May 24, 2015 - Sacred Heart Catholic Church

C a t h o l i c
C h u r c h
17 Ann Avenue • Valley Park, MO 63088 • 636-225-5268
Mass Intentions and Readings
Monday, May 25
Memorial Day
Sir 17:20-24 Ps 32:1-2,5-7 Mk 10:17-21
9:00 am † Tim Dempsey
Tuesday, May 26
St. Philip Neri, Priest
Sir 35:1-12 Ps 50:5-8 Mk 10:28-31
6:30 am † Rosemarie Floro
8:00 am † Virginia Burge
Wednesday, May 27
Seasonal Weekday; St. Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop
Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17 Ps 79:8-9,11,13 Mk 10:32-45
6:30 am † Brian Moore and Otto Emilio
8:00 am † Josephine Mary Caruso
Thursday, May 28
Seasonal Weekday
Sir 42:15-25 Ps 33:2-9 Mk 10:46-52
6:30 am † Freddie Gray, souls in Brooklyn and Nepal
8:00 am † Meda Drocher
Friday, May 29
Easter Weekday
Sir 44:1, 9-13 Ps 149:1b-6a,9b Mk 11:11-26
6:30 am † Mary Polina
8:00 am † Joan Rowe
Saturday, May 30
Easter Weekday; Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Sir 51:12cd-20 Ps 19:8-11 Mk 11:27-33
8:00 am † Toni Cooper
5:00 pm † Frank Ruzicka
Sunday, May 31
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Dt 4:32-34, 39-40 Ps 33:4-6,9,18-20,22 Rom 8:14-17 Mt 28:16-20
7:00 am † Ann Hawes
8:30 am Knights of Columbus
10:15 am
† Al and Agnes Leifeld
12:00 pm † Marilyn Bridge
6:00 pm Parishioners
As You Pray This Week
Remember Those Who Are Sick
Julia Drummond
Mary Jo Tuberty
Dottie Blair
Dolores Gebaur
Verna Dodge
Dale Cox
Rich Barbieri
Kyle Wilken
Bill Salsmon
Melissa Gibson
Joe Kline
Patricia Bowser
Nancy Libera
Marian Menz
Janet Popp
Peter McGauly
Charles Nahlik
Roberts Family
Linda Dunn
Kate Long Kilgore
Shirley Jones
Florence Gunter
Norma Buffa
Barb Murdock
Rose Westermann
David McCarthy
Corey Rolwes
Addison Sokeland
Madeline Seward
Connie Hagedorn
Cecelia Hagedorn
Patty Burres
Remember Those In Service to Our Country
Chris Hardy
Katie Alsup
Nicholas Knudtson
Michael Duncan
Robert Ottinger
Scott Ottinger
Kurtis Colona
Colleen Hunter
Ken Hardy
Carl Degenhart
For a renewed sense of
mission in the Church:
that the Spirit will
inspire us in confronting
the watered down values
of society and in
building a society of
justice and peace.
Darine Bram
Ian Hunter
Brian Cox
Adam Boode
David Lewis
Robert Thum
Kirsty French
Gabrielle Griffith
Kenneth and Elizabeth Boedeker
Graham Elliot Chill
son of Chris and Stephanie
Addie Jane Tapp
daughter of Michael and Stacey
Banns of Marriage
3rd Bann
Stephanie Walsh and Gregory Birch
May 30, 2015
2nd Bann
Rebecca Mueller and John Fangman
June 6, 2015
1st Bann
Lauren Wagner and Greg Battles
June 12, 2015
Rest in Peace
Josephine Pundt
mother of Marcia (Craig) Duncan
his week’s Prayer Intention
Brown Family
Donna Renaud
Evan Merli
Jack Hermen
Sylvia Tierney
Deacon Tom Forster
Gene Niemeyer
Carol Austermann
Marilyn Bridge
Tanner Ritzert
Mary Marty
John Callahan
Richard F. Combs
father of Denise (Gary) Beinke
Dan Callahan
brother of Eileen (Jon) Gardner
Your Gift to God
Sunday, May 17:
Regular Contributions..........................................$19,639.01
Budgeted Amount ............................................. $29,000.00
Excess (Deficit) .....................................................($9,360.99)
April weekly average......................................... $28,038.23
“Preserving our Heritage” - April ....................... $26,107.00
Thank You
…to all those who worked so
hard on the Parish Festival of
Sandy and Angelo Marcallini did a
wonderful job of coordinating with parish staff and parishioners for the festival. The rain quit thirty minutes before
the parade and the day was basically
rain free. The investment of time and
energy by so many individuals to make
the day happen is truly inspiring. As a
parish we are blessed in so many ways.
