BULLETIN OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF BLENHEIM SOUTH DISTRICT 9970 PO Box 437 | Blenheim 7240 Meetings Tuesday 6.00 pm | Scenic Hotel, cnr Alfred and Henry Streets OFFICE BEARERS 2014 - 2015 PROGRAMME NEXT MEETING - May 5 PRESIDENT Peter Edwards IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lachlan Marshall PRESIDENT ELECT/ CLUB ADMIN Francis Maher MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR PAT CLAY Bulletin Edition April 28th 2015 COMING UP th - Renaissance Brewery Visit – Dinner at the Dodson Street Bar 5.45 pm th -May 12 - Jimmy Griffiths – Shelter Box th -May 19 - Breakfast Meeting LAST WEEKS MEETING THANKS Thanks from Tom Hurford’s family for the large turnout of Rotary members who formed a guard of honour from the Wesley Centre to the hearse. President Peter recalled that Tom had been a foundation member of Blenheim South Rotary Club and had held most of the positions in Rotary in his time. The Club members stood in silence to show their respect for Tom. COMMUNITY SERVICE/ PROJECTS DIRECTOR MICHAEL PARKINSON PUBLIC RELATIONS NOEL TEMPLETON Farewell to Tom Hurford INTERNATIONAL/ ROTARY FOUNDATION PAUL EDEN YOUTH DIRECTOR Graeme Faulkner VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR Kevin Parkes SECRETARY/ ATTENDANCE DEAN HEIFORD TREASURER Bob Marks ASSISTANT TREASURER John Beattie PRESENTATION OF CHEQUES Chairman Mike Parkinson joined President Peter in presenting the cheques of $15,000 to St Marks Trust and $9,000 to Life Education Trust. Receiving the donation on behalf of St Marks Trust, John Inder said that the DHB’s have been a bit slow passing on the cost of living grants and that this had pressurised the funds. The donation from the club will be put towards improving the facilities at the centre in particular a multi-function room in 2016. On the first Tuesday of the month there is a lunch at St Marks to which the members of Blenheim South Rotary club are welcome. Receiving the donation on behalf of Life Education Trust, Rob Simcic noted that their role is to help young people to make good choices. (Two of our guest speakers informed the club about the Life Education Trust, its role and how it functions). SERGEANT AT ARMS PHIL KENNARD PROGRAMME Eleanor Keitzmann BULLETIN ROBYN WHITE/GRETA FIRTH DUTY ROSTER Russell Young WELFARE OFFICERS John MacKenzie Stewart Sargent HISTORIAN Lawrie Saunders Michael Parkinson, John Inder, Peter Edwards & Rob Simcic MAY CELEBRATIONS MEMBER BIRTHDAYS STUART TRUSTRUM 11/5 KEVIN PARKES 14/5 WIM VANVELTHOOVEN 14/5 ROBYN WHITE 19/5 JOCK STRUTHERS 31/5 HUSBAND/WIFE AND PARTNER BIRTHDAYS KEVIN PARKES 4/5 NEIL MARTIN 10/5 KEVIN MOSELEY 23/5 CLUB ANNIVERSARIES PIERO ROCCO 26/5 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES CHRIS HENRY 14/5 HEATHER & ROBIN FEAR 20/5 ROSS INDER 21/5 NEIL MARTIN 25/5 TH MEETING APRIL 28 2015 VISITORS & GUESTS John Inder – St Marks Trust Rob Simcic – Life Education Trust Two other visitors VISITING ROTARIAN GRACE ATTENDANCE N/A LEAVE OF ABSENCE DAV E WEIR KEVIN MOSELEY ROD TYNEY STEWART SARGENT BULLETIN REPORTER STEVE ALLCUTT PARTING THOUGHT ROBYN WHITE (THOUGH NOT READ ON THE NIGHT!) “A DAY IS SIMPLY A COLLECTION OF MOMENTS – IT’S OUR FRIENDS THAT MAKE THEM HAPPY ONES” NOTICES Paul Eden gave us an update on the situation in Vanuatu. The team in Vanuatu reported no loss of life which is great. Greta Firth circulated a list for ordering Rotary T shirts and High Viz vests. Talk to Greta if you need a T shirt or a High Viz vest. th Kevin Parkes reminded us that on 5 May we will be meeting at 5:45 pm at Dodson Street Beer Garden which is at 1 Dodson Street. Meal is the usual cost. President Peter observed that whilst researching Tom Hurford’s history in Rotary he found a copy of the original charter and some of the history for the 1980’s and 1990’s. If you have anything that could be added please send it to Laurie Saunders. Peter also suggested that we might jot down the salient points of our lives so that our families will have something to