WOULDN’T IT BE WONDERFUL: PART 2 Booklet Nine in the series The Rosary of the Great Coming How to Pray the Rosary (Begin on number 1 below.) 6., 8., 10., 12. Declare the next mystery . Then pray the Lord’s prayer. 9. 8. 10. 7. 11. Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful: Part 2 Revised Edition 6. 12. 13. 5. On first set of ten beads, reflect on the 1st mystery while offering ten Hail Marys. End with the Glory Be prayer. 7., 9., 11., 13., Pray ten Hail Marys while reflecting on the mystery. End each set of ten with the Glory Be prayer. 4. Begin with the Glory Be prayer. Declare the 1st mystery and then pray the Lord’s prayer. Optional: The prayer to Jesus may follow the Glory Be prayers, if desired. 3. Offer three Hail Marys. 2. Pray the Lord’s prayer. 1. Recite the Apostles Creed while holding the cross. Booklet Nine in the series The Rosary of the Great Coming DREAMS ................................................................................................................1 FOR DAD ............................................................................................................ 2 BECOMING ONE .............................................................................................. 7 THREATS TO OUR FAITH ............................................................................. 9 THE LIGHT OF PERFECTION .....................................................................14 THE STAIRWAY ................................................................................................. 16 A HIGHER HARMONY ................................................................................... 17 THE GOOD & THE BEAUTIFUL ................................................................. 19 Copyright 2014 by DeEtta Clark Cunningham Cover Art: Head of Christ by Steve Miller Permission is granted to copy this booklet provided it is reproduced unchanged and in full. 24 For additional copies please call Quick Solutions, 814/726-5679. DREAMS God wants us to dream big dreams. God‐filled dreams. When we lose those dreams, we lose our way. Doubt sabotages our hopes in the goodness of our dreams. Our biggest shared dream is for the coming of God’s kingdom on earth. Every time we pray the Lord’s prayer we ask our Heavenly Father to let it happen. I was dragged down by major doubt after I finished writing the booklet Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful. I began to doubt that we might ever be able to share a vision in common with one another. My booklet was one small step towards breaking down the walls that isolate people. Yet I had no idea where to place it. Would Catholics want to read it, or other Christians? I worried that it would shock them. Would the skeptical mind be apt to want to read it? Not likely. My husband felt the booklet did not go far enough in explaining how we can fit together our religious teachings. I believe that is what it will take if we are ever to mend our fractured and bleeding world. We must begin to share a higher‐reaching and over‐arching vision of the spirit. It will be a dream of hope. It will be a dream of hope in a universe in which there are extraterrestrial beings of higher intelligence. I dedicate the next section to my spouse of almost 58 years. 1 Prayers for the Rosary The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified; died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. Amen Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Glory Be Prayer Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen Jesus Prayer (optional) O my Jesus, forgive us. Deliver us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need. 22 ABOUT THE ROSARY What Is the Rosary? The Rosary is a form of reflective prayer based on the mysteries of our redemption. Its purpose is to deepen our prayer lives and to lead us into a profound encounter with the central truths of the Christian faith. The Rosary is composed of four meditations focused on events in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. These events are found in the Bible. The four meditations are: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious. The Rosary includes teachings of the Church regarding Mary, the mother of Jesus, and events in her life, too. Isn’t reciting so many prayers vain repetition? Even one insincere prayer can be in vain. Some things bear repeating. “Pray without ceasing” the apostle Paul instructs in I Thes. 5:17. The repetition dissolves into contemplation as one progresses along the spiritual journey. The quantity of prayer does not matter but the depth. Silence Since stillness helps to nourish contemplation of the mysteries, praying the Rosary in silence can bring many blessings. When prayed faithfully, the Rosary may grow more and more into a love song for God. A decade a day Ten beads are called a decade. Usually the time for at least a decade a day can be found. That is only a few minutes a day for God who has given us life and all that is good. Why beads? Beads make it possible to keep one’s place and to keep centered. The heart of the Rosary is the circlet of 54 beads, ten Hail Marys times five, and four Our Father beads. The circle begins and ends with praises to the Holy Trinity with the Glory Be prayers. 