April 26 2015 - web - Sacred Heart Catholic Church

17 Ann Avenue • Valley Park, MO 63088 • 636-225-5268
Who Cares?
The image of the good shepherd is the
image of a person who cares. He is not
like the other, “who has no concern.” He
takes the time to get to know others, and
he cares so much that he will even give
his life for others.
We belong to a church populated by
caring individuals who give their lives for
others: priests and nuns martyred in El
Salvador; missionaries struggling in the
remotest parts of the world; peace activists challenging the consciences of nations; sisters caring lovingly for the sick
and dying.
What would happen if all of us cared,
really cared, about our brothers and sisters who are hungry, homeless, helpless,
mistreated, victimized, suffering, unemployed, impoverished, threatened, rejected? What would happen if all of us became good shepherds and cared?
Wouldn’t the consequences be monumental if everyone in the Christian community became a good shepherd?
No one can remain indifferent
to the lot of his brothers who are
still buried in wretchedness, and
victims of insecurity, slaves of ignorance.”
Pope Paul VI,
Populorum Progressio (1967) 74
No one may claim the name
Christian and be comfortable in the
face of the hunger, homelessness,
insecurity, and injustice found in
this country and the world.
U.S. Bishops,
Economic Justice for All (1986) 27
Mass Intentions and Readings
Monday, April 27
Easter Weekday
Acts 11:1-18 Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4 Jn 10:1-10
6:30 am † Donald Senese
8:00 am † Mary Cae Reidy
Tuesday, April 28
Easter Weekday; St. Peter Chanel, Priest, Martyr;
St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest
Acts 11:19-26 Ps 87:1b-7 Jn 10:22-30
6:30 am † Poor Souls
8:00 am † Michael DeHaven
Wednesday, April 29
St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Doctor of the Church
Acts 12:24--13:5a Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8 Jn 12:44-50
6:30 am † Katherine Remy
8:00 am † Joan Bullock
Thursday, April 30
Easter Weekday; St. Pius V, Pope
Acts 13:13-25 Ps 89:2-3,21-22,25,27 Jn 13:16-20
6:30 am † Jim Konen
8:00 am † Jean Hohn
Friday, May 1
Easter Weekday; St. Joseph the Worker
Acts 13:26-33 Ps 98:1-4 Jn 14:1-6 or
Gn 1:26--2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24 Mt 13:54-58
6:30 am † Mary Ann Ellsworth
8:00 am † Joseph Jonak
Saturday, May 2
St. Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor of the Church
Acts 13:44-52 Ps 98:1-4 Jn 14:7-14
8:00 am † Frank and Mary Ellen Furmanek
5:00 pm † Bobby Christman
Sunday, May 3
5th Sunday of Easter
Acts 9:26-31 Ps 22:26-27,28,30,31-32 1 Jn 3:18-24 Jn 15:1-8
7:00 am † Marie D. Fiala
8:30 am Parishioners
10:15 am
† Rev. Mr. Joseph Kennedy
12:00 pm † David Henke, Sr.
6:00 pm † Melvin Stoff
his week’s Prayer Intention
For peace and healing in
the human family:
that the Good Shepherd
will lead us away from
violence and warfare
into ways that will help
us defeat poverty,
disease and ignorance.
