Spotlight plus € 4,10 (D) | € 4,60 (A) | sfr 7,30 (CH) 4 2015 EINFACH ENGLISCH! ! GRAMMATIK Practise using reflexive pronouns Plus: Land und Leute New Zealand ● Redewendungen Idioms for talking about problems ● Englisch für den Beruf How to welcome visitors ● Contents | EDITORIAL Dear plus reader, In this month’s plus we have plenty for you to discover. On pages 4–6, there are lots of exercises in which you can practise using reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, etc. On pages 8–9, you’re invited to a wedding to learn the words you might need on such a happy occasion. Whether you find learning English a doddle — that means “easy” — or an uphill struggle, you can learn expressions to say that situations are either easy or difficult on page 19. We certainly hope that April’s plus makes learning a lot easier and a lot more fun. Dagmar Taylor INHALT Dagmar Taylor, language editor Impressum Herausgeber und Verlagsleiter: Dr. Wolfgang Stock Grammatik Grundwissen Reflexive pronouns 4 Intensivierung More reflexive pronouns 6 Wiederholung The order of adjectives7 Englisch für den Alltag Going to a wedding 8 Englisch für den Beruf Welcoming visitors 10 Wortschatz British landmarks 12 Wortschatz Don’t talk nonsense! 14 Wortschatz Expand your vocabulary 15 Lesen und verstehen The rise of the right 16 Land und Leute New Zealand 18 Redewendungen Problems and difficulties 19 Hörverständnis A writer’s experience 20 Test Check your progress 21 Lösungen 22 Chefredakteurin: Inez Sharp Stellvertretende Chefredakteurin: Claudine Weber-Hof Chefin vom Dienst: Susanne Pfeifer Redaktion: Vanessa Clark, Owen Connors, Anja Giese, Peter Green, Anna Hochsieder, Michael Pilewski (Online), Dagmar Taylor, Michele Tilgner Bildredaktion: Sarah Gough (Leitung), Thorsten Mansch Gestaltung: Two8, Christian Neubauer (Art Director) Produktmanagement: Ignacio Rodríguez-Mancheño Anzeigenleitung: Axel Zettler Marketingleitung: Holger Hofmann Produktionsleitung: Ingrid Sturm Vertriebsleitung: Monika Wohlgemuth Verlag und Redaktion: Spotlight Verlag GmbH Postanschrift: Postfach 1565, 82144 Planegg, Deutschland Telefon +49(0)89/8 56 81-0 Fax +49(0)89/8 56 81-105 Internet: Litho: Mohn Media Mohndruck, 33311 Gütersloh Druck: Rotaplan, 93057 Regensburg Einzelverkaufspreis Deutschland: € 4,10. Weitere Exemplare von Spotlight plus können unter der Telefonnummer +49 (0)89/8 56 81-16 bestellt werden. E-Mail: © 2015 Spotlight Verlag, auch für alle genannten Autoren, Fotografen und Mitarbeiter. 4|15 Spotlight plus 3 GRAMMATIK – GRUNDWISSEN | Reflexive pronouns Reflexive pronouns The reflexive pronouns are: SingularPlural myselfourselves yourselfyourselves himself herselfthemselves itself ➜ Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object are the same: Diana: Why does David have toilet paper on his chin? Did he cut himself? Doris: David? Did you cut yourself shaving? David: Yes, I cut myself, but not badly. I didn’t have my glasses on. (In the sentences above, David is the subject and the object.) 1. Which one? Complete the following sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns. a) We had a fantastic time in Florida. We really enjoyed __________________________________. b) Why is that cat limping? It looks as if it has hurt _______________________________________. c) It’s so cute when my little brother feeds _____________________________. He makes such a mess! d) Are you sure Sarah will be able to look after ____________________________? She seems too young to be travelling on her own. e) I can’t believe you taught _____________________________ how to speak Japanese. That’s amazing! f) Guess what! The twins washed and dressed ______________________________ alone this morning. 2. The right verb Complete each sentence with a verb from the list and the correct pronoun or reflexive pronoun. blame • burn • dry • enjoy • help • hurt • introduce a) Here are your towels. Now hurry up and __________________ — and please don’t leave your swimming costumes in the showers like last time. b) Come quickly! Grandma’s fallen. I think she’s really __________________. c) Don’t __________________! I didn’t even know there was a box of chocolates under the sofa. d) Let me __________________. My name’s Gregory, and I’ll be your guide today. e) The water was so hot that we both __________________. f) Daryl called. He’s trying to set up his new computer. He asked me to __________________. g) What a brilliant play! I really __________________. Did you like it? 4 Spotlight plus 4|15 Comstock info This month, REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS are dealt with on The Grammar Page (page 57). Here, you can test what you have learned and practise this area of grammar further. ➜ info 3. Emphasis Reflexive pronouns can also be used with nouns to mean “that person and not anybody else”: • Did they really design the house themselves? • Look, Mummy! I tied my laces all by myself! Who did it? Match the sentences on the left (a–f) to those on the right to form pairs. a) Margaret, this cake is absolutely delicious! b) The painter doesn’t have time until July. c) I really don’t have much money. d) My husband’s so good with his hands. e) I offered to drive them to the airport. f) What happened to your hair? 4. a b c d e f 1. Do you know he made all our curtains himself? 2. Did you cut it yourself? 3. But they wanted to drive there themselves. 4. I’m going to make my wedding dress myself. 5. Did you make it yourself? 6. Why don’t we paint the house ourselves? Is that necessary? The reflexive pronoun is often left out when talking about an action that people normally and often do themselves. Read the sentences below and cross out the reflexive pronoun in those cases where it is not necessary. a) Can you answer the door? I’m in the middle of shaving myself. b) I think she’s an amazing little girl. She’s just taught herself to knit. c) He always has a shower in the morning. He says he doesn’t really feel fully wake until he has washed himself. d) Can you please dress yourselves before coming down for breakfast? e) Try not to scratch yourself. You’ll just make it worse. f) Don’t worry about us. We’re old enough to look after ourselves. g) My home is your home. Help yourself to anything you need. h) I got up, made myself breakfast, ate it, and read the newspaper before I noticed that the door had been open all night. i) I don’t think Paul will be travelling to the mountains this weekend. The last time he went skiing, he hurt himself badly. 4|15 Spotlight plus 5
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