Week Ten 27 March 2015 - Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley

Friday Newsletter
Spring Term
Week ten
Friday 27h March 2015
What’s coming up?
Class 12 Trip to Italy return Thursday 2nd April
Easter Holidays from Friday 27th March at 12noon until Tuesday 21st April. Staff will return on
Monday 20th April for an INSET Day.
Please note that the School will be open 8am - 4pm during the holiday period
Thought of the week ‘We can accomplish more together than we would dream possible
working by ourselves’ Senora Roy, Poet.
Class Eight Projects
Each year the Class 8 students
take on independent projects to
present their individual interests
and inspirations to the school
community as the culmination of
their Lower School educational
The idea is that the project
requires the students to find a
mentor, research the topic,
complete the work and share this
experience with an
audience. They spend many
hours, above and beyond their
regular academic school work,
developing their projects.
Many Congratulations to Class 8
on completing a brilliant set of
Project presentations! There was
a wide range of topics and
everyone who attended learned
a lot!
Many thanks to Class 8 teacher,
Ed Hirst and to all the parents
who supported the pupils in
completing their projects.
Wishing you all a relaxing and
enjoyable Easter Holidays.
Sarah Boot on behalf of the
News from the School:
What’s on in the Community
London Events at Rudolf Steiner
House - How the Mind Works on the
parents that after Easter the school Body, Anthroposophy in Everyday Life,
minibus will pick up pupils coming 28th March 10-6pm with Pietro Archiati.
Becoming an artist in human
by train ONLY on wet mornings.
Pupils are encouraged to walk to relationships, overcoming loneliness and
fear. Working for a better society by
school during the lighter months
up until October half term. We will defending individual freedom. 3 steps
towards a new world, studying, living and
be giving the pupils a lift to the
station each afternoon as normal caring. And more, a rich day. The
Death on the Cross on Good Friday at 7
Fiona Murray and Anthony
pm An illustrated contemplation with Rev
Arulanandam, Co-Chairs of
Peter van Breda. Including an exploration
of the crucifixion as depicted by Matthias
Grunewald in the Isenheim Altarpiece.
Date for your Diary! Saturday 16th The Descent into Hell - Overcoing Evil
May 2015, 7pm - 11pm. An
Today on Easter Saturday at 2.30pm with
evening of songs and ukulele
~Terry Boardman. The Resurrection
magic with Katie's Jumping Fleas. Image of the Isenheim Altarpiece on
Three course meal, bar & raffle in Easter Sunday at 2.30pm with with Georg
the Dining Room. I am fundraising Schad.
0207 723-4400. www.rsh.anth.org.uk
for St Mark's Hospital who do
research into bowel disease and
to this end would like to invite you Tennis Sport Camp Tuesday 7th – Fri
17th April, weekdays only, Langley
all to an evening of fun, food,
Tennis Club will be holding a tennis
singing and dancing. Tickets
and racquets’ camp suitable for
£17.50 from steffico@rsskl.org.
children aged 4 to 14. Full day
8.30am to 4.30pm (early and late
Missing! Favourite navy blue
cashmere polo neck with buttons pickup can be provided).
Location: High Woodall Lane, Kings
on the cuffs from M and S.
Belonging to Sky in Class 4. Please Langley, HP3 8RW, for further
call Rose 01923 269670. Thank you. information call 01442 230234.
Email: info@langleytennis.com or
Courses / workshops
The School’s Community advertising
bulletin ‘The Leaf’ March Edition – is
available to view via the school
Italian Conversation classeswould you like to learn Italian?
Federica Nardacci would like to
start a course after Easter. We are
thinking of Monday evening 7pm8pm. The course will be held in
school and initially run for 6
weeks. If you are interested
please get in contact 07922
GCSE and AS Level Maths and
Further Maths tuition offered by
class 13 St Clement Danes Maths
Prefect with two years tutoring
experience. Call Kai on 07432
597 521
Graduated teacher and Steiner
teacher trainee available for
evenings and weekends
babysitting and activities, call or
email Ellie 07984831360,
Full Size Viola and guitar for sale,
please contact G & S Alkema
01923 263680
Mind Your Own Business! Planning SATURDAY 28 MARCH 7.30pm ST
for your future healthcare
There may be times in your life
Please join The Lea Singers, a first
when you think about the
class professional chamber
consequences of becoming
orchestra and wonderful soloists
seriously ill and even the possibility on Saturday 28 March at 7.30pm
of dying. Or perhaps you are more at St Nicholas Church, Harpenden,
concerned about an elderly
AL5 2TP for a special performance
parent whose health is
of the Mozart Requiem. Tickets are
£15 (£10 under 18s and students)
If you become unable to make
from Nicky Teensma (01923 263106
decisions for yourself – something or in class 5) or George Darley on
that can happen to any of us at 01707 377 029 and at
any time – practical measures can tickets@leasingers.co.uk.
be taken beforehand to officially
set in place your wishes for when
you are in a life-challenging
Music corner!
situation and no longer able to
Private Piano Lessons in Kings
communicate them.
Langley with Federica Nardacci,
Our 1-day workshop gives you
a professional pianist and
access to experts and an
musicologist. Federica has recently
opportunity to establish those
arrived from Italy with our new
music teacher Claudio Di Meo
Saturday, 11 April 2015 9.30 am - and is available for private piano
4.30pm at Loudwater Farm,
and music instruction. Please ring
Croxley Green, Rickmansworth,
07922 486327 or email:
Herts WD3 4HG. Cost £50 / early
narfed@libero.it for more
bird of £35 before 28 March. Bring information.
an elderly relative at a reduced
cost of £25.
The news sheet is published on
More information here. (link to
Friday, copy deadline Thursday
http://www.maneeshajames.com/ 4pm. Sales of goods or services £3
mind-your-own-business-planning- per advert, house or flat rentals
£20, house sales £75. Email Sarah
To book contact Ritama at
Boot at sarahbo@rsskl.org with
devaritama@gmail.com or call on your ad or drop it into the office,
07816 035719 / 01799 599589
in a clearly marked envelope.
The school newsletter is a forum
Pets corner
for many different members of
2 very much loved rabbits to pass the community, and views and
on to loving family. They have
opinions expressed are not
been with us for already 4 or 5
years but our children have
outgrown them. Also 2 hutches to
pass on (we currently have one in
the garage and one outside). They
are very cuddly and would be
ideal for younger children. Need to
be collected from St.Albans.
Kirsten 07747686265