TUM Graduate School 32 Kick-Off Seminar 15

32nd Kick-Off Seminar
15th - 17th December 2014
Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft Herrsching
Herrsching am Ammersee
TUM Graduate School
cross borders
Contact TUM-GS Team:
+49 (0)162 290 4071 (Sandra Baumert)
Event Location:
Haus der bayerischen Landwirtschaft Herrsching
Rieder Straße 70
82211 Herrsching am Ammersee
Draft Program
Day 1
08:45 Departure from Munich
TUM, Arcisstr. 21
15 December
10:15 Address of Welcome /
Intro to TUM GSMain Hall
Keynote SpeechMain Hall
12:00 Science Slam Introduction
Main Hall
12:15 LunchGarden Hall
13:15 Meeting OpportunitiesVarious*
14:00 Good Scientific Practice Main Hall
Info SessionMain Hall
15:00 Coffee BreakMain Hall
15:20 Poster Session
Main Hall
16:00 Science Slam Preparation
DinnerGarden Hall
19:15 Science Slam Preparation
19:45 Science Slam Main Hall
Day 2 09:00 Meet & Greet the Trainers
Main Hall
16 December
09:15 Course incl. Break
12:30 LunchGarden Hall
14:00 Course (continuation)Various*
18:00 DinnerGarden Hall
Free TimeVarious
Day 3
09:00 Course (continuation)
17 December
12:00 Lunch
Garden Hall
13:30 Course (continuation)Various*
17:30 Farewell + Certificates Main Hall
Departure Bus
* There will be floorplans in the Main Hall.
Courses start: 16th December, 09:00 - End 17th December, 17:30
Floor plans will help you to find your way around the premises.
Develop your Entrepreneurial Thinking Prof. Nicola Breugst/
Dr. Judith Behrens
Kreatives Schreiben für WissenschaftlerInnen
How to Present your Research in English
Elisabeth Grenzebach
Tim Korver English
Serious Creativity - Develop New
Solutions in a Systematic Way
Isbela Plambeck
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in
Dr. Till von Feilitzsch
der Praxis
Führungserfahrung entwickeln – Erfolgreiche Leitung von Teams
Barbara Wagner
Responsible Future Life and Career Plans
Ursula Wendeberg Englisch
Develop your Entrepreneurial Thinking
This workshop provides an introduction to the experience of entrepreneuring. It is grounded
in the belief that the capabilities of entrepreneurship will be critical to every scientist’s or
manager’s future career, whether he or she chooses to create a standalone new venture
or become a member of a corporate world. The workshop is intended to provide doctoral
candidates with an experience of thinking and behaving in an entrepreneurial manner.
The workshop will explore and examine the core features of entrepreneurship. The central
part will be the identification and exploitation of new opportunities to create and capture
value, and understanding how such endeavors relate to personal motivations and goals.
Upon its completion, participants should be able to recognize the fundamental features of the
entrepreneurial mindset, behaviors and skills, and understand the central role of teamwork,
creativity and observation in identifying and developing entrepreneurial opportunities.
Like real-life entrepreneurship, this workshop will be action-oriented and hands-on.
Participants should be willing to share ideas, experiences and ambitions. Main components
of the program include: workshops, class and group discussions, and group presentations.
Prof. Nicola Breugst and Dr. Judith Behrens will conduct this course in English.
Prof. Nicola Breugst’s research addresses the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship.
These include entrepreneurial decision making processes, the affective aspects of the
entrepreneurial process, and the development of entrepreneurial teams. Professor Breugst
studied psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, majoring in work and
organizational psychology, as well as in family psychology and she earned a PhD in
entrepreneurship at Friedrich- Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany in 2011. She did research
at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena, Kelley
School of Business in Bloomington, USA, and National University of Singapore. Since March
2012, Nicola holds the professorship of entrepreneurial behavior at Technische Universität
Dr. Judith Behrens is Habilitand at Technische Universität München, Chair of Entrepreneurship.
She was a visiting scholar at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University and a Research
Assistant at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. Previously, Judith Behrens
studied economics at Universität Witten Herdecke and general management at Stockholm
University - School of Business. Her teaching interests are at the intersection of corporate
entrepreneurship and innovation management. Before starting in academia, she worked
three years in the banking sector at Deutsche Bank AG and American Mortgage Express,
San Diego, USA.
Kreatives Schreiben für WissenschaftlerInnen
Das Aus für langweilige Texte: Sie erfahren, wie Sie Sachthemen klar aufbauen, anschaulich
beschreiben und inspirierend verpacken.
