Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Lehrerausgabe BusinessSpotlight August 2013: Win at work! How to be a better negotiator Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Download bei School-Scout.de BUSINESS SKILLS: HOW TO BE A BETTER NEGOTIATOR BusinessSpotlight Ausgabe 5/2013 01_Titel_2_05-13 17.07.13 16:32 Seite 1 BusinessSpotlight Englisch für den Beruf Easy English Key tips for presentations September–Oktober l Ausgabe 5/2013 Win at work! How to be a better negotiator Careers Study abroad and get ahead Head-to-Head English as the EU language? Management The importance of car design Emotions BusinessSpotlight All the vocabulary you need Deutschland: € 12,80 • CH sfr 23,00 A • E • I • L • P (cont.) • SK: € 13,90 Gut für den Kopf! Besser mit Sprachen. Land und Leute verstehen – und nebenbei die Sprache lernen. Jeden Monat neu. 4 ine Magaz s ei zum Pr von 3 ! * Bestellen Sie jetzt Ihr Lieblingsmagazin! www.spotlight-verlag.de/4fuer3 +49 (0)89/8 56 81-16 * Kennenlern-Angebot für Neu-Abonnenten: 4 Ausgaben eines Magazins Ihrer Wahl zum Preis von 3 (€ 18,60 / SFR 27,90 – Business Spotlight € 34,50 / SFR 51,75). 00-0062_Family_1-1.indd 1 12.07.13 10:10 03_Edi_513_A 18.07.13 16:42 Seite 3 ■ EDITORIAL Successful design Design plays an important role in many areas of business. It is also a key topic in this issue of Business Spotlight. In our Tech nology feature (p. 78), we look at how spider silk is now being used to design medical technologies. On Ian McMaster, editor-in-chief a different note, our Head-toHead section (p. 14) asks how the EU should design its language policy. Specifically: should English be the EU’s official language? Two experts debate the topic. And in our Business Skills article (p. 30), Bob Dignen looks at the psychological factors that you need to consider to design an effective negotiating strategy. Sprachen lernen – Menschen treffen Design also plays a vital role in the car industry. However, as Vicki Sussens reports in our Management feature (p. 72), many experts believe that manufacturers have lost their way and are “simply producing too many cars that are ugly, Sprachkurse in allen Weltsprachen s¬¬3PRACHUNTERRICHT¬ beruflich und privat s¬¬)NTENSIVKURSE¬ Gruppen- und Einzeltraining s¬¬&IRMENKURSE¬ und Inhouse-Training look largely the same — and are not what people want”. The key to success, as in other sectors, is to make sure that you have a clear and distinctive brand. Carmakers that fail to do so have The beauty of design: Porsche’s 356B Coupé If you were designing the perfect career, it would almost certainly include a period of time spent studying abroad. In the first part of our two-part Careers series (p. 64), we look at the many possiblities that are open to today’s students. Porsche AG only themselves to blame for their troubles. KERN AG IKL Business Language Training & Co. KG Leipziger Straße 51, 60487 Frankfurt / Main kern.frankfurt@kerntraining.com ☎ (0 69) 7 56 07 39-0 www.kerntraining.com +%2.¬!'¬)+,¬3PRACHZENTREN¬UNTER¬ANDEREM¬IN Ian McMaster, editor-in-chief Contact: i.mcmaster@spotlight-verlag.de 5/2013 Aachen · Augsburg · Berlin · Bielefeld · Bochum · Bonn Braunschweig · Bremen · Darmstadt · Dortmund · Dresden Duisburg · Düsseldorf · Essen · Frankfurt / Main · Freiburg Friedrichshafen · Hamburg · Hannover · Heilbronn · Ingolstadt Kaiserslautern · Karlsruhe · Kassel · Kiel · Köln · Leipzig Mainz · Mannheim · Mönchengladbach · München · Münster Nürnberg · Offenbach · Saarbrücken · Schweinfurt · Stuttgart Ulm · Weil a. Rh. · Wiesbaden · Wuppertal · Würzburg 04-05 Contents_0513 19.07.13 15:22 Seite 4 ■ CONTENTS 5/2013 16 Mark Carney WEF iStockphoto 30 Making deals WORKING WORLD 6 LANGUAGE TEST Names and News The latest from the world of business 38 Information Technology all levels all levels Vocabulary for the digital world GLOBAL BUSINESS LANGUAGE SECTION 10 Deforestation advanced How big business is destroying Sumatra’s forests ➤14 Head-to-Head advanced Should English be the EU’s official language? 