Cleanup is always a big chore. Here at
Sacred Heart it is the tradition of the
cub/boy scouts (with the great assistance of their leaders and parents) to do
the massive trash pickup and sweep the
morning after the festival. I want to
thank them for another excellent job.
In Case You Missed the
Announcement Last Week
Once we heard of Father Bob Suit
ending his time as President of Kennedy
High School, we anticipated his transfer
this June. We congratulate Father Bob
on his assignment as a Senior Priest at
All Saints Parish in St. Peters, MO. He is
looking forward to being closer to his
mom and aunts in St. Charles. Father
Bob will be greatly missed here at Sacred Heart. He has been at Sacred Heart
longer than I have been here as Pastor.
Father Bob has always been a great support, confidant and help to me personally. He will celebrate a Mass of
Thanksgiving at 12:00 noon on Sunday,
June 14th with a reception following
Mass. The priest personnel director informed me they are still working on his
replacement for Sacred Heart and it will
be announced at a later time.
Recently I was informed that Father
Michael Grosch is being assigned as an
associate at Ascension Parish in Chesterfield. While it is not unprecedented
for an associate to be in a parish for a
year, it is unusual. I think I was as surprised as anyone at the announcement
of this assignment. Indeed, Father Grosch will certainly be missed, especially
his great homilies, ministry with the
teens and youth. Our prayers go with
him as he continues his preparation in
eventually becoming a pastor. He will
celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at
12:00 noon on Sunday, June 7th with a
reception following Mass.
Our new associate is Father Abe Arganiosa. I have met with Father Abe,
and he is excited about coming to Sacred Heart. His first weekend to greet
people at Masses is June 20 & 21. July
6th he will begin a 3 week Institute at
Conception Seminary. Father Abe will
be attending with 2 other priests from
St. Louis: Father Lijo & Father Freddy.
The Language, Culture and Church
for International Priests & Religious
(LCCIPR) program is a three week intensive curriculum designed to acclimate
priests and religious from other nations
to life and ministry in the United States.
The program achieves this objective by
focusing on several areas:
 Public speaking and language
skills, with particular focus
on accent reduction, pronunciation, and American idioms;
 American culture, drawing
material from American literature and the history of the
Catholic Church in the U.S.;
 Work relationships in the
American cultural context,
for example: working with
women in ministry and getting along with the diocesan
 The preparation for and celebration of Sacraments in the
Church in the U.S., with classes on celebration of particular sacraments and preaching;
 Additional areas of more personal import, such as dealing
with the diversity of cultures
and adaptation, personal
boundaries in relationships,
and dealing with affluence.
Teen ACTS Retreat - July 23-26
If you enjoyed Luke 18, you will be amazed by Teen ACTS! Like the
Adult ACTS retreat program it energizes participants in the Catholic Faith…
its practices, prayers and teachings. TEEN ACTS is a way for our parish to
engage our teens in the Catholic faith, educate them in the teachings of the
Church, assist them in having a personal experience of God and support
them in being educated in the Catholic faith as they develop their daily
spiritual prayer life. With it being totally parish based, it has the built in
follow-up opportunities for continued education, faith development and spiritual growth with the support of the
parish community.
Now is the time to sign up! Space is limited and you don’t want to miss out! The retreat is held at Rocky Vine
in Dutzow. We will depart Sacred Heart on July 23 around 6:30 pm and return for the 12:00 noon Mass on July
26th. Registration forms can be found in the rack at the entrance of the Church or on the parish website, For more information, feel free to contact Bart Castelli, the Teen ACTS Director or Fr.
Michael Grosch.