As You Pray This Week
Remember Those Who Are Sick
Julia Drummond
Mary Jo Tuberty
Mike Hamm
Roger Welsh
Dottie Blair
Evelyn Grzeskowiak
Dolores Gebaur
Verna Dodge
Dale Cox
Rich Barbieri
Kyle Wilken
Bill Salsmon
Melissa Gibson
Joe Kline
Patricia Bowser
Nancy Libera
Dan Callahan
Marian Menz
Janet Popp
Peter McGauly
Charles Nahlik
Roberts Family
Linda Dunn
Kate Long Kilgore
Shirley Jones
Florence Gunter
Norma Buffa
Barb Murdock
Rose Westermann
David McCarthy
Corey Rolwes
Addison Sokeland
Madeline Seward
Connie Hagedorn
Cecelia Hagedorn
Patty Burres
Brown Family
Donna Renaud
Evan Merli
Jack Hermen
Sylvia Tierney
Deacon Tom Forster
Gene Niemeyer
Carol Austermann
Remember Those In Service to Our Country
Chris Hardy
Katie Alsup
Nicholas Knudtson
Michael Duncan
Robert Ottinger
Scott Ottinger
Kurtis Colona
Colleen Hunter
Ken Hardy
Carl Degenhart
Darine Bram
Ian Hunter
Brian Cox
Adam Boode
David Lewis
Robert Thum
Danny and Amy Chatman
Todd, Molly, and Dylan
Eldarae Ingrum
Natalee Marie Pope
daughter of Steve and Kayla
Rest in Peace
Ronald Ringo,
husband of Rosemary,
father of Beth (Brian) Werkmeister and Lori (Jeff) Fowler
Your Gift to God
Sunday, April 19:
Regular Contributions......................................... $26,666.51
Budgeted Amount ............................................. $29,000.00
Excess (Deficit) .....................................................($2,333.49)
March weekly average ...................................... $27,853.14
“Preserving our Heritage” - March................... $36,839.00
Church Sound System Improvement Goal ...... $38,000.00
Collected to date ............................................... ($26,312.00)
Balance .................................................................$11,688.00
Last Sunday, if you were at the 8:30 am Mass…
No cause for alarm! Other than perhaps a bit of a sore eardrum for a few minutes.
As you are aware we are in the process of upgrading the
church’s sound system. This is a process that will take several weeks of trial and error as we test different arrangements and placement of the new equipment. At this point,
we are incorporating both new and old equipment. Speakers
being new; amplification and mics being old. The cause of
the, what is known as “white noise,” was the result of a
faulty cord on the priest’s microphone. These are old mics
and we have had problems in the past, this time it was greatly exacerbated and we certainly apologize for this inconvenience. A back up mic was put into use for the 10:15 am and
later Masses to solve this problem. New microphones have
been ordered and the entire system will be re-tuned to eliminate these kinds of “plane engine roars” that was experienced. We do appreciate your patience during this process. It
will take a few weeks to finish the installation and tweaking
of the sound equipment in church, but progress is definitely
being seen and heard. We have had many positive comments and we are not near at the maximum capability yet.
As you may have noticed, we are still short of fully funding
this project. The current amount still needed is noted in the
financial reports on page 2.
Update on the paving of the parking lot…
The contract has been awarded to Byrne and Jones Construction for $239,690. Construction is scheduled to begin the
week after school is out. The contract does not include lighting and landscaping. Lighting and landscaping will be another arrangement. I especially want to thank parishioner Joe
Scarfino for his guidance and help with getting bids etc.
Did You Know?
In 2014 the Annual Catholic Appeal benefited Sacred Heart
Parish $48,509. Specifically by providing; Teachers Professional Growth, Tuition Subsidy for Paul VI Institute, Tuition
Subsidy for Paul VI Lay Formation, and an Ensuring Parish
Viability Grant.
Our parish also benefited from the following which is funded by the ACA: Confirmation REAP retreat, Right Start Student and Parent classes sponsored by the Respect Life Apostolate, Catholic Women and Catholic Men for Christ Conference sponsored by the Office of Laity and Family Life.
You don’t want to miss a minute of it!
The Party of the Year is just 3 weeks away!
Rides, Games, Fun Booths,
Great Music, Good Food!
It takes ALL of us to make this happen,
so now is the time to volunteer your time.
The Volunteer and Donation form is on page 8.
Friday and Saturday,
May 15-16
go to the Parish Website at
U. S. Postal Regulations prohibit us from mailing raffle tickets, but we don’t want you to miss an opportunity to win a great prize!
$50 bucks for a chance at a 50/50 prize pool! The more raffle tickets we sell, the bigger the pool! Tickets are in envelopes at the
entrances to the church. Please take an envelope (or 2) with you as you leave Mass. The tickets will also be sent home with your
school and PSR students, and are available on the parish website at www.sacredheartvp.org. Tickets are $50.00 each. You may
enclose your raffle stubs and check in the envelope and return it to the Parish Office, drop it in the collection, or you may purchase
your raffle tickets online and pay by credit card.
Welcome to our Catholic community!
On the Second Sunday of Easter, our parish community welcomed five new members
to the Catholic faith.
