BULLETIN OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF BLENHEIM SOUTH DISTRICT 9970 PO Box 437 | Blenheim 7240 Meetings Tuesday 6.00 pm | Scenic Hotel, cnr Alfred and Henry Streets OFFICE BEARERS 2014 - 2015 Bulletin Edition May 5th 2015 PROGRAMME th PRESIDENT Peter Edwards IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Lachlan Marshall PRESIDENT ELECT/ CLUB ADMIN Francis Maher MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR PAT CLAY COMMUNITY SERVICE/ PROJECTS DIRECTOR MICHAEL PARKINSON PUBLIC RELATIONS NOEL TEMPLETON INTERNATIONAL/ ROTARY FOUNDATION PAUL EDEN NEXT MEETING -May 12 th COMING UP -May 19 - Jimmy Griffiths – Shelter Box - Breakfast Meeting – Hamish McFarlaine Chamber of Commerce th -May 26 - Bay Audiology - Hearing LAST WEEKS MEETING WELCOME We were welcomed to the Dodson Street Bar by President Peter and introduced to Mine Host Dietmar Schnarre. Members were conducted on a tour of the Renaissance Brewery by manager Andy. The brewery is situated at the old Grove Mill on Dodson Street, which is the oldest commercial building in Blenheim. They buy their barley from a farm in Dunsandal that specializes in growing barley for the brewing industry. The yeast is sourced from the USA, and the hops are mainly grown in NZ, from varieties developed for particular tastes and strength in the US. The brewery has a 2000 litre brew capacity with annual production of 400,000 litres. Kegging and bottling is done on-site, and the bottling line can package 4 pallets per day of 330ml or 500 ml bottles. The spent grain is used as stock food. There was a good selection of the Renaissance Brewery products available to purchase in the restaurant. At the conclusion of the tour we were served a meal at the Dodson Street restaurant. YOUTH DIRECTOR Graeme Faulkner VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR Kevin Parkes SECRETARY/ ATTENDANCE DEAN HEIFORD TREASURER Bob Marks ASSISTANT TREASURER John Beattie SERGEANT AT ARMS PHIL KENNARD PROGRAMME Eleanor Keitzmann BULLETIN ROBYN WHITE/GRETA FIRTH DUTY ROSTER Russell Young WELFARE OFFICERS John MacKenzie Stewart Sargent HISTORIAN Lawrie Saunders CONFERENCE President Peter spoke about the Rotary District conference held in Blenheim this past weekend: a well run conference with excellent speakers. The function on Saturday evening was particularly enjoyable, good food and company. MAY CELEBRATIONS MEMBER BIRTHDAYS STUART TRUSTRUM 11/5 KEVIN PARKES 14/5 WIM VANVELTHOOVEN 14/5 ROBYN WHITE 19/5 JOCK STRUTHERS 31/5 HUSBAND/WIFE AND PARTNER BIRTHDAYS KEVIN PARKES 4/5 NEIL MARTIN 10/5 KEVIN MOSELEY 23/5 CLUB ANNIVERSARIES PIERO ROCCO 26/5 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES CHRIS HENRY 14/5 HEATHER & ROBIN FEAR 20/5 ROSS INDER 21/5 NEIL MARTIN 25/5 MEETING May 5th 2015 VISITORS & GUESTS Albyn Leslie, a past member of our club who has returned from Christchurch to live in Blenheim, also Marge Scott's husband, John. VISITING ROTARIAN GRACE Ray Gauden-Ing. "We give thanks for the food before us, those beside us, the reason that unites us and the friendship that grows between us". NOTICES Paul Eden announced that he and his wife Frances will have scarves for sale next week, proceeds to go to victims of the Nepal earthquake. Paul also asked for donations and offered to match any funds, dollar for dollar, for this cause. Addition to Paul’s Notice President Peter has approved a fundraising appeal to support the earthquake victims of Nepal. The appeal will be held as part of next Tuesday’s Rotary meeting. All funds will be donated through RNZWCS and any donation of $5 or more will qualify as tax deductable. Urgent action is needed to provide some help in the quake affected areas to enable the local people prepare shelter for the upcoming monsoon season in June/August. Over 2 million people are in desperate need of shelter. For every $ donated by our members will be matched $ for $ by Paul& Frances Eden. VOTE OF THANKS Stephen Doecke thanked Dietmar for his hospitality, the meal and use of his venue. DUTY ROSTER Please note that the roster is prepared a month in advance and it may not be possible to take account of apologies received less than 30 days before a meeting. If you are absent and unable to fulfil your roster duty please arrange for someone to stand in for you. Thank you. Date May 12th Speaker/Event Jimmy Griffiths Shelter Box Scenic Circle Venue Bring A Guest May 19th Breakfast Meeting Scenic Circle J Struthers May 26th June 2nd Bay Audiology Hearing Scenic Circle Scenic Circle S Trustrum R Tyney Preparation C Rodgers T Smale M Veal J Struthers Reception/Steward K Parkes R Marks C Jones R Inder Cash Desk 1 M Parkinson C Rodgers J Hasseldine G Alexander Cash Desk 2 D Robins M Parkinson C Rodgers J Hasseldine ATTENDANCE N/A Speaker’s Host G Faulkner H Fear R Fear R Gauden Ing Grace E Kietzmann J Leader J MacKenzie F Maher LEAVE OF ABSENCE DAV E WEIR KEVIN MOSELEY ROD TYNEY STEWART SARGENT Vote Of Thanks C West R Young J Andrews 3 Minute Speaker M Scott L Shaw R Marks Sergeant J Hasseldine S Doeke P Eden Parting Thought G Alexander J Andrews J Beattie D Buckley Bulletin Reporter G Firth C West G Faulkner C Henry BULLETIN REPORTER JOHN MCKENZIE PARTING THOUGHT Graham Alexander. "Success comes in Cans, not Cannots", "If you see a man helping a woman out of a car, it is either a new car or a new wife". If you are bringing a guest to Rotary or are unable to attend please advise your apology and guests by 3pm at the very latest to the Nativity Church Office either by phone to 578-3909 or email jan@nativity.org.nz Failure to apologise means that you will be recorded as ‘Silent’
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