THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST. BERNARD 615 H St. Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 442-6466 Parish Staff Rev. Thomas Diaz, Pastor Ext.2104 Rev. David Galeana, Parochial Vicar 443-8429 Rev. Gerard Brady, Retired 443-8429 Priests’ Emergency Number 707-599-3456 Deacon Frank Weber 442-5615 Cathy Finney, Office Manager Ext.2101 Illeen Knapp, Bookkeeper Ext.2102 Fritz Sorensen, Maintenance Ext.2105 Debbie David, Pastoral Advisory Chairperson 443-1143 Dianne Luzzi, RCIA 442-8812 Issa Stemler, Music Director 840-9514 Amanda Rutledge, Children & Youth Faith Formation 601-8585 Office Hours Monday – Friday 9am. - 3pm. E- Mail: FAX: (707) 443-0914 Mass Schedule at St. Bernard Sundays: 10:30 am. Weekdays: 12:15 pm. Mon, Wed, Fri Holy Days: Vigil 7:00 pm, 12:15 pm Confessions: Wednesdays 1:00 pm-1:35pm & by appointment Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Wed. 1-9pm. St. Joseph Mission Church Mass Schedule (Located on the corner of C & Henderson St.) Saturdays: 4:00 pm. (vigil), Sundays: 7:30 am. Weekdays: Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 am. Holy Days: 7:30 am Confessions: Saturdays 3:15-3:45 pm & by appt. Pentecost Sunday. May 24, 2015 The Coming of the Spirit In the Gospel Reading this Sunday, Jesus foretells that he will send the Holy Spirit upon his disciples. And we also celebrate that coming of the Spirit because it is the feast of Pentecost. But the book of Genesis tells us that the Spirit was in the world from the beginning of creation. The Spirit moved upon the face of the waters when God first made heaven and earth. From that beginning all throughout the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is present in the world. For example, the Spirit of God came upon: Samson (Judges 13:25), Saul (1 Sam 11:6), David (1 Sam 16:13), and others as well. The first thing to notice is that, in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is mentioned as coming only on a few particular people for some particular purposes marked out by God. But after Christ sends the Spirit at Pentecost, the Spirit comes on every single one Christian. As the Second Reading explains, every person who says (and believes) that Jesus is Lord has the Holy Spirit dwelling in him. Furthermore, after Pentecost, the Spirit that comes is the Spirit of the resurrected Christ, as well as the Spirit of the Father. And so when after Pentecost Christ’s followers are filled with the Spirit, they are unified with Christ, because his Spirit is within them. So when Christ sends the Spirit at Pentecost, it comes on all those who believe in Christ; and it comes on them forever, for their whole lives. Those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them are made into the body of Christ, because the Spirit of the resurrected Christ is in them. So that is why the Spirit comes at Pentecost, to inaugurate the new age which God promised long ago. Through his prophet Joel (2:28), God promised that in the messianic age God would pour out his Spirit on all his people; and then God himself would be the hope and the strength of his people (Joel 3:16). We are included in that promise too. By God’s spirit that dwells in us, we are made one with our risen Lord. Question: In his homily at Mass for the Feast of Pentecost two years ago Pope Francis asked us the following questions: Are we open to ‘God’s surprises’? Or are we closed and fearful before the newness of the Holy Spirit? Do we have the courage to strike out along the new paths which God’s newness sets before us, or do we resist, barricaded in transient structures which have lost their capacity for openness to what is new? Todays Readings Reading I: Acts 2:1-11 Reading II: Romans 8:14-17 John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or John 20:19-23 Readings next Sunday Reading I: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Humor: What is one of the first things