The Archdiocese of Cincinnati SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 209 W. Lake Ave · New Carlisle, Ohio 45344 · 937.845.3121 · 846.1223 FAX · Pastoral Region with Mary, Help of Chris tians Parish, Fairborn Father Kenneth Hummel Weekend Masses Saturday: 6:00 PM & 7:15 PM (Spanish) Sunday: 9:00 AM Parochial Administrator Father Samuel González Chaplain to our Spanish-speaking Parishioners — Sister Maria Stacy Hispanic Ministry Director Bradley Wilson Director of Music Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 8:30 AM Wed: 9:30 AM, Coffee Klatsch after Mass Mass in Spanish Saturdays: 7:15 PM Confessions Saturday: 5:30 PM & 7:00 PM, or call Father as needed. New Members Abby Wilson Please call us to meet our pastor and parish family. Director of Youth Catechesis Baptisms &Weddings Mary Hughes High SchoolYouth Minister Please call Fr. Hummel for preparation. Americo Velez Mondays at 7:00 PM English Classes Parish Council President Alcoholics Anonymous Friday at 7:30 PM Gary Van Oss 882.6559 Finance Council President Judy Hoeferlin Bulletin Editor Matt Prenatt Buildings and Grounds Deadline: Monday Noon Christina McGrath Administrative Assistant Golembiewski Hall Rental Richard Kraus Business Manager “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” – Jesus Christ Parish O f f i c e , Bereavement, St. Vincent de Paul...........845.3121 Knights of Columbus…..882.6603 Office of Catechesis…..206.3162 Prayer Group…..845.0181 Sacred Heart Moms.....206-3162 Please remember Sacred Heart in our will. SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW CARLISLE, OHIO From the Pastor’s Desk Mass Intentions Dear Parishioners, This past Christmas, I was reminded that nothing will be impossible with God. During this Holy Week, I have been reminded and convinced that our Father remains faithful to His promises. Because He raised Jesus from the dead, good things are happening in our life. And any setback, any disappointment, even death itself can't stop the good God plans for us. God came through for Jesus, He comes through for us. Sat., Apr 04 8:30 PM Sun., Apr 05 9:00 AM Mon., Apr 06 10:00 AM He is Risen, Alleluia! He is truly Risen. Tues., Apr 07 8:30 AM Sincerely, Fr. Hummel Wed., Apr 08 9:30 AM Thur., Apr 09 7:00 PM Fri., Apr 10 3:00 PM Sat., Apr 11 6:00 PM Clark County Right to Life Event On Sunday afternoon, April 19, 2015 the Clark County Right to Life is hosting the annual educational fair and memorial for the unborn. The Lawrenceville Church of God will be the site for the event this year. The church is located at 3131 Fox Hollow Road and route 41 west. The fair will be begin at 1:30 and end at 3:30 p.m. The main speaker will be Joy Fagan of Harbor House. Representatives from pro-life organizations will be present to share the educational materials of their ministries and answer your questions. Advance registration is not required. For additional information, see the flyer at orial.pdf. Our Sick Need your Pra yers Veronica Adams, Ali Acosta, Gary Baker, Diane Barnhart, Betty Bell, Sadie Chapman, Les Clark, Robin Clark, Sue Clawson, Hunter Cole, Dale Feibert, Kathy Frazier, Kent Harman, Katie Horn, Nancy Johnson, Mary Koffman, Anna Kunka, Gustavo Medina, Maria Medina, Josefina Mendes, Maria Mireles, Ignacia Reyes, Michael Riewerts, Annabelle Shemo, Lois Snyder, Ken Stapleton, Joan Steinlage, Bob Taylor, Lily Velez, Mary Williams and Cindy Wray. Please pray for our Armed Forces and their families: Cameron Baylis, Matt Carter, Brian Creps, Sheryl Estep, Elizabeth Frye, Trent Gordon, Ronald Hageman, Michael Hughes, Stephen Hughes, Justin M. Mosier, Sean L. Mosier, Sean W. Mosier, Timothy Naff, Larry James Patrick, Jarod Pytel, Meghan Sherman-Vaccaro, Jordan Trick and Justin Wirick. To add or remove someone from the prayer or military list, call 8453121 or email: Names are removed after three months unless removed sooner by request. 