24-5-2015 - Sandyford Parish

Fr Andrew, Fr Gerry, Gráinne & Pat
24th May 2015
PARISH OFFICE Phone 2956414 Email ofice@sandyfordparish.org
Child Safeguarding and Adult Protection 3 hour training
session All parishioners who are involved in any ministry in the
ST. MARY’S Sandyford
6.00 pm (Saturday Vigil)
EVERY SUNDAY from 4:00pm 5:00pm, concluding with evening
prayer of the Church.
EVERY TUESDAY You are invited to
Sunday 9.00 am
11.00 am
6.00 pm
spend one hour in
Adoration between 10.30am to 9pm
concluding with
guided Holy Hour 8pm.
Adoration Meeting First Thursday of
Every Month after 10am Mass
parish or would like to get involved in the future are strongly
advised to attend an upcoming 3 hour child safeguarding and
adult protection training session run by the Archdiocese of
Dublin (Garry Kehoe, Safeguarding Trainer, Archdiocese of
Dublin) on June 25th 2015 from 7 - 9.45pm in Sandyford
parish. This session will give you information on best practice in
relation to both how to protect yourselves and children within
your parish work. Even if you have attended a previous
session, legislation in this area has recently changed and it is
important that volunteers have the most up-to-date training
possible. Please let anyone who is involved in your parish
group know about this training also. All those who are able to
attend are asked to email the Parish safeguarding
representatives at childsafeguardingsandyford@gmail.com in
order to book their place. Anyone who is not currently a
volunteer but would like to get involved in the parish in the
future is also most welcome to attend.
Sunday 10.00 am
WAYSIDE , Kilternan
Sunday 12 noom
First Friday 7.30pm
Catholic Papers in Church .
Cleaning Rota B
Rosters for Baptism Team,
Eucharistic Ministers and Readers—
please collect from the Church Porch
and Sacristy.
Fr Andrew O’Sullivan will be 20 years ordained on Thursday
4th June. To mark this very special occasion you are invited
to Mass at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Church on Thursday 4th
June. Please join us for Mass and for some light
refreshments .
If you would like to contribute to refreshments
(finger foods, cakes, canapies) please contact
Noreen 087 2981095 or Liz 087 7999859.
Sat 23th May 6pm Mary & Tim O’Connor
Sun 24th May 9am Mary McPartland
Sun 24th May 11am Patrick Norton
Des Daly
Tony Murphy
Sadie O’Brien
Sun 24th May 6pm Paul McGearty
Mon 25th May 10am Joseph Doyle
Wed 27th May 10am Maura Kavanagh
Sun 24th May 10am May
John Quigley
Kitty Geraghty
Hannah Leeson
Jack Mulvey. Dinah Mulvey, Val Mulvey.
Fr Billy Kennedy .
The children and their families appreciate that they are
part of a parish “circle of prayer” leading up to the
sacrament of First Eucharist on Saturday 23rd May.
to the catholic children from Church of Ireland who
celebrated their First Holy Communion.
As they continue their journey of faith may they always know the
Lord’s presence in their lives.
Crosscare Youth Work this weekend replaces the second
collection. Crosscare provide a wide range of focused supports
and programmes aimed at empowering people to achieve
their own potential. Our work is person centred, rights based
and supports peer led initiatives that give people the power to
make changes in their own lives.
Ministry in the Parish : We still need Ministers of the
Word If you are interested in finding out more about this
ministry, please leave your name with any of the priests/
sacristans or parish offic(2956414;office@sandyfordparish.org)
and we will get in touch.
Pentecost Sunday, 24th May
final mass of Confirmation programme
at 6.00pm in St Mary’s Sandyford. 6th Class
young people from all the parish are invited.
Sandyford Parish Youth
Monday, 25th May - 8.00pm
Balally Parish Centre
Building Resilience in Young People
Prof Pat Dolan, Director, Dept. of Child
and Family Research Centre , N.U.I.G.
A book for names of Students doing exams is in place at St. Mary’s
Shrine. Prayer of St. Benedict. Patron of Europe and Students.
Pentecost Hike up 3-Rock Mountain; Sun 24th May
“Gracious and Holy Father, give us wisdom to perceive you,
On the feast of Pentecost, Sunday 24th MAY, the Parish will do
intelligence to understand you, diligence to seek you, patience to
our annual Pentecost hike up Three Rock Mountain, where we
hike and pray together. We will gather in Ticknock car park at
wait for your, eyes to behold you, a heart to meditate on you, and
Please bring appropriate footwear, clothing and food
a life to proclaim you, through the power of the spirit of Jesus
for the journey. All are welcome; under 18s must be accompanied
Christ the Lord. Amen.
With the approach of summer many of our young adults are
gearing-up for their Certificate Examinations. Accordingly, on
Thursday next a lay-led service of evening prayer will be held in
Balally Church at 7.30pm. The Service will be directed towards the
students, their families and their friends. All are welcome
there are a few seats left for next Saturday 30th May. The cost
for the day is €35 which includes a four course lunch in the
Convent and the coach fare; a special price of €20 for the day is
available for under 18’s and this also includes the coach fare and
four course lunch. The Coach will depart St. Mary’s Church,
Sandyford at 7.30am sharp and will depart Knock at 7.00pm.
There will be a short coffee break on the journey to Knock and on
the return journey. Lunch will at 1.00pm.
Weekend 17/5/2015
Diocesan : First Collection : € 1,731 Goes to the Diocese for
distribution towards the livelihood of all its Priests including those
sick or retired.
Second Collection : €1,330
goes to the Diocese to fund Diocesan, Administration, Pastoral
Workers and the upkeep of Church Property
St Patrick’s Cemetery 12th July 2015 at 3pm
(No 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s )
Kilgobbin Cemetery 26th July 2015 at 3pm
Ecumenical Bible Week 2015 24th-31st May. .
This year, the overall topic is “What is the Spirit saying to the
Churches?” Further information on events and activities at
CONGRATULATIONS! to the two fourth classes in Our Lady of the
Wayside National School took part in a special Schools “Pentecost”
project—more information next week.
CAMP VERITAS : June 28-July 4th, 2015, Gormanston
College in Co. Meath. For 12-18 years olds. This Catholic Camp is
not only fun and energetic, but is spiritually concentrated with a
strong focus on the Eucharist. Its aim is to help young people to
live out their Catholic faith in a real and vibrant way, and to meet
other like-minded young people. Daytime activities include:
Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Dodge-ball, Swimming,
Beach Activities, Talent Shows and much more. Cost €320 (but
don’t let cost be an issue). For more details go to
Youth Summer Festival Roscrea 13th -16th August
All young people aged 16-35 are warmly invited to attend the
biggest Catholic youth event in the country. The Youth 2000
summer festival, is a lively 4-day festival with; workshops,
concert, inspiring talks, great music and prayer. There will also be
plenty of time for relaxing, chilling out and meeting new people
from all over the country. The retreat is free (donation only) and
there is a free bus running from Dublin. For more info go to
PADRE PIO Birthday Remembrance Mass
Important Sandyford Village Community Meeting
Monday 25th May 2015 at 7.30pm.
Following on from correspondence from DunLaoighaire/
St. John the Evangelist Church, Ballinteer, Dublin 16
Rathdown Council a meeting will take place in Sandyford House
Celebrant Fr Brian Shorthall. Blessing with Padre Pio Glove. All Welcome
_____________________________________________________________ this coming Monday 25 May @7.30pm to explore ways of
Your support is greatly appreciated.
improving and enhancing Sandyford Village. All are most
welcome to participate in this meeting