual Meeting March 26, 2015 $97,377 Condensed Balance Sheet for RVCC, Inc. 2014 Assets Liquid $79,244 Fixed $204,192 Total Assets Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Temporarily Restricted Assets Unrestricted Assets $283,436 $25,057 $24,906 $227,501 Net Income $5,972 Total Equity $258,379 Total Liabilities and Equity $283,436 2014 Expenses for RVCC, Inc (including non-cash expenses) Total: $276,514 2014 ~ An Awesome Year in Review The buzz about RVCC just got louder and happier in 2014, as we raised record amounts of money to finish up some lingering physical plant projects, upgrade our outdoor spaces in support of our recreation mission, and so much more! Here are just a few highlights: An awesome Annual Fund campaign, swelling our membership ranks to over 540, and more than tripling our annual budget goal; Completion of our “Stuff Happens” repair projects - leaky steam pipes, insulation, floor joists, the main fuel tank and the supply lines that feed the boiler; Record Treasure Chest sales, in spite of the “snowed-out” first quarter; Coffee House concerts, art exhibits and Winter Markets filling the auditorium and Lounge with the amazing talents and products of local musicians, artists, farmers and crafters; A hugely successful new summer fundraiser called “Celebrate Rockfish” that raised needed unrestricted cash for our coffers; A spectacular and eco-friendly new Wildflower and Native Grasses Meadow and improved walking trail, thanks in large part to the Nelson County Master Gardeners; The launch of the RVCC Business Council, a forum, voice and resource for the entrepreneurs of the Valley and the county at large; A restored baseball field, new storage shed, repaired bleachers and a new batting cage, thanks to generous grants, donations and untold volunteer hours; The launch of the Nelson County Community Orchestra, bringing live music and music education to RVCC and the County; Exciting new tenants, including Trager Bros. Coffee, Full Circle Salon, ULA Tortilla and New Health Consultant, infusing new energy into the RVCC family; A surprise windfall of cash thanks to the Smith Family of Montebello, who named RVCC beneficiary of their annual "Azurat" music festival; An even bigger surprise from donor John Stewart, who gifted us with an unexpected, unrestricted and unprecedented personal donation; New blinds in three rooms, with funds raised through our "Blind Ambition" campaign; A brand-new roof over our east wing, the result of a freak spring storm; and A major outright grant from the Perry Foundation to help us finish up our “Fields of Dreams’ recreation projects in 2015! Sincerely, Gifford Childs, President The mission of RVCC is to create a well-maintained, safe and caring place . . . that encourages “community to happen” through the arts, education and recreation. Two concepts are important here – place and community. Hence we are known as a community center, and caring for both the community and the place is our core mission. 2014 RVCC Board of Directors The RVCC Board deserves 2014 RVCC Tenants Claudia Gibson | Catering/Cuisine 2014 RVCC Class Instructors Susan Gorman | Derby Vixen Sara Agelasto | Yoga Nelson Habitat for Humanity Leslie Alexander Board of Directors serving Tammy Huffman | Full Circle Salon Driver Training in 2014: Sallie Justice | Life Coaching Gifford Childs Cathy Kiehl | Art Therapy President David Lipscomb | VA Rockhound Elaine Weems Christopher Lowthert Vice President New Health Consultant Bob Kemp David Moldenhauer Treasurer Moldenhauer Furniture LLC Women’s Self-Defense Club Sharon Gress Stephanie Murray | Ula Tortilla Sallie Justice | Life Coaching Secretary K Robins | Symbolic Silver Jewelry Rebecca L’Abbe | Yoga Sue Chase Trager Brothers Coffee Sandra Pleasants | Yoga Phil Hearne Rose Valentino Joy Rayman | Bellydance Chuck Kiehl Fashion Design/Individual Couture Tonya Ridings | Yoga Cheryl Klueh Karen Walker-Cooke Brian Webb | Yoga Bill Perrelli Core Fitness Synergy Brian Wright | Qigong Sarah Jane Stewart Treasure Chest Thrift Store Sue Wolf | Shamanism much recognition for their constant brain and brawn! Karen Asher Weight Watchers Larry Cabaniss Tae Kwon Do Sue Chase | Folk Dance Martina Compton | Yoga Joshua Copson Bob Yoder 2014 RVCC Staff Stu Mills Executive Director Sara Taylor Operations Manager Kat Walsh and T&E Cleaning Custodians Treasure Chest Thrift Store Marie Dennis Manager Eleanor Massie, Betsy Greenleaf, & Kat Walsh Assistant Managers
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