11:30 AM Sun., Apr 12 Vigil Mass of the Resurrection Intention of Fr. David Erickson (Fr. Hummel) Mass of the Resurrection All Parishioners (Fr. Hummel) Mass of the Resurrection – Bilingual - Soul of Fr. Paul Vieson (Knights of Columbus) Soul of Mary Ellen (Mosier) William Intention of Sr. Regina (F.S.E.) (Friends) Intention of Deacon Lee Brokaw (Friends) Soul of John Scott (Carol Scott) Intention of immigration reform (Sacred Heart) Soul of Ron Lyons (Judy Lyons) 7:15 PM All Parishioners (Fr. Hummel) 9:00 AM Soul of Tyler MacAlpine (Prenatt Family) Readings for Sunday, April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Sunday of Divine Mercy ACTS 4:32–35 · 1 JN 5:1–6 · JN 20:19–31 Monthly Adoration Will be April 14 Bring the gift of yourself to the Lord. Spend an hour before the Blessed Sacrament, on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. This hour of adoration will be hosted by the Spanish community. The Holy Hour will end with Benediction. The spring session of Theology on Tap begins on Thursday from April 16 and runs through May 21. Come at 7:00 p.m. for socializing, fun, food, and drinks to the Oregon Express at 36 E. Fifth Street in Dayton. Talk starts at 7:30. Theology on Tap is a lecture and discussion series for people in their 20’s and 30’s, single or married. It is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and local parishes. We meet in a local bar or restaurant for food, drink and lively discussion about things that matter to you and the Catholic faith. Come make new friends through faith-filled and thought provoking conversation in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. All young adults are welcome! EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD APRIL 05, 2015 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 12 On April 26, 2015, nationally known speaker and author John Wood will be coming to St. John the Baptist Parish in Tipp City. His presentation will be from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. and will be accompanied by the music group SimplyRC. Apr 14 Apr 15 John Wood is the author of Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission, 5 Steps to Winning the War Within. It has been one of Dynamic Catholic’s bestselling books. John has spoken at more than one hundred parishes across the country, inspiring thousands to embrace the message of the Universal Call to Holiness and help reawaken the sleeping giant called the Catholic Church. Matthew Kelly, founder of Dynamic Catholic, said, “I believe John is one of the great emerging Catholic voices of our time….John Wood has a passion that is contagious.” Apr 19 Apr 22 Arp 24 May 3 May 10 May 16 May 23 Upcoming Events Easter Egg Hunt, 10:15 a.m. Frassati Group, 7:00 p.m., Rectory Divine Mercy Sunday La Comedia Dinner Theatre, South Pacific Adoration & Benediction, 7:00 p.m. Patriotic Rosary, 7:00 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Chapel Blood Pressure Screening, 10:00 a.m. Bible Study, 7:00 p.m. Moms’ Group – Devotions, 7:00 p.m. First Communion, 11:30 a.m. Special Mass May Crowning, 10:00 a.m. Mass for Graduating Seniors, 6:00 p.m. Confirmation, 10:30a.m. Saturday Mass Call the parish office at 845-3121 for information. Needed! Manager for Hall Rental Need some extra cash? Have some spare time? Then this could be your answer. For information, contact Pat Kraus at 882-9428 New Mass Schedule Begins April 11 Catholic Relief Services Collection Saturdays 5:30 p.m. Confessions 6:00 p.m. Mass in English 7:00 p.m. Confessions in Spanish 7:15 p.m. Mass in Spanish Next week, our parish will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. This Collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this collection provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and show Christ’s love and respect to all people. Next week, please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection and help Jesus in disguise. FINANCE Sundays 9:00 a.m. Mass Weekly Offerings Operating Expenses Center Maintenance Offerings Fifth Sunday in March $6,000 2,200 $8,200 $ 5,765 819 $6,584 (Shortfall) Overage ( $ 235) (1, 381) (1, 616) LAY MINISTERS