April 26, 2015 - Saint John Neumann Church

Saint John Neumann Parish
Lancaster, PA
April 26, 2015
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Friends in Christ:
Thank you to all of our parishioners who have given $122,727.00 toward our Lenten Appeal goal of
$162,400.00. If you have not yet donated please consider doing so. Our generosity allows Bishop Gainer to fund
programs and outreach ministries throughout the Diocese insuring Christ’s presence is made known to so many who
are most in need.
In today’s Gospel reading we hear Jesus referring to Himself as “the good shepherd.” His sheep know Him,
trust Him, listen to Him and follow Him; having faith that no harm will come to them as long as they stay close to Him.
We reaffirmed our faith in Christ when we renewed our baptismal promises at Easter. As stewards of our relationship
with Jesus Christ, are we, like the sheep, willing to listen to Jesus, follow Him, trust Him?
The Gospel of the Good Shepherd is a lesson in leadership that is centered in the servanthood of Jesus. We
will make mistakes, we will be second-guessed and criticized, and we will find ourselves alone, the object of anger, as
a result. Still, to act in the interest of the common good, to "freely" place our own stature at the service of others, is to
embrace the model of Christ the Good Shepherd. Christ calls each one of us to realize that the gifts, talents and abilities
we have received have been entrusted to us, not for our own profit or greatness, yet to fulfill our vocations as "good
shepherds" to those in need, to those who are lost and scattered, to those victimized and persecuted. To bring
compassion and healing to the sick, the troubled and abused; to bring back the lost, the scattered and the forgotten;
to enable people to move beyond their fears and doubts to embrace the mercy and love of God. In Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Dave
Papal Mass Bus Tickets
Ticketing for Diocesan buses to the Papal Mass on September 27 has been closed following very heavy demand. Requests are being
processed and those who submitted orders via web, email or phone will be contacted about whether they have tickets or are on
the waiting list. The bus tickets along with additional information about the event will be distributed during the summer. Those
request received after the 11:15 a.m. closing of requests will be placed on the waiting list and will be contacted if a seat becomes
available. Thank you for your patience.
It should be noted that no ticket is required or is being sold to attend the Papal Mass. It is open to the public and will be held
outdoors on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway with the Altar situated near the Philadelphia Art Museum. Those interested in
attending may consider alternate forms of transportation to Philadelphia. An estimated two million people will attend this event.
Those considering attending should be prepared for a day that includes significant walking and standing. No general seating will be
availability, the Mass will be a standing event.
We will continue to place updates on www.HbgDiocese.org/papalmass Please visit www.worldmeeting2015.org for more information about the
World Meeting of Families.
Diocese of Harrisburg Instructional Support Advancement Committee
Giving children with Learning Differences and Special Needs an Opportunity to receive a Catholic Education
The Diocese of Harrisburg Instructional Support Advancement Committee, a team of dedicated Catholic parents and educators, has begun an ambitious effort to help provide a Catholic Education for children with Learning Differences and Special Needs in our Catholic Schools.
We invite all who are interested in learning about our efforts and helping us to join us for an evening of fellowship as we embark upon this most
important task to ensure that no child is denied a Catholic Education in our Schools and to learn specifically about a “pilot program” to be instituted
at Saint Leo the Great Catholic School.
Mrs. Livia Riley, the Superintendent of Schools in the Diocese of Harrisburg, commenting on this proposal has said, “I am so grateful for
the support of the Instructional Support Advancement Committee. With their dedication and commitment, the Diocese can continue to assist our
Catholic Professional educators with appropriate resources and professional development to enhance learning for our special needs students.”
Mrs. Christine McLean, Principal of Saint Leo the Great Catholic School, will describe the specific program being offered for the 2015-2016
School Year at Saint Leo’s.
Cocktail Reception—Date: Thursday May 7 2015—Time:7:00 PM—Place: The Barn at Overlook, 605 Granite Run Drive, Lancaster
Pa, 17601—RSVP by May 1—Julie Abel at jaabel@comcast.net or call at 669-0654.
Saint John Neumann Parish
April 26, 2015
Lancaster, PA
Mass Intentions
Monday, April 27
9:00 a.m.
Sharon Benz
Requested by Carl & Barbara Becker
Tuesday, April 28
6:30 a.m.
Marion Biggs
Requested by Bob Biggs
No Mass
Adoration 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 29
Thursday, April 30
6:30 a.m.
Renato Gonzalez
Requested by Denis & Joy Sison
Friday, May 1
6:30 a.m.
Francis Donohue
Requested by Mary Harvey
9:00 a.m.