Eucharistic Adoration
Give Him your
troubles, He will give
you peace. Give Him
your sorrow, He will
give you joy. Give
Him your heart, He
will give you Eternal
Life with Him in
heaven. He gives us
time, can we not
spend one hour with
Jesus is waiting!
Adoration is every weekend from
7:30 pm on Sunday - Monday at 1:00
pm. Contact Judy Barger by email at or call 636-343
-6025 with any questions.
There is NO ADORATION the weekend
of May 24/25 due
to the Memorial Day Holiday.
Encounter Conference
Register now for the Encounter Conference, a conference specifically designed
for young adults seeking to deepen their faith! Encounter is a partnership between Steubenville Conferences and the Office of Young Adult Ministry at the
Archdiocese of St. Louis. Encounter will be May 29th-31st at the St. Charles Convention Center. A commuter registration pass for the weekend is $115, and hotel
registration passes begin at $225. Individual and group registrations are both
available. Encounter will offer time for community & fellowship, as well as fantastic talks by Chris Stefanick, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Mary Bielski, Matt Fradd, Katie
Hartfiel & Josh Blakesley.
Last year, over five hundred young adults from all over the country came to the
Encounter Conference seeking to encounter Christ – and each other! Sign up now
at and please contact with any
Young Adult Event
Come Catch the Fire, a year-long series for young adults by young adults continues on June 11th. This session will feature CSJ Associate Kristen Hall and her
husband Adam speaking about LOVEWorks…a Heart of Service. Praise and worship will be led by Shannon Cerneka and Orin Johnson of Oddwalk Ministries. The evening is 8:00 - 10:00 pm at the Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse,
6400 Minnesota Avenue. Admission is free. Bring a canned good for the Carondelet Community Betterment Foundation food pantry.
CO-ED Faith Sharing Group
Join us every Wednesday from 7:30
- 8:30 pm in the Sacred Heart Room
on the lower level of the church. Call
Mary Grace Villmer-314-537-7800; Jeff
Villmer - 314-686-2977 or Sister Cathy
at 636-225-5268 with questions.
Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee
Prayer for our Service People
Project Rachel/Project Joseph
“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.” Henry Longfellow.
The grief over an abortion experience is often so deep that it seems to be silent.
Women and men may bear this burden for years thinking that there is no hope
of forgiveness or peace.
Project Rachel/Project Joseph offers private, professional counseling at no
charge for anyone who is suffering because of an abortion experience. Call Project Rachel/Project Joseph at 314-792-7565 to begin your journey of healing and
Lord, please hold all of our troops, those serving
on foreign soil as well as those serving in our own
country, in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families
for the selfless acts they perform
for us in our time of need. Amen.
Thursday, May 28 – Respect Life Meeting –
7:00 pm - Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall). All are
Time to Register for Server Camp
Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the
priest during Mass. The ministry is open to all youth of the parish who
have made their First Communion and whose parents believe they are
ready and responsible enough to be trained. Young men and women assist the Priest and Deacon at the Altar for all weekend, Holy Day and
school Masses.
Training of the young people begins in the summer between the Fifth
and Sixth Grades. Interested servers participate in the Summer Server
Camp - a weeklong program designed to give students an in-depth orientation. The camp runs from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Monday through Friday.
Server Camp for 2015 will run from June 8-12, 2015. Registration is now
open. To register, go to the parish website,, click the Server Camp billboard on the front
page and you will be taken to the registration page.
Life in the Spirit at
St. Joseph’s in Manchester
Santen. The seminar is free but please
register online at
liss For additional information contact
This seminar is for adults or teens
Jeff Barczewski at 314-246-9749 or
who wish to deepen their relationship or Anne Hruz at
with God and grow stronger in the Holy
Spirit. Seven Monday nights June 8 July 20, 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the Parish Cen- Vitae Foundation Dinner
ter. It will include speakers, scripture, The Vitae Foundation is hosting its Anmusic, prayer, and small groups.
nual Pro-Life Event on Tuesday, June 2,
We are called to membership in a 2015, at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac.
faith community and to a life of service
The featured speaker is Allen West,
using the gifts, fruits, and charisms of- former Congressman and CEO of the
fered through the Holy Spirit. Worship National Center for Policy Analysis.