Amidst the beauty of the fresh flowers, the glow of the Pascal candle, and the sprinkling with the Easter water, Bob, Jamie, Ellen and Madison professed their faith and were
received into the Church. Alan, who was baptized catholic as an infant, joined the others
as Father Denny conferred the rest of the Sacraments of Initiation - Confirmation and
The expressions of joy and happiness were shared by all and the community prayed
for them and warmly welcomed them.
We congratulate you, Bob, Jamie, Ellen, Madison and Alan and assure that our prayers
remain with you as you embark on this new journey as members of the community of
Sacred Heart Church.
Eucharistic Adoration
“We know that
Jesus is there in the
tabernacle: let us
open our hearts to
Him, let us rejoice in
His Sacred Presence.
That is the best prayer." St. John Mary
Vianney suggests. Do
you have any free
time? Visit our all
powerful God in Eucharistic Adoration.
Jesus is waiting! Adoration is every
weekend from 7:30 pm on Sunday Monday at 1:00 pm.
Contact Judy
bargerja@hotmail.com or call 636-343-6025
with any questions.
CO-ED Faith Sharing Group
Join us every Wednesday from 7:30
- 8:30 pm in the Sacred Heart Room
on the lower level of the church. Call
Mary Grace Villmer-314-537-7800; Jeff
Villmer - 314-686-2977 or Sister Cathy
at 636-225-5268 with questions.
Praying the Rosary
You are invited to join the Knights of Columbus outdoors around the Sacred
Heart statue on the lower plaza in praying the rosary on Wednesday, May 6th at
6:30 pm. The prayer will consist of one full mystery consisting of 5 decades.
Contact Greg Echele for more information by phone at 636-861-9838 or e-mail to:
Holy Rollers Prayer Group
Are you ready to refill your spiritual tank? Join Fr. Grosch and fellow parishioners for the Holy Rollers prayer group. This kid friendly gathering will be in the
church from 2:00 - 2:30 pm on May 5 and May 19. Roll in early before school pick
up to spend 30 minutes with the Lord. We are all called to be holy. Everyone is
Encounter Conference
Register now for the Encounter Conference, a conference specifically designed
for young adults seeking to deepen their faith! Encounter is a partnership between Steubenville Conferences and the Office of Young Adult Ministry at the
Archdiocese of St. Louis. Encounter will be May 29th-31st at the St. Charles Convention Center. A commuter registration pass for the weekend is $115, and hotel
registration passes begin at $225. Individual and group registrations are both
available. Encounter will offer time for community & fellowship, as well as fantastic talks by Chris Stefanick, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Mary Bielski, Matt Fradd, Katie
Hartfiel & Josh Blakesley.
Last year, over five hundred young adults from all over the country came to the
Encounter Conference seeking to encounter Christ – and each other! Sign up now
athttp://encounterstl.com/ and please contact encounterstl@archstl.org with any
Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee
Prayers and Roses
for Expectant Mothers
Expecting or adopting? Contact Pat
Snyder at 314-795-8103 or 636-3436644 so the Respect Life group can
place a red rose for you at the
Blessed Mother statue in church. Our
parish community will pray for you
and your child and all expectant
mothers during their pregnancy or
during their wait for adoption.
Saturday/Sunday - April 25, 26 –
Distribution of Mother’s Day Cards to benefit
Members of the Respect Life Committee will be in
the back of church this weekend handing out Mother’s
Day cards to benefit Birthright of Hillsboro. The cards
are free and instructions are provided with the cards regarding where to mail
your donation. The cards can be given to that special mom, aunt, sister or friend
in your life. Birthright provides support and resources to women faced with an
unplanned pregnancy. Thank you for supporting Birthright’s ministry.
Dear Parishioners,
We are overjoyed to share the revenue from the auction
with you. The auction made over $116,000! We are very
pleased with this number because it is $8000 more than last
year and we had fewer guests. We would like to thank all
the volunteers for their hard work, along with those who
donated items. We would also like to thank all those who
bought auction items. Without you, none of this would be
possible. Thank you for your support for our school.
If you know anyone who is interested in our Preschool
and Elementary School please have them contact the office.
We are currently adding a 5 day Preschool 4’s program here
at Sacred Heart and we are now accepting registrations.
If you are interested in touring our school, please contact
the office. I would be glad to show you around our school
and all the wonderful things going on at Sacred Heart Catholic School. Again, I would like to thank you for your continued support of Sacred Heart Catholic School. If you would
like to share your time and talent with the school please
contact us either by phone or email.
