Newsletter_2015-03-19 - Caloundra State School

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Caloundra Qld 4551
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19 March 2015
Child Safety
Making sure your children arrive at school
and get home safely are some of our major
concerns – as I am certain it is yours! A big
part of this is completely up to you as a
parent. Please obey the road rules,
particularly before and after school. We
often see people double parking around the
school then beckoning their children to come running into the
car. This may be quick and easy but you are putting your
children in danger, blocking the flow of traffic and making it
more difficult for the people doing the right thing to park and
collect their children safely.
Please be responsible and safe. After all – that is what we ask
our children to do every day. BE A ROLE MODEL!
School Fair
We have a new and exciting plan for our School Fair this year
where we are working in conjunction with the Fringe Festival
and the Caloundra Music Festival organisers with an option to
hold our fair at Kings Beach. The committee at the moment
is small but very enthusiastic and they would love to see a
few more people involved in the planning. This is a fantastic
opportunity to help the P&C raise their funds which directly
help your child. Please consider how you can help our school
community – we know you have plenty of ideas on how to
create a great fair so come and share your thoughts and
support our school. The next meeting is 31 March, 6:30pm in
the school staffroom.
Super P & C
At the P&C meeting on Monday night, the committee decided
to give $15000 to the school this year to boost some areas:
$5000 to the purchase of iPads and computers; $5000 to P-6
classroom resources and $5000 to the purchase of books for
the library. This is fantastic as it gives the school the opportunity
to do “something special” in these areas.
I sincerely thank all parents who have helped the P&C raise
money to support our school. This year, the P&C may also look
at some big projects – if they can raise sufficient funds.
Remember, last year the P&C gave $15000 to the school and
$15000 for air conditioning in the office and Yr1 classrooms,
and the year before was $12000 to the school and $15000 for
the Big Fan in the hall.
Super effort! Super result! All for our Super Students!!
Interim Reports
At the end of term, your child will receive an Interim Report card.
This report is to inform you of how your child is progressing with
effort, attitude and behaviour at school this term. It is intended
to give you an idea of how your child is learning as well as
a focus for your parent/teacher interview conversation. Please
keep your eye out for the interview schedule that will be sent
home by your child’s teacher soon, as the interviews will either
be at the end of this term or the first 2 weeks of next term.
Attendance Rewards
Can your child afford to be away from school for 4 weeks of
the year? Do you think your child will reach their potential if they
are at school for one tenth of the time? We all know that they
can’t! But if your child is away once a fortnight, then that is what
they are missing. That is why this year’s Interim Reports will also
show your child’s attendance percentage. We are focussing
on attendance more overtly this year to ensure we meet our
school attendance target of 93% so that we can provide the
best opportunities for your child to learn – but they have to be
at school.
At the week 10 whole school parade, we will rewarding and
recognising those students who achieve 95% attendance or
above as well as a special award for those achieving 100%. We
are also going to reward each class that achieves an average
attendance of 95% or more. Thanks for your understanding as
it is important that you support this so your child can have the
chance to achieve their potential.
At our school we aim to create a safe and supportive school
community for everyone. Sometimes, it can be difficult for
parents or carers to know what to do when their child talks
to them about bullying. You are an important part of our work
to prevent bullying and to respond effectively if it happens.
Stopping bullying involves everyone.
If your child talks to you about bullying:
1. Listen calmly and get the full story. Your calm
response is important to allow your child to tell you all
about the situation. After they’ve told you their story,
ask questions to get more details if you need to:
who, what, where, when. Although you may feel
some strong emotions about your child’s experience,
try to keep calm to avoid more distress to your child.
2. Reassure your child they are not to blame. Many
children blame themselves and this may make them
feel even worse. You could say things like, ‘That
sounds really hard to deal with. No one should have
to put up with that.’ or ‘I’m so glad you told me. You
should be able to feel safe at school; that’s not fair at
3. Ask your child what they want to do and what they
want you to do. A critical part of your response is to
avoid jumping in to solve the problem. While it is
natural to want to protect your child, helping them to
find their own solution is a better option. It helps
them feel they have some power in the situation.