John & Fran Gibes Requsted by
Hagen & Gibes Families
Saturday, May 2
4:00 p.m.
Howard Rupert
Requested by Ed & Rose Fronczak
Sunday, May 3
7:30 a.m.
Eva Calusic
Requested by the Wanchalk Family
Sunday, May 3
9:00 a.m.
Sunday, May 3
11:00 a.m.
People of Parish
Marge Stuchel
Requested by Paulette Book
Readings for the week of May 3, 2015
5th Sunday of Easter
First Reading:
Acts 9:26 –31
Second Reading:
1 John 3:18—24
John 15:1—8
Our Christian Community welcomes
Parish Calendar Events
Sunday, April 26 Religious Education/8:45 a.m., 10:15 a.m.,
6:45 p.m.
K of C Corporate Communion/7:30 a.m. Mass
Blood Pressure Screenings/after all Masses
Youth Ministry Cinnamon Roll Sunday/after all
I wonder I believe/7:00 p.m./St. James Church
Monday, April 27 Religious Education/ 4:30 p.m.
Parish Council/7:00 p.m./Room 11
Choir Rehearsal/7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 28 Religious Education/4:30 p.m.
Bazaar Social Ministry/9:00 a.m.—12:00 Noon/
Social Hall
PHM Exercise Class/9:30 a.m./Social Hall
K of C Officers meeting/7:00 p.m./
Rooms 13—16
Baptism Class/7:00 p.m./Room 11
Wednesday, April 29
Adoration/9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 30
Friday, May 1
First Friday—Masses @ 6:30 a.m. followed by
Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction before
9:00 a.m. Mass
Saturday, May 2
If you are new to the parish, please call the office to register.
Katie Martin West, John Scheuerman, Jr., Mickey Falcone, Dennis Devorchik,
Logan Andrew Bomgardner, Helen White, John Byrnes, Wayne Moyer,
James McMahon , Catherine Gaenzle, Ted Kita, Connie Carpenter,
Janet Kennedy, Rose Fronczak, Ann Martin , Donald Porell, Sheri White ,
William Buehler, Henry Sear, Frances Graham, Catherine DeMott
and all those in the Prayer Circle.
Sick and Shut Ins:
Please notify the Parish Office, 569-8531, if you have a loved one from the parish
who is in need of our prayers and would like their name placed in the bulletin.
Please notify the Parish Office @ 569-8531, when you enter the hospital. Also,
call if you desire weekly or monthly Communion brought to you in your home
or if you know of someone who does.
Penelope Ann Frey, Richard John Gebraad,
Alexander Lee King, Isabelle Rose King,
Giuliana Marie Lombardo, Grace Amber Scaccia,
Caden Jase Smith, Aubree Jeanette Wiles
Born of the water and the Holy Spirit in the
Sacrament of Baptism
Wedding Banns
Bann I—Kevin Ganon/Alissa Popalis
Bann II—Christopher Zittle/Amanda Gowarty
Saint John Neumann Parish
Lancaster, PA
April 26, 2015
We are a Stewardship Parish
Stewardship Messages from Youth & Children’s Envelopes:
“I helped with the “Little Buddies” program at school. ”
“I forgave a friend who was not nice to me.”
“I shared my markers with my friend who lost hers.”
Adult Envelopes/Loose. . . . . . April 19, 2015. . . . . . $ 12,740.50
Lenten Appeal to date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $122,727.00
Children and Youth. . . . . . . . . .April 19, 2015. . . . . $
Online Giving—Faith Direct. . . Reported End of Month
Lenten Appeal Goal $162,400.00
Thank you for your generosity!
Upcoming Second Collections:
Missionary Cooperative—May 16
Pentecost Collection to Fund Education of future Priests & Care of
Sick Priests—May 24
Script—Giving Cards
No. of orders last weekend: 22
Year-to-Date Sales: $106,340 .00
Year-to-Date Earned: $ 5,512.96
New order forms are being made which include several new
retailers like Turkey Hill, Bonefish Grill, and Knight and Day
Diner. Also, for your convenience, we would like to have
tables at both entrances/exits. Therefore, if you can
volunteer at a table 15 minutes before and after a weekend
Mass once or twice a month, please contact Angela Richards
at arichards@sjnlancaster.org or 569-8531 X227. Your
cooperation is necessary for the continued success of this
Y.M. Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, May 9, 2015
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cost: 8.00 per person
Children 4 and under: Free
Meal includes: Salad, Spaghetti, Roll, Drink,
and Dessert
All proceeds benefit the youth attending
Mission Trip and NCYC .
