STIFTUNGSGASTPROFESSUR STADTKULTUR UND ÖFFENTLICHER RAUM Vienna University of Technology Department of Spatial Planning Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space raum skuor Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space Der Arbeitsbereich für Stadtkultur und Öffentlicher Raum an der Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung der TU Wien spürt Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen Stadtforschung und Stadtplanung, zwischen Praxis und Theorie in der gelebten und geplaten Stadt auf. Mit Koryphäen und Expertinnen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Kulturkreisen wird ergündet, wie öffentliche Räume als Vergesellschaftungsprozesse in der Stadt funktionieren. Diese ‚sedimentieren‘ baulich und räumlich, etwa in Form gestalteter und geplanter Projekte, bei denen immer stärker auch stadtkulturelle Aspekte diverser Akteure mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen zum Tragen kommen. Im Hinblick auf die lebensweltlich orientierte internationale Stadtforschung verknüpfen wir verschiedene Positionen an der Schnittstelle von Forschung, Planung und Architektur. Zwischen 2009 und 2017 besetzt die TU Wien die Stiftungsgastprofessur, die von der Stadt Wien materiell gefördert wird, entsprechend thematischer Jahresschwerpunkte. 2017 2016 2015 The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at Vienna University of Technology is dedicated to identify connecting characteristics between urban research, urban design and urban planning, between practice and theory regarding the thematically combined fields of the lived and planned city. In collaboration with luminaries and experts from different disciplines and cultures, we try to explore how public spaces work as societal processes in urban environments. They ‚sediment‘ as constructed or built spaces, Urban culture, public space, and... for instance taking the shape of designed or constructed projects, in the Future: Urban Equity + the Global Agenda which cultural aspects are increasingly imbedded by diverse players with the Present: Urban Solidarity + European Crisis a manifold spectrum of interests. SKuOR connects different positions in the Past: Urban Peace + National Welfare the field of lifewordly oriented international Urban Studies. Between 2009 and 2017 Vienna University of Technology annualy employs the Ways of living: Everday Life + Insights City of Vienna Visiting Professorship (materially supported by the City Knowledge: Education + Difference of Vienna) according to the annual themes. 2014 2013 2012 Resources: Aesthetics + Materiality 2011 Markets: Economy + Innovation 2010 State: Politics + Planning 2009 Civil Society: Culture + Conflict For further information please visit our homepage or get in touch with our team! or write to Ass. Prof. Dr. Sabine Knierbein | SKuOR Assistant Professor | | +43 1 58801 280020 DI MSc. Tihomir Viderman | SKuOR University Assistant | | +43 1 58801 280022 Angelika Gabauer, B.A. | SKuOR Study Assistant | | +43 1 58801 280023 Valentina Kofler, B.A. | SKuOR Teaching Assistant | | +43 1 58801 280023 Dr. Nikolai Roskamm | SKuOR Visiting Professor 2015 | TU Berlin | Stiftugsgastprofessur 2015 City of Vienna Visiting Professorship 2015 Dr. Nikolai Roskamm (TU Berlin) Lehr- und Forschungsaktivitäten an der TU Wien: Modul 11, Thesis Seminar, Exkursionen, Betreuung Diplom- und Masterarbeiten Teaching and research activities at Vienna UT: Module 11, thesis seminar, Excursions, Supervision Diploma- and Masterthesises Publikationen Publications Knierbein Sabine and Tornaghi Chiara (2015): Public Space and Relational Perspectives. New Challenges for Architecture and Planning, NY/ London. Routledge. Madanipour Ali, Knierbein Sabine, Degros Aglaée (2014): Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe, NY/ London. Routledge. Forschung Research WTZ Research Cooperation Austria-Croatia (01/2014 - 12/2015): „Everyday public spaces and emerging cultural practices in Vienna and Zagreb. Policy trends and tendencies between local and global transformations.“ Akademisches Netzwerken in Europa Academic Networking in Europe: AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures *Photo Credit: Lesezeichen Salbke Library (June 2009) Karo*Architekten STIFTUNGSGASTPROFESSUR STADTKULTUR UND ÖFFENTLICHER RAUM | INTERDISCIPLINARY CENTRE FOR URBAN CULTURE AND PUBLIC SPACE urban culture and public space WELFARE FAREWELL? EXPLORING THE PAST(S) For approaching public space and urban culture in planning and architecture, it is advisable to take on a history of ideas concerning some of the discipline‘s crucial concepts. One of these concepts is the concept of welfare, which is strongly connected to the invention of modern urban planning. Urban planning as an institution with its own narratives, organizations, laws, techniques and discourses (and as a distinct form of knowledge, too) arises in the second half of 19th Century. On the brink, the concept of the welfare state emerges. As one might say, the result of thinking-the-welfare-state is the reality of modern urban planning. From that point of view the object of welfare is the bridge to analyzing the urban planning past – understanding the one is helpful (or even necessary) for understanding the other. While seeking to grasp the positionality of current urban planners, designers, and researchers, the basic idea is to enhance as well a historic understanding of wider processes of the production of space in the city, before a planner starts to create a plan, or an architect makes his first sketch on paper (Stadtproduktion). public life - towards a politics of care: bodies. place. matter. FOCUS EXERCISE: PUBLIC LIFE PHD SYMPOSIUM, VIENNA, 17TH/18TH APRIL 2015 The module consists of three courses, which in combination cover theoretical approaches to study public life in the city, as well as methodologies for researching public space and practice-oriented learning. This course relates to the PhD symposium (see right column). Referring to the topics of the conference, this course aims to thematize the complexities of public life and a new politics of care and concern situated in the commonalities, connectivities, and nuanced spatialities between bodies, place, and matter. The aim of this exercise unit is to offer to international master students insight on how an interdisciplinary conference is prepared, realized and documented. Conference organization is a skill more and more requested in job advertisements both in planning and design practice (offices), in NGOs as well as in academia and science. At the same time, conferences can be considered as a temporary embodied space. Few courses however tackle ‘conference organization’ or conferences as social space as a skill or theme that future architects and planners should learn during their studies, thus the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space seeks to bridge this gap by offering all interested students to get involved in a real conference exercise of international and interdisciplinary and yet open character. A politics of care needs to be situated between bodies, place and matter. These come together both as elements of public and political life in cities and as as the subjects of research, knowledge production, and scientific inquiry. This conference aims to take up the complexities of public life and a new politics of care and concern situated in the commonalities, connectivities, and nuanced spatialities between bodies, place, and matter. Three panels “Bodies. Place. Matter” examine public life and the spatialisations of care and concern from the perspectives of urban, design and cultural disciplines. A common politics of care addresses the entanglement of infrastructures, resources, and affects, alignments, contradictions, and conflicts, labour, work, and pleasure, distribution and access, local sitespecificity and a globalized production of space. If public space is indeed a critical part of public life or the embodied geographies of the public sphere, then we need to rethink its inherent potentials between everyday life practices and the production and critical reflection of scientific insights/knowing. Register via TISS course Register via TISS course Registration until April 12th, 2015 ( VO 280.392 Strategies and intervention of the production of space UE 280.393 Paths and tools of the production of space SE 280.394 Concepts and critique of the production of space Sabine Knierbein, Tihomir Viderman: UE 280.405 Fokus: Planungs- und Raumtheorie: Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter Organized by: Prof. Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna), Ass. Prof. Sabine Knierbein (TU Wien/Vienna UT), and Prof. Rob Shields (University of Alberta, Canada) skuor
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