BULLETIN OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF BLENHEIM SOUTH DISTRICT 9970 PO Box 437 | Blenheim 7240 Meetings Tuesday 6.00 pm | Scenic Hotel, cnr Alfred and Henry Streets OFFICE BEARERS 2014 - 2015 Bulletin Edition May 12th 2015 PROGRAMME th PRESIDENT Peter Edwards IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lachlan Marshall PRESIDENT ELECT/ CLUB ADMIN Francis Maher MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR PAT CLAY COMMUNITY SERVICE/ PROJECTS DIRECTOR MICHAEL PARKINSON PUBLIC RELATIONS NOEL TEMPLETON INTERNATIONAL/ ROTARY FOUNDATION PAUL EDEN YOUTH DIRECTOR Graeme Faulkner VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR Kevin Parkes SECRETARY/ ATTENDANCE DEAN HEIFORD TREASURER Bob Marks ASSISTANT TREASURER John Beattie SERGEANT AT ARMS PHIL KENNARD PROGRAMME Eleanor Keitzmann BULLETIN ROBYN WHITE/GRETA FIRTH DUTY ROSTER Russell Young WELFARE OFFICERS John MacKenzie Stewart Sargent HISTORIAN Lawrie Saunders NEXT MEETING -May 19 COMING UP th -May 26 nd -June 2 - Breakfast Meeting – Hamish McFarlaine Chamber of Commerce - Bay Audiology - Hearing - TBA LAST WEEKS MEETING WELCOME President Peter welcomed everyone to the meeting. HEALTH & WELFARE Rotarians were broght up-to-date with the health and welfare of Ross Holdaway and Shirley Sargeant CONFERENCE th District Conference 2016 is in Nelson 6-8 May. Put aside these dates! NOTICES President Peter read out an e-mail from Luachie and Julie Marshall. They are settling in to the new job, travelling throughout their region a lot. They are missing their friends in Blenheim Cheryl West introduced Josh Gywnne who explained to the Club his fundraising efforts to enable him to attend an elite 2 month tennis academy in Spain. Details of sponsorship and fund-raising eventsth nd a movie evening on the 28 of May and an auction and dinner at the Bamboo Gardens on the 22 of June, can be got from Cheryl. (A table of 10 has been organised to support Josh in this fundraiser. If you are interested to join our Rotary table please contact Cheryl West ASAP. Please see attached flyer). Russell Young updated the Club on the completed project of telephone book deliveries. Reimbursements will be made when the Club’s invoice is paid (take a long view here). Francis Maher alerted members to the intention to host a Rotary Exchange student in the next Rotary year. Hosts are needed and expressions of interest welcomed. Paul Eden auctioned off a number of Nepali Kantra (welcome scarves) with the money raised being matched dollar for dollar by Paul Eden and Francis Maher. All proceeds to go to the Nepal Earthquake Fund. Reminder that next week is the Breakfast Meeting. JOKER Jim Hasseldine tried to locate the owner of a lost raffle ticket. As he was unsuccessful it was added to the draw as an Nepal Fund donation. David Fairlie drew the chance to find the Joker but didn’t manage it. SERGEANT 2 tickets to the Crusaders/ Hurricanes match in Nelson were auctioned off in support of the Nepal Earthquake Fund. Bob Marks was the successful (and generous) bidder. All others present were efficiently fleeced with the Sergeant’s usual disregard for the truth. THREE MINUTE SPEAKER – Marge Scott Marge Scott, provided an outline of her professional life prior to settling in Marlborough MAY CELEBRATIONS MEMBER BIRTHDAYS STUART TRUSTRUM 11/5 KEVIN PARKES 14/5 WIM VANVELTHOOVEN 14/5 ROBYN WHITE 19/5 JOCK STRUTHERS 31/5 GUEST SPEAKER – Jimmy Griffith Paul Eden introduced Jimmy Griffith of the Shortbread Trust. Jimmy explained how he became involved with Rotary Shelter Box, the process he went through to become a Rotary Shelter Box Response Team Member and outlined the relief activities he has been involved in. 100% of donations to the Shortbread Trust go to Nepal for shelter, water and food. HUSBAND/WIFE AND PARTNER BIRTHDAYS KEVIN PARKES 4/5 NEIL MARTIN 10/5 KEVIN MOSELEY 23/5 CLUB ANNIVERSARIES PIERO ROCCO 26/5 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES CHRIS HENRY 14/5 HEATHER & ROBIN FEAR 20/5 ROSS INDER 21/5 NEIL MARTIN 25/5 MEETING May 12th 2015 VISITORS & GUESTS Ian Bond and Frances Eden were the guests of Paul Eden Herman Gergel was the guest of Piero Rocco VISITING ROTARIAN GRACE Grace was said by Eleanor Kietzman ATTENDANCE N/A LEAVE OF ABSENCE DAV E WEIR KEVIN MOSELEY STEWART SARGENT LAWRIE SAUNDERS BULLETIN REPORTER JOHN MCKENZIE PARTING THOUGHT From Russell Young – “Your last dollar is worth more than your first” Jimmy Griffith & Paul Eden VOTE OF THANKS The thanks of the Club were in the hands of Cheryl West DUTY ROSTER Please note that the roster is prepared a month in advance and it may not be possible to take account of apologies received less than 30 days before a meeting. If you are absent and unable to fulfil your roster duty please arrange for someone to stand in for you. Thank you. Date May 19th May 26th Speaker/Event Breakfast Meeting Scenic Circle Bay Audiology Hearing Scenic Circle Scenic Circle S Trustrum R Tyney Scenic Circle W van Velthoven Venue Bring A Guest June 2nd TBA June 9th TBA Preparation T Smale M Veal J Struthers N Templeton Reception/Steward R Marks C Jones R Inder R Gauden Ing Cash Desk 1 C Rodgers J Hasseldine G Alexander R Marks Cash Desk 2 M Parkinson C Rodgers J Hasseldine G Alexander Speaker’s Host H Fear R Fear R Gauden Ing C Henry Grace J Leader J MacKenzie F Maher R McNabb Vote Of Thanks R Young J Andrews S Allcutt 3 Minute Speaker L Shaw R Marks S Trustrum Sergeant S Doeke P Eden W Munro Parting Thought J Andrews J Beattie D Buckley D Buckley Bulletin Reporter C West G Faulkner C Henry J Leader If you are bringing a guest to Rotary or are unable to attend please advise your apology and guests by 3pm at the very latest to the Nativity Church Office either by phone to 578-3909 or email jan@nativity.org.nz Failure to apologise means that you will be recorded as ‘Silent’
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