4. Visit to find some
strategies. The website has tips and ideas for
different bullying situations. One idea is to practise
strategies at home to help your child feel more
5. Contact the school. Your child may be reluctant for
you to do this, so discuss the idea and reassure
them that the school would want to know and is able
to help. Make an appointment to meet with your
child’s teacher and, if you need to, ask to talk with
the principal. Contact the school immediately if you
have a concern about your child’s safety.
6. Check in regularly with your child. Keep the
conversation going. It can take time to resolve issues,
so check in regularly with your child about their
experiences and their feelings. Your ongoing support
is important.
Don't forget, our school is taking part in the 2015 National Day
of Action against Bullying and Violence on Friday 20 March.
Wear something ORANGE.
If you are looking for support for yourself to deal with a bullying
situation, you will find ideas on the Bullying. No Way! website
for parents. As well, please contact the school if you would like
to discuss any aspect of our approach to preventing bullying.
Thanks for your support to make our school a great school for
Schoolwide Positive Behaviour
This week students will be learning all about
"Being Responsible" in all areas of the
school. They will all engage in lessons about
being responsible and be able to put in
practise what they have learnt. Make sure
you ask your son or daughter about their
lesson as the values taught at school are
also very applicable at home.
2015 School Fair
Thankyou to the people who have contacted the office to make
sure their name is added to the volunteer list for later in the year.
I will be contacting you in the near future to let you know how
you can help. We will be looking for sponsors shortly and hope
to be organising a large raffle for the event. So if anyone wants
to jump on board as major sponsor of the Fair, now is the time
to be contacting the school. A car would be a great donation!
Easter Hat Parade
I hope all mums and dads from our Prep to year two classes
have pencilled in the 2nd of April. There is only one little change,
this year the parade time is going to be different. We will
kick off the proceedings at 1:50pm, straight after lunch time.
The Easter Bunny will certainly be making an appearance and
maybe he will bring along some Easter eggs as well. Make sure
you bring along other family members to make the parade even
Say No to Bullying and Harmony day
This Friday the 20th of March is going to be a double
celebration day with students celebrating Harmony Day and
Say No to Bullying Day. Harmony Day is a day that we show
our appreciation for all the great cultures that make up the
Australian population. For a gold coin donation students in year
3-6 will be able to sample some food from around the world
and be able to listen to music that they probably have never
heard before. Mr Li will also be using his French class time to
expose students to different cultural lessons and events.
It is appropriate that Say No to Bullying Day is the same day
as Harmony Day as it helps reinforce the idea of tolerance
and understanding. All students will participate in a colouring
competition and their class teacher will be basing their
behaviour lessons with anti-bullying resources. This is a good
time for all of us to remind our children of the importance of
accepting everyone for who they are and modelling this for
them in the way we act and speak.
This competition is open to ALL students. Please note the
correct dates of the competitions are:
Science – 03 June 2015
English – 28 July 2015
Mathematics – 11 August 2015
The permission note for this is available from the office. The
forms and money are to be returned by Friday 01 May.
Teacher Observation and
With the term well and truly underway, I
thought I would share a little bit of
information on teacher observation. Now
that the first round of teacher SMART goals
has been developed, teacher observation is a powerful tool to
ensure teachers are provided with the appropriate feedback to
assist them in attaining their professional goals.
So, how do we know what to observe? Central to the
observation process is the Caloundra SS Curriculum
Framework. Essentially this document provides teachers with
the how of teaching. If we know the elements of how to teach,
observers can look for these elements when observing
teachers. Caloundra SS’s Curriculum Framework is based on
the Art and Science of Teaching developed by the American
educational theorist; Dr Robert Marzano.
What we have found since first establishing the Curriculum
Framework in 2012, is
• That our teachers were ‘already doing’ many of the
elements of the Curriculum Framework however it
wasn’t until we used the terminology provided by the
Art and Science of Teaching that teachers were able
to ‘put a name’ to what they were doing. E.g.