16 Profile advanced Mark Carney, the new Bank of England head 21 Behind the Headlines advanced INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 22 Money and Banking medium How culture influences our financial values 27 Looking Back medium US Carol Scheunemann on guns in America 28 Travel Tips medium Wine-tasting in California, unusual places to stay English on the Move Between terminals easy BUSINESS SKILLS ➤30 Psychology at Work medium How to become a better negotiator Survival Guide to cut out and keep 36 Toolbox 44 45 ➤ 46 48 50 52 53 ➤ 55 56 58 59 60 62 63 easy Vocabulary Physiotherapy medium Grammar at Work Comparing options easy Easy English Presenting a project update Wise Words Deborah Capras on politics and lies medium Short Story A murder of crows medium Translation False friends and more medium Language Cards Pull out and practise SKILL UP! Emotional times English for… Document management medium Legal English Telephoning with clients medium Economics and Finance Quantitative easing advanced Teacher Talk Interview with Stephanie Ashford medium Products What’s new? medium Key Words Vocabulary from this issue CAREERS ➤ 64 Studying Abroad medium medium medium Why this is such a valuable experience 68 Tips and Trends medium Zero-hours contracts, managers with deep voices Staying polite 37 Say It in Style medium Syllable stress in long words 70 Leisure Time medium Art exhibitions, books, photography and DVDs Multimedia learning with Business Spotlight Business Spotlight plus Business Spotlight in the classroom Practise the language in the magazine with our exercise booklet. In this issue, we focus on politics, money and banking, emotions and physiotherapy. See page 81 for subscription details This six-page supplement for teachers and trainers provides lesson activities based on articles in Business Spotlight. It is free to those who subscribe to the magazine. To order, send an email to: schulmedien@spotlight-verlag.de plus This symbol indicates that related excercises can be found in Business Spotlight plus. READERS’ SERVICE Email: abo@spotlight-verlag.de Internet: www.spotlight-verlag.de Telephone: +49 (0)89/8 56 81-16 Fax: +49 (0)89/8 56 81-159 04-05 Contents_0513 19.07.13 15:22 Seite 5 72 Car design MANAGEMENT ➤72 The Car Industry advanced Are too many ugly cars being produced? 76 What Happened Next advanced PR Digital Vision 38 Test your IT English 55 feelings Words for The theory of shareholder value 77 Executive Eye TECHNOLOGY 78 Spider Silk advanced Medical uses for a miracle material 82 Trends medium “Smart” clothing, flying electric bicycles 83 Language Focus advanced Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” GUIDE medium Adrian Furnham on staff appraisals PEOPLE easy Madina Baibolova, estate agent in Kazakhstan REGULAR SECTIONS 3 42 71 84 85 Editorial SprachenShop Classified Ads Feedback / Impressum Preview LANGUAGE IN BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Articles in the magazine use the style, spelling, punctuation and pronunciation of British English unless otherwise marked. US easy ➤ Cover topics American style, spelling, punctuation and pronunciation are used in these articles. Approximately at CEF level A2 medium Approximately at CEF levels B1–B2 advanced Approximately at CEF levels C1–C2 All articles are marked with their level of language difficulty. CEF stands for the Council of Europe’s “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”. ifml.: informal word or phrase; vulg.: vulgar word or phrase; sl.: slang word or phrase; non-stand.: non-standard word or phrase; UK: chiefly UK usage; US: chiefly North American usage Business Spotlight Online Business Spotlight Audio Our audio product offers more than 70 minutes of texts, dialogues, exercises and interviews. In the current issue, you can practise syllable stress, learn about negotiating and listen to a murder story. This symbol indicates that related texts and exercises can be heard on Business Spotlight Audio. Our website offers activities for even more language learning, as well as news and blogs. Subscribers have full access to our online