APRIL 11 & 12, 2015 Lectors 6:00 PM Joanne Green 7:15 PM Rosario Trujillo 9:00 AM Maria Peter Philip Francis Servers Acolytes Extraordinary Ministers Ushers Greeters Joe Carner John Carner Bob Cornwell Brenda Hermes Mary Yates Pat Ambuske Bruce Born Steve Eldridge Mac McKenzie Joann Corwin Ron Corwin Gary Sherman Shirley Sherman Joe Miller John Miller Michael Uyehata Larry Peter Brian & Karen Laycock, Annette Oakes, Enrique Suarez, Sharon Till, Linda Van Oss Darryl Bauer, Steve Grusenmeyer, Charles Jergens, Hank Oakes, Ed Russ, Americo Velez Ed Francis Fran Blair Brian Laycock Karen Laycock SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Treat Blessed Palm with Reverence The palms we receive on Palm Sunday are blessed objects or sacramentals that need to be treated reverently, not as toys, mere craft material or trash. Every Palm Sunday, the palms are a distraction during Mass where they often become an object of play or part of a distracting craft project during the Mass. The Blessing of Palms At the beginning of Mass on Palm Sunday, the palms are blessed with prayers. After this blessing and the sprinkling of holy water, the palms are sacramentals, or “little sacraments.” Every part of the palm is blessed, including the "strings" or thin threads that often find their way on the floor. Sacred objects, which are designated for divine worship by dedication or blessing, are to be treated reverently and are not to be employed for profane or inappropriate use even if they are owned by private persons (Code of Canon Law). What Is the Purpose of the Palms? Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, or “Passion Sunday,” which unites the royal splendour of Christ with the proclamation of his Passion. The procession, commemorating Christ's messianic entry into Jerusalem, is joyous and popular in character. The faithful should be reminded that participation at the procession is the important thing and not the obtaining of palm branches. Palms should not be kept as amulets, for therapeutic or magical reasons to dispel evil spirits. Palm Sunday Mass is about participating in the Mass commemorating Christ's entrance into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week and His Passion. The blessed palm is a "witness to faith in Jesus Christ, the messianic king, and in his Paschal Victory," a reminder of this commemoration. What to Do with the Palms? Palms and olive branches are kept in the home as a witness to faith in Jesus Christ, the messianic king, and in his Paschal Victory. Next year, the dried leftover palms from this Palm Sunday will be burned to ashes. Those ashes will be signed on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday. After Palm Sunday the blessed palms, like all other worn or broken blessed sacramentals, do not belong in the trash can, but need to be either buried or burned. So on Palm Sunday, remember that the blessed palm is a sacramental and not an object for sword play, not a weaving project to do during Mass, not something to pull apart and toss onto the floor, nor something that provides power or protection. NEW CARLISLE, OHIO Centering Prayer “Centering Prayer” is a meditative exercise used in various world religions. Catholics can use this prayer technique with great success. However, this technique is detrimental if Jesus is not at the center of the prayer. While our self, our feelings and our spirit are dignified and beautiful, we simply are not divine. God is the center of our lives. When we take time to meditate on what God is doing in our life, then we understand more of ourselves and can live the holy and happy life God has planned for each one of us. For more information about Centering Prayer, please check out the extended article on our website. —Fr. Hummel Please remember the soul of Mary Ellen (Mosier) Williams, who passed away on March 30. Her funeral Mass will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 6 at Sacred Heart. We offer prayers and sympathy to her family and friends. