APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 720 East Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 1529 Long Beach, MS 39560 Phone: 228-863-1610; FAX: 228-868-6068 E-mail: StThomasChurch@cableone.net Website: www.SaintThomasLB.org Office Hours: M-F, 9:00am-4:30pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass, 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am, & 6:00pm Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30am Fri, 6:30am Reconciliation: Sat., 4:15 – 4:45 pm (or call 863-1610 for an appointment.) Pastor: Fr. Cuthbert “Cuddy” O’Connell (cell: 228-493-9303) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Dominic Vu Xuan Pham Retired: Fr. Pat O’Shaughnessy Deacon: Ernest “Buddy” Vancourt Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm in the Chapel (upstairs in the Office Complex Director of Religious Education: Sr. Cecilia Nguyen, CCSS, 868-3774 sistercecilia@cableone.net My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God so loved the world He gave us His only son, Alleluia, Alleluia. The Lord is truly risen!!! Alleluia, Alleluia. Easter is not a day; it is a season. From today until Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the joy of Easter. We uncover over the next number of weeks, the experience of the resurrection of the apostles, and the women, the first witnesses to the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. We welcome all the newly baptized, those who have been received into full communion with our faith community. We ask your prayers for our children who will receive First Communion and our young people receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Special thanks to all who celebrated Holy Week; the altar servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, music ministry, those who decorated and cleaned the church, and all who attended the celebration of faith. May this season of God’s Grace wash over you and your families. —Fr. Cuddy, Fr. Dominic, and Fr. Pat Alleluia, Alleluia THANK YOU Thanks to all those who helped with the Installation Service and the reception afterwards. —Fr. Cuddy and Fr. Dominic. APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD SCRIPTURE CORNER SEEKING Easter Sunday is a day all about seeking. The early Christian communities gathered around the Apostles, seeking more about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Saint Paul told the baptized Colossians to “seek what is above.” Mary of Magdala went to the tomb, seeking to find the Lord’s body so that she could anoint it. We come to church on Easter Sunday seeking many things. For some of us, this is a once-a-year journey, when we seek connection with the foundations of the Christian faith. For others, this day is the culmination of a long journey of Lenten repentance. For the newly baptized, this is the first day of a new life filled with promise and expectation. Whatever it is that we seek, let us be inspired by the disciple whom Jesus loved who, when he saw the wrappings of cloth inside the empty tomb, “saw and believed.” ——-Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ST. VINCENT LANE (behind the SRE building) will be closed for 24 hours starting on Sunday, April 5th, 9pm and will reopen on Monday, April 6th, 9pm. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The parish office will be closed on Monday, April 6th, for the Easter Holiday. If there is an emergency, call Fr. Cuddy at 228-493-9303. If it is NOT an emergency, please leave a message for the office on the office phone at 228-863-1610, to be returned on Tuesday. BIRTHDAY BREAKFAST Birthday breakfast for April will be postponed until May. We will celebrate both months at this time. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 FEW REMINDERS Sun, Apr 5….11:30am, Mass Sun, Apr 5….NO 6pm MASS Mon, Apr 6….Par ish Office Closed Tues, Apr 7….SVdP Society meet upstair s Fri, Apr 10….8am-7pm, Adoration in the chapel Sat, Apr 11th ….9am, RCIC Fir st Communion Practice Sat, Apr 11th….9:30am, Baptism seminar upstair s Sun, Apr 12th….11:30am, RCIC Fir st Communion Sun, Apr 12th….6pm, RCIT Fir st Communion BUY SCRIP—-SUPPORT OUR YOUTH SUNDAY 11:30AM MASS 11:30 Mass will continue through Pentecost Sunday at which time it will be evaluated to see if there is a need for 11:30 Mass to continue. REGISTER We welcome all visitors with us today. Our house is your house and we are your family in faith. We would love to have you join our parish! To become a parishioner of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, just complete a registration form found in the display cabinets in the back of the church or fill out the form below and drop in the collection basket. NAME________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________ ______________________________________________ PHONE_______________________________________ EMAIL_______________________________________ APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD CLAIRE BOGGS MORRISON The parish family of St. Thomas the Apostle joins together to wish Mrs. Claire Boggs Morrison blessings galore on the occasion of her 100th birthday which is April 12th. Ms. Claire, a native of Long Beach and the senior parishioner of the parish, was baptized and subsequently celebrated all her sacraments at St. Thomas. She fondly remembers attending school at St. Thomas where classes, taught by the Daughters of Charity, were held in the church sacristy. She is looking forward to her birthday celebration which will be attended by her seven children, 13 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren and other family and friends. Happy Birthday, Ms. Claire. THANK YOU Thank you to all who came out last Saturday to beautify our church grounds. Our Church, Our Responsibility! ST. THOMAS PARISH PALOOZA Our yearly parish gathering this year is a Parish Palooza (festival). It’s a great opportunity to spend time with parish members as a family. There is no charge for entrance. Tickets will be sold to purchase food, drink items and games etc. For $50 you can purchase a chance to win a new car! Our fundraiser this year is a 2015 Chevrolet Cruze LS donated by Turan Foley ChevroletBuick-Cadillac on Hwy 49 in Gulfport. It’s on the Parish property. Tickets for the car have been mailed to all members of the Parish but more are available at the church office. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 18th from 11am – 4pm. Bring your portable chairs and plan for an afternoon of fun! Remember, all proceeds benefit our Support for Youth Ministry. Please see attached flier for more details. EASTER FLOWER REMEMBRANCES Inside this bulletin is the list of Easter Flower donations and those being remembered and honored. Thank you to all donors for helping to make our church so beautiful and for the extra donations to the flower fund for ongoing holidays. CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION OF LONG BEACH Tuesday, April 14th, 6:30pm Annual Meeting (upstairs in RCIA room) Elections and nominations will be received from the floor. All members and potential members are welcomed. Contact Jennifer Glenn at 860-4000 for any questions or concerns. Follow or join us at: www.longbeachcarnival.com or Carnival Association of Long Beach (CALB) on Facebook. CATHOLIC SHARING APPEAL May the risen Christ be recognized by each family in the parish though a generous donation to Catholic Sharing Appeal. You have received a brochure with pledge information from the diocese. There are also extra envelopes available on the display cases in church and in the pews. If you have not already given to this most valuable program in our diocese, please consider making a contribution during this week. God will bless you for your generosity in supporting the ministries of the diocese and for caring for the less fortunate. CATHOLIC SCHOOL TUITION Applications for tuition assistance are available at the parish office for families who have children in Grade K-12 at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School, St. Stanislaus, Our Lady Academy, and St. Patrick High School. To be eligible, a parish registered family must be attending church here at St. Thomas and supporting the church through the electronic method of making regular contributions or the church support envelopes. St. Vincent families may apply through FACTS (see the school office); a paper application may be obtained from the parish office. Deadline is April 30, 2015. COUNCIL #4898 Upcoming events: Thurs, 4/16….6:30pm r osar y, 7pm meeting Sun, 4/19….8-11am Parish Breakfast Spring 2015….Benefit Bocci Ball tour nament For more information on membership or any questions, contact Jim