Blessings to you and your families,
Mr. Larry Hoskins
Sacred Heart School
Today at the 12:00 noon Mass the 7th grade Confirmation
candidates and their sponsors will make the Rite of Commitment for Confirmation.
PSR Registration for the 2015-2016
School Year is Online!
Sacred Heart’s Parish School of Religion is for all children
in grades 1 through 8 who attend a public or private nonCatholic school. It is very important that we put our children’s religious education as a number one priority. Sacred
Heart PSR will not refuse religious education because of any
family’s inability to pay tuition fees.
Current PSR families should have received an email from
the religious education office with the link to register their
child(ren) for PSR .
Families new to the PSR program need to register online.
The link to register is on the parish website sacredheartvp.org.
The last PSR class is May 11/12. Please join us for an end
of the PSR year Mass celebration and recognition of the 8th
Jesus and Me
Monday, April 27:
Spirit Attire Day
11:30 am Dismissal
Faculty Training
Chess Club
All School Mass/
Birthday Blessings May 8:00 am
10:30 am First Eucharist
1:30 pm First Eucharist
Tuesday, April 28:
Friday, May 1:
Saturday, May 2:
What’s happening
in April???
*Twilight Prayer: Wednesdays,
7:00 - 9:00 pm
“Sacred Heart-Valley Park Youth Group”
Jesus and Me classes end on May 3.
Sacred Heart Parish offers a Sunday Preschool program,
“Jesus and Me” for children ages 3, 4, and 5 during the 10:15
am Mass on Sunday. Jesus and Me Registration is currently
being accepted for the 2015-2016 school year. Registration
forms are available in the Religious Education Office, the
back of Church, the Parish Office, or on the parish website.
Leaders for Liturgy of the Word for Children
Liturgy of the Word for Children is on Sunday at the 10:15
am Mass. This is a year-round program with the exception
of certain holiday weekends. The purpose of Liturgy of the
Word for Children is to help children in Kindergarten
through grade 3 better understand the Sunday readings and
how they can put God's Word into action in their lives.
We are looking for more teams (2 adults per team) to lead
this ministry. Currently, we have 3 sets of teachers, which
means that each team teaches once every 3 weeks. We
would like to have 6-8 teams. If more teams sign up, the
scheduled times would decrease.
LEADER RESPONSIBILITIES: Leaders are provided with
printouts of the readings and activity/discussion ideas at
the beginning of the semester that corresponds with their
scheduled Sunday. Preparation time varies (depends on the
leader’s comfort level and teaching objective). Leaders arrive about 20 minutes before Mass to set up the St. Anthony
Room. Actual teaching time is approximately 15-20
minutes. After Mass, leaders check the St. Anthony Room
to put away materials.
If you are interested in this ministry, please call the Religious Education office at 636-225-0341 or cdegenhart@sacredheart-vp.com.
Easter blessings! Alleluia!
Cheryl Degenhart
Ladies Club
Feeding the Homeless
A big thank you goes out to everyone who made our Tea
and Fashion show a huge success. The afternoon might
have been rainy at times, but the event shined all afternoon. It was amazing to see so many great table ideas and
beautiful fashions...all to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul society of Sacred Heart. Well done everyone!
Now if you want to continue having a good time with the
Ladies Club, why not come to our May meeting? We will be
meeting on Tuesday, May 5, at a special start time of 6:00
pm. We meet in the St. Anthony room below the
church. This meeting is our Pot Luck, Plants and Prayer
meeting. Everyone brings a dish to share, a plant to exchange and we share prayers to Our Blessed Mother in her
month of May. Come see what we are all about.
The monthly chili mac casseroles for St. Patrick’s Center
are due to be brought in NEXT weekend. Please place yours
in the freezer downstairs by the Church Hall and don’t forget to pick up a pan and lid for next month. If you are not
already helping with this worthwhile ministry of feeding
the homeless and would like to do so please contact Jacalyn
Marquart at amarquart@bugeyetech.com or call her at 573301-0654.