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord. Radio Maria Needs our Help Radio Maria is a familiar evangelistic ministry to many people in Ohio. AM 1600 airs program to the greater Springfield and Dayton areas. Inspirational Masses and prayer services, beautiful music and meaningful programs are just some of the treasures that await you each day. Because of major expenses, they have been conducting a major fundraising appeal with a goal of $100,000.00 to maintain stabilization and future solvency. As of midMarch, 40% of that goal has been reached. This national and international ministry operates with volunteer presenters. Their monthly electronic newsletter can be read in Spanish and Italian at A 24/7 program listing is also available at the website. If circumstances permit you to make a financial donation to the Keep Your Heart Warm appeal, please call 1-888-4080201 or donate online at prayerful remembrances and sacrificial contribution will be deeply appreciated since this ministry is totally listener supported. Radio Maria is a Christian voice in your home. Clark County Right to Life Requests the honor of your presence at its annual Educational Fair and Memorial for the Unborn When: Sunday, April 19, 2015 Time: 1:30-3:30 PM Where: Lawrenceville Church of God 3131 Fox Hollow Road, Springfield, Ohio 45502 A Special ProLife Speaker Meet elected officials Enjoy choirs and music Review literature, materials and presentations from life-affirming organizations and sponsors Light refreshments available Tenative Special Invitation: Join Lawrenceville Church of God’s Pot Luck Dinner from 12-1PM Call 937-521-2401 to reserve a table for your organization Or volunteer your church facilities for the 2016 Fair. Invite yourself, your family and your friends email: website: Ven a la Divina Misericordia Novena de la Misericordia Viernes Santo, 3 de abril a mediodía Estaciones de la Cruz Seguido por Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Domingo, 12 de abril 1:00-3:00 p.m. Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Sacramento de la Reconciliación Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia “Con la ayuda de esta imagen, Estaré concediendo muchas gracias a las almas” (341) “Todas las compuertas divinas a través del cual fluyen las gracias se abren." (699) El Domingo de la Misericordia, una imagen de la Divina Misericordia será bendecido y se mostrara en el santuario a lo solicitado por Jesús. La imagen representa a Cristo Resucitado que trae la misericordia al mundo entero. Por favor tome un momento y, con gratitud y confianza en la Misericordia de Dios, recuerde el misterio de la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Nuestro Señor mientras ve la imagen. De este modo, la imagen se venera como nuestro Señor lo pidio. Únase a los miles en todo el mundo que han respondido a este mensaje de la misericordia de Dios y han encontrado la esperanza, curación y respuestas a muchas oraciones. La Fiesta de la Misericordia es un día en que debemos acercarnos al Señor con gran fe y confianza. No tenga miedo de pedir grandes cosas, tanto espiritual como temporal. Alegraos en misericordia insondable de Nuestro Señor. En el año 2000, después de muchos años de estudio, San Juan Pablo II estableció la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia y le dio el nombre de la Divina Misericordia. ¿Qué tiene de especial esta nueva Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia? Es la promesa del perdón total de todos los pecados para cualquier alma que se confiese y luego recibe a Jesús en la Sagrada Comunión en la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia! Mi misericordia es tan grande que ninguna mente, ya sea de hombre o de ángel, será capaz de comprenderlo por toda la eternidad ". (699) Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón 50 De Abril 2015 Domingo de Pascua La Resurrección del Señor Misa de 7:00 p.m. ~ La Intención del Padre David Erickson Párroco Padre Kenneth Hummel 937-845-3121 Padre Samuel Gonzalez 513- 383-8867 Hermana Maria Stacy 