21 FOR DAD You asked, so I will try to answer your questions. Where is God in all of this? What about Heaven? You know that I have been trying to integrate UFO and abduction phenomena with our Christian faith. It has been quite a trip. The human species is in for a wild ride. For the last twenty years I have soaked up UFO literature like a sponge, as you are aware. We’ve gone to UFO conferences together with mostly me attending the sessions, although you did listen in on a few of the talks. Starting in the sixties, I began to collect a list of personal accounts from people I trust who have had sightings of “flying saucers.” Through all of the “high strangeness” I have tried to keep an open mind and just listen and learn. The crazies are weeded out in the process. They are fairly easy to spot. So are the hoaxers, or those trying to make money off the credulous. I have endured a lot of ridicule. That’s been painful. But the tide has turned and today the majority of people in the USA believe that a select number of UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. I have been on a search for the truth, and you have kept me grounded in a stringent search for the facts. My fascination with the subject is just something deep within my soul, I guess. In the beginning I mainly wanted to know where do these things come from that are flying around in our airspace? At that time I didn’t even consider what the answer to that question might pose for my religious outlook. 2 Recently in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, I dived deep into the waters of different scenarios, letting one speculation after another wash over my psyche. By this time you, too, had become convinced by the evidence that we were being visited on earth by other intelligent creatures. Face to face with the ETs, Who are we? What are we? Where are we headed in the future? Are we somebody else’s cattle? Some alien species’ project? A few pillars of belief uphold my integrity through all the turmoil of turning into a nexus where conflicting worldviews meet. I believe that God, Our Father in Heaven, is love. I believe that Jesus, God’s Son, is my Savior because he suffered and died for me and because he loved us enough to pour out his whole being to open the Gates of Heaven for us and because he showed us how to live. I believe that God, the Holy Spirit, lives within us when we do not turn away from compassionate love or truth‐seeking or spreading good will. (Good will is God’s will) So I believe in a triune God who has a personal relationship with us. The three Persons of the Trinity are manifested in three ways to us. The Father is in an eternity that is eternal, ever beyond eternal, ever beyond eternal, in an infinite expansion of greatness ever beyond greatness. (Jesus told us there are things only the Father knows.) We relate to the Father in faith and in prayer. Jesus is the bridge to Heaven because he was both present on earth for us when he lived some two thousand years ago, and he is now, was in the past, and ever will be present for us in his 3 All people of good will who live in fairness and tolerance enter into a higher plane of life. A holy “ coming‐to‐be” of purified love binds them together. People of self love, greed, and hate, who are the opposite of people of love, do not enter into holy oneness. The Mafia murder one another readily. Demons in hell do not love one another. There is no love in hell. How wonderful it would be if we could focus only on the good and the beautiful! It is true that at times we have to confront evil. Yet to be more and more living in a peace‐filled atmosphere of light, sharing our truth‐‐how much happiness there would be! When we seek truth together in deep caring, we are uplifted and unified into a great Body. I long for people to see the great Body which is entering our awareness, and to understand what it is. It is a Body united in a communion of oneness. A communion of love. I suspect that paranormal etc. events occur more frequently in the oneness of the great Body. (Paranormal events are events which normal science can not explain. For example, moving objects with mind power alone.) May we more and more come to an awareness of our higher dimension of being. It leads to perfection. To completeness. Beyond time it will lead to the wonders of supernatural life in heaven. 