Club Bulletin Volume 61, No 38; 9 April 2015 Meet at 07:00am for a 07:15am start. Please be seated by 7.15. There will be time for fellowship after the meeting. Thursday, Zamia Cafe May Drive, Kings Park Program: 16 April 2015 The Reverend Doctor John Shepherd (CoE) Retired Dean St Georges Cathedral Perth Member Rotary Club of Perth Paul Harris Fellow Is Life Meant to be Funny? Charter granted 1954 Host Welcome Toast Grace Thanks Duty Tim Strahan Anthony Spinella John Tick John Van Vliet Neville Bent David Walser The Rotary Club of West Perth (Inc.) PDG Geoff Simpson OAM PO Box 59, West Perth 6872 WPRC Member and Paul Harris Fellow Program: 23 April 2015 The Meaning of Anzac PRESIDENT: Bernie Foley SECRETARY: Michael Wright Apologies: SMS to 0438 091 172 CLUB Host Welcome Toast Grace Thanks Duty Anthony Spinella John Tick John Van Vliet Neville Bent David Walser Fraser Watson Contribute to the Bulletin E-mail the editor: BULLETIN EDITOR: PP Tina Arthur District 9455 DISTRICT GOVERNOR: Dr Angus Buchanan WORLD PRESIDENT: Gary C K Huang WEST PERTH ROTARY NEWS Drina Panic, Associate Lawyer with Slater and Gordon, was inducted into West Perth Rotary by Tony Delich. Drina has joined the Youth and Vocation Committee with Director Tony Ford. Welcome to our newest member Drina Panic New Web site for West Perth Rotary Carla Escandar Rotary Youth Exchange Student Colin Arthur advised that the new web site is going live this week. When it does activate you will receive an email with your profile and a temporary password. Please log on, edit your profile and password and check out the other content! Carla’s Departure Carla’s flight leaves at 22:35 on April 17, 2015 so we will be at the airport from 20:00 until Carla goes through customs around 21:00. All members are free to stop by for a last hug and farewell to see Carla off at the airport. Farewell WPRC 2020 Visioning District Changeover Night President Bernie and the Board have agreed to review the Club’s Vision (2020 Visioning West Perth). District Governor Elect (DGE) Jerry Pilcher and Past District Governor (PDG) Ian Hutton will facilitate this event. It will be held on Thursday Evening 30th April 2015 at a time and venue to be confirmed. The breakfast meeting on that day will be cancelled. A spreadsheet of activities/directions agreed by members back in 2013 will be circulated prior to the evening. This will give you an opportunity to review beforehand and have input into changes where needed. You are invited to the District 9455 Changeover Night to celebrate District Governor Angus and Grace’s year, to welcome in DGE Jerry Pilcher and Kerry and to start the new Rotary year in style. This will be held at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel on Saturday 27th June 2015. The event is advertised on the District website and the registration form with full details will be on the website very soon. GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER On Saturday 2 May 2015 7pm, the Club will be holding a “Guess who’s Coming to Dinner” evening. These have been very successful in the past and give members and their partners the opportunity to meet in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. For more information, please see details in previous Bulletins John Holman’s email address is or phone 93815976. (John has had a very strong response and is seeking additional hosts. Please contact him if you can help) Rotary Youth Exchange Student – Carla Escandar – Dinner Roster Rotary Exchange Student (RYE) 2015/16 In-bound Host parents for the incoming RYE student starting July 2015 must be organized shortly. Members who are willing to take on this very rewarding role are asked to please email Alan Briggs, Director International at or Tim Dawe at Club Notice Board – Upcoming Speakers (see Diary Dates Date th Speaker Subject 30 April 2015 Club Evening 7th May 2015 Mr Christopher Hendrickson Returned Exchange Student PowerPoint Host Country Taiwan Yes Club Diary – Please Diarise Carla’s Departure Friday 17 April 2015 – Rotary Youth Exchange Inbound Student Carla Escandar is leaving Australia. See above notice for details. WPRC 2020 Visioning Thursday night 30 April 2015 time and venue to be confirmed. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Saturday 2 May 2015 7pm – see above for details. Business lunch Wednesday 20 May 2015, see details below District 9455 Changeover Dinner Saturday 27 June 2015 at the Parmelia Hilton. WPRC Change Over Dinner Friday 3 July 2015. Visit from DG and RI Director Thursday 10 September breakfast meeting - visit from RI Director Guiller Tumangan and his wife Leticia with DGE Jerry Pilcher and wife Kerry. Christmas Breakfast Thursday 17 December 2015 7am at Zamia Cafe. Families and partners are invited. Tony Delich expressing thanks and presenting an end Polio mug to Guest Speaker David Caddy David's presentation on Brookfield place was received with great interest by the club and triggered numerous questions Smooth Talking --Smooth Stewart from RC Osborne Park described their upcoming 2015 Team Challenge fund raising event on May 2 (Cycle , run or walk) Membership Notes 1. Next Celtic Club Information Evening - June 11, 2015 Please let Joseph know if you would like to invite anyone to have a full overview of RCWP and its activities. Finger food is supplied with a cash bar available. Volunteers are welcome to join us in handing out fliers for the event in Hay Street, West Perth between 12:00 to 13:00 on Monday June 8 and Wednesday June 10. 2. New Members Brenda Moore was inducted on April and Drina Panic on April 9, 2015. Please make them feel welcome. Our target is to get back to 50 active members by the end of June 2015 and with your help we can achieve this. Geoff Hick is working with some great potential members from Grant Thornton, Steve Thomas with his debt collector contacts and both Siri and Michael Wright with their contacts. We are currently working on a list of 20 people, two of whom have already become members. We have doubled our club female membership numbers which is a great result. 3. Membership Retention We will shortly begin a review of members with irregular attendances to understand the reasons for this and at the same time we will review and make recommendations to the Board about Honorary members for the next Presidential year. Thanks to Geoff Simpson who will oversee the member retention function at the club. 4. Rotary Sign West Perth Does anyone know any history about the sign which is located on Hay Street? We would like to add a plaque safely to the sign advertising membership and a telephone number so that passers-by interested in Rotary can call. 5. Business Luncheon 20 May 2015 at the Celtic Club. Speaker topic is Superannuation, Retirement and Investment Planning. Grant Thornton and Morgan Stanley providing speakers. Starting with local Rotary Clubs to sell tickets for tables and also asking RCWP members to promote tables. We will also be advertising on the District Website. Pricing and timing of event to be determined with the proceeds going to the RCWP trust. The Geoff’s – Hick and Simpson have this in hand. 6. Member Survey The membership committee is drafting a club wide survey using survey monkey and will gather feedback about your experience with RCWP. The planned roll out of the survey will be in May/June with the feedback shared in late June/early July. Let Joseph know if your committee would like any feedback included in the survey. 7. Club Promotion and Awareness Membership would like to work jointly with another committee on a Club Promotion and Awareness campaign which will assist us in seeking out new members. Calling for any volunteers who would like to take this role on as their personal challenge in the club.
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