led each night by Carrie Bajzath. SpeakThe registration fee is $100 per person
ers include Bishop Hermann, Jane ($50 is tax-deductible). The Event begins
Guenther, Katie Feise, Father Dotson, at 7:00 pm. Seating is limited to those
Armando Leas, Anne Hruz, and Father with reservations, so make yours soon
Join Us for Movie Night
Wondering what happens at Sacred Heart Ladies Club meetings? On June 2,
women of Sacred Heart are invited to enjoy film, food and fun! Join us for a very
short meeting and then take some time to relax and watch a movie with
friends – ones you know, and ones you haven’t met yet. Optional – bring a comfortable folding chair and snack to share. We’ll be in the St. Anthony Room below the church at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you there!
Feeding the Homeless
The monthly chili mac casseroles for St. Patrick’s Center are due to be
brought in NEXT weekend. Please place yours in the freezer downstairs by the
Church Hall and don’t forget to pick up a pan and lid for next month. If you are
not already helping with this worthwhile ministry of feeding the homeless and
at or call her at 573-301-0654.
Prayers and Roses for Expectant Mothers
Expecting or adopting? Contact Pat Snyder at 314-795-8103 or 636-343-6644
so the Respect Life group can place a red rose for you at the Blessed Mother
statue in church. Our parish community will pray for you and your child and
all expectant mothers during their pregnancy or during their wait for adoption.
by calling 573-634-4316. Reservations
For more information about the event
and about Vitae Foundation,
Praying the Rosary
You are invited to join the Knights of
Columbus outdoors around the Sacred
Heart statue on the lower plaza in praying the rosary on Wednesday, June 3rd
at 6:30 pm. The prayer will consist of
one full mystery consisting of 5 decades. Contact Greg Echele for more information by phone at 636-861-9838 or e
-mail to:
Dear Parishioners,
We are down to our last week of school for our students.
We have our All School Awards Ceremony on Tuesday at
9:00 am for Grades K-8. We also have our last Chess Club
Tuesday after school. Wednesday is the last day for both
Kindergarten and our 8th Grade. Kindergarten completion
will begin with Mass at 8:00 followed by a reception. Our
8th Grade will be dismissed at 11:10 am. Thursday is the
end of the 4th Quarter with 8th Grade Graduation Mass at
6:30 pm. The last day for Grades 1-7 is on Friday. Thank you
for all your prayers for the students and teachers. The
school could not succeed if it was not for the support of the
parish. Thank you.
If you know anyone who is interested in our Preschool
and Elementary School please have them contact the office.
We are currently adding a 5 day Preschool 4’s program here
at Sacred Heart and we are now accepting registrations.
If you are interested in touring our school, please contact
the office. I would be glad to show you around our school
and all the wonderful things going on at Sacred Heart Catholic School. Again, I would like to thank you for your continued support of Sacred Heart Catholic School. If you
would like to share your time and talent with the school
please contact us either by phone or email.
Mr. Larry Hoskins
Sacred Heart School
Liturgy of the Word for Children
If you are interested in volunteering to help with this
ministry to Sacred Heart children, contact Cheryl Degenhart at 636-225-0341 or email
PSR Registration now Open for 2015-2016
Sacred Heart’s Parish School of Religion is for all children
in grades 1 through 8 who attend a public or private nonCatholic school. Classes meet on Monday evening at 5:30 or
7:15 pm and on Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm. Children attend one of these sessions. It is so very important that we
put our children’s religious education as a number one priority.
Current PSR families received an email from the religious
education office with the link to register their child(ren) for
PSR. Families new to the PSR program need to register
online. The link to register is on the parish website
Sacred Heart PSR will not refuse religious education because of any family’s inability to pay tuition fees. Please call
the Religious Education office (636-225-0341) or email with any questions.
Jesus and Me
Monday, May 25:
Tuesday, May 26:
Wednesday, May 27:
Thursday. May 28:
Friday, May 29:
No School Memorial Day
9:00 am All School Awards
3:00 pm Chess Club
Last day for Kindergarten and
8th Grade
8:00 am Kindergarten Completion
Mass and Reception
11:10 am 8th Grade Dismissal
End of 4th Quarter
6:30 pm 8th Grade Graduation
Last Day for Grades 1-7
Religious education of our children begins at birth and
continues throughout life. To help Sacred Heart parents
with this obligation, we offer a Sunday Preschool program,
“Jesus and Me” for children ages 3, 4, and 5/Kindergarten
during the 10:15 am Mass on Sunday.
Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office, the back of Church, the Parish Office, or on the
parish website. Please call the Religious Education Office at
636-225-0341 or email
with any questions.
Cheryl Degenhart
Cost: $7.00 pp
($9.00 after May 27th)
Annual Picnic at Simpson Park - Blue Heron Pavilion
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 - 11:15AM
Enclose fee and drop
registration in collection
basket or bring to the
Parish Office. This will
be our last gathering until
August. Join us!
NAME ________________________________________________________
PHONE ________________________________________________________
# ATTENDING __________________
ontinuing with our string of
“virgin martyrs”, this week we
have St. Cecilia, a Roman noblewoman of a senatorial family. She was baptized as an infant (see,
they even had infant baptisms in the
early Church!), and when she came of
age, she was given in marriage to a pagan man named Valerianus.
Now after the wedding, as the couple
went to their wedding chamber, Cecilia
told Valerianus that she was already betrothed to Christ, and that the angels
guarded her purity. Valerianus asked to
see these angels (sarcastically, I could
imagine), so Cecilia sent him to meet
Pope Urban I along the Appian Way so
Valerianus could see why she had become betrothed to Christ. He did as she
said, and was so taken by the faith
preached by Urban and witnessed by
Cecilia, that he and his brother Tiburtius
were both baptized into the faith. The
three of them became outstanding examples of Christian friendship, and did
amazing things together. They distributed alms to the poor and buried the bodies of those who had been martyred for
All this caught the attention of the
authorities, who dispatched an executioner named Maximus to put the brothers to death. But Maximus was so moved
by their incredible faith and acts of charity, that he laid down his sword, confessed faith in Christ, and was himself
martyred alongside Tiburtius and Valerianus.
Cecilia was likewise captured and
condemned to death by suffocation in
the bath of her own home. This is the
bath as we would normally think of, but
a Roman-style steam bath, almost like a
sauna. As it turned out, no matter how
hot the bath became, or much suffocating steam filled the room, Cecilia resisted all day and all night. When the executioners became frustrated, Cecilia met
her martyrdom by beheading. Pope Urban I recovered her body and buried it
next to her friends in the Catacombs of
St. Callistus along the Appian Way.
Today, the beautiful church of Santa
Cecilia in Trastevere houses her remains. It is one of the titular churches,
which as you might remember were the
original parish churches in Rome. The
church has a very interesting history
dating back to the saint herself. The tradition holds that as Cecilia was facing
her death, she donated her home to the
Church to be used as a place of worship.
The present Church is built over that
home, which as you recall, is also the
site of her martyrdom. Excavations in
the 1800’s by the famous archaeologist
Giovanni Battista de Rossi discovered
the house’s foundations under the present-day church, confirming the tradition, at least in some part.
St. Cecilia is most commonly invoked
as the patroness of musicians because it
is said that at her wedding, while people
were singing pagan songs in celebration,
she “was singing in her heart a hymn of
love to Jesus, her true spouse.” Today, as
we remember St. Cecilia’s great example
of friendship and devotion, let’s ask her
prayers as well for our musicians, that
they too would lead us in singing a
hymn of love to Christ!
St. Paul’s Parish Respect Life Rummage Sale
What’s happening
in May???
Customers Needed! Proceeds benefit families in crisis
pregnancy and other Respect Life activities. The Rummage
Sale will be held Friday, June 5 from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm as
well as Saturday, June 6 from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm in the Parish Life Center of St. Paul Church, 15 Forest Knoll, Fenton
on the Northeast corner of Hwy 30 and Hwy 141.
Separated, Divorced, Widowed, or Remarried
Pentecost - Mystery activity planned
LIFE NIGHT - “Hypocrites Welcome”
*Twilight Prayer: Wednesdays,
7:00 - 9:00 pm
“Sacred Heart-Valley Park Youth Group”
You are invited to join us for fun and to make new
friends at the next meeting of the South County Separated,
Divorced, Widowed and Remarried Catholics (SCDC) on
Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 pm at Saint Catherine Laboure
parish cafeteria, 9740 Sappington Road in Sunset Hills.