that Adam and Eve did after they were kicked out of Eden? They raised Cain. What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? Your mother ate us out of house and home. The ark was built in 3 stories, and the top story had a window to let light in, but how did they get light to the bottom 2 stories? They used floodlights. St. Joseph Church 05/23 Sat 4:00 pm 05/24 Sun 7:30 am 05/26 Tue 7:30 am 05/28 Thu 7:30 am 05/30 Sat 4:00 pm 05/31 Sun 7:30 am +Jim Nickols Mass for the People +Mary Ivancich +Helen Dick +Harold Plourde, John T. Perrone +Dolores Seaman St. Joseph Hospital 05/26 Tue 11:30 am Int. Leslie & Randy Favre 05/28 Thu 11:30 am +Clarence Enos We have the Anointing of the Sick at St Joseph’s Hospital during Mass on Tuesdays and Thursdays. St. Bernard Church 05/24 Sun 10:30 am 05/24 Sun 2:00 pm 05/25 Mon 12:15 pm 05/27 Wed 12:15 pm 05/29 Fri 12:15 pm 05/31 Sun 10:30 am +Clarence Enos Confirmation at Sacred Heart Church +Helen Dick +Helen Dick +Martin Casanova Mass for the People Finance Corner The collection last weekend was $3,159 and Catholic Home Missions was $1,116. Second Collection As announced last weekend the second collection today is to assist Catholic Relief Services in Nepal after the devastating earthquake. Next weekend as it is the 5th Sunday of the month the collection cash will be split and go to St Vincent de Paul and to the Betty Chinn Foundation. Please mark your envelopes as to what organization you want your donation to go to. Our Annual Ministries Appeal for 2015 is $26,900, Pledged $32,575, Families participating: 126 families so far out of 550 families. Please make your checks out to the Diocese of Santa Rosa. This Week’s Meeting & Events 05/25 Mon 6:00 pm Religious Ed (St.B El School) 05/28 Thu 3:00 pm Finance Meeting 05/28 Thu 5:15 am Choir Practice 05/28 Thu 7:00 pm RCIA St Bernard Parish Pancake Breakfast Last Breakfast until Oct. Prepared by the Knights of Columbus will be held June 7th in St Bernard Parish Hall. Time 8:30 am till 12. Menu is pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham or sausage, applesauce, coffee and orange juice. Cost $6 for adults, $3 for children under 12. The proceeds go to the St. Bernard Maintenance Fund. Mark your calendars!! Annual Parish Picnic is July 19th. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Evelyn Avila, Jim Avila, Cort Bess, Chet Branum, Sister Gertrude Conolly, Deacon Frank, Fr. Greg, Marian Griffin, Barbara, Jackie and Jim Hill, Rose Judice, Chad Kryla, Mary, Margaret McCaskill, Joan McDowell, Cathy McCormack, Riley Moran, Fran Mori, Brett Perrone, Donna Selsor,Ashley Sutherland Seiger, Nancy Tompkins, Ramon Torres, Mary Wood and all our weak and ill. Pastor’s Corner We welcome Bishop Vasa who is celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation for our area Catholics with us at 2 pm at Sacred Heart Church. All are invited. The emergency phone number in the bulletin front page listings is for emergencies in contacting a priest. Please use this number after office hours. On Sunday June 7th we will begin having a mass during the summer months at 7pm at St. Joseph’s Church (the corner of Henderson and C Streets in Eureka). All parishes are invited. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Birthday Celebration for Fr David and myself. It was fun to have the Catholic Community in Eureka gather and have fun. Prayer Line Need a prayer for a loved one in need? Contact the St. Bernard Parish Prayer Line. Need a prayer of thanksgiving for a prayer answered? Contact the St. Bernard Parish Prayer Line. Every prayer is answered by God in HIS time. Let us pray with you and for you. Surround yourself with prayer. Call our prayer line leader, Toni Lee Estevo 4453616- 24/7. Please pray for the soul of Dolores Seaman whose estate gave St. Bernard Church $5,000. “With Grateful Hearts” Sacred Heart parish is pleased to announce our annual silent retreat for women