October 26, 2014 you

5900 Lake Elmo Ave. No, Lake Elmo, MN 55042
(651) 430-9950 www.rvcc.info
October 26, 2014
Scrip earns you money toward
RVCC camps, retreats, activities, and mission trips
by using gift cards for your normal purchases. Our
church earned over $140 this week. You can find
lists of retailers at the bookstore and start today!
Here is a list of current small groups. If you have questions or
have been thinking about hosting a group contact the office.
2nd & 4th Sundays
immediately following service
with a pitch-in communal
Julian & Jane Grant-Abban
1365 Neal Ave. N.
Lake Elmo
Kids will play while the adults
Facilitated by Cathy DeMar
For: Ladies 18+
When: 1st and 3rd Thursdays @RVCC
Time: 6-8 P.M.
More information available on the Info Table
*2nd & 4th Mondays
6:30-8:30 pm
Jon & Jen Logan
3189 Midland Ave.
White Bear Lake
Children are welcome & will
participate with the adults.
(*Summer schedule)
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
6:30-8:30 pm
Location will vary, contact
John & Nancy Voight
651.468.9556 or
Roger & Pam Lamb
Every other Tuesdays
7:00-9:00 pm
October 21, November 4 &18
Brian & Luann Eager
1017 Marnie St. S.
1st & 3rd Sundays
Dennis & Cathy DeMar
Here at RVCC after service in
Room 113
Worship Services
Sunday, 9:30 a.m.
Nursery & Children’s classes available
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
Children ages 2-6th grade
Youth Group grades 7-12
Adult River Valley Bible Institute
Church Office hours
Mon-Thurs, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Senior Pastor Jon Neitzell
Assistant Pastor, Karen Haynes
Assistant Pastor, Greg Hamm
Worship Minister, Jamie Schwartz
Daylight Saving Time
ne xt
S u nday,
November 2 at 2:00am. If
you have dreary, oldfashioned clocks you will
need to turn them back
one hour before you go to
bed Saturday night or else face the positively
horrifying possibility of getting to church an
hour early. You don’t want that now, do you??!!
On Monday evening Vern and Mary Norton
had 2 teams pray with 10 people!
Offering Overview
Business Report
Income Goal: $ 10,000
General Income: $7932.03
Scrip for Missions: $144.50
Prayer (James 5:16)
Pre Service Prayer —
Sundays@8:45am in Room 113
Wednesday Morning Prayer—
9-Noon in the foyer seating area
Valley Prayer —
Wednesdays Noon-1pm
@ Stillwater City Hall
1st and 3rd
@ 7pm
Led by Roger and Myrna Eilers
Based on the Bethel (Redding, CA)
School of Supernatural Ministry
Sundays from 4-7pm
See our website at www.rvcc.info/rvsot for more details
including registration forms, or there are brochures and forms
on the information table as well.
2014 Goals:
Friday, Nov. 14
Join other ladies for great conversation, goodies, and guiltfree time to work on your Christmas gifts, scrapbooking, card
making, quilting, or whatever crafts you like to do!
Open to youth-group age and older. Bring all of your own
supplies, except cardmaking will be available at 6:30pm for
$20! All supplies will be provided to make 12 beautiful
handmade cards (4 sets of 3)! You MUST sign up for the
card making with Carrie Hamm at
thehammfamily@comcast.net by Nov. 9 so she can get
accurate numbers to the StampinUp lady.
Please bring a snack or treat to share (for about 20 ladies.)
Coffee drinks will be available from Go Joe coffee for $3/drink
We hope to see you and a friend there!
To fall deeper and deeper
in love with Jesus.
Everyone attend at least one prayer meeting every
three months
Everyone read through the Bible in 2 years
Everyone lead one person to Christ and disciple them
Everyone participate in a small group
Everyone participate in a mission trip within 3 years
Building Relationships Through Discipleship
To Advance The Kingdom Of God
Our two-year daily Bible
reading schedule recently
restarted. If you would like a
available at the info table, or if
you’re an “online” person look
for each day’s reading to be
posted to our website, Facebook, and Twitter feeds every morning!
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no
need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
--2 Timothy 2:15
Automatically download audio
of our sermons by subscribing
to our podcast feed. The URL is:
Each day’s Bible reading will show up on
your timeline early every morning!
Belarusian Christmas Project
Freedom Group
An outreach of RVCC-Lake Elmo, MN
for chemical dependency recovery
7:00-9:00 pm
starting Nov. 6
A Bible-based chemical dependency group
coordinated by Rev. Vern Norton
@ River Valley Christian Church
5900 Lake Elmo Ave. N., Lake Elmo, MN
Contact Vern Norton Ministries
with questions at 763.561.3147
“...if the Son sets you free, you will be
free indeed.” -John 8:36 (NIV)
Choose a child/ren from list of names at Info Desk
Please use shoeboxes only, no boot boxes
(If wrapping, wrap cover and box separately)
Fill box, write a note about yourself, family,
interests, job, etc. and include a photo
Enclose $10 per box for shipping ($5 per each
additional box)
Bring box to church by Sunday, November 9th
Suggested Gifts:
Toys (age appropriate)
Cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, musical instruments,
yo-yo’s, flashlight, sunglasses, watches, books, etc.
Include extra batteries if required for the toy.
 School Supplies
Pens, pencils & sharpener, crayons, markers, coloring
books, stamp & ink sets, writing or art pads, water color
sets, solar calculators, etc.
 Toiletries, etc.
Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, washcloth, hair clips,
jewelry, sox, ball caps, T shirts, hard candy, etc.
 Used Items
 War/violence related items (knives, toy guns, etc)
 Perishable items (chocolate, crackers, canned food)
 Liquids (shampoo, lotion, bubbles, etc.)
 Medicines (vitamins, cough drops, ointment, etc.)
 Breakable items (mirror, china doll, glass dishes, etc.)
Contact Pastor Karen with questions