Tickets: Sold after all Masses in the Church Office
or Youth Office
Stress is a natural and necessary reaction to
situations that challenge or even threaten
us. Stress can become problematic for a
person when it becomes chronic and never seems to let up.
As I mentioned in last week’s article, chronic stress can
contribute to a whole range of health issues. Although some
people handle stress well, many people suffer greatly from the
effects of stress in their lives.
You may think that our responses to stress are more or less
automatic and appear to happen without much thought.
Therefore it is not possible to change how we react to stress.
However, you can have some control over the situation by
how you think and by your attitude toward the stressful
situation. With some work on your part, you can learn to
change your negative reaction to stress. This will do a great
deal to improve your health and well-being.
Here is a 4-step formula that will help you maintain a more
positive outlook in response to stress situations in your life.
STOP - and realize that you have a choice in how to
BREATHE - deeply, try to relax and release physical
REFLECT – on the situation and seek to understand how
your own attitudes and beliefs affect and possible
aggravate the situation.
CHOOSE – a strategy for dealing with your stress that will
make your life easier, lead to relaxation and a sense
of well-being. If you tend to find fault with yourself
and blame yourself when things go wrong, work to
avoid letting these feeling dominate your thought
process. Be reasonable with yourself and others.
Work to show yourself and others forgiveness and
Eleanor Nuffort-Parish Nurse
Information from Care Notes “What Everyone Should
Know About Stress” “Seven Habits of Those Who
Handle Stress Best”
Tuesdays -April 21 through May 12 from
9:30 to 10:15 AM in the Social Hall for
chair exercises. Now that spring is here, it
is time to get out of hibernation and get
moving. You will be surprised how much fun you will have!
Call PHM to register at 569-8531.
Religious Education
Religious Education Updates
Class Schedule
April 26-28: Class
May 3-5: Last Class of the year
First Communicants will receive a Scapular
of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on May 10th
after the 9:00am Mass.
What an amazing year it has been! SJN
students and catechists have worked
hard, celebrated often and shared their
faith abundantly! If you would like to be
part of this rewarding ministry call the
Religious Education Office today at
569-8533. You will find the support and
resources you need from start to finish.
Look for Registration Information for the
2015-2016 year coming in May!
LCHS concludes the 2014-15 LCHS
FPA Concert & Lecture Series by
welcoming back alums William Kasel
'79 and Paul Futer '06, for an evening
of trumpet on Friday, May 15, at 7:30PM in
Old Main Auditorium. Email Tony Brill
(tbrill@lchsyes.org) for more
St. Anne School – Your Parish
An all school Mass will be celebrated this
Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Leadership
provided by the 8th grade.
All are welcome.
Congratulations to the
St. Anne School alumni who
received honors at Lancaster Catholic High
School during the first marking period:
Breanna Bechtold, Maria Belitsky, Linnae
Budusky, Kate Carosella, Daniel Carr,
Hannah Citsay, Gabrielle Claus, Michelle
Cybulski, Julia Donahue, Morgan Ernst,
Tiffany Estrada, Cole Goodwin, Steven
Hansen, Kurt Harnish, Christian Heise,
Sarah Heise, Shawn Henry, Maria Howe,
Caitlyn Kambouroglos, Nichole Kirchner,
Zoe Knaflec, Gabrielle Kuntz, Abby Levine,
Daniel Little, Samuel Martello, Olivia
McCoy, Sarah Moore, Christopher Myers,
Allie Neuman, Sydney Neuman, Connor
Rathsam, Lauren Richards, Matthew Roda,
Benjamin Sallavanti, Spencer Secrest,
Alexa Secrest, Ann Skehan, Madalynn
Smith, Tancy Wenrich, Chad Wender,
Haley Wolfe, Maddy Wolfe, Alex Young,
and Salvatore Zuber. Freshman Maria
Howe was also named Student of the
Quarter which is awarded to the student in
each class with the highest GPA for the
quarter. Congratulations Alumni!
Registrations are being
accepted at St. Anne School
for the 2015-2016 school
year. Please contact the
school office at 394-6711
for a school tour, “shadowing”
opportunities for students, or information
about the school including registration
packets. You can also check us out at
www.stannelancaster.org for more
information! We would love to have you at
our school.
Youth Ministry
Mission Trip 2015
If you would like to be a part of this
trip please call the Youth Office asap.
We will be sending our deposits in this
Call Yolanda if you have any questions,
NCYC 2015
We are in the first stages of planning
this wonderful faith filled trip that
happens in November of 2015.
We have fifteen students and their
chaperones at this time. If you would
like to be a part of this but need more
information please call the Youth
Office at 717-581-9156.