Sie entdecken die eigenen Schreibpotentiale, die eigene Kreativität und arbeiten an ihrem
Schreibstil. Sie trainieren typische Schwachstellen wissenschaftlicher Texte elegant zu
umschiffen. Mit Tipps und Tricks aus dem Journalismus und dem kreativen Schreiben
werden Sie wissenschaftliche Themen verständlich und ansprechend zu Papier bringen.
Kurz: Sie entdecken das Schreiben neu, lernen Ihre Stärken kennen und erfahren,
wie Sie Ihre wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse überzeugend verpacken. Schließlich
ist Schreiben ein Handwerk, das jeder lernen und das auch Spaß machen kann.
Elisabeth Grenzebach will conduct this course in German.
Elisabeth Grenzebach, Dipl. Vwl. and M. A., studied sinology and political
economics in Munich, Berlin and Taiwan. Then she got research assistant
at the Free University of Berlin. She worked as editor and chief editor at
the Handelsblatt Group, a German publishing house. Meanwhile Mrs.
Grenzebach manages a Training Agency for Writing. Her subjects are
scientific, technical and creativ writing; public relations and article writing.
How to Present your Research in English
Academic speakers need to present their messages clearly and effectively so that the
audience can understand and remember the key information.
This course aims to strengthen your presentation techniques for academic talks with a focus
on more effectively conveying messages. The training will provide you with a framework for
developing your own talks and applying rhetorical techniques for creating clearer messages.
The course is interactive and will give participants the opportunity to prepare and deliver short
presentations as well as practice in dealing with questions. Talks are followed by constructive
feedback from a native speaker as well as from other participants.
Assignment: Prepare a presentation of your research – no more than 8 minutes
Key areas
structuring your talk
creating good rapport with your audience
ensuring clear messages
emphasizing key information
creating effective visuals
dealing with questions
By the end of the seminar, you will be able to
• ensure a clearer structure in your talks to help
convey clearer messages
• apply rhetorical techniques to transfer key messages
• use expressions to deal with questions competently
• adopt an appropriate style for developing rapport
• adopt a suitable format for your visuals
Tim Korver will conduct this course in English.
Tim Korver has experiences in teaching English Communication
Skills in a range of industries for more than 10 years. After his studies in South Africa, he went to Australia and United Kingdom for
several years working among others as a Business English teacher.
Since 2004 he owns a language school in Munich providing in-company for Business Communication skills. His focus areas are in the
development of communicative competences for meetings, negotiations, telephoning and emails.
Serious Creativity – Develop New Solutions in a Systematic Way
Participants will learn how to apply the principles of creative thinking and use a systematic
process of creative thinking to consciously develop new ideas and workable solutions. You
will learn the skills and develop the mindset to be more creative on a daily basis in both
your professional and private life. You will experience how to combine creative thinking with
logical and analytical thinking.
The contents:
• Creativity - what it is and what it depends on,
• Challenges that require creativity,
• Principles of creative thinking: divergent and convergent thinking,
• The mindset of innovative people: Develop thinking patterns and behaviors that facilitate new solutions,
• How interdisciplinary teams affect the creative output,
• Introduction to a systematic process of creative thinking,
• Thinking tools to clarify and define problems using creativity,
• Creativity techniques to systematically develop new ideas,
• Thinking tools to choose, evaluate and further develop ideas.
• Interactive lecture,
• Individual work as well as in small and in large groups,
• Feedback and discussion after each exercise,
• Application of the contents on real life challenges.
Isabela Plambeck will conduct this course in English.
Isabela Plambeck studied Technical Engineering for Industrial Design at
the Polytechnical University in Valencia (Spain). Between 2011 and 2013
she worked as Concept Designer in an international company developing
digital interactive media installations in close cooperation with customers
and clients. With her understanding of design methodology, workshop
facilitation and design aspects, she supports creaffective as trainer and
facilitator for innovation workshops and innovation coach for innovation
projects. Lately she has been to India, creating local and international
contacts to potential clients giving trainings and keynote presentations
about innovation. Currently Isabela Plambeck lives in Munich.
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Praxis
Das Seminar schlägt eine Brücke zwischen den formulierten Standards für Gute
Wissenschaftliche Praxis, der Bearbeitung des eigenen Forschungsthemas und praktischen
Tipps zum Verfassen der Dissertationsschrift.