937-258-1309 937-414-0185 Cristina McGrath 937-845-3121 937-823-2459 Oficina Parroquial 937-845-3121 Horario de Misas Sábado: 5:00 pm en inglés 7:00 pm en español Domingo: 9:00 am en inglés 11:30 pm en inglés Confesiones Sábados: 4:00 –5:00 pm 6:45–7:00 p.m. o haga una cita Sacramentos Para Boda: Llame P. Samuel 6 meses antes Para los de más sacramentos llama Cristina para saber los requisitos Para la renta del salón y para registrarse en la iglesia, llama Cristina Mensaje de Nuestro Parroco La semana antes de la Colecta Queridos feligreses, Esta navidad pasada, yo recorde que nada era imposible con la ayuda de Dios. Durante esta Semana Santa, me he dado cuenta y estoy convencido de que nuestro Padre sigue fiel a sus Promesas. Porque El resucito a Jesus de la muerte, buenas cosas estan pasando en nuestra vida. Y ningun problema, ó desepción, ni siquiera la muerte pueden parar lo bueno que Dios tiene planeado para nosotros. Dios ayudó a Jesús a salir adelante, asi que él nos ayudara a nosotros a salir adelante. El ha Resucitado, Aleluya! El de verdad ha Resucitado! La próxima semana se realizará en nuestra parroquia la Catholic Relief Services Collection. Esta Colecta otorga financiamiento a seis agencias católicas que tocan a más de 100 millones de vidas alrededor del mundo. Los fondos de esta Colecta proporcionan alimento al hambriento, ayuda a los refugiados desplazados y muestra el amor y el respeto de Cristo a todas las personas. La próxima semana, por favor contribuyan generosamente a la Catholic Relief Services Collection y ayuden a Jesús con otro rostro. Sinceramente, Padre Hummel Retiro Prematromonial - 25 de Abril Ministerio Hispano Católico Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati Hoja de registro esta disponible en la oficina de Sagrado Corazón. Costo: Se cobran $20 dólares por pareja (para gastos de refrigerios y almuerzo.) Dirección: St. Susanna church – 616 Reading Rd.- Mason,OH 45040 Para contactos: Padre Samuel González Tel. (513) 383-8867 email: Karla Eysoldt: Tel. (513) 398-3821 Ext. 3112- email: Gracias! Les queremos dar las gracias a todas las personas que ayudaron para que la fiesta de despedida para el padre Samuel y de San Jose se hiciera possible. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga! Adoración Mensual sera el 14 de Abril Entreguese usted como regalo al Señor. Pase una hora de su tiempo ante el Santisimo Sacramento, el Martes 14 de Abril a las 7p.m. Esta hora de adoracion sera dirigida por la comunidad hispana. La Hora Santa concluira con una bendición. Formación Cristiana para Adultos (Latinos / Hispanos) Este curso será dirigido por el P. Javier Alson y el P. Antonio Larocca en La Iglesia Santa Teresa en Springfield . Se llevará a cabo en el Salón del Padre Collin y constará de ocho ( 8 ) sesiones . Cada sesión se tratara de diferentes aspectos de la formación cristiana. Las sesiones serán de 6:00pm-9:00pm el 11 y 25 de abril , el 9 y 23 de mayo , el 6 y 20 de junio y el 11 y 25 de julio y. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Mary Alice Ordóñez al 342- 8861 extensión 14. ACTIVIDADES MENSUALES Y SEMANALES Adoración Del Santísimo Segundo mártes del més 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 .p.m Clases de inglés en el salón parroquial Cada Lunes 7pm Reunión del grupo juvenil Cada Martes 7 pm en el salón parroquial Oración y estudio de la Biblia Cada jueves 7pm (Se lleva a cabo en la Agencia de Mujeres (WIC MERCURI BUILDERS, INC. • Custom Homes • Room Additions • Remodeling Porches • Decks • Siding Windows • Kitchens • Baths C Full Service Jeff ’s Automo ve, Inc. ’ B FRESH MEATS S F C 845-3436 B www.jeffsautomo P B 937 849-1338 316 S. Church St. New Carlisle, OH • Complete Building Services • George Mercuri 325-3451 A Parishioner of Sacred Heart A Parishioner of Sacred Heart H :T 10988 G -F R Ray D. Ruhrmund, D.V.M. 301 S. Main St., New Carlisle Philip Francis : 9-6 • S : 9-4 ,M , OH 45341 845-3534 937-681-3679 Lake Avenue Retirement Village ® Clark County Right to Life Apartments for Lease – 