SCDC is a support group for the separated, divorced, widowed and remarried of our community.
For more information please call Jan Inman at 314-8926933 or Bill DeCoursey at 314-322-2764.
St. Louis Active Singles
Those in the ages 40's to 70's are invited to a Meet and
Greet/Picnic on Sunday, June 7th at 3:00 pm at Kirkwood
Park - Scout Shelter. Bring a dish or drink to share. RSVP is
required - Contact Kathy at
Sunday, May 24
7:00 pm Adult Open Gym
Monday, May 25
Tuesday, May 26
Wednesday, May 27
Thursday, May 28
2015 Volleyball and Soccer Registration
closes June 1
Friday, May 29
Saturday, May 30
KA - Kateri Court • KI - Kister Court
Small Spikes Instructional Camp
 Grades 1 & 2
 Your child will learn the basic fundamentals of volleyball
This is just a reminder that Soccer and Volleyball Close
through fun and interactive drills and games.
June 1st. You will not be able to register after this date.
Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys for 2015-2016 school
 Camp Dates are: August 3, 4, 5, 6 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
year!! We are looking for a couple more players for the fall
 August 7th Game/Pizza Night from 5:00 - 7:00 pm
volleyball season. If you are interested or know anyone inter Cost: $40 per camper for 5 nights of v-ball, t-shirt, pizza,
ested please let us know at or
& prizes
have them register at This
For more information please contact Chrissy Curran curlink is also available from our Athletic Association website: 314-413-5481 or Colleen Rossomanno 314-574-9286
Registration: or SHAA web‘No Limits’ Volleyball Camp
site: by 7/27/15
 Day/Evening Sessions Available for GRADES 3 thru 8
 1 coach per 6 campers: all counselors are former high
Sacred Heart Volleyball Referees
school and college players and USAV coaches.
Any High School person 14 years of age or older interested
 NO LIMITS offers intermediate/advanced camps for older in becoming a CYC Volleyball referee, please contact Claire
grades. These sessions will still cover fundamentals, but Anglo at All current qualified SHVP
also much more.
referees need to send an email if you will be returning this
 Cost is $80 per camper prior to June 30th
Register online @ or go to noThere is a written test that must be completed on line for more information
FORE July 31st. Anyone interested in refereeing must take the
Monday through Thursday, July 13th – July 16th
test and get at least a 92%. Once you pass, you must then
Evening sessions
attend one of the CYC clinics which will be held in August.
5:30 to 7:30 pm (Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th)
Sacred Heart will offer a few referee clinics before the CYC
7:45 to 9:45 pm (Grades 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th)
clinics to better prepare those interested in becoming certiMonday through Thursday, July 20th – July 23st
fied officials. The first Sacred Heart session will take place
Day sessions
Thursday, June 4th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in the gym. Please
9:00 to 11:00 am (Grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th)
bring a whistle.
11:15 am to 1:15 pm (Grades 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th)
SouthSide Catholic Junior Dragons Football Club
The Dragons are looking for interested players that will be entering into 6th, 7th, or 8th grade to join the Football Club. If
interested call Sean Follis at 314-308-2489. Sign-up Dates: Sunday, May 31st and Sunday, June 7th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at
Mary’s High School Cafeteria (4701 South Grand Blvd)
SLUH Junior Golf Camp
The 2nd Annual St. Louis University High School Junior Golf Camp will be held this summer at The Missouri Bluffs Golf
Club. There are two dates: June 29 - July 2 or July 27 - July 30. The camp runs from 9:00 - 11:30 am Monday - Thursday.
The camp is open to girls and boys entering 7th and 8th grade and SLUH freshmen
For more info please call 314-269-2191, follow Twitter @11CoachG, email at, or visit the website http://
Parish Walking Track and Fitness Center
One of the great assets of our parish is the Adult Walking Track and Fitness Center. Hundreds of parishioners have taken
advantage of keeping fit and healthy by using these facilities. Just a reminder that this area is for “Adults Only.” Neither
children nor babies in strollers are permitted on the track. Please enjoy your adult track and fitness center. But, remember,
children and strollers are NEVER PERMITTED in this area. And, if you are an adult parishioner over the age of 18 and do not
have an access card, now is the time to get one. Visit the Parish Office or website for more info.