and invites the women of your parish to join us. Our focus this year will be to ask for the grace to give thanks in all things. The retreat will be held at Escot Farm in Willow Creek on Friday, June 26 through Sunday, June 28. Cost of the weekend is $90 if registration is received by June 4; $10 if received after June 4 and covers some meals and lodging. Registration forms are available in the church and parish office, and are due to Sacred Heart by noon, Tuesday, June 16. Space is limited, so early registration is recommended. For more information, please call Ann at 443-6741. The Parishioners of Saint Bernard Church Thank These Advertisers for Making Our Bulletin Possible ST. BERNARD CATHOLIC CEMETERY ST. JOSEPH 707-445-3188 HEALTH SYSTEM A Ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange 3975 S. Broadway • Eureka Managed by Ocean View Cemetery For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life... John 3:16 RED LION HOTEL Roy E. Corsetti, CPA AN ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATION Tax Return Preparation & Planning Financial Statement Preparation Bookkeeping Services Payroll Services Business Consulting FUNERAL HOME FD-320 1835 E Street | Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 442-2941 | Fax (707) 442-2753 R Eureka 134 “D” Street, Suite 201 sandersf 443-3168 New American Bible EVVTN R For happy times and sad, from receptions to memorials, think of the Red Lion for your event space and group rooms. GLOBAL CATHOLIC NETWORK Suddenlink 71 / DISH 261 Discerning the call to priesthood or religious life? Printing — St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina R EDWOOD C OAST R ESOURCE G UIDE WWW.RCRG.BIZ Remember your special day with more than just pictures. A. James Fisher, III D.P.M. Complete videography services available for any occasion. (707) 445-5493 817 HARRIS STREET EUREKA, CA 95503 Call David Thompson at (707) 465-6624 415 J STREET CRESCENT CITY, CA 707-267-1503 Humboldt Moving & Storage Co. Local /Long Distance Packing/Storage FREE ESTIMATES 1433 Broadway • 443-7369 Harris & K Market Coast Redwood rce Guide Resou “The Rosary is the “weapon” for these times...” Check UNITED UNITED UNITED Van Lines Jim Pastori Purveyor & Connoisseur of Fine Wines 3103 K St. • Eureka, CA 95503 442-0109 496-7349 Pray the daily ROSARY, our mightiest WEAPON! Jon A. Omey, D.D.S. Luke A. Omey, D.D.S. 2752 Harrison Ave., Ste. B Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 443-7877 PODIATRIST 2390 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, CA 95502 Confidential Lines: (707) 442-2345 or 24-Hour Option Line: (800) 395-HELP GARY CORMIER CONSTRUCTION New Homes • Additions Remodels • Repairs Free Estimates • Lic. #376304 Phone 445-2975 EUREKA FLOOR WARNING PROTECTED BY DVANCED ADVANCED S ECURITY SECURITY707SYSTEMS 443-6366 SYSTEMS CARPET ONE Carpet • Area rugs • Vinyl • Laminate • Wood • Ceramic • Stone 2385 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka • Mike Jurkovich • 443-9321 Tony ST. BERNARD PARISH e-SCRIP SIGN-UP SAFEWAY ® S A F E WAY C A R D Please help support St. Bernard’s CCD and youth programs by registering your Safeway Club Card. There is no cost to you. Name Address Phone Safeway Club Card # Email Address Please put in collection basket or mail to the office. TO SIGN UP ONLINE GO TO A DIVISION OF PETRUSHA ENTERPRISES, INC. CARITAS 499-7400 Greg Shanahan Insurance FAMILY OWNED TIRE SERVICE G SSELIN & S NS’ BRAKES SHOCKS ALIGNMENT 1 Commercial Street Eureka, CA 95501 Ph 707-442-2981 RICK HARRIS Fax 707-442-2985 General Manager Cell 707-498-1119 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS And Let Them Know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin Life & Health 442-6468 SINCE 1959 525 COMMERCIAL STREET, EUREKA, CA Tom P.O. Box 6514, Eureka, CA 95502 YO K N THA CALL ST. BERNARD’S TO ADVERTISE HERE OD! G U 442-6466
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