20 THE GOOD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Since I had a heart attack in 2012, my life has consisted of much prayer. The booklets I write rest on prayer to the Holy Spirit. All this prayer is a link to heaven. My thoughts have been focused on spreading understanding of the coming together of truth‐seekers of good will and compassionate love, wherever they may be found. These hearts live by the “Golden Rule.” Brahmanism: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you. Buddhism: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. Christianity: All things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them. Confucianism: Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you. Islam: No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. Judaism: What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. Taoism: Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your loss. 19 Body of the great Coming. The Holy Spirit has always brought life to all souls who do not turn away from the divine light in the Lord’s great Body into which we are being drawn. Thus we have three divine Persons whose three holy Presences are known to us as: eternal, external, and internal. Eternal, God, the Father. External, God, the Son. Internal, God, the Holy Spirit. The Three are One. God, the Holy Trinity who is One, loves. Our true home is in Heaven in the Oneness of God. And so, when I read Raymond Fowler’s books on Betty Andreasson Luca’s abductions and her encounters with the angelic elders and their ET‐like gray workers, I did not shrink from the spiritual messages they have given. Although pre‐ sented in a less familiar language and placed in an alien setting, I recognized the truth in what they had been transmitting. They, too, believe in the holy Presence who they refer to as the eternal, external and internal Presence. They call this divine Presence O, and they say they are ambassadors of O. Why are they here? Do they have an evil agenda? Perhaps some of them. But the angelic elders that Betty saw look and behave like the angels in the Bible. These beings do God’s works. One of the white‐robed tall elders uplifted poor hobos who were camped in a woods, and later drove away what seemed to be demons at a dying man’s bedside in a hospital‐ like room. Betty was taken to witness these scenes with the angelic elder who accomplished the tasks. I do believe these beings are good angels who have our best interest at heart. 4 Jesus told us a kingdom divided will not stand. Satan does not promote compassionate love. The elders with their gray surrogates appealed to us to love. They said love is what matters most. They told Betty they have been caring for humankind since its beginning. They say they are caretakers of nature and the natural forms. They told Betty they love us and they do not want us to keep destroying our planet which we have been doing. They took Betty “home” to the One. She went through the Great Door into an experience so wonderful it was beyond any words to describe. It was, I feel, like we would imagine the Beatific Vision of God in Heaven. Betty, when asked if it was God, returned the question by asking the person if they knew who or what God is like. God, the Trinity, is impossible to describe. Another time, when Betty asked the elders if they knew Jesus, they replied that he is the hypostasis. Betty had never heard the word before. It means the essence or reality of something. In theology it refers to the essential nature of Jesus in which the human and the divine are combined. The ETs were very pleased with Betty when she committed her life to Christ, and dedicated her art talent to glorify God. Angels are mentioned on 17 occasions in the New Testament, and many, many more times in the Hebrew Bible. They were very much involved with the people living in biblical times. If I can accept that the angelic beings in the Bible were guiding people and telling them what to do, why should I object to being cared for by these beings who seem to be of the same nature? 5 Messages sent over the Internet, through email, Smart phones, satellites, etc. all form the layer of thought growing around the earth. Each of us is a member (or a potential member) of this enormous global brain. The obvious means of connecting up our individual brains are of electronic design such as computers, iPads, and cell phones. These are forming from a material sense “ bottom up.” Yet something greater than the material world is “reaching down” to activate our hearts and minds. Love is a way of connecting up to others who promote feelings of peace and good will. Love that is genuine connects us spiritually. The higher, spiritual order of being is movement into oneness. 18 A HIGHER HARMONY Love, above all, promotes harmony. In the circle of light, oneness advances because love is increasing. We are being drawn into a reality far greater than our separate, or even our collective selves. Let us make a comparison to what we know on earth. Let us imagine a growing brain cell of a human being. We will look inside and outside of it. What would we observe to measure? Inside we would notice especially an increase of energy usage because the cell is growing. Rapid change would be happening, too. Outside the cell we would especially notice an ever‐increasing closeness of relationships to other cells. We would notice many new relationships forming because the whole brain is growing and not just one cell. In all cases, we would be aware of the harmony of life in all of the parts and processes taking place. There has been an idea around for many years of a global brain coming into formation. This idea sees the thoughts of people being linked up all over the world. This idea sees information increasing moment by moment, and becoming more and more accessible. It sees the creation of an inter‐connected system of mental activity into a vast planetary brain. 