Ecuador Breaks World Record for Planting
the Most Trees in One Day
Thousands of people teamed up this weekend to break a
world record while doing something good for the earth. They
planted 647,250 trees in a single day Saturday.
More than 44,000 people in Ecuador planted the trees at
150 sites across the country, snatching the Guinness World
Record from a group in the Philippines, who broke
the world record last year.
This was the most diverse single-day tree planting program
anywhere in the world, with more than 200 species of trees
planted to soak up carbon dioxide and pump out oxygen.
Ecuador holds another environmentally friendly record —
the most plastic bottles recycled in a single week, 87,363
Look who came to the Festival on Friday Night
...and returned Saturday!
After the rains left and everyone began to settle in for a
great evening of fun, food, music and smiles, a surprise visitor decided to join in and see what all the fun was about.
Around 7:15 pm we looked up and noticed a hawk
perched on the cross on the steeple of the church simply
admiring everything that we going on. He stayed up there
for a surprisingly long time, oblivious to anything other that
the street party below. He must have enjoyed himself because he made a return appearance on Saturday!
Thanks Cole Koenigsfeld for a great picture!
Mass Schedule
Weekend ............................................................................. Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:15 am,
12:00 noon & 6:00 pm (Life Teen)
Weekday ................................................................ Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:00 am
Saturday 8:00 am
Civil Holidays................................................................................................. 9:00 am
(Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day)
Confessions ....................................................................... Saturday 3:45 - 4:40 pm
or by appointment (call the Parish Office)
Eucharistic Adoration ......................................................................Sunday 7:30 pm
through Monday 1:00 pm
Special Liturgies
Weddings ............................................................... Arranged 6 months in advance
Baptisms .......................................................................................... Sunday 1:00 pm
(prior instruction required)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word .......................................................Sunday 10:15 am
(during Mass)
Parish Staff
Pastor ............................................................................................Rev. Denny M. Schaab
Associate ......................................................................................Rev. Michael J. Grosch
In Residence ......................................................................................... Rev. Robert J. Suit
Deacon ................................................................................... Rev. Mr. David E. Lemoine
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Charles R. Snyder
Deacon .................................................................................. Rev. Mr. Thomas E. Forster
Pastoral Associate ......................................................................... Sr. Cathy Vetter, CCVI
Director of Religious Education .................................................. Mrs. Cheryl Degenhart
Parish School Principal .....................................................................Mr. Larry E. Hoskins
Director of Youth Ministry ...............................................................Ms. Beth Fresenburg
Director of Liturgical Music ......................................................... Mr. Nathan D. Jackson
President Parish Council ......................................................... Mrs. Mary Grace Villmer
Parish Offices
Parish Business Office .............................................................................. 636-225-5268
Fax....................................................................................................... 636-225-6969
Hours ................................................................Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Parish School & Preschool Office ............................................................ 636-225-3824
Religious Education Office .........................................................................636-225-0341
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ..................................................................... 636-825-2097
P.S.R. Classes ........................................................................... Monday 5:30 & 7:15 pm;
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, May 30-31, 2015
5:00 pm Fr. Mike
7:00 am Fr. Bob
Deacon Dave
8:30 am Fr. Bob
Deacon Dave
10:15 am
Fr. Denny
Deacon Charlie
12:00 pm Fr. Denny
Deacon Charlie
6:00 pm Fr. Mike
Sunday, May 24
MASSES: 7:00, 8:30,10:15, 12:00 noon and 6:00pm
8:50 am
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Teen ACTS Formation Meetings
Monday, May 25
PARISH MASS: 9:00 am
Extraordinary Ministers
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Dennis Lewis (P), Barb Wentworth (P), Tim Timpone (P), Mark Muehleisen,
Jill Baer, Dianne Droge (sub req.), Avis Bordner (sub req.), Loretta Rose,
Barb Jost (sub req.)