937-342-9071 NOW OPEN Call Now! Park Layne & New Carlisle TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY Funeral Home Quality Retirement 507 W. Jefferson St. New Carlisle Living in 845-9477 New Carlisle! Now Available! Condos For Sale 937-215-3904 Clark Farm Condominiums “Locally owned and operated by people you know and trust.” Phone: 521-2401 Ad in Memory of Joe Wehener For pregnancy informaƟon, Call Pat Banaszak at 845-0403 JEFF BONHAM ELECTRIC, INC. Residential • Commercial 24 Hour Service Generator Sales & Installation 233-7662 MILENA RODRIGUEZ NEW CARLISLE AUTO PARTS • Appliances • Heating & Air • Sales & Service 937-878-3737 2205 SMITHVILLE RD. Pet Grooming & Sitting Service Huber Heights Kettering Springfield Rev. Paul Vieson, S.M. Weekday Masses Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: 8:30 AM Wed: 9:30 AM Non-Resident Associate Rev. Samuel González Mass in Spanish every second and fourth Saturday: 7:00 PM Chaplain to our Spanish-speaking parishioners •••• Director of Music 24-HR TOWING (937) 845-3869 GERALD (SONNY) MORRIS Confessions Saturday: 4:00 PM, or by appointment New Members Please call us to meet our pastor and parish family. Parish Organist Baptisms Please call Fr. Hummel to schedule. (937) 293-1221 Sister Maria CONSTRUCTION INC. Please call our office at least eight months prior to the wedding day. 233-2454 Jerry Shaw CHARLES Weddings Hispanic Ministry Director 7595 BRANDT PIKE DAYTON Hollie Danis CHARLES F. JERGENS EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Industrial/Commercial Sitework and Demolition 1280 Brandt Pike • Dayton, OH 45404 937-233-1830 • Fax 937-233-2075 Youth Minister English Classes Richard Kraus Mondays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center Business Manager Blood Pressure Screening 3rd Sunday of every month, 937-878-5240 Alice Kompar the original since 1921 DAYTON DOOR SALES Sales & Service Carisa Holmes-Peters, Parishioner Weekend Masses Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM Parochial Administrator Director of Youth Catechesis Creating Community S Celebrating Lifetimes Celebrating 40 years. Learn more! Rev. Kenneth Hummel Abby Wilson Calvary Cemetery Servicing: Restaurants Supermarkets COMPLETE LINE Office Buildings OF PACKAGING & Contract Cleaners MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES Meat & Bakery Shops Sister Parish to Mary, Help of Christians Parish in Fairborn Bradley Wilson SHAW’S LOCK AND KEY SERVICE Email: 2 0 9 W. La k e A v e · Ne w Ca rl is le, Oh io 4 5 3 4 4 · P : 9 3 7 . 8 4 5 . 3 1 2 1 · w w w. sa cred h e a rtn e w c a r li s le . c o m Kristen Kosey Custom Embroidery 937-882-6534 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH (937) 845-3236 Home Furnishings Gallery CC Custom Stitches “Where Personalization Can Be Realization” Charlene Cornwell, Parishioner The Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati LATE MODEL PARTS 10 S. Second St. 252-5000 HOUSER ASPHALT & CONCRETE 223-9207 BETHEL ANIMAL CLINIC • Garage Doors • Entry Doors • Door Openers • Replacement Windows 1112 Springfield Street, Dayton, OH 45403 To advertise with us, or to have your ad printed in COLOR COLOR, please call the church office at 937-845-3121 253-9181 Roofing, Siding, & Gutters AB’S REMODELERS LLC. Alberto Balli, Parishioner 937-765-0839 or 937-732-2891 The Clark Family Farm 10:00-11:20 AM Administrative Assistant 12:00 noon, Monday Gary Van Oss Finance Council President Maryann Clark-Layton, Parishioner 937-308-4417 Coffee Klatch After 9:30 AM Mass on Wed. “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” –Jesus Christ 100% grass fed beef and farm free poultry and gamebirds 8085 New Carlisle Rd, New Carlisle Bulletin Deadline Parish Office…………………………..…..….937.845.3121 Office of Catechesis…………………..…..….937.845.1373 Knights of Columbus………………………..937.882.9428 St. Vincent de Paul Society…………...….937.845.3121 Bereavement………………………………..…937.845.3121 Prayer Group………………………….…......937.845.0181
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