BULLETIN OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF BLENHEIM SOUTH DISTRICT 9970 PO Box 437 | Blenheim 7240 Meetings Tuesday 6.00 pm | Scenic Hotel, cnr Alfred and Henry Streets OFFICE BEARERS 2014 - 2015 Bulletin Edition May 26th 2015 PROGRAMME nd PRESIDENT Peter Edwards IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lachlan Marshall PRESIDENT ELECT/ CLUB ADMIN Francis Maher MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR PAT CLAY COMMUNITY SERVICE/ PROJECTS DIRECTOR MICHAEL PARKINSON PUBLIC RELATIONS NOEL TEMPLETON INTERNATIONAL/ ROTARY FOUNDATION PAUL EDEN YOUTH DIRECTOR Graeme Faulkner VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR Kevin Parkes SECRETARY/ ATTENDANCE DEAN HEIFORD NEXT MEETING -June 2 - Yvonne Dasler – Poverty in Blenheim th COMING UP -June 9 - TBA th -June 16 - Breakfast Meeting LAST WEEKS MEETING WELCOME President Peter welcomed all and guests from Bay Audiology. Welfare – President Peter informed the meeting that Russell and Julia Young have gone to the UK following the death of their Daughter in Law. John Leader is in hospital but improving. NOTICES Hi-Viz Vests - Any new members without Hi Vis vest make yourself known to get one. Please note these should be returned if you resign from the club. rd Phil Kennard – Sky Tower Firemen’s climb update. Blenheim brigade raised the 3 highest amount in the country John Beattie – Lisa Stewart (Past exchange student) has sent them a wedding invitation. A card was circulated for members to sign. John MacKenzie- Ross Holdaway’s Shingles have now gone. Now walking daily but not yet ready to come back to Rotary. nd Cheryl West – Has 2 seats available for the Josh Gwynne fundraiser at $35each for June 22 . Marge Scott – Rotary Youth Exchange coming from Belgium. We need hosts so please let Marge know if you can help. Bob Marks – Re Telephone book delivery expense claims -With Russell away, if anybody needs expense claim-forms will they please e-mail Bob a request and he will e-mail one back to you. JOKER Cheryl drew her own ticket!! Drew 8 Spades. TREASURER Bob Marks ASSISTANT TREASURER John Beattie SERGEANT AT ARMS PHIL KENNARD PROGRAMME Eleanor Keitzmann BULLETIN ROBYN WHITE/GRETA FIRTH DUTY ROSTER Russell Young WELFARE OFFICERS John MacKenzie Stewart Sargent HISTORIAN Lawrie Saunders SERGEANT Mike Parkinson acted as stand in Sergeant but could not remember who he was standing in for. He fined Cheryl for drawing her own ticket. All who thought NZ would win the test match after 3 days and all England supporters. A few other fines finished the session. Today in history was the Premier of Star Wars SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Officers for next year were ratified as there were no further nominations from the floor. Mike Veal will cover PR next year but not as a Director. Club nominating committee has a position vacant due to Lauchlan Marshall moving north. John MacKenzie was nominated and accepted by the meeting. MAY CELEBRATIONS MEMBER BIRTHDAYS STUART TRUSTRUM 11/5 KEVIN PARKES 14/5 WIM VANVELTHOOVEN 14/5 ROBYN WHITE 19/5 JOCK STRUTHERS 31/5 HUSBAND/WIFE AND PARTNER BIRTHDAYS KEVIN PARKES 4/5 NEIL MARTIN 10/5 KEVIN MOSELEY 23/5 CLUB ANNIVERSARIES PIERO ROCCO 26/5 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES CHRIS HENRY 14/5 HEATHER & ROBIN FEAR 20/5 ROSS INDER 21/5 NEIL MARTIN 25/5 MEETING May 26th 2015 VISITORS & GUESTS Ian Blair introduced his wife Elaine. VISITING ROTARIAN Jan Bowstead from Ferrymead. GRACE John MacKenzie ATTENDANCE N/A LEAVE OF ABSENCE DAV E WEIR KEVIN MOSELEY STEWART SARGENT LAWRIE SAUNDERS BULLETIN REPORTER CHRIS HENRY PARTING THOUGHT John Beattie “Silence speaks when words can’t” – ANON, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr Seuss GUEST SPEAKER – Robin Fear introduced Matthew and Victoria from Bay Audiology to talk to us about Hearing loss and Health Hearing. There are a number of reasons from hearing loss and 5.3% of the world’s population have a hearing problem and a large number of these could have been prevented. Main problems are the loss of high pitches, mumbled noise and background noise. This is caused by damage to the hair cells in the ear. 70%-85% of people with hearing loss also suffer from Tinnitus. Hearing aids often help with solving hearing issues but can never bring back the same quality of natural hearing. There are assistive listening devices that can now help with hearing TV’s and Phones. Newer hearing aids do cut down the interference from background noise. There are many funding options available e.g. War Pensions, ACC, WINZ loans and all over 18 can get a $1000 subsidy. Average cost for both ears is $5-6000. Hearing loss can be hereditary. There were free hearing check vouchers available for members. VOTE OF THANKS Jenny Andrews offered the thanks of the club. FINAL NOTICE President Peter invited incoming directors to attend the last two meetings of this year including this evening. th Change Over – Please note Change Over is now scheduled for July 14 . DUTY ROSTER Please note that the roster is prepared a month in advance and it may not be possible to take account of apologies received less than 30 days before a meeting. If you are absent and unable to fulfil your roster duty please arrange for someone to stand in for you. Thank you. Date Speaker/Event June 2nd TBA TBA June 16th Breakfast Meeting Scenic Circle June 23rd Vocational R Tyney Scenic Circle W van Velthoven Preparation J Struthers N Templeton S Trustrum R Tyney Reception/Steward R Inder R Gauden Ing D Fairlie P Eden Cash Desk 1 G Alexander R Marks J Beattie R Young Cash Desk 2 J Hasseldine G Alexander R Marks J Beattie Speaker’s Host R Gauden Ing C Henry Grace F Maher R McNabb K Moseley Vote Of Thanks J Andrews S Allcutt G Alexander 3 Minute Speaker R Marks S Trustrum N Templeton Sergeant P Eden W Munro J Hasseldine Parting Thought D Buckley D Buckley P Clay Bulletin Reporter C Henry J Leader R Young Venue Bring A Guest Scenic Circle June 9th Scenic Circle H Vervaart C Jones W Munro I Blair A Clifton J MacKenzie If you are bringing a guest to Rotary or are unable to attend please advise your apology and guests by 3pm at the very latest to the Nativity Church Office either by phone to 578-3909 or email jan@nativity.org.nz Failure to apologise means that you will be recorded as ‘Silent’
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