SIXTH SUNDAY OF EAST EASTER ER — MAY 10, 2015 It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit. — John 15:16 S aint Mary Help of Christians Parish C UT IN OMNIBUS GLORIFICETUR DEUS B+M+V 818 McGowan Road • Shelby, North Carolina 28150 (P) 704-487-7697 • (F) 704-487-0187 Email: Web: hrist the King MISSION 714 Stone Street • Kings Mountain Refer all correspondence to St. Mary PARISH OFFICE/OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 9:00 AM-12:00 PM CHAPEL OPEN/LA CAPILLA ESTÁ ABIERTA: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Parish Priest/Párroco ............................................... Rev. Fr. Michael Kottar .............. 704-487-7697 x101 ................ Deacon .................................................................. Rev. Mr. James Trombley ............ 704-487-7697 x307 Bookkeeper/Contador...................................................... Donna Mabry ...................... 704-487-7697 x102 ................ Administrative Assistant/Secretaria .................................. Jean Judge ........................ 704-487-7697 x103 ................. Faith Formation/Coordinador de Catequesis ............... Maureen Westlund .................. 704-487-7697 x308 For Sacramental emergencies after hours, please call the parish office and follow the prompts. HOLY MASS / SANTA MISA Saturday Vigil/Vigilia del Sábado ..................................... 5:30 PM Sunday (Christ the King).................................................. 8:00 AM Sunday.......................................... 10:00 AM; 1:00 PM en Español Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................ 8:00 AM Holy Days of Obligation .......................................... As announced Días Santos Obligatorios ..................................... A ser anunciados DEVOTIONS / DEVOCIONES Adoration/Adoración Sunday..............................................9:15-9:50 AM, 6:00-7:00 PM First Friday .................................... After daily Mass until 9:00 PM Primer Viernes ............ Después de la Misa diaria y hasta 9:00 PM Rosary/Rosario Saturday ..........................................Before Mass/Antes de la Misa Sunday.............................................Before Mass/Antes de la Misa Second Sunday (Mission).............. After Mass/Después de la Misa Other/Otros Miraculous Medal Novena/ Novena de la Medalla Milagrosa...................... Monday after Mass St. Jude Novena/Novena a San Judas ..................Friday after Mass Divine Mercy Chaplet/ Corona de la Divina Misericordia .............. First Friday after Mass CONFESSION / CONFESIONES Saturday ....................................... 11:00-11:30 AM, 4:45-5:15 PM Sunday (Christ the King).................................................. 7:30 AM Sunday............................................................................. 12:30 PM Like us on Facebook Fortnight For Freedom There will be a Religious Liberty March and Prayer Vigil on June 26, 2015. We will begin the march at the parking lot at 1524 Palmer St, Charlotte (across from the Pastoral Center) at 11:30 AM. Instructions prior to marching will begin at 11:15 AM. Please arrive early to park and be prepared for the instructions by 11:15 AM. The march will include Fr. Michael Kottar preaching at Trade and Tryon Streets followed by the Litany for Religious Liberty. Then we will pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in front of the Federal Courthouse at 401 W. Trade Street. Please come and be a witness in uptown Charlotte to defend Religious Liberty! Questions: e-mail, or call Tina at 704-301-2531, and please visit Stay informed with FlockNote Visit our Parish Website This Week in our Parish SATURDAY, MAY 9 4:45 PM ... Reconciliation until 5:15 PM (SM) 5:10 PM ... Holy Rosary (SM) 5:30 PM ... MASS (SM) (Pro Populo) SUNDAY, MAY 10 7:30 AM ... Reconciliation (CK) 8:00 AM ... MASS (CK) (Mothers Day Novena) 9:15 AM ... Adoration until 9:50 AM (SM) 10:00 AM ... MASS (SM) (Mothers Day Novena) 12:30 PM ... Reconciliation (SM) 1:00 PM ... MASS (SM-Español) (Mothers Day Novena) 2:30 PM ... Youth Group (SM Parish Hall) 6:00 PM ... Adoration (Chapel) MONDAY, MAY 11 8:00 AM ... MASS (Chapel) (Mothers Day Novena) 9:15 AM ... Legion of Mary (Wellein Room) 7:00 PM ... Knights of Columbus (SM Parish Hall) 7:00 PM ... Legion of Mary en Español (SM Parish Hall) 7:00 PM ... Coro en Español (Wellein Room) TUESDAY, MAY 12 8:00 AM ... MASS (Chapel) (Mothers Day Novena) WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 7:00 PM ... Confirmation Class (SM Parish Hall) THURSDAY, MAY 14 Office Closed Today 8:00 AM ... MASS (Chapel) (Mothers Day Novena) 6:00 PM ... Schola (Wellein Room) FRIDAY, MAY 15 8:00 AM ... MASS (Chapel) (Mothers Day Novena) 7:00 PM ... Coro en Español (Wellein Room) SATURDAY, MAY 16 9:00 AM ... Legion of Mary Curia (SM Parish Hall) 4:45 PM ... Reconciliation until 5:15 PM (SM) 5:10 PM ... Holy Rosary (SM) 5:30 PM ... MASS (SM) (Mothers Day Novena) SUNDAY, MAY 17 7:30 AM ... Reconciliation (CK) 8:00 AM ... MASS (CK) (Mothers Day Novena) 9:15 AM ... Adoration until 9:50 AM (SM) 10:00 AM ... MASS (SM) (+Stephanie Derr) 12:30 PM ... Reconciliation (SM) 1:00 PM ... MASS (SM-Español) (Pro Populo) 6:00 PM ... Adoration (Chapel) Reconciliation Schedule Saturdays - 11:00-11:30 AM; 4:45-5:15 PM Sundays 7:30 AM at Christ the King; 12:30 PM LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER Prayer list requests must be renewed after six weeks. Mary Baxter, Ernst Borchert IV, Bill Campbell, Margaret Cook, Sally Currie, Karen & Ted Dedmon, Nicole Dennion, Martin Faulmino, Jr., Pauline Glover, Tena Green, Hazel Hall, Bea Headley, Pat Hobart, Sean Hobart, Richard Andrew Hord, Laurie Johnston, Paul Judge, Cynthia Jurich, Ann & Bob Kaverman, Blanche Maida, Maxine Nann, Jack Nestlerode, Jim Niskala, Maryann Pachuta, Sam Schiavo, Bea Stroupe, Bessie Thompson, Brody Thornburg, Lynn Winkelman, Kathy Zelwack, and for the repose of the souls of Regina Cerjan and Ruth Ann Houseknecht. Young at Heart Trip to Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden May 12, 2015 - Meet at Christ the King parking lot at 10:00 AM to carpool to Belmont. Bring a sack lunch and a drink for our picnic at the garden. Hope to see you there! TWO FUNDRAISERS FOR MIRAVIA (ROOM AT THE INN) ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT “LINKS FORE LIFE.” at Cedarwood Country Club Monday, May 18 | Register by May 11 | $130/player ANNUAL FUNDRAISING BRUNCH at CEDARWOOD Monday, May 18 | Register by May 11 | Tickets: $30 Featured Speaker: Abbot Placid Solari O.S.B. For more information contact Mary Paul Forsyth or 704-525-4673 x13 EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS 2015 The theme for the 11th Eucharistic Congress for the Diocese of Charlotte is “Behold I Make All Things New.” The Congress will include a procession of the Eucharist through the streets of Uptown Charlotte. Plan to attend this important event, September 11-12 at the Charlotte Convention Center. Visit for more information. Car Raffle to Benefit Catherine’s House May 23-24, Sister Carmelita Hagan from the Sisters of Mercy will be making a brief presentation and asking for your support for their twelfth annual car raffle. As in the past, they will be raffling an automobile, a new 2015 Honda Civic LX. Your gospel response to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless over the past years has been a blessing for the women and children who come through our program. Once again, I am asking for your support. We will be selling tickets after all the Masses. Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25. Thank you in advance for supporting our children and mothers. STEWARDSHIP CORNER APRIL SUNDAY OFFERTORY Offertory Budget Difference SM $16,805 $18,179 ($1,374) CK $3,323 $3,250 $73 UPCOMING CHURCH CLEANING TEAMS 5/10 - Salvador Bernabe 5/17 - Elena Carcamo SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK Please leave your donations in the basket in the narthex. MAY: PASTA, RICE, BEANS TIME & TALENT FROM CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES I helped my classmates with schoolwork and helped them at recess when they fell. - Robert I helped mom do chores. - William PATRIOTIC COUPON PROGRAM Help our servicemen and women! Clip current or expired manufacturers’ coupons and drop in the box in the narthex. Please make sure they are cut coupons, not sheets. ONLINE GIVING If you would like to make secure, easy, and convenient offertory donations, use the “Online Giving” tab of our parish website: UPCOMING SECOND COLLECTION: INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL COMBINED COLLECTION The International – National Combined Collection will be taken at all Masses next weekend. Your contribution to the good work of these organizations will give you an opportunity to participate in the mission of the Church locally, nationally and internationally. Please take the time to read the brochure sent to you by Msgr. West, give prayerful thought to your level of participation and respond with a generous contribution. Envelopes for this collection are in our parish envelope packet. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE RELIEF St. Mary Help of Christians and the Diocese of Charlotte have responded to the recent devastation wrought by the earthquake in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal by collecting funds on behalf of Catholic Church first responders for use in short-term and long-term recovery efforts. Donations may be made through the parish website, or mailed to the parish office to be forwarded to the Diocese of Charlotte and the Catholic Church first responders. Thank you for your generous support of our parish! SAVE THE DATE! On Sunday, June 7 Feast of Corpus Christi. There will be a Combined celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi and the Parish Patronal Feast, Mary Help of Christians. Blessing of HS Graduates at 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM Masses Outdoor Procession with the Holy Eucharist around the Church after 1:00 PM Mass (approx. 2:30 PM) Parish Picnic Hotdogs and Hamburgers Games for Children More details to follow! 2015 NC MARIAN ROSARY CONGRESS “The Family that Prays Together Stays Together” St. Mark Church, Huntersville, June 13. The Spanish track will begin at 8:00 AM; the English track at 10:00. Deadline for registration is May 15. Bishop Jugis will celebrate Mass. Call 1-844-YES-MARY or visit and pay $10 with PayPal; $15 after May 15 if tickets are still available. Bring your own lunch. You are also invited to bring banners, statues, and images of the Blessed Mother. THE RIGHT OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Our parish will begin a series of inquiry classes in the summer. These would be an introduction to Catholicism for anyone curious about the Catholic faith. Please notify the parish office if you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic church or wants to begin the process of becoming a member of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Quo Vadis Days Catholic young men ages 15-25: Do you know where your life is going? The Lord Jesus has a great plan for you! You are invited to attend the third annual Quo Vadis Days camp to spend time with other men your age looking at the Lord’s call in your life while having fun. QVD is led by priests and seminarians of the diocese and is supported by the diocesan Office of Vocations. Quo Vadis Days will be held June 15-19 at Belmont Abbey College. Please speak to Fr. Kottar if you would like to attend the camp, or if you would like more information about QVD. Save the Date! Totus Tuus camp will be here the week of June 28July 3 for another fun, energetic, and authentically Catholic summer program for kids and teens. Please plan your vacations so that your children can take advantage of this wonderful program. GRADES 1-6: Mon-Fri, June 29-July 3, 9:00 AM-2:30 PM GRADES 7-12: Sun-Thurs, June 28-July 2, 7:00-9:00 PM CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Mary Help of Christians Parish 818 McGowan Road Shelby, NC 28150 PHONE 704-487-7697 x103 CONTACT PERSON Jean Judge EMAIL ADDRESS: SOFTWARE Microsoft® Publisher 2010 Adobe® Acrobat® 6.0 StandardX Windows XP® PRINTER Sharp MX2600N TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 10:00 AM Bulletin for May 10, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/QUESTIONS Thank you!
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