Mass Schedule Sixth Sunday of Easter Weekends May 10, 2015 Give thanks to the Lord, His love is everlasting. Weekdays Holy Days First Friday WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30am 9:30am 5:30pm Daily Morning Prayer – Chapel Recitation of Rosary – Church Daily Evening Prayer – Chapel Blessed Sacrament Adoration Monday through Saturday …………..6:00 AM to 12 midnight Sunday ……………………………..……….Noon to midnight SATURDAY, MAY 9 9:00am May Crowning 2:00pm WEDDING: Pamela Thomas & Michael Gallagher 5:00pm Patrick Casey 10th Anniv. (r/o Paul & Eleanor Paradise) Donnelly Family (r/o Paul & Eleanor Paradise) For all Living and Deceased members of our Parish Community Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays or by appointment…………………………4:00 PM Sacrament of Baptism Call the Parish Office for instructions. SUNDAY, MAY 10 8:00am Mother’s Day Novena Linda Dluoik (r/o Paul & Maryanne Klein)) 9:30am Mother’s Day Novena Andrea G. Hathaway (r/o SCB Clergy & Parish Community) Eleanor St. Clair (r/o John & Eileen Conville) 11:00am Mother’s Day Novena Jean McDonald (r/o Family) Eleanor St. Clair (r/o Margie Cistone) 5:00pm Mother’s Day Novena Sacrament of Marriage Call the Parish Office 1 year before the wedding to begin marriage preparations. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound or Hospital Anyone wishing to arrange for a home visit is to contact the Office. Thank You for Your Generosity MONDAY, MAY 11 9:00am Mother’s Day Novena Thomas DiTaranto (r/o Dina & Debbie DiTaranto) TUESDAY, MAY 12 9:00am Mother’s Day Novena Marcozzi & Maier Family (r/o Family) May 4, 2014: $17,253 May 3, 2015: $ WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 9:00am Mother’s Day Novena Margaret M. McHugh (r/o SCB Clergy and Parish Community) 7:00pm Mother’s Day Novena God bless you for your love and support of YOUR Church! Please take the time to use your envelopes. It helps tremendously with the tabulation of your donation. THURSDAY, MAY 14 – Ascension of the Lord 9:00am Mother’s Day Novena FRIDAY, 9:00am Saturday Evenings 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday @ 9:00 AM Vigil 7:00 PM; Holy Day 9:00 AM Holy Hour/Confessions at 6:00 PM followed by 7:00 PM Mass and Healing Service Did you remember St. Charles Borromeo Parish in your will? MAY 15 Mother’s Day Novena Rosalie D. Czarnecki (r/o SCB Clergy and Parish Community) BREAD, WINE AND FLOWER DONATION: If you would like to sponsor the purchase of altar bread, wine and flowers in memory of a loved one, please contact Janet at the rectory. SATURDAY, MAY 16 9:00am Mother’s Day Novena Matilda Fumo (r/o Parrish Family) Harriet “Bunnie” Burns (r/o Bob & Donna Rooney) 5:00pm Margaret M. Preston (r/o SCB Clergy and Parish Community) Linda Dluoik (r/o Paul & Maryanne Klein) The Ascension of the Lord Thursday, May 14th Holyday of Obligation Vigil Mass: Wednesday evening at 7:00PM Thursday: 9:00AM The Rectory Office is closed. SUNDAY, MAY 17 8:00am Mother’s Day Novena For all Living and Deceased members of our Parish Community 9:30am Mother’s Day Novena 11:00am Mother’s Day Novena Mary Lou Eisemann(r/o Tom & Dot Dougherty) Fred Rock (r/o Dan & Jennie Fecca) 5:00pm Tony Ditri (r/o Al & Catherine Nuckowski) Linda Dluoik (r/o Farrell Family) 2 Letter From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Friends in Christ, I am in the Philippines right now. I celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass on the occasion of my 25th year as a priest yesterday, May 9th, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception located in the town where I grew up, Bulan. I was ordained in that same church on July 7, 1990. Four days ago, we also had a Thanksgiving Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Penafrancia in Naga City. It was in Naga City where I had my college seminary formation. We will also have our own celebration as a parish on the 19 th of July during the 11 o’clock Mass. Reception follows in McCusker Hall. Then, Vancouver is next where five of my siblings are permanent residents. Why all these celebrations, one might ask? Because priesthood is very significant for me and I would like to share it the best way that I can with people I love. Because priesthood is such an unfathomable gift for me that the celebration is our way of thanking God. And because you are all significant to me and my priesthood. You accepted me. You have supported me through all these years. You constantly challenge me to be close to Jesus, our High Priest. Oremus pro invicem—that is Latin for “Let us pray for one another.” May the good work that the good Lord has begun in all of us may be brought to fulfilment in His time. Amen. Fr. PJ PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Evelyn Goodwin Henry DiStefano, Father of Danette Biggs Regina Harris PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Let us remember the sick of our community that they may