Yesterday's Kids - Reminder
There is NO luncheon this Monday, April 27th. Please
plan on coming by sending in your reservation for the following week, Monday, May 4th at 11:15 am in the Church
Fashions, Food and Fun
Even though the rains came
outside, nearly 300 people inside
enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon
munching on creative goodies
served on spectacular table settings while watching a parade of
fashions from the St. Vincent De
Paul Thrift Store. The event was
free to all, but when everything
was said and done, the free will
donations totaled over $5000
which will serve the people of
St. Vincent. Well done!
Cost: $7.00 pp
($9.00 after Apr. 29th)
Monthly Meeting and Social
MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015 - 11:15 AM
Enclose fee and drop
registration in collection
basket or bring to the
Parish Office. We look
forward to seeing all of
you! Join us!
NAME ________________________________________________________
PHONE ________________________________________________________
# ATTENDING __________________
For the Love of Broadway
Once a year, the Shrine of Our
Lady of the Snows in Belleville
hosts this special event…a spectacular Broadway Revue coupled with
a deluxe buffet from their awardwinning restaurant. The show is
NEW every year, with fabulous music and re-created scenes from everyone's favorite Broadway musicals
performed by a talented cast and
live orchestra….a delightful experience for adults and children alike!
The show is presented on May 15
& 16 with a dinner buffet at 6:30
pm, show at 7:30 pm. On May 17
there is a brunch buffet at 1:00 pm,
with the show at 2:00 pm. The allinclusive Entertainment Package
with all-you-can-eat buffet, fulllength two-act show, all taxes and
gratuities, is only $35.00 per adult,
children 5-12 half price, under 5
free. Tickets must be purchased in
advance. Order early for best table
seating. Shrine Hotel discounted
Bed and Breakfast package available
for out-of-town guests. Call 618-409
Bunch for Bunko
Join us Friday, May 1st to
fun Bunch!
Wine, Soda, Tasty
Snacks & Yummy Desserts; Fabulous Silent Auction, 3 Winner Prizes, & Attendance Prizes: Only $15
per player! Doors open at 6:15 pm,
& Dice are Rollin' at 7:00 pm. St.
Joseph Manchester. Reservations:
Stephanie 636-227-8596
Vendor Spots Available
Be a Part of St. Paul’s Homecoming Vendor Fair! The fair will be
held Friday, May 22nd from 5:00 –
10:00 pm. Homecoming booth space
10’ x 10’ (Electric Provided upon Request). To obtain a space, contact
Carla Jokerst @ 314-703-1315 Carla.jokerst@sbcglobal.net Donations
Accepted. There are a limited number of spaces available!
ext on our list are Sts. Perpetua and Felicity. Even if their names are not easily
recognizeable, they are among the most well-known and widely studied martyrs of the 3rd century. Many martyrdom account manuscripts have been lost
to time, decay, or barbarian hordes, but we have received The Passion of St.
Perpetua, St. Felicity, and their Companions as a complete text! It preserves the account of the arrest and imprisonment of the saints as given by eyewitnesses and the
saints’ own testimony.
Vibia Perpetua was a 22-year-old married noblewoman and nursing mother, and
Felicity was her servant, friend, and expectant mother. Perpetua had made her decision to be baptized in 203 AD under the rule of Emperor Septimius Severus, even
though she knew that it could mean her death. Her father and family members
pleaded with her to recant, but she replied that she couldn’t and said, “Neither can I
call myself by any other name than what I am – a Christian.”
Perpetua and Felicity were imprisoned and awaited execution in the arena in their
hometown of Carthage in North Africa. The conditions were terrible, but the Church
sent deacons to minister to them and other Christians, even bribing the guards to
provide better living conditions. The two women and their companions (Saturus,
Revocadus, Rusticus, and Saturninus) continued to be people of prayer, even as they
awaited their death, and their example resulted in the conversion of the jail warden,
a man named Pudens.
The actual martyrdom account interestingly mirrors many of the aspects of Jesus’
own Passion. Perpetua, Felicity, and their companions were led into the center of
the arena to await judgment of the crowds (like Jesus). Beautifully, the servant and
master had become sisters and friends in their suffering for Christ. The crowd demanded that they be scourged first (like Jesus), and they were stripped naked for
humiliation (like Jesus). The group of martyrs was then attacked by leopards, wild
boars, and bears (oh my!), and Perpetua and Felicity were chained to the side of a
crazed bull, which beat and trampled them severely. When the brutal attacks by the
beasts had concluded, soldiers were dispatched to ensure that the martyrs were dead
(like Jesus). When one of them, a young novice, approached Perpetua, he was so
moved by her loving suffering that he couldn’t bring himself to dispatch her. Perpetua, fully aware of the consequences for the soldier disobeying his order, and willing
to lay her own life down (like Jesus), steadied his hand and guided the sword into
her body.