content. www This symbol indicates that related content can be found on our website: www.business-spotlight.de www.business-spotlight.de 5 Cover photograph: Goodshoot 86 My Working Life 06-09 Names+news 5_13 22.07.13 15:29 Seite 6 ■ WORKING WORLD NAMES AND NEWS BRITAIN medium Expensive tears hey all cry in here,” says divorce lawyer Camilla Baldwin. The 47-year-old heads her own exclusive practice in the posh London district of Mayfair, with clients who include politicians, hedge-fund managers and aristocrats. Baldwin, who charges £450 an hour for her services, set up her practice in 2005 at home, so that she could both work and meet the needs of her two small children. Now her firm employs 14 other people, all but one of them female. “It’s not intentionally women-only,” she told the Financial Times. “Men don’t really want to do family law.” Baldwin says she enjoys her work because she feels she can help people. Her meeting room is designed to look elegant but comfortable. “It’s important it doesn’t look like a boardroom,” she explains. “Men don’t want to discuss the failure of their marriage in a boardroom.” Despite her commitment to family law, Baldwin says dealing with other people’s marital problems can be stressful. “It’s like a conveyor belt of upset people. Sometimes I get to the end of the day and I’ve got battle fatigue.” And then there are the tears. How does Baldwin stop people from crying? “I tell them how expensive I am.” “T London success story: top lawyer Camilla Baldwin marital [(mÄrIt&l] posh [pQS] practice [(prÄktIs] strapping [(strÄpIN] ifml. upset [)Vp(set] Kriegsmüdigkeit, Frontkoller Sitzungszimmer des Vorstands Engagement, Einsatz Fließband Scheidungsanwalt/-anwältin als Fachanwalt/-anwältin für Familienrecht praktizieren Ehenobel, vornehm Praxis; hier: Kanzlei kräftig, stramm unglücklich; aufgebracht “I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist I used to be” US President Barack Obama, 52, making a joke at the 2013 White House Correspondents’ Dinner 6 www.business-spotlight.de The White House battle fatigue [(bÄt&l fE)ti:g] boardroom [(bO:dru:m] commitment [kE(mItmEnt] conveyor belt [kEn(veIE belt] divorce lawyer [dI(vO:s )lO:jE] family law: do ~ [)fÄmli (lO:] Listen to this text on Business Spotlight Audio 06-09 Names+news 5_13 22.07.13 15:29 Seite 7 Overworked and underpaid? American reporters U.S. advanced US And the loser is... W hat’s the worst job in the U.S. in 2013? Hint: it’s not trash collector. The worst job in the U.S., according Digital Vision Best and worst jobs in the U.S. TOP FIVE 1. Actuary 2. Biomedical engineer 3. Software engineer 4. Audiologist 5. Financial planner WORST FIVE 196. Oil-rig worker 197. Actor 198. Enlisted military personnel 199. Lumberjack 200. Newspaper reporter to CareerCast.com, is newspaper reporter. CareerCast, which has been collecting job-market statistics for 25 years, lists 200 jobs in descending order, from best to worst. Its data come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and trade associations. “There are reasons why newspaper reporter is at the bottom,” says CareerCast’s publisher, Tony Lee. “Some of them are reasons that really haven’t changed in 25 years and some of them are new phenomena,” Lee told Poynter.org. Among the old reasons are relatively low pay, high stress, and unpredictable working hours. New phenomena include increased work responsibilities — reporters are often also required to produce blogs or videos and to be active on social-networking sites — and general uncertainty about the future of the print industry. Sources: CareerCast.com; Poynter.org 78% Percentage of Britons who believe it is the government’s job to help poor children get ahead. Sprachkurse im Ausland 50% Percentage of Americans who believe it is the government’s job to help poor children get ahead. Sources: The Guardian; YouGov-Cambridge think tank (www.yougov.polis.cam.ac.uk) actuary [(ÄktSueri*] biomedical engineer [)baIoU)medIk&l endZI(nI&r*] descending [di(sendIN] enlisted military personnel [In)lIstId (mIlEteri p§:sE)nel*] get