receive healing of body, soul and spirit. Eva Burgess, Norman Cunningham, Alice Furbee, Rita Irwin, Tom King and Mary Ann Moszcynski After one month in the bulletin they will be transferred to the Book of Healing in the Adoration Chapel 3 We Are Called To Sanctify ADORATION CHAPEL Come and receive the special outpouring of God’s grace that many of our parishioners have already experienced by spending time with Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Come and be blessed at your own convenience. The chapel is open from 6AM until Midnight every day except Sunday: Noon to midnight. If you would like any information, please contact Marge at 786-0407; Patty at 786-2749 or Bill Gallagher at 609-760-9555. VOCATION PRAYER CHALICE Nearly 150 families, including singles and couples have taken the Blessed Chalice into their homes to pray for vocations once a day for one week. The prayer is furnished. We had one vocation from our parish in 2014. Several have taken it more than once for a special occasion in their home. Each weekend, at a Mass of your choice, a parishioner or parish family is called to the sanctuary after communion to accept the Chalice (or you may take it privately after Mass). The following Saturday the Chalice is returned to the chapel in Marsh Hall and placed on the altar. Please find it in your heart to call or volunteer. Thank you. Please call Pamela and Don Grimme at 856-829-6488 The Prayer Chalice will be in the home of the Wojnar Family for the week of May 17th. WEEKDAY COMMUNION ANTIPHONS Monday: Jesus stood in the midst of his disciples and said to them: Peace be with you, alleluia. Tuesday: The Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead, and so enter into his glory, alleluia. Wednesday: I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord, and have appointed you to go out and bear fruit, fruit that will last, alleluia. Thursday: Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, alleluia. Friday Entrance Antiphon: You have redeemed us, Lord, by your Blood from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us into a kingdom, priests for our God, alleluia. Friday: Christ our Lord was handed over for our transgressions and was raised again for our justification, alleluia. Liturgical Ministers Schedule MAY 16 - MAY 17: SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Eucharistic Minister – Chalice Frances – Lee Miller Anne Marie Regan Kathy Wegfahrt Walter J Fox Bob Wissman Sr. Rosemary Wissmann Bobby Wissmann Karen Wolaniuk-Kelly NOT FILLED NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Eucharistic Minister – Bread Joan Niedermayer Larry Niedermayer Richard Strobel Dottie Gerlock Dolores Sepich Michael Simone Nancy Andorko Emma Gomez Grayson Heberley Coletta Berger Alicia Gallus Leroy Gallus NOT FILLED Reader 1 Alexandria Rucci Mary Anne Figura Margaret Genzano Kevin Rooney, Sr Christina Wick Reader 2 Marie Serfling Elaine Welsh David Gorman Regina Johnson Altar Server Jack Campbell Michael Gozdan Luci Nelson Angus Donahue Kevin Fox Grace Hutchinson Olivia O’Conner Brianna Swift Rylee Vogelman Hannan Byrem Joshua Byrem Bevan Gebhardt Greeter Micky Lawler Anne Huber Jim Andorko Mary Ann Corradetti Sacristan Dorothy Dougherty Anne Huber Dorothy Schweitzer Diane Marter Michael O’Brien NOT FILLED Please be there 15 minutes early. If you cannot serve at the time scheduled, it is your responsibility to find a substitute. 4 We Are Called To Evangelize We Are Called To Serve HEALTH MINISTRY Our transportation ministry has been quite active and a help to many. If you need a ride call Allyson Cooney at 609-922-7641. The Outreach program offers meals to needy parishioners on a short term basis. If you are recovering from surgery, have an incapacitating illness, or other problems and are in need of a meal, please call Kathy McCracken at 829-0563. RESPECT LIFE Pray for the women who are facing crisis pregnancies. Pray that these mothers will choose life for the unique and special babies they are carrying in their wombs. CASSEROLES FOR THE HUNGRY – Frozen casseroles donated on the second Thursday of each month by St. Charles parishioners are delivered to Catholic Charities Emergency. Anyone interested in joining this worthy endeavor, call Cathy Weir at 7649277. Next drop off day is May 14. Casseroles may be dropped off in the barn any time between 7am and 9pm. Thank you. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES May 2015: Light in a Dark World At its best, the family is a school of love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, mutual respect, patience and humility in the midst of a world darkened by selfishness and conflict. In these ways, the family teaches what it means to be human. However, many temptations arise which try to coax us into forgetting that male and female are created for covenant and communion. For example, poverty, affluence, pornography, contraception, philosophical and other intellectual mistakes can all create contexts that challenge or threaten healthy family life. The Church resists these things for the sake of protecting the family. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO TOTS PLAYGROUP THE DIOCESE OF TRENTON invites you and your family to a The Tots Playgroup meets every Wednesday from 9:30AM – 11:15AM. The playgroup meets in the Richard Marsh Center located at St. Charles Borromeo School and Church at 2500 Branch Pike, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077. All caregivers (moms, dads, grandparents, etc) are welcome to attend with children aged anywhere from infants to 5 years of age. We will have playtime, snacks, and crafts. No registration is required. We ask for a $1.00 donation each week per child and the money is used for supplies and snacks for the group. CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact Allison Friebel at or Donna Shaw at 856-829-1463. Holy Hour The Holy Hour will consist of Scripture reading, silent prayer, music, intercessions and personal testimonies, in preparation for the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Thursdays 7:00PM Burlington St. John Neumann – Mount Laurel June 25th Contact us at or at 609-403-7155 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a weekend full of fresh love, rebirth, and new beginnings. Your marriage deserves it, and so does your home life. Upcoming weekend dates are, May 29-31, July 31August 2, October 23-25, December 11-13. For more information call 609-742-4035 or email Visit our website A PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior….Amen. 5 We Are Called to Educate Spotlight on 6th Grade by Mrs. Marianne Culp Spring has presented 6th grade with a panorama of interesting activities. We were able to conclude our Lenten Season with a Seder Meal during Holy Week. Under the direction of Mrs. Phillips, 6th grade Religion Teacher, we gathered together to remember the beautiful symbolism of the Israelites’ plight, our personal struggles with sin, and Christ’s selfless love and sacrifice for us. It was an opportunity for us to worship together as one class. In Language Arts we have just concluded reading, “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler” by E.L.Konigsburg. This novel, set inside the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, has inspired us to create our own museums. With the guidance of our technology teacher, Mrs. Kulbick, plus our art teacher, Ms. Di Taranto, we are designing floor plans for our own Greek museums, as well as creating pamphlets to showcase them. We are also studying Ancient Greek Civilizations in Social Studies and are researching additional information to use in our museum “exhibits”. This is a STEAM project, including science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Finally, we will conclude this project with a Field Trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. There we will participate in a presentation based on Konigsburg’s book, as we explore ancient artifacts. We are busy practicing for our spring musical, “Joust”. It will be presented on Thursday, May 27th. Along with the 5th and 7th grades, we are working hard with Mr. Joeram, our music teacher. Please join us on this evening for our lively show. The third trimester is quickly winding down as we complete our year as 6th graders. We have worked hard and eagerly await our new role as the 7th grade! 6 St. Charles Borromeo Parish School 50th Anniversary Beef and Beer DJ and Dining Saturday, May 16, 2015 in McCusker Hall from 6-9pm Benefits St. Charles Borromeo Parish School $30 per person (Must be 21 to attend) 7 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CARNIVAL JOIN US AT THE 19th HOLE June 8th - 13th 2015 6:00 pm. -11:00 pm. CARNIVAL CONSTRUCTION Come help us with construction so you can really enjoy the 19th Hole. Weeknights 6 pm. To 9 pm. & Weekends 9 am. To 2 pm. ST. CHARLES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education classes have concluded for this year. If you have not already done so, please send in your new registration for next year. Copies of the necessary forms can be found on the parish website. We have openings for teachers and adult aides for next year. Please contact the Religious Education office if you are interested. Bible school registration has been very slow. We will need to make a decision by May th 15 as to whether or not we will have the program. If you are interested, you must get your forms in this week or we will be cancelling the program for this year. Special thanks to our second grade teachers and all who helped out with our First Communion this year. Thank you to Mrs. Eileen Welsh who came faithfully each week to help the Religious Education students with their song. We are also grateful to Mrs. Gina Elliott for stepping in on our First Communion Day to lead the singing. We wish all our Religious Education families a safe and happy summer. MENS GROUP The Men’s Group meeting is held on the third Wednesday of every month in Marsh Hall. The next meeting is May 20th. If you are interested just show up when you can, or if you have any questions, please call Deacon Bill Gallagher at 609-760-9555. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO HOLY NAME Our General Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7:30PM in Marsh Hall. Refreshments will be served. ALL MEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED Hope to see you there! SCYM SUPPORTS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY In July of this year, a group of teens and adults will travel, via rented vans, to Wake County, North Carolina. Wake County H4H is located in Raleigh, NC, about 8 hours from Cinnaminson. The trip costs each volunteer $350, which covers transportation, food, lodging and supplies. This year, we need your help! After all masses on the weekend of May 30th/31st, SCYM will be having its annual NAIL SALE. For a small donation you can purchase a nail which will be used at the Habitat house in Wake County, NC. All proceeds will help offset the cost of the trip. With the tough economic times, we need your help more than ever. We thank you for your past support and all of your prayers. It is greatly appreciated. Please contact Tim Hurley, 856-786-8774, if you have any questions. MAGNIFICAT MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION If you are enrolling or renewing a yearly subscription with the Magnificat Magazine, please forward a check in the amount of $29.95, payable to St. Charles Borromeo, to the Rectory Office. The order will be placed by June 1, 2015 as to not interrupt the current subscription mailing. 8 IS GOD CALLING YOU? Whether you are seriously discerning God’s Call to the priesthood, or just curious how God is calling you to serve Him in some aspect of your life, come and join us to learn more about this exciting and powerful approach to life in the Lord and build your relationship with Christ along the way! If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and you are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to join us in attending this month’s discernment meeting on Sunday, May 24, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Saint Mary Parish, at 747 West Bay Avenue, Barnegat, New Jersey. Join Rev. Msgr. Kenard Tuzeneu as he shares in his ministry of the priesthood, followed by great fellowship, and conclude with a meal. Please register with Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at or by calling (609) 406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover this awesome way of serving the Lord and respond to His invitation! We look forward to seeing you! ARE YOU A SENIOR OR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED? DO YOU HAVE A NEED FOR MINOR HOME REPAIR? How can we help you? We will supply the labor and residents pay for needed materials. All volunteers are background checked and wear an ID badge. Some examples of the services we can perform: Installation of grab bars and safety hand rails Replacement of batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replacement of light bulbs Seasonal Replacement of HVAC (Heating & Cooling System) Filters Minor carpentry Minor electrical Call 856-829-3322 ext. 7114. Leave your name, phone number and a brief description of what you need us to do. We will return your call within 48 hours. 9 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The 47th Annual St. Charles Borromeo Carnival “CARNIVAL at the 19th Hole” June 8-13, 2015 We are seeking interested individuals and/or groups to volunteer to participate in the carnival and have fun! You will meet fellow parishioners with diverse skills and interests. You can learn new skills such as: woodworking, electrical construction, food preparation, and supply management. Carnival Construction begins early-May. The best reward is satisfaction of a great contribution to our school and CCD program. Additional information is available. Please fill out and return the bottom portion to school with your child or contact us directly at 856-642-7864. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CARNIVAL 2015 - VOLUNTEER FORM I am interested in a lead role/volunteering in the following areas: _____ Construction/Deconstruction _____ Kitchen _____ Food Tent Contact Information: _____ Games Name:_________________________ _____ Raffles Address:_______________________ _____ Ticket Sales _______________________ _____ Security Phone:_________________________ _____ Supplies E-mail:_________________________ _____ Pete’s Place Bar & Grill _____ Other Areas________________ Please return this portion to the school office, rectory, or to: Walt and Jean Fox 519 Bowling Green Moorestown, NJ 08057 (856) 642-7864 10
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