Previewing New Content
• That teachers ‘had done’ some of the elements in the
past but due to the current curriculum demands were
no-longer doing them. E.g. Using Academic Games
• That teachers ‘didn’t do’ some of the elements as
they didn’t know they were important. E.g. Providing
Clear Learning Goals
In total there are 41 elements that observers can ‘look-for’.
During the first round of teacher-observations, teachers can
choose to be observed on a single element or a number of
elements and to then receive feedback.
Like the students attending Caloundra SS, our teachers are
continually learning and developing new skills to enable them to
teach students
It’s Time to Smile for School
Photo Day Monday 30th March
Have your child/children’s school memories
captured forever.
Photo envelopes have been sent home with
all students with information on how to
order. Please take the time to read the
relevant information on the MSP Photography payment
• Family envelopes are available at the school office for
sibling photos.
• Don’t seal envelopes inside each other.
• You can put the payment for all children in one
envelope however, each child needs to have their
own envelope on photo day for their individual order.
• Please enclose correct money as no change is given.
Cash and Cheques only. Credit Card payments can
be made prior to photo day via our online ordering
• Do not send photo envelopes to school before photo
day. Envelopes must be brought in on Monday
the 30th March only.
• If you have any enquiries please contact MSP photos
on 07 3865 4291 or email
SRS Payments Due
The final instalment for SRS is due on the 27th March. If you
are paying by instalments please see the office to finalise your
accounts. All SRS participation (or Non-Participation)
agreement forms must be signed and returned to the school.
If you are having difficulty in paying your SRS please see the
school office to organise a payment plan.
Canberra Instalment Due
The first instalment payment for Canberra is due on the 27th
March for $300.00.
We are happy to accept advance payments at any time to apply
against this excursion. Also available is the automatic Centrelink
deductions paid directly to the school on your behalf. Please
see the school office anytime you need a current balance of
your account.
Sports News
It has been great to see that a number of
students have attended Coastal District
Sports Trials already this year and a number
of girls are trialling for netball and hockey
this week. So far no students have been
selected in the District teams, but with 17
schools in our catchment it is no easy feat. For example, last
week over 70 students from these schools attended the U11
rugby league trials and only 17 were selected. Upcoming trials
include Basketball, Touch, Tennis, Rugby Union and Cricket.
Further information can be sourced from the school’s website
Last Friday 13 March our school rugby league team competed
in the Development Cup competition here in Caloundra. The
super coach, Mr. Adkins was very proud of their efforts with
wins over Talara and Currimundi, but were out played by
Mooloolaba, who went on to win the competition. With limited
playing experience the team should be congratulated on their
Cross country training continues within each class, during PE
lessons and some before school sessions. Students are
encouraged to set goals for themselves that are achievable and
always strive to improve their result. Regardless of their speed
or pace students are encouraged to complete full laps of the
track, rather than a constant run/walk/run/walk pattern within a
lap. It is great to see the joy on student’s faces when they make
it the whole way round and in a surprised but proud voice say,
“I did it Mr. Rosenthal.”
Yr 3-6 Parade 8.50am
Just Dance
Harmony Day Activities
Easter Hat Parade Prep - Yr 2
Yr 3-6 Cross Country
Interim reports go home
Last Day of Term
Term 2 - Return to School
Prep –Yr2 Parade 2.30pm
Just Dance
Say No to Bullying Day – Wear
The Busy Bee program has started at the afterschool care area
at Caloundra State School. Young children have been having
fun painting with cotton buds and droppers, making playdough,
dancing, singing and listening to stories. Every Tuesday at 9.00
am all children between the ages of 2 and 5 are welcome to
attend. Next Tuesday 24th March, the guest speaker is Emma
Linthwaite, a speech pathologist who will be educating parents
about letter awareness – preparing young children for literacy.
