May 17, 2015 Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord (Seventh Sunday of Easter) Come To the Holy Land with Father Hung Nguyen PARISH STAFF Fr. Hung Nguyen Pastor 206-324-8521 See and Worship with him at Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Via Crucis, Last Supper, Gethsemane, Dormiltion Nativity Church and Capermaum. Mai Tran Frank Gummersall Office Coordinators 206-369-0078 Trip Dates : Sept 15, 2015-Sept 25, 2015 Deacon Joseph Yuen Chinese Community Call 855-842-8001. fax to 508-340-9370 Deacon Joua Pao Yang Laotian Community Fr. Patrick Twohy, S.J. Parochial Vicar Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.– Noon Closed National Holidays After Hours please call 206-369-0078 Welcome to all! If you are new to the area you are most welcome at Our Lady of Mount Virgin. Please fill out the Welcome Card located in the pews and put it in the collection basket. $3999.00 Airfare and All-included. Reflection on Pentecost Sunday At Pentecost the disciples received powerful gifts, accompanied by manifestations of God’s presence. Today that doesn’t seem to happen. Today, how can I “connect” with that wonderful event (Acts 2:1-11)? Did you ever consider the fact that you have been blessed even more powerfully with a very deep gift of faith, hope and love? Thomas would not believe, without seeing some concrete sign he could believe in. Yet you believe, without having “seen” any signs of power - - and as Jesus told St. Thomas, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (Jn 20:29). Our faith and the teaching of the official Magisterium tells us that we receive this same “Spirit of power” when we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We may not be aware of receiving charismatic gifts, such as the “gift of praying in tongues” (Acts 2:4), and we may not see “tongues as of fire” or hear a “mighty wind” (Acts 2:2-3). But rest assured, when we receive this Sacrament, the Holy Spirit does indeed bestow gifts upon everyone being confirmed. St. Paul teaches us in the Second Reading that there are different gifts, different works, and different ministries. Nevertheless, it is the same God who bestows them, and they all have one purpose: to be used to help others, to build up the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:3-7). If you have been confirmed, no matter what your age at the time, you were empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry on the work and mission of Jesus Christ. This you do, as we all do, with the gifts we have received -- not envying the gifts of others, but simply being faithful in the little that we have. Marriage Preparation If you are contemplating marriage please contact the church at least six months in advance for the marriage preparation classes. Know Your Catechism! “Fire” has a special significance in the New Testament. It is the sign of the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit (CCC#696). The “tongues as of fire” on that first Pentecost were prefigured in the Old Testament through Elijah (1 K 18), and proclaimed by John the Baptist as he pointed to the Messiah who would “baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Lk 3:16). The Sacrament of Confirmation makes us more strictly obligated to spread and defend the faith (CCC#1285); have you been fulfilling your obligation? MINISTRY SCHEDULE May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday 8:00 am Mass Lectors: Communion: Gifts: Ushers: Altar Servers: 9:30 am Mass Lectors : Communion: Gift Bearers: Cross Bearers: Altar Servers: Ushers: 11:30 am Mass Lectors: Communion: Altar Servers: Peter Le Tran Long Le & Linh Phuong Tran Emma & Nate Jensen Joe Faccone Hieu Tran Sompasong Dithavong & Vang Lor Keo Choulaphanh & Bernadette Phaysith Bill & Khamla Souders Harry Souksavath Jeu Heu Daniel Choulaphanh & Syho Phaysith MASS COLLECTION REPORT FOR 05/09/2015—05/10/2015 5PM $ 503.00 8AM $ 652.00 9:30AM $ 629.00 11:30AM $ 1,709.00 Thank you for your continued financial support through your Stewardship of Treasure. Felix Cho & Jessica Ho Christina Choi & Angela Chan Isabella Chu, Candace Wong, Tiffany Chang & Christina Huynh ************ Church Cleaning This Week Phyllis LaBellarte ************ Our Lady of Mount Virgin Parish New Email: ( New Web Page: ( Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-11 Psalm 104:1,24,29-30,31,34 1 Cor. 12:3b-7,12-13 John 20:19-23 Your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal is still needed! Thank you to all who have responded to the needs of our Church in Western Washington through the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. One person or parish could not possibly accomplish all that needs to be done for over 60 ministries and servicers of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Gifts of any amount are welcome, your gift will make everything possible. It is not too late to return your pledge envelope if you haven’t already done so! Please fill out Our parish for the first two a pledge envelope toweeks day or go online to donate: Total Pledges : $15,850.00 Total No. of Donors: 32 www.seattlearchdiocese. org/donate
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