We have so much that we can take away from this passion account, including evidence for many closely held teachings of the Church, including baptism by desire
(Perpetua’s brother died as a catechumen, but she dreamed he was saved) and prayers for the souls in Purgatory (her other brother Dinocrates, who had died with a
disfiguring illness, appeared to her in a vision and was healed after she prayed for his
soul). There is also a scene where the martyr Saturus gives his family ring to Pudens
the warden in gratitude; Pudens later dips the ring in Saturus’ blood and keeps it to
venerate the martyrs’ death, which seems to be clear evidence of the use of relics!
Perhaps the greatest lesson we learn follows the last recorded words of St. Perpetua:
“Stand fast in faith, and love one another.” Sts. Perpetua, Felicity, and their Companions, pray for us!
Sunday, April 26
7:00 pm Adult Open Gym
Monday, April 27
Tuesday, April 28
8:30 pm Adult Volleyball
Wednesday, April 29
Thursday, April 30
Friday, May 1
Saturday, May 2
KEY: KA - Kateri Court • KI - Kister Court
2015 Volleyball and Soccer
Please use the following link to register: https://
SHAA On-Line registration is now open for Volleyball and
This link is also available from our Athletic Association webSoccer.
site: www.eteamz.com/shaa
Volleyball – Open to Grades 3 through 8
Any questions, contact Lay Directors Chrissy Curran
Save the Date: ‘No Limits’ Volleyball Camp
or Colleen Rossomanno at shvpvolleyball@gmail.com
Once again, Sacred Heart will be hosting two weeks of ‘No
(Evaluations will take place the week of May 18th…
Limits’ Volleyball Camps this summer.
more info to follow)
Monday through Thursday, July 13th – July 16th
Soccer – Open to Grades 1 through 8 Any questions, conEvening sessions
tact Lay Director Chad Corsi at
5:30 to 7:30 pm (Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th)
7:45 to 9:45 pm (Grades 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th)
Instructional Soccer – Open to Preschool – K Any quesMonday through Thursday, July 20th – July 23st
tions, contact Emily Henderson at
Day sessions
9:00 to 11:00 am (Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th)
REGISTRATION CLOSES MAY 15th for Volleyball and Soc11:15 am to 1:15 pm (Grades 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th)
cer. Any registrations received after May 15th will be asRegistration forms available: www.nolimitsvb.com Any
sessed a $25 late fee and may be placed on a waiting list.
questions please e-mail nolimitsvb@yahoo.com or call 314Reminder: Coaches must also register.
SLUH Junior Golf Camp
The 2nd Annual St. Louis University High School Junior Golf Camp will be held this summer at The Missouri Bluffs Golf
Club. There are two dates: June 29 - July 2 or July 27 - July 30. The camp runs from 9:00 - 11:30 am Monday - Thursday.
The camp is open to girls and boys entering 7th and 8th grade and SLUH freshmen
For more info please call 314-269-2191, follow Twitter @11CoachG, email at sgilbert@sluh.org, or visit the website http://
to Help
Brother Go
To School,
Sister Is
With Tuition
Young Lauren Burgos had always planned to go to college, possibly even
to become a lawyer. But when her father died while she was
still in high school, she took a job to help her family, eventually
working 40-60 hours a week at a Manhattan hotel so her
brother could attend college, while she helped pay the rent.
Dreams of higher education became a distant memory for the
22-year-old, but her family never forgot.
When her brother, Matt, learned that Strayer University was
looking to award scholarships to people whose obstacles had
forced them to take a detour in life, instead of pursuing college,
he submitted Lauren’s story of selflessness.
At a surprise birthday party last month, Lauren Burgos stood
aghast when her family in Brooklyn broke the news that she
was one of three people chosen to receive a full scholarship–
and money for books, too.
“You sacrificed… you kept me going,” her brother Matt told
“I’m getting a full ride to school,” Lauren told a camera crew
that was recording the surprise for Strayer. Laughing and wiping away tears, she dared finally to dream again.