For more information about the Busy Bees program, please call
Merryn Tuck 5439 4200.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Yr 3-6 Parade 8.50am
Just Dance
3rd & Final Instalment SRS due
27 Mar
ALD Volunteers Program
1st instalment payment for
Canberra due - $300.00
27 Mar
The ALD (Assisting Literacy Development) program is well
underway at Caloundra State School. Around 15 volunteers
are participating in this program helping to support classroom
teachers with reading groups and one-on-one reading. This
support is highly beneficial for all children, but mostly any
children that need a little extra boost to improve their reading
skills. If you would like to become an ALD volunteer and receive
some training on how to support children with their reading in
the classroom, please contact Kelly or Merryn.
Prep –Yr2 Parade 2.30pm
Just Dance – Last lesson
Easter Hat Practice
School Photo Day
Wakakirri Auditions
Morning Tea with the Stars 10.30am
Whole School Parade 2.30pm
SENIOR DISCO YR 3 – YR6: 6.30 –
30 Mar
YR 1A:
Lessons on the Ovals
Over the past few weeks the Year ones have spent some
time down on the junior oval being scientists. A teacher from
the Bilai Environmental Education Centre visited the school
and guided the Year ones through a number of lessons that
explored healthy and unhealthy environments and looked at
the external features of insects and animals. The children
discovered the differences between healthy and unhealthy
environments and the importance of keeping an environment
healthy. They also discovered why insects and animals have
certain external features. The children all had a fantastic time
being scientists although one class had to cope with the wet
whilst another class the heat. They all enjoyed using the
scientific equipment and being taught outdoors.
Yesterday Year 1A did Bilai on the oval. We looked in
binoculars and after we looked through analoops. We
then talked about healthy and unhealthy environments.
Mine was hollow logs. I put mine in the healthy. I made a
snail and an ant with the clay. I had a fun day.
By Patrick E
Yesterday we had Bilai come to the oval. We were
learning to be scientists with Tony our Bilai teacher. Then
we rolled hoops on the ground. We had 3 people in
our teams. Then it started to rain so we came up to
our classroom. We talked about healthy and unhealthy
things. Then we made clay. I made a frog. I had a great
By Pip B
Yesterday our class went to the oval. We did look for
bugs. We looked at their external features. Tony gave us
binoculars and we looked at birds. I saw a bird in a nest.
I made a snail out of clay. I had a good day. My favourite
part was making a shell for the snail.
By Justin H
and raced the other geese. Sometimes she was astonished by
the beautiful pond. She loved to jump off broken branches and
she felt content.
One day her mother said they were leaving. Lucy did not want
to leave the pond where she had lived since she was a tiny
baby. She was petrified. She ran into the scary bushes where
the reeds were waving like shadows of ghosts.
Lucy suddenly felt jubilant when she heard her mum calling her.
She flew into the pitch black sky and overcame her fears.
P1/ Week 7: Addison O - For a super effort learning her
sight words and for being a super friend to others.
Week 8: James H - For showing super listening skills
in our class games and for being a super worker in
group activities.
Week 7: Toby H - For being a learner in all areas.
Week 8: Ella T - For fantastic effort with reading.
Week 7: Tia R- For being a respectful student.
Week 8: Rome H - For always having a go and
participating in class.
Week 7: Veronika K- For always participating in class
and having a go.
Week 8: Jake N - For always participating
enthusiastically during science lessons.
Laelani D - For being a 'switched on' learner who is
always ready to help!
Week 7: Paddy S - For great reading and writing.
Week 8: Nesta S-O - For a super narrative .
YR 2B:
Lucy Goosey by Nikaya S 2B
Lucy Goosey adored her wonderful pond with sunny, sun
flowers. The next day she said she was never going to leave
her home and she started to play Bopper with the other ducks.
She lived with her mum. She liked to throw branches, rocks and
leaves into the pond. Back then when she was a baby the rock
seemed as long as a giraffe’s neck. She felt brave and bold and
very secure.
One night her mother told her they had to fly to a new home.
Lucy was worried about leaving her home where she had lived
all her life. When it was time to go Lucy ran into the dark and
scary bushes and fell asleep. At night she woke up and it was
as quiet as a mouse. She was afraid her mum had left without
her. She didn’t think she would ever see her mum again.