ahead [)get E(hed] lumberjack [(lVmb&rdZÄk*] oil rig [(OI&l rIg] publisher [(pVblIS&r*] think tank [(TINk tÄNk] trade association [(treId EsoUsi)eIS&n*] trash collector [(trÄS kE)lekt&r*] US unpredictable [)Vnpri(dIktEb&l] Aktuar(in), Versicherungsmathematiker(in) Ingenieur(in) für Biomedizintechnik absteigend Militärangehörige; (einfache) Soldaten/Soldatinnen vorwärtskommen, Erfolg haben Holzfäller(in) Bohrinsel Herausgeber(in) Expertenkommission Wirtschafts-, Fachverband Müllmann/-frau unvorhersehbar * This symbol marks standard US pronunciation that differs from standard Karrierefaktor Fremdsprachen Sprachreisen mit beruflichem Mehrwert! EF Education First bringt Sprachkurse im Ausland und Networking am 11. Oktober in der eintägigen Konferenz „Careers Beyond Borders“ in Chicago zusammen. Sprachinteressierte aus aller Welt sind dazu eingeladen, mit hochrangigen Gastrednern über Karrierethemen zu diskutieren und bei Vorträgen, Seminaren und Workshops Kontakte zu internationalen Experten, Journalisten und Bloggern aus aller Welt zu knüpfen. EF Düsseldorf Königsallee 92a 40212 Düsseldorf Tel.: 0211/68857212 UK pronunciation. 5/2013 www.ef.com EF München Lehel Carré Gewürzmühlstr. 11 80538 München Tel.:089/23119010 EF Stuttgart Geißlstr. 4 70173 Stuttgart Tel.:0711/2599640 JETZT INFORMIEREN UNTER www.ef.de/ beyondborders 06-09 Names+news 5_13 22.07.13 15:29 Seite 8 ■ WORKING WORLD NAMES AND NEWS CANADA easy ow do you like your whisky? Fans of Mad Men seem to prefer Canadian — Canadian Club, that is. Canadian Club is rye whisky. It’s the favourite drink of Don Draper, the protagonist in the popular TV show about the 1960s advertising industry. Draper’s love of Canadian Club has increased sales for the drink. So has another TV series, Boardwalk Empire, set during the Prohibition years of the 1920s. “It has made a huge impact on the brand,” says company representative Tish Harcus. She told The Globe and Mail that Canadian Club even provided a case of 1960s-style bottles to the production company. “When you’re watching Mad Men, all the bottles you see are straight from Walkerville, Ontario.” Such product placement (see Business Spotlight 2/2006) is valuable, brand [brÄnd] brand manager [(brÄnd )mÄnIdZE] case [keIs] civil service examination [)sIv&l (s§:vIs IgzÄmI)neIS&n] coroner [(kQrEnE] impact: make an ~ on sth. [(ImpÄkt] product placement [)prQdVkt (pleIsmEnt] pulse [pVls] rye whisky [)raI (wIski] sales [seI&lz] set [set] surgery [(s§:dZEri] Alamy take (an examination) [teIk] that is [)DÄt (Iz] Marke Produktmanager(in), Markenbetreuer(in) Kiste Einstellungstest für den Öffentlichen Dienst Gerichtsmediziner(in) sich auf etw. auswirken Produktplatzierung; Schleichwerbung Puls Roggenwhisky Absatz hier: spielen Chirurgie; chirurgische Behandlung (eine Prüfung) ablegen das heißt amc On the rocks H Mad about it: Don Draper drinks Canadian Club according to Cheryl Hudson, brand manager for Canadian Club. In recent years, the drink was seen as something for old men. But thanks to the TV shows, younger people and women are drinking more Canadian Club. “[In] these historical periods — we were the brand that was there,” Hudson says. What they said… “I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours” Jerome K. Jerome (1859–1927), British writer (Three Men in a Boat) “The taxpayer: that’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination” Ronald Reagan (1911–2004), former US president “The easiest job in the world has to be coroner. Surgery on dead people. What’s the worst thing that could happen? If everything went wrong, maybe you’d get a pulse” Denise Miller, 50, US actress “Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person” Mother Teresa (1910–97), missionary and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 5/2013 Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Lehrerausgabe BusinessSpotlight August 2013: Win at work! How to be a better negotiator Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Download bei School-Scout.de
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