start with when they have to prepare our departure eulogy. The draw for new members to have their conference fees refunded was received by Margaret Scott. JOKER Joker draw was successfully won by Mike Veal but alas the Queen of Hearts was no joke – and they all said “Ahhh”. SERGEANT Sergeant Stephen Doecke extracted fines from the membership although some felt that there was a discrimination against members over sixty years of age and that this might have some legal ramifications? THREE MINUTE SPEAKER – Francis Maher Francis Maher – told us how he had returned to farming at age 60. In the meantime he had gained 3 son-inlaws. The fire was tough on the family and he rolled his 4 wheel drive. He is looking forward to next year! GUEST SPEAKER- Mayor Alastair Sowman Paul Eden introduced His Worship the Mayor – Alastair Sowman. The Mayor talked about water as a long term issue for the Council. Fresh clean water is a critical resource – may be the “New Gold”. There have been recent years of research for the management of water in the District. In the past, water was not allocated – applicants got what they asked for. There is now a need to manage this $1.1 billion asset. Drinking water is important and there have been a variety of options put to the Seddon community. Similarly Renwick has been looked at with a new supply or pumping from Blenheim. Either way a large cost is involved. Internationally, water has become a precious commodity e.g. Australia and California. Although water is fully allocated at the moment, not all the allocations are fully used. The Council Water group is looking at options to help to fully utilise the water. The transfer of water from one property to another is a minefield in terms of the allocation process. The Water group is looking at an Enhanced Water Transfer System to use water from one consent to another. Some farms and vineyards have installed their own dams to conserve water when it is more plentiful to cope with drier seasons. The Sounds issues have been utilising aquaculture experts to look at what needs to be done and how does the Council pay for the scheme. Coastal occupancy charges may be levied to fund the aquaculture costs based on mussel farms, salmon farms, jetties, mooring charges. VOTE OF THANKS The Mayor was thanked by Dean Heiford. THE ROTARY 4 WAY TEST 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? DUTY ROSTER Please note that the roster is prepared a month in advance and it may not be possible to take account of apologies received less than 30 days before a meeting. If you are absent and unable to fulfil your roster duty please arrange for someone to stand in for you. Thank you. Date ROTARY LINKS Marlborough Rotary UK http://marlboroughrotar yclub.wordpress.com/ Rotary International www.rotary.org Rotary Down Under www.rotarydownunder. com.au Rotary South Pacific www.rotary.org.nz District 9970 www.rotary.org.nz/distri ct.cfm?ID=13 May 5th May 12th May 19th Breakfast Meeting May 26th Speaker/Event Renaissance Brewery Venue Bring A Guest Dodson St Bar Jimmy Griffiths Shelter Box Scenic Circle L Saunders J Struthers Preparation P Rocco C Rodgers T Smale M Veal Reception/Steward J Neal K Parkes R Marks C Jones Cash Desk 1 D Robins M Parkinson C Rodgers J Hasseldine Cash Desk 2 P Clay D Robins M Parkinson C Rodgers Speaker’s Host D Fairlie G Faulkner H Fear R Fear Grace R Gauden Ing E Kietzmann J Leader J MacKenzie Vote Of Thanks S Trustrum C West R Young 3 Minute Speaker R McNabb M Scott L Shaw Sergeant M Veal J Hasseldine S Doeke Parting Thought R Young G Alexander J Andrews J Beattie Bulletin Reporter J MacKenzie G Firth C West G Faulkner Scenic Circle Bay Audiology Hearing Scenic Circle S Trustrum If you are bringing a guest to Rotary or are unable to attend please advise your apology and guests by 3pm at the very latest to the Nativity Church Office either by phone to 578-3909 or email jan@nativity.org.nz Failure to apologise means that you will be recorded as ‘Silent’
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