Dabei werden folgende Inhalte behandelt:
Leitlinien zur Sicherung der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis
Kernelemente wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und deren Anwendung in der Praxis
Fallbeispiele für wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten
Arbeitsmethodik zur Strukturierung des eigenen Promotionsvorhabens
Die Teilnahme am Seminar ist verpflichtend für Doktoranden der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen,
die nach der neuen Promotionsordnung promovieren. Anmeldungen dieser Personengruppe
werden bevorzugt. Die Kurssprache ist deutsch.
Dr. Till von Feilitzsch will conduct this course in German.
Dr. Till von Feilitzsch ist Referent des Dekans der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Geschäftsführer des Fakultäts-Graduiertenzentrums Maschinenwesen. Er hat Physik an der Universität Heidelberg und der HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin studiert und anschließend in Physikalischer Chemie
an der TU München promoviert. Dr. von Feilitzsch begleitet seit mehreren
Jahren die Diskussion über wissenschaftliche Standards an der Fakultät
für Maschinenwesen.
Führungserfahrung entwickeln – Erfolgreiche Leitung von Teams
Ein Team zusammenhalten, motivieren und leiten – aber wie? In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie
einen ersten Einblick in die unterschiedlichen Aspekte von Teamleitung. Die in den zwei
Kurstagen erarbeiteten Grundlagen ziel- und teamorientierter Führung können Sie direkt in
Ihren beruflichen Alltag integrieren.
Schwerpunkte der Impulsvorträge, Gruppenarbeiten und praktischen Übungen
Kommunikationsprozesse – Feedback und „Spielregeln“
Teamentwicklungsmodelle – Analyse und Konfliktmanagement
Führungsmodelle – Teamprozesse erkennen und Verantwortung übernehmen
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, konkrete Führungs- und Teamsituationen zu reflektieren.
Impulsvorträge, Gruppen- und Einzelarbeiten sowie praktische Übungen bieten ein breites
Spektrum an Anregungen für den direkten Transfer in Ihren Arbeitsalltag.
Barbara Wagner will conduct this course in German.
Barbara Wagner has been working as an educational theorist in the
roles of supervisor, trainer and coach in international businesses since
1995. Her focus areas are in the development of leadership, team and
project management skills. For two years she was instrumental in the
setting up of the TUM Graduate School and conceptualizing the Qualifications Program for doctoral candidates. She has been working as a
freelancer since autumn 2012.
Responsible Future Life and Career Plans
This course provides participants with the opportunity to get to know the most essential
orientation factors for drawing up comprehensive lifestyle and careers plans: one‘s
own values, principles and long-term goals in life. This is because their implementation
determines the chances of sustained satisfaction in the different aspects of life such as
career, family, health, etc.
Selective counselling and small discussion groups enable those taking part to get a
clear, preliminary idea of their own motivation, personal preferences and skills. Some
straightforward exercises allow a person‘s aspirations and possible aims in life to come to
light. By drawing up a so-called “mission statement“, everybody makes a written record of
those items that are of lasting significance for himself/herself.
Participants can use it as a reliable reference and guide to taking intuitive, long-term
decisions relating to their life and career in the future.
Ursula Wendeberg will conduct this course in English.
Ursula Wendeberg has worked in adult education as a trainer and
coach, focusing on team building, train the trainer, lifestyle and careers
planning and ADHD since 1995. Having studied pedagogy, history and
political science, she works as a freelancer for business companies and
non-profit organisations in cooperations with several training networks.
Team of the TUM Graduate School
Dr. Michael Klimke
Managing Director
Phone: +49 89 289 10602
Eva Pettinato, M.A.
Project Manager
Phone: +49 89 289 10604
Vera Minoux, M.A.
Event Manager
Phone: +49 89 289 10600
Sandra Baumert
Master of Business
Event Manager
Phone: +49 89 289 10611
Winie Alice Niedenführ
Team Assistant
Phone: +49 89 289 10610
Marika Kotanidou
Phone: +49 89 289 10613
Jamie Graefe, M.S.
Accommodation Coordinator
Phone: +49 89 289 25445
Zizheng Zhang, M.A.
Project Coordinator
Welcome Office
Phone: +49 89 289 10624
Laura Oster
Project Manager
Phone: +49 89 289 10609
Claudia Meßli
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)
Data Management
Phone: +49 89 289 10634
Jörg Heuser
Phone: +49 89 289 10605
TUM Graduate School
Boltzmannstr. 17
85748 Garching