Who are American Heritage Girls? AHG is a scout program that builds young women (age 5-18) of integrity
through service to God, family, community and country.
The all-girl unit provides a nurturing environment ripe for
learning and building positive relationships. The AHG program grows as a girl grows and is Christ-centered and allows girls to learn leadership skills and faith values. There
are many troops in the St. Louis area already in place with
a great troop support system, allowing girls to earn badges,
camp (both overnight and day camping) and perform service in their communities.
Interested in joining a troop? Come find out more at the
AHG Information Night, Thursday, April 30th from 7:00 to
8:00 pm at St. Clare of Assisi Church, 15668 Clayton Road in
Ellisville. For more information contact Sue Inserra at 314973-0710, scottsue93@gmail.com, or Michelle Dean at 636399-4889, michelledean@deanteam.com to answer any of
your questions. Or visit ahgonline.org.
Follow us On-Line
There you will find an abundance of additional information
about the parish including details
on many of the organizations and
activities and you could even listen
to a previous homily!
Mass Schedule
Weekend ............................................................................. Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:15 am,
12:00 noon & 6:00 pm (Life Teen)
Weekday ................................................................ Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 am
Saturday 8:00 am
Civil Holidays................................................................................................. 9:00 am
(Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day)
Confessions ....................................................................... Saturday 3:45 - 4:40 pm
or by appointment (call the Parish Office)
Eucharistic Adoration ......................................................................Sunday 7:30 pm
through Monday 1:00 pm
Special Liturgies
Weddings ............................................................... Arranged 6 months in advance
Baptisms .......................................................................................... Sunday 1:00 pm
(prior instruction required)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word .......................................................Sunday 10:15 am
(during Mass)
Parish Staff
Pastor ............................................................................................Rev. Denny M. Schaab
Associate ......................................................................................Rev. Michael J. Grosch
In Residence ......................................................................................... Rev. Robert J. Suit
Deacon ................................................................................... Rev. Mr. David E. Lemoine
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Charles R. Snyder
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Thomas E. Forster
Pastoral Associate ......................................................................... Sr. Cathy Vetter, CCVI
Director of Religious Education .................................................. Mrs. Cheryl Degenhart
Parish School Principal .....................................................................Mr. Larry E. Hoskins
Acting Director of Youth Ministry ...................................................Fr. Michael J. Grosch
Director of Liturgical Music ......................................................... Mr. Nathan D. Jackson
President Parish Council ......................................................... Mrs. Mary Grace Villmer
Parish Offices
Parish Business Office .............................................................................. 636-225-5268
Fax....................................................................................................... 636-225-6969
Hours ................................................................Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Parish School & Preschool Office ............................................................ 636-225-3824
Religious Education Office .........................................................................636-225-0341
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ..................................................................... 636-825-2097
P.S.R. Classes ........................................................................... Monday 5:30 & 7:15 pm;
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, May 2-3, 2015
5:00 pm Fr. Bob
7:00 am Fr. Bob
Deacon Dave
8:30 am Fr. Denny
Deacon Dave
10:15 am
Fr. Denny
Deacon Charlie
12:00 pm Fr. Mike
Deacon Charlie
6:00 pm Fr. Mike
Sunday, April 126
MASSES: 7:00, 8:30,10:15, 12:00 noon and 6:00pm
8:50 am
10:15 am
Jesus and Me
EC 205-206
10:15 am
Liturgy of the Word for Children
12:00 pm
Confirmation and Candidate/Sponsor Meeting and Luncheon
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Teen ACTS Formation Meeting
Extraordinary Ministers
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Ann Haffner (P), John Burle (P), Larry Haffner(P), Reynolds Blackburn,
Dianne Droge (sub req.), Jill Jones, Loretta Rose, Linda Glassner, Anne Daniels
John Roundtree (P), Kathy Ebert (P), Mary Thien (P), Mark Solari,
Connie McGuire, Harry Kuhnert
Steve Otto (P), Sandy Bellon (P), Pam Gabris (P), Sue Minie, Suzie Henke,
Mike O'Boyle, Michele Jackson, Linda Marc, Mary Denise O'Boyle
Michael Kelly (P), Philip Glick (P), Karen DuBrucq (P), Amanda Heard,
Donna Davidter, Maria DeBlaze, Tom Becker, Gary Gutting, Denis Coady,
Tony Paszek (P)
Monica McLain (P), Nathan Davis (sub req.) (P), Angela Castro (P), Rita Hentges,
Pat Hayden (sub req.), Liz Elfrink, Kim Trokey
Jennifer Carcagno (P), Paul Carcagno (P), Rich Pudlo (P), June McCartney,
Bob McCartney, Cathy Tate, Brenda Tate, Donna Lehmann, Elia Gonzalez,
Ron Dace
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Jane Burle (1), Jill Elder (2)
Mary Lee Barron (1), Amber Scherer (2)
Jeff Villmer (1), Jen Westland (2)
Glenn DuBrucq (1), Brian Wetter (2)
Angie Echele (1), Greg Echele (2)
Siobhan McDonagh (1) (sub req.), Kaitlyn Miller (2)
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Ethan Elder, Joey Seib, Max Melching
Ryan Edwards, Christine Honigfort, Ben Smith (sub req.)