Then her mum told her to be brave and bold and that she would
always be there for her. They flew off into the dark, night sky
and quickly joined the others.
Lina H - For beautiful, detailed art work.
Tayla T – For always being respectful in all areas.
Bailey - For participating enthusiastically during Maths
Week 7: Lillian D - For always being Respectful and
Responsible - always staying on task and doing her
Week 8: Elijah W – For being a Respectful and
Responsible Learner - Great Work in Literacy and
Week 7:- Abigail B - For her creative and imaginative
story that she shared with the class.
Isabel W – For being respectful by using lovely
manners and courteous language.
Finn B – For being a responsible student in all areas of
her schooling and behaviour.
Week 8: Kiara P – For always trying her best and
following school values.
Lucy Goosey by Michael C 2B
Lucy Goosey lived in a magical,shiny pond with wavy leaves
and rocks as big as rhinos. Every day she had the best swim
Kian T- For excellent learning and behaviour.
Haylee L - For being kind and hard working.
Kimberley B -For always following Caloundra School
Jack C- For his great effort with both his school work
and sport.
Tayla W - For always being an excellent role model for
her peers.
Week 8: Lachlan E - For always putting in a great
effort in all areas of school work.
WK 7 - Sam B - For trying his best in class, and being
a great part of the 5/6 team.
Ethan G - For excellent participation and effort in
sport and schoolwork.
Week7: Jessica W – For being a very respectful and
conscientious student.
Week8: Ella F – For striving to achieve your goals and
taking pride in your work.
Lunch on Lighthouse Uniforms - Polo shirts are all in stock
now. Unfortunately we are still waiting for the dresses to arrive sorry for the delay.
Date Claimers!
It is always a busy week at Caloundra
Primary and only teaching music for 3 days
seems to make the time go quickly. Every
lesson counts as there is so much learning
happening. My aim through this newsletter,
is to share some of the activities your
children do in music with me.
The Preps, Year 1’s and Year 2’s have been singing our School
Rule Song “BE YOUR BEST” for the last few weeks. We all
stood up and sang it on junior parade recently. If you have
some of these children ask them to show you how it goes. You
could echo their singing and actions, until the last line when you
say it together.
Be safe
Be responsible
Be safe
And respectful too
If you be your best
And do the rest
Then you’ll (2 claps) be a learner.
Happy music making till next time from Mrs O
Year 6 students making musical canons sound fun
Monday 30th March - Free parent information session with
Lawyer Geoff Lyons regarding Wills and Power of Attorney at
6pm in the staffroom. A separate note will be sent home shortly.
Tuesday 31st March - Fair meeting, 6.30pm in the staffroom.
Please consider helping out on this very important committee.
The Fair this year will be our major fundraiser and as such
requires many hands to put it together. Thank you!
Term 1 Easter Disco - Wednesday 1st April.
Junior Disco - Prep to Year 2 - 4.30pm - 6.30pm. Ticket
$5.00 pre-sold or $8.00 at the door.
Senior Disco - Year 3 to Year 6 - 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Tickets
$8.00 pre-sold or $12.00 at the door. Please note Year 3
students are now included in the Senior Disco!
There will be an Easter Hamper raffle drawn on the night.
Donations of Easter Treats can now be left at 1A or the office.
We always need parents to help supervise the Disco’s, collect
& sell tickets, serve in the shop, sell raffle tickets and help serve
food. Please contact P&C or leave your details at the office if
you can help out on the night. Thank you!
To contact P&C email - or
leave contact details at the office.
Craft Club is on Tuesday lunch times! Please drop in any
recycled cereal, biscuit or other small boxes to the office. Thank
Next P&C Meeting - 20th April, 2015, 6.30pm, in the
staffroom. All welcome.
Year 6’s have been performing rhythmic canons on percussion
Year 2’s have been playing the rhythm of songs on un-tuned
percussion instruments like the these finger cymbals.