Delinski, Grand Knight at 863-6643. APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION April Life Teen Calendar During our Life Nights for 9th – 12th graders, teens will participate in goofy, fun games or skits relating to the weekly theme, listen to powerful sharings by adult leaders, share in small groups and leave with a weekly challenge. We meet in the youth room upstairs right after the 6 p.m. Life Teen Mass and end with a meal in the community center. April 5th – No Life Night – Easter Sunday April 12th - Praise and Worship – Join us for a powerful night of praise and worship as we adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament April 19 – Mass and Kickball at St. James Catholic Church – Meet at St. Thomas at 4:45 p.m. More details to come! April 26th – Night of Prayer at the Beach – Join us at the beach to pray the Rosary and worship. April Edge Calendar During our Edge nights for 6th – 8th graders, teens will participate in goofy, fun games or skits relating to the weekly theme, listen to powerful sharings by adult leaders, share in small groups and leave with a weekly challenge. We meet on the balcony upstairs right after the 6 p.m. Life Teen Mass and end with a meal in the community center. April 5th – No Life Night – Easter Sunday April 12th – “Edge at the Movies” – We invite all of our middle school students to join us for movies and popcorn in the community center. April 19th – “I got the joy, joy, joy” - The goal of this night is to discuss things that make us happy and lead us to being filled with radiant joy. The teens will explore how they can have a deeper relationship with God, one that will fill them with joy. April 25th – Middle School Retreat hosted by the high school LEAD Team – more details will be given out as time approaches April 26th – NO EDGE Night due to Middle School Retreat Ray Lacy, 863-1610, RLacySTYM@cableone.net ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Fri, Apr 3-Fri, Apr 10….Spr ing Br eak, No school Fri, May 15….PTO Golf Tour nament www.svdpcatholicschool.org or 228-222-6000 PreK-5th (RCIC) Grade: Sundays, 10:10–11:20am Apr 5…..…….. No SRE class – Easter Sunday Apr 12….…….. SRE class ***April 18..… Par ish Spr ing Festival 11:00am4:00pm in pavilion Apr 19………... SRE Class ***April 25……Fir st Holy Communion Day of Prayer/Rehearsal 9:30am-2:00pm April 26………..SRE Class 6th-12th (RCIT) Grade: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:15pm Apr 8….…..…. No SRE class – Easter Holidays Apr 15……….. SRE Class ***April 18…Par ish Spr ing Festival 11:00am-4:00pm in pavilion Apr 22……….. SRE Class/“Night of Ador ation, Praise, and Worship” for 11th Grade Confirmation Candidates, Par ents, and Sponsors Apr 29……….. SRE Class REGISTRATION FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (Catholic Kidz Camp) will continue during Sunday SRE in the SRE building until May 1st. “Around the Word in Five Days: Living the Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love with the Saints”…for Pre K thru 6th grade. Our VBS week will be from Monday-Friday, June 1-5…8:00am to 12:30pm. Children who are registered after May 1st will NOT have a T-shirt, since we need to place our order early. Let Sr. Cecilia know ASAP if you are interested in helping with VBS this summer! SisterCecilia @cableone.net. PAYING CATHOLIC SCHOOL TUITION The parish finance committee has adopted guidelines for families who wish to avail themselves of the subsidized (lower) rate of tuition at Catholic schools. Parish families (registered here) who attend Mass at St. Thomas on a regular basis and use their church support envelopes or the electronic method of making their weekly contributions are eligible for a lower rate of tuition for children in Grade K-12 at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Elementary School, Our Lady Academy, and St. Patrick High School. A form to request parish subsidy is available at the school office and should be turned in to the parish office for completion. Catholic school tuition is expensive but we believe that it is well worth the sacrifices made by the families who choose to have their children enrolled in the Catholic school system. Traditionally, Catholic school families are very involved in their parish. We appreciate their involvement and support. APRIL 5, 2015——EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD MASS INTENTIONS Tues, 4/7 Wed, 4/8 Thurs, 4/9 Fri, 4/10 Sat, 4/11 Sun, 4/12 8:30am +Frank Macias 8:30am +J ohn Wilson 8:30am +Mae Koenenn +Howard Troub +August Deurouen +Patrick Drouilhet +Ella Cospelich +George Kelley +Souls in Purgatory 6:30am Special Intention 5:00pm Mary Hansen +Harold Barnes +A.D. & +Marge Taylor +Dave Costello +Maureen Nash +John Doleac +Peggy McCrea +Pat & +Betty Wilz 7:30am +J.C. Necaise 9:00am St. Thomas Parish Family 11:30am The Bennerfied Family 6:00pm Germanwings Flight #9525 PETITIONS OF PRAYER Alice Carrubba, Ann Dion, Anna Kate, Audrey Pierson, Becky Rutledge, Bobby Ladner, Charles John Pique, Chris Labat, Colin, Cristie Todd, Debra McKenna, Debra Muesall, Dianne Calmes, Dorris Steffen, Frances Carrubba LeBlanc, Frederick Joseph Welch, Gary Lacy, Geraldine Hammons, Gregory Herman, James Bynes, Jason Todd, John Becker, Johnny Mattini, Kristen Ariatti, Lance Dupuis, Leigh Rooney, Linda Dudley, Linda Bass, Lois Ladner Weems, Marcie Batemen, Marie Ladnier, Marilyn Ladner, Mary Edwards, May Adams, Michael Gruich, Michael Necaise, Mike Morgan, Mike Mullins, Nadine Asher, Norma Ravetto, Rory Pearce, Ruth Wilson, Sara Gust, Sharon Sarris White, Susan Fayard Fulton, Theresa Borzik, Valerie Leblanc, and all others in our parish and community in need of healing, physical or spiritual. NEXT WEEKEND’S LAY MINISTERS GONE HOME TO GOD †Geraldine Cyr (Grandmother of Michele Ponte) WINE AND HOSTS (AND FLOWERS) A generous donation has been made to St. Thomas the Apostle Parish by Abraham and Julia Kassis of Roswell, Georgia, in memory of the donor’s sister, Martha Kassis, to purchase the wine and hosts for the Easter season beginning the day after Easter through Pentecost. Funds are also being applied to the flowers in church for Easter Masses. Please remember the donors and their intention in your prayers. MARCH 21-22 OFFERINGS TOTALS Thank you for your generosity!! Envelopes, $10,551.00; Loose money, $1,240.00 Children’s pickle jar, $121.00 Electronic Giving, $1,573.00 FEATURED AD OF THE WEEK An Update For All Altar Servers and Parents: Please contact Amanda Yarborough at the following e-mail address: AltarServer@saintthomaslb.org This has been assigned since the April schedule was distributed. RECURRING AROUND THE PARISH… Lighthouse Catholic Media Stand…East foyer St Vincent de Paul Society….9:30am-12:30pm, Mon & Thurs, open to help Adoration in the Chapel….8:00am-7:00pm, Fridays Youth Gift Cards (Scrip) sales…after all Masses & during office hours, 9am-4:30pm weekdays Knights of Columbus, Council #4898….6:30pm, every first & third Thursday of the month St. Joseph’s Helping Hands….Wor k day is ever y fir st Saturday of the month; meeting is every fourth Thursday call/text 228-216-7649 www.AmyWoodProperties.com Long Beach and Pass Christian’s Only Funeral Home since 1964 • Preplanning • Funeral and Cremation Services • Monuments 228-865-4700 19130 Commission Rd. www.riemannfamily.com 213 E. Beach Blvd. Long Beach • 265-7730 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com For a HANDY - MEN wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit www.wlpmusic.com. LICENSE # 17034 HOME, YARD & AC REPAIR Gulfport, MS PHIL BIANCAMANO 228-669-2660 Rosalia Villard Lee Patient Care Rep/Parishioner cell: 407-376-7680 Providing peace, comfort and dignity to those facing terminal illness. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. E. G. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 Family Physical Therapy COLDWELL BANKER ALFONSO REALTY, INC. of South MS Jarvis Lankford, REALTOR® “Where Caring Equals Results” 228.364.2502 www.jarvislankford.com Steven H. Myers, MSPT 19020 Pineville Road, Suite 4 Long Beach, MS 39560 Phone (228) 863-4080 Fax (228) 863-4014 Parishioner, Lifetime Resident MS Gulf Coast Whether it is buying that special home or selling a property, I want to help you achieve your goal. Family Fitness Center, Now Open! Call 228-284-2913 ELVIS GATES Agent 218 E. Railroad St. Long Beach (228) 864-6323 www.elvisgates.com ADOLPH BOURDIN, INC. Air Conditioning Heating 228-452-4432 1601 30th Avenue Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 868-5519 www.bltcpa.com Since 1865 Happy Nails Salon BRADFORD-O’KEEFE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 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