17 We know as Christians that we have guardian angels. The angelic elders through their gray workers told Betty that they watch the spirit in all things. Our guardian angels are very concerned to lead our spirits to what is good. You often ask, my darling, if the “beings from elsewhere” I read about are supernatural or, rather, are they extraterrestrial? This is an “either or” question. In answer to the question let me ask what will our reality be like when we are in Heaven? Or, let me ask what will our reality be like when humankind advances to a more advanced consciousness and realizes an entirely different realm of being as a result? That may occur in the future if technology links up our brains. How will that affect our minds? Will our reality be the same as it is now? I doubt it. Usually when we think abut exploring the universe, we imagine ourselves going into deep outer space with the same level of consciousness we have at the present time. But I think by then our minds will be radically altered and we will not even perceive the universe in the same light of being. So, in answer to your question, Are the “beings from elsewhere” supernatural beings or are they extraterrestrial? ‐‐ I would answer, maybe they are both. 6 BECOMING ONE Jesus prayed that we be perfected in unity. He prayed for us that we be one in him as he is with his Heavenly Father. The ETs told Betty that everything has been formed to unite. Betty experienced how everything is one. She described a little bit of her experience of going “home” through the Great Door. She said that she was where there is light. Apparently, words cannot explain it. It was impossible for her to put into any language the wonder and beauty and love and peace she found there. The love is a greater love. In looking forward to going through the Great Door again, Betty said she would know the One. She would feel the One. To Betty being “home” was so joyous. The ETs told Betty that “home” is where the One is. The first step in our becoming more one is to overcome fear. We just naturally shrink back from the unknown or the peculiar. The sound and the sight of ET craft can be terrifying. It is no surprise that their technology is alarming different. It is alarmingly advanced from ours. With strange technology, odd appearances, and awesome powers, no wonder we shrink back in fear from contact with ETs. Yet we may be forced to confront our fear and become familiar with the unfamiliar if alien beings are monitoring us and our planet. What do we have to be afraid of if we are seeking to fulfill the will of God in our lives? If God be for us, who can be against us? In these verses the Bible encourages us to override our fear. 7 THE STAIRWAY The solution is simple. People just need to love each other. Life is beautiful for those who love each other. The larger the circle of love, the greater the happiness. The circle grows larger everyday. The stairway to heaven appears on earth in the circle of love. We do not build the stairway. Its origin is divine. Yet we cooperate with its building and participate in the effort through being transformed into the higher life of oneness. Our lives even now are a bit of heavenly reality mixed in with earthly reality. A heavy veil hides heaven’s light. The eye of faith can see more of the stairway which is under construction because faith creates the spiritual eye. May we all, Christian and non‐Christian alike, enter the circle of love together and go up the stairway, united in an ever brightening radiance of being. 16 are neither male or female. We presume that they have reached a perfected state of being which transcends gender identity. Betty’s angelic elders told her that they were neither male or female. They seemed always intent and focused on their work. Are the angelic elders of Betty the angels of the Bible? I think they are. Perfecting our souls occurs as a process. God directs the pro‐ cess using the angels to carry out the Divine Will. When the angels measured Betty for light, the Greys worked under the orders of the angelic elders. 15 It seems obvious to me that for the world’s many problems which cause disunity, there is no simple solution. And yet... I think there has to be a simple solution. I believe it is happening so quietly all around the globe that we overlook it. It is the coming of the kingdom of heaven into those hearts who are open to a higher love. A love above self‐ focused concern. A love taught by Jesus and proved through his suffering. We do share in that higher love when our spirits unite with Christ’s Spirit to spread the Lord’s kingdom on earth. As you know, Jesus compared the coming of his kingdom to the power of yeast acting in bread‐making. A woman mixes a very small amount of yeast in several pounds of flour. Yet that tiny amount of leaven works its way through all the dough until the whole amount rises. (Because you have lost your sense of smell, my darling, you would likely miss any bread‐ making around you. It is the most silent of processes.) Evil‐doing in the world gets most of the attention. God’s kingdom coming is usually below our radar, yet is happening moment‐by‐moment even if we are not aware of its power. 