Kevin Daut (P), Kim Bish (P), Mark Solari (P), Joy Gioia, Connie McGuire,
Mary Thien
Michele Jackson (P), Sue Minie (P), Ginny Fischer (P), Tom Fischer,
Suzie Henke(sub req.), Pat Rung, Tom Rung, Linda Marc, Phyllis Verseman
Tom Becker (P), Mark Broughton (P), Shannon Smyka (P), Kathy Ring,
Glenn Oerding, Brian Petschel, Gay Tompkins, Pat Schnieders, Gary Gutting,
Michael Kelly (B)
Monica McLain (P) (sub req.) , Nathan Davis (P), Pat Hayden (P),
Dennis Breitenstein, Angela Castro, Bev Werner, Renee Rolwes
Jim Walsh (P), Anne Gantner (P), Rich Pudlo (P), June McCartney,
Bob McCartney, Sally Adams, Terri Schulenberg, Jeff Schulenberg,
Pat Curran, Carolyn Curran
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Denis Coady (1), Jerry Coonan (2)
Amber Scherer (1), Kathy Ebert (2)
Vivian Eberhardt (1), Keith Anderson (2)
Susan Luina (1), Cindy Eatherton (2)
Mary Ann Girshner (1), Karen Rothery (2) (sub req.)
Amanda Heard (1), Brian Curran (2)
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Joe Kelly, Savannah Baer, Joe Baer
Ben Smith, Jacob Kacich (sub req.), Seth Kacich
Jacob Boaz, Catherine Glick, Ryan Edwards
Erika Poeling, Adam Broughton, Andrew Baranowski
Kody Edwards, Erin Drummond, Rachel Menz
Jacob Heard, Jake Fischer, Emma Brinson
Ushers & Greeters
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Stacey Enghauser, Rick Wilken, Gladys Riordan, James Riordan
Mike Ebert, Stanley Renaud, Janet Meyer, David Staffen
Harvey Reinkemeyer, Candy Kunzelman, Shirley Horn (sub req.), Frank Kruessel
Curt Bennett, Ilene Frayne, Bob Frayne, John Schnieders
Kim Lemp (sub req.), Jen Ryder, Justin Ryder, Ann Woods
Kim Gossett (sub req.), Stan Miller (sub req.), Laura Craig, Mary Favier
Scrip Volunteers
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
(Cathy Donahue
Paula Godar-Smith
Bridget Renner
10:15 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
Nancy Stachiw
Gerry Lange
Beth Zeiter
Money Counter Apostolate
May 31:
Hary Kuhnert
Music Ministry Schedules
May 30:
May 31:
5:00 pm
7:00 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
Tony and Cindy
Maddie and Susan
No School
All facilities closed for the holiday
Tuesday, May 26
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
9:00 am
All-School Awards Ceremony
7:00 pm
Confirmation Sponsor Make-Up Meeting
7:00 pm
Faith Share (Men’s)
Wednesday, May 27
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
8:00 am
Kindergarten Completion Mass
8:30 am
Kindergarten Reception
11:10 am
Early Dismissal for 8th Grade (Last Day of School)
5:00 pm
Friends of Bill W.
7:00 pm
Faith Share
7:00 pm
Life Teen Ban Practice
7:30 pm
Co-Ed Faith Sharing
Thursday, May 28
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
6:30 pm
8th Grade Graduation Mass and Dinner
7:00 pm
Respect Life
Friday, May 29
MASSES: 6:30 am and 8:00 am
9:00 am
Quilting Club
10:30 am
Early Dismissal - Last Day of School
6:00 pm
Wedding Rehearsal
Saturday, May 23
8:00 am
ACTS Sister Act
1:30 pm
3:45 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
AU - Auditorium (Parish Center) • CA - Cafeteria (Church Hall) •
CH - Church Hall • CU - Church • DL - Didian Lot • EC - Education Center • GH Great Hall (Parish Center) • JR - Joseph Room (Parish Center) •
LY—Lobby (Parish Center) • LL - Lower Lot • MR –Mary Room (Parish Center) •
NC - Nazareth Center • PC—Parish Center (All Locations) •
PL - Parking Lot • PO—Parish Office • SA - St. Anthony Room (Church Hall) • SH Sacred Heart Room (Church Hall) • ST - Stage •
UR - Upper Room (Parish Center)