Lois Westland, Sam Culleton, Ben Garcia
Elizabeth Kelly, Erich Mueller, Catherine Glick
Abby Potter (sub req.), Jacob Echele, Kathryn Echele
Donny Shaw, Gianni Carcagno, Salvatore Carcagno
Ushers & Greeters
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Eric Klein, Rick Wilken, Tony Artman, Dick Hoffman
Mike Ebert, Matt Zack, Janet Meyer, Craig Caruso
Paul Gabris, Candy Kunzelman, Shirley Horn, Harvey Reinkemeyer
Curt Bennett, Tom Schaefer, Ilene Frayne, Bob Frayne
Sharon Nickl, Joe Scarfino, Gerry Lange, Stanley Renaud
Stan Miller, Kim Gossett, Kim Lemp, Jen Ryder
Scrip Volunteers
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
Kathy Blackburn
John Roundtree
Linda Silva
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Karen DuBrucq
Gerry Lange
Donna Lehmann
Monday, April 27
9:30 am
Mon-Dazed Women
11:30 am
Early Dismissal
12:30 pm
Faculty Meeting
5:00 pm
Couples Blessing
5:15 pm
PSR - ME Beginning Prayer
5:30 pm
PSR - ME Classes
7:00 pm
PSR - ML Beginning Prayer
7:15 pm
PSR - ML Classes
7:30 pm
Monday Knights
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Tuesday, April 28
5:45 pm
PSR - T Beginning Prayer
6:00 pm
PSR - T Classes
7:30 pm
Faith Sharing (Men)
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Wednesday, April 29
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
Friends of Bill W.
7:00 pm
Faith Share
7:00 pm
Life Teen Band Practice
7:30 pm
Co-Ed Faith Sharing
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
EC 103
Thursday, April 30
1:00 pm
Mother’s Sharing Faith
3:00 pm
Children’s Choir Practice
4:30 pm
Children’s Choir Practice
7:00 pm
Contemporary Music Group Practice
7:00 pm
Fine Arts Night
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
Friday, May 1
9:00 am
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
3:00 pm
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
EC 102
EC 103
EC 300
Quilting Club
School Performance Play
Scouts - Troop 4300
Saturday, May 2
8:00 am
10:30 am
1:30 pm
3:45 pm
ACTS Sister Act
First Eucharist
First Eucharist
Sacrament of Reconciliation
VIGIL MASS: 5:00 pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:15 am
Stacey Nguyen, Tara Hugg
Money Counter Apostolate
May 3:
Sr. Pat Dalton, John Schneiders, Ruth Simon
Music Ministry Schedules
May 2:
May 3:
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
Cailin and Susan
John and NAte
Contemporary Group
AU - Auditorium (Parish Center) • CA - Cafeteria (Church Hall) •
CH - Church Hall • CU - Church • DL - Didian Lot • EC - Education Center • GH Great Hall (Parish Center) • JR - Joseph Room (Parish Center) •
LY—Lobby (Parish Center) • LL - Lower Lot • MR –Mary Room (Parish Center) •
NC - Nazareth Center • PC—Parish Center (All Locations) •
PL - Parking Lot • PO—Parish Office • SA - St. Anthony Room (Church Hall) • SH Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall) • ST - Stage •
UR - Upper Room (Parish Center)