Guidelines for Contributors

Guidelines for Contributors
Zeitschrift Schreiben welcomes unpublished original manuscripts relevant to the theory and practice of writing
or with a major concern for writing in its various didactic contexts.
The editorial committee decides whether to accept a paper on the basis of an external anonymous peer review
Manuscripts are accepted in both German and English.
If you are interested in submitting an article for the online journal, please send your manuscript (preferably as
a Word document) at any time to
Size of the paper
15’000–20’000 characters.
Please include an abstract of 100–150 words, which
conveys the paper’s main points of your research and
outlines the results or conclusions.
Please use as little formatting as possible:
- only one type face and font size (e. g. Arial 10)
- no blank lines between paragraphs
References and Citations according to The Chicago
Manual of Style (16th ed.)
Quotes in the text must be enclosed within «quotation
marks» and identified by brief parenthetical re­feren­
ces: (Author’s Name Year, pages)
If your text gives the author’s name, provide only
page numbers in parentheses.
Titles of individual works (stand-alone publications)
like books, journals, periodicals or films are italicized.
All references in the text must clearly point to specific
sources in the bibliography. | e-mail:
Editors: Gerd Bräuer, Monique Honegger, Eva-Maria Jakobs, Otto Kruse, Daniel Perrin, Gabriela Ruhmann, Kirsten Schindler
Editorial staff: Daniel Ammann, Yves Furer, Monique Honegger
Bibliography / Alphabetical List of References
LastName, FirstName(s) and FirstName(s) LastName. Year of publication. Title of
Book. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Böttcher, Ingrid und Michael Becker-Mrotzek. 2003. Texte bearbeiten, bewerten
und benoten: Schreibdidaktische Grundlagen und unterrichtspraktische
Anregungen. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor.
Elbow, Peter. 2000. Everyone Can Write: Essay toward a hopeful theory of
writing and teaching writing. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Edited Book
Bräuer, Gerd, Hrsg. 2004. Schreiben(d) lernen: Ideen und Projekte für die
Schule. Hamburg: edition Körber-Stiftung.
Kruse, Otto, Katja Berger und Marianne Ulmi, Hrsg. 2006. Prozessorientierte
Schreibdidaktik: Schreibtraining für Schule, Studium und Beruf. Bern:
LastName, FirstName(s). Year of Publication. «Title of Book Chapter or Work in
Other Collection.» Title of Journal Vol (Issue): Page numbers.
Ritterfeld, Ute, Sandra Niebuhr, Christoph Klimmt und Peter Vorderer.
2006. «Unterhaltsamer Mediengebrauch und Spracherwerb: Evidenz
für Sprachlernprozesse durch die Rezeption eines Hörspiels bei
Vorschulkindern.» Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie 18 (2): 60–69.
Online Journal
Miskovic, Jeanina. 2006. «Das Lernpotential von reflexivem Schreiben in der
LehrerInnenausbildung.» Zeitschrift Schreiben, 10. Juni, 1–5. Zugriff
Book Chapter,
Work in a
LastName, FirstName(s). Year of Publication. «Title of Book Chapter or Work in
Other Collection.» In Title of Book, Anthology, or Collection, ed. FirstName
LastName, Page numbers. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Kruse, Otto und Gabriele Ruhmann. 2006. «Prozessorientierte Schreibdidaktik:
Eine Einführung.» In Prozessorientierte Schreibdidaktik: Schreibtraining für
Schule, Studium und Beruf, hrsg. v. Otto Kruse, Katja Berger u. Marianne
Ulmi, 13–35. Bern: Haupt.
Ryan, Marie-Laure. 1999. «Cyberspace, Virtuality, and the Text.» In Cyberspace
Textuality: Computer Technology and Literary Theory, ed. Marie-Laure
Ryan, 78–107. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
For electronic sources and online publications, follow the rules for print insofar as possible.
Guidelines for Contributors
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