Senior Mass and Dinner
Invitation went out this past week,
please mark your calendar of this
special Mass and Dinner to celebrate
and give thanksgiving for our young
people who will be heading off to
college this fall.
Date: June 13, 2015
Mass followed by dinner in the Social
Call Yolanda if you have not received
your invitation as of yet.
Cinnamon Roll Sunday
To benefit Mission Trip 2015
Cost: $5.00 for 1/2 dozen
$1.00 individually
April 25 & 26
Or call 717-581-9156
Pick up will be after all masses &
with a few extras at the door to sell.
Saint John Neumann Parish
Lancaster, PA
April 26, 2015
Our Parish
St John Neumann Parish is seeking to employ a Parish Manager.
Responsible for assisting the Pastor in the overall administration of the
Parish with respect to all matters pertaining to personnel, finance,
buildings and grounds, parish committees and organizations, and
scheduling. A Bachelor’s degree in accounting or business
administration or its equivalent is required as well as a minimum of
three years experience in business administration and personnel
supervision. Experience with parish operations is preferred. The
individual must have a working knowledge of Church teaching and an
understanding of the mission/vision/philosophy of a Roman Catholic
parish. The Parish Manager is a steward of the physical, financial and
personnel resources of the Parish and enables other ministries to
function effectively. The Parish Manager values the ethical and
efficient management of resources and thus enables the Parish to
fulfill its mission and purpose. Resumes may be submitted to: Fr. David
Danneker, Pastor, St. John Neumann Parish, 601 East Delp Rd.,
Lancaster, Pa. 17601. Email address is frddanneker@hbgdiocese.org.
Spiritual memoir and discussion workshops, will
be held Thursdays, May 7, 14, and 21, from 10
a.m. to Noon in Room 11 at St. John Neumann
Church, sponsored by the Parish Health Ministry. They
are free and open to all interested. No writing experience
is necessary. To register call the church office or Peggy
Frailey, 569-7357.
St. Anne-Neumann Seniors will hold their April Meeting on
Tuesday, Apr. 28, 2015 at 1:00 PM at the Farm & Home
Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA. Open to all Seniors.
Speaker will be Eleanor Issacs on “Little Girl Survives War“.
Food donations will be collected for the Lancaster
County Food Bank. Light refreshments will be served.
Our Diocese
St. Joseph Church
I wonder... I believe 2015
A series of forums during the Easter Season on our Catholic
Faith. In this 9th season, St. John Neumann and St. James parishes are pleased to offer four sessions on the power,
beauty, and diversity of
Sun, April 26 Prayer through Music – Dedication of
the new St. James Pipe Organ
@St. James, Church
The recently refitted and restored organ, featuring 1037 pipes,
was built by the Walter Gundling Organ Company of Lancaster and gifted to St. James by St. Peter’s Lutheran Church.
Opening with hymns and the dedication rite, musicians from
both churches will perform a short recital of classical and transcription pieces, complemented by brass and piano. Refreshments follow in Our Lady’s Center.
Sun, May 3 Praying with Scripture - Lectio Divina
@ SJN, Social Hall
with Deacon Peter Jupin
All forums are for adults and young adults and are Sunday
@ 7PM St. John Neumann, 601 East Delp Road, Lancaster,
St. James Church, 505 Woodcrest Avenue, Lititz.
There is no fee for any of the forums; refreshments will be
provided. To help with our planning, please RSVP with your
name, phone number, and number of people attending to either Rose Barnas at 626-0244 ext 1 OR to Barbara Goss at
569-6331 or bgosshome@aol.com
Perpetual Adoration 19th Anniversary Mass
Friday, May 1st 7:00pm
Followed by First Friday Devotions & Confessions
Memorial Day
Monday, May 25th
9:00am Mass
St. Joseph New Catholic Cemetery
Charles Road
Ascension Thursday
Wednesday, May 13th - Vigil Mass 6:30pm
(please note change of time)
Thursday, May 14th - Morning Masses 6:30 & 8:15am
Evening Mass 7:00pm
Prayer for Vocations
God our Father, we thank you for calling
men and women to serve in your Son’s
Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious,
and consecrated persons. Send your
Holy Spirit to help us respond
generously and courageously to your
call. May our community of faith
support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We
ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
Secretariat of Clergy,
Consecrated Life And Vocations
www.ForYourVocation.org • www.usccb.org
© 2011, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Good Shepherd, detail from the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.
Bancel La Farge and Ravenna Mosaic Company, 1926. Photograph courtesy of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC, 2011.
Photographer: Geraldine M. Rohling.