Year 2’s are enjoying working on simple so and me patterns on
the felt music staffs
Games and Free Range language
Year 2 students have begun using a new
collection of books in the library. The junior
non-fiction books provide a dedicated
selection of information books more suited
to the inquisitive junior primary student. The
year one students will have the opportunity
to borrow from this collection next term
after some lessons with me.
Cheers Parents/ Dear Parents,
During my primary school years I can’t
recall ever having a single “fun” lesson with
my teachers. It was always bookish work,
written work and boring work. So you can
imagine my reaction when Australian
students ask me, “Monsieur Li, can we have
a “fun” lesson today? I always thought fun and learning couldn’t
mix. “ You don’t think school is Dreamworld do you?” used to
be my standard answer. After years of frustration, one day I
finally saw the light:
Students are reminded to return their library books before the
Easter holidays. There will be no student borrowing in the last
week of term.
Computer Bytes
This term prep, year 1 and year 2 students have been visiting
the library each Tuesday to work with me in utilising a variety
of technology resources available in our school. So far students
have used the following;
• IPads
• Desktop computers
• Interactive White Boards
• Bee Bot programmable robots
If the Mountain doesn’t come to Mohamed, Mohamed goes
to the Mountain. And so did I. Now, I regularly take my
students of French to Dreamworld, metaphorically speaking.
Using games in the classroom is one of the most important
ways to teach a language efficiently. Games mean the world
to children. Nothing is more fun than playing games for them
because they feel happy and free while playing. Remember
when you were a child. You will remember the games you
played as the happiest moments of your life.
Children should be given the opportunity to learn and “live”
that language in a “free range” environment. This is where
Language Games provides the illusion of “free rangeness”.
Students learn more quickly and retain the learned materials
better in a stress-free and comfortable environment.
A la prochaine! See you next time!
Joseph Li
Teacher of French
• Accessing online learning sites like Reading Eggs
• Creating multi model presentations with Create a
Super Story
The students have improved their mouse skills and many are
independently logging on to the school network. They are all
enthusiastic learners.
Chris O’Sullivan
Well Ride2School Day last Friday 13
March 2015 was a fun and enjoyable
morning for all that attended. Overall we
had 142 students, parent and teachers
attend for the ride to school.
This year I set an extra challenge for the
Congratulations to all those students who
took up the challenge this year. Senior Sergeant Gavin Ricketts
from the Caloundra Police Station judged the helmets this year
and he awarded first place to Bailey C, Second Place to Pipi B
and Third Place to Paige C. Well done you three!
Thank you also to Chappy Craig and Mrs Chappy for putting
on a breakfast for all the hungry riders to school. It was very
much appreciated….he told me that he made up 15 litres of
cordial that morning compared to only 10 litres on a normal
Wednesday brekkie.
On a sadder note, I am still seeing parent’s double parking
around the school especially in George Street near the Dental
Building. Last week a few parents informed me that a couple of
students had a near miss by a vehicle that was double parked.
Whilst off duty, I have noticed one vehicle in particular which
parks every afternoon from 2.45pm till 3.05pm in the same
spot. You know who you are; please stop forthwith. All parents
please be reminded that it is an offence to double park and
tickets will be issued if you break the law.
Easter is approaching and this is a timely reminder that police
will be out in force over the coming weeks as it is especially
busy that time each year on the roads. Please drive safely and
adopt safe road practices.
Vacation Care at Helping Hands Chelona
Come and join us for some holiday fun!
School Holidays are fast approaching, they will be here before
we know it. Are you looking for care?
Vacation Care runs from 7th-17th April 2015, 6:30am-6:00pm
We have excursions, incursions, sports, games, crafts,
cooking, music & drama activities to suit all ages.
Phone 0475 825 344 or Email for a copy of the program or
more information!
Learn about another culture, learn a new language or perhaps
improve your culinary skills
Hosting - An Experience for Life
Student Exchange is looking for host families across Australia
to welcome overseas students into their home
or call 1300 135 331 for more information