8 THREATS TO OUR FAITH Anyone who has read the abduction literature carefully is sure to become alarmed at some point. There seem to be many different kinds of aliens visiting earth. Are all of their attentions apt to be good? Most likely not. Some ufologists believe that we are in such great danger we should blast away with our biggest weapons if and when we get the chance. In contrast, other ufologists have looked up at the sky for solutions to problems on earth. “Let us welcome our space brothers who will show us how to live,” they recommend. Each of these positions is extreme and does not take into full account who we are in relation to how we have come into being. Unifying processes have brought us ever closer to God and to one another. They still are. We know that competition shapes the natural world. Since we also are embedded in the natural world, it has shaped our bodies as well as those of other creatures. Nature can be “Red in tooth and claw.” Human beings still participate in violent struggles. Yes, the members of a species may compete with one another, as well as with other species. The best adapted are likely to have a better chance to survive. But if we take a thoughtful look at our human journey as part of the evolving universe, what do we find? Many, many events of cooperation and of symbiosis. We are creations made by the Word of God. The human form embodies our creation story of uniting into oneness for a common good. Of uniting for greater life. Of uniting for survival. 9 THE LIGHT OF PERFECTION The Greys measured Betty for light. Jesus told us that he is the light of the world. He said we should let our light shine for all to see. He also told us to be perfect. Light and perfection are connected in our minds. We think of the most perfect diamonds as reflecting the most light. Jesus advised us to: Be perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:48) Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) The marvels of our encounters with ETs are both spiritual and physical, with each in movement to more perfected layers of being. With Betty an angelic elder and also a Grey worker traveled up to a “high place” to “home” through the Great Door. Many people believe there are “levels” in heaven. Are there heavens above heavens? People often say, “I was in seventh heaven.” Saint Paul said he was caught up to the third heaven and he did not know if he was in or out of his body. (2 Corinthians 12:2) Jesus explained to his followers that there is neither marrying or given in marriage in heaven but we will be as the angels. We are led to believe from what Jesus said that God’s angels 14 between “this world” and the “next world” is becoming thinner every day. Angelic beings in white who resembled men watched over Jesus, his family, and the people in the Bible. If they still act on our behalf, I am thankful. The Greys, strange as they may seem at first sight, are God’s creations, and they share in the spiritual mission of the angelic elders. 13 From the beginnings of the universe, God’s Word was active, creating by uniting. Billions of years have passed and powerful forces of God’s Word continue to unite the material world together. The story of how we evolved by the power of God’s Word is a story of cells combining to form the organs in our bodies. It is a story of sharing life itself with lower level beings in order to survive. We should be aware of the fact that thousands of species of microbes live on us or inside of us. Trillions of bacteria inhabit our skin, our mouths, our digestive tracts. Many of those microbes play critical roles to keep us healthy. The story of how we came into being is a sacred story from the earliest beginnings of the universe. It is the story of growth and change. All of what I am saying, you know better than I do, my Darling. You know that we have been created through the goodness of the Word of God, and God is love. Love energizes and brings all into Holy Oneness. The Greys have informed us through Betty that they are the caretakers of nature and the natural forms. They call themselves the Watchers. Apparently the angelic elders and their workers, the Greys, also care for our spiritual development. In the long run it is how we mature spiritually that matters most. Our spiritual nature may be under greater threat than our so called material being. If spirit survives death but the body decays, whatever attacks our faith in the goodness and purpose of life as a whole is critical. I have come to believe that our spiritual journey and our dealings with key extraterrestrial beings coincide. The veil 10 “The Garden of Hope” by Ken Charon Acrylic On Canvas Silence and good will reign in the circle of light. Peace descends. Schoolchildren in a Catholic school painted a version of this picture for a a mural project. 11 12
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