Croydon Drug and Alcohol Services Directory of drug and alcohol services available in Croydon April 2012 Croydon Treatment & Recovery Partnership Contact details Lantern Hall 190 Church Road Croydon CR0 1SE Tel: 020 8604 7104 Opening times • • Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm and Tuesday 5-7pm (for appointments only) Monday ,Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – Drop in assessment clinic open 9:30am – 12.30 (limited in capacity, so early attendance is recommended to reduce the possibility of finding the clinic already full). Care Navigators Provided by Foundation 66 • Assess all clients (Opiates, Stimulants, Cannabis, Prescription drugs and Alcohol): ½ hr triages Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri 9.30am – 12.30pm and booked comprehensive assessments in the afternoons • Use ePJS • Make referrals for community detoxification or to panel for residential detoxification or funded treatment • Weekly pre-detox Group • Weekly Harm Reduction Group (Alcohol) • Provide some key - working sessions • Team meeting every Wednesday Afternoon Rapid Access & Shared Care Provided by KCA • Referral route: GP/probation referral/care navigator assessment • 1st appointment: Information and treatment agreement signed - explain treatment options e.g. Prescribing options: methadone, buprenorphine, lofexidine, naltrexone. • 2nd appointment: Doctor and keyworker • After first prescriptions, all prescriptions are sent straight to the pharmacy • Client comes for keyworking appointments: Red/Amber/Green classification decides frequency of appointments (approx 2days/1-2weeks/1month) • Fast hepatitis B vaccines available at 7/14/21 day intervals. • Shared Care is for clients that are: Not using on top of their script Have no complex mental health issues Have good attendance Over 18 No IV drug use Complex Needs Care Provided by SLaM • Prescribing and keyworking for patients with complex needs, e.g. mental health, dual diagnosis, mother and fathers during pregnancy, dependency on prescription medication and behavioural problems • A duty worker is available each day to discuss issues with. Also a doctor/consultant is at Lantern Hall daily. Current duty rota: Monday: Chris and Mike Tuesday: Melanie/Mary and Tessa Wednesday: Emma and Mike Thursday: Kate and Tessa Friday: Paul and Mike/Tessa • Maple Clinic at Croydon University Hospital on Friday morning run by Emma Lauchlan. For pregnant mothers and fathers up to 6-12 months post birth. Support and liaison with social services. • 8 day community detox programme, including Pabrinex (concentrated vitamin B injections) and Accamprosate to help deal with cravings when dry. • Blood Bourne Virus testing, urine testing, pregnancy testing, blood testing (including drawing blood from hard to access areas), Hepatitis vaccinations. • Emergency response – treating wounds, dealing with over doses (naloxone and oxygen) – referring to A&E Engagement Service Provided by Foundation 66 • Partnership working with outside organisations e.g. Salvation Army, YMCA, SureStart children’s centres • Carry out assessments in the above locations and hostels • Go and find clients who have dropped out of treatment and support them back into core services • Take clients to view housing, visit hostels and got to AAU detox ward • Do home visits with SLaM staff • Run a bi-weekly group for clients on the detox waiting list, covering health issues and preparing for relapse prevention – Tuesday at Friday 9.45-10.45am. • Aim to form a group for non-dependent drinkers Therapeutic & Psychological Service Provided by CDA • Drop- in: Support, advice and a safe space, IT access. 2-4pm Mon-Thursday and Saturday Morning. • Jobcentre drop in • Free reflexology and acupuncture for relaxation and detox, by appointment only • Voluntary, trained counselors offer 1to1 counselling which is currently available on evenings and Saturday mornings. – Working on expanding availability. 12 sessions per client (can be extended if necessary) • Groups 10am -12noon– rolling start time, attendance for 12 weeks. Topics are: • Life matters – motivation, problem solving, roles, dealing with change, goal setting, budgeting, assertiveness, relationships, values, new ways to enjoy life, social networks. • • • • • • • • • Open Access Cannabis Group Art Group Family, Friends and Carers group – support and understanding around substance misuse; the need to look after yourself as well as caring about and for others (runs Tuesday evenings 6-7pm) Drug Awareness - Harm Reduction, info, first aid, Emotional Wellbeing – anger, emotional intelligence, anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, relaxation, building self esteem, assertiveness. Peer support Health And Wellness Relapse prevention – cycle of change, high risk situation, triggers, why people use drugs, leisure and social, managing stress, rewarding success, effective communication, managing thoughts, what to do after a lapse, goal setting. (also wed evening 6-7.30) Care Management Provided by Croydon Council Social Services • Community care assessments, carers assessments, and financial assessments. • Child protections and safeguarding adults • Community and residential care plan reviews • Accept referrals from GPs, probation and self referral • Duty worker 9-5 Monday – Friday • After care post detox • Help with benefits • Personal Health Budget pilot scheme Service User Involvement Provided by SU Reps, PLUG and Croydon DAAT Website: or Google Croydon PLUG • Feedback and consultation • Report to DAAT, NTA and London User Forum • Advocates and advisors for service users • Representatives on strategic working groups • Training and information • Developing training for parents and schools • Relapse prevention • Abstinence based social club (Wednesday 5-8pm at East Croydon United Reform Church) and gym (sign up at Lantern Hall PLUG/SU Rep office) • PLUGETTES – women’s social group Tuesday 12-2pm Please call: 07908 962 259 Services provided at WDP Croydon Contact details Action House, 28 Sydenham Road, Croydon, CR0 2EF T: 0208 662 4770 F: 020 8662 4780 Out of hours helpline: 0845 056 0099 Email: Services provided WDP Croydon offers both Criminal Justice services (DIP - Drug Intervention Programme) and an Outreach service. The Criminal Justice team is composed practitioners who deliver Integrated Offender Management across the borough in the Croydon Magistrates Court, police stations and HMP Highdown. WDP Croydon has also a team of Through Care and Open Access workers who offer referral and signposting to other services as well as case management and structured interventions. The Outreach team service is composed of practitioners who go out into the local community to offer support and advice to drug and alcohol users. Croydon DIP provides the following services • • • • • • • • • General support and advice One-to-one structured support and case management of DIP clients within an Integrated Offender Management model Referral into drug treatment Advice on harm minimisation Blood Borne Virus services Prison link service Support with Education, Training and Employment (ETE) Housing advice and referral Advice and information about benefits How to access the DIP service Target Group: Croydon residents aged 18 or over who are involved in the Criminal Justice System and in need of support regarding their substance misuse. Referral Procedure: Self referral by phone or referrals from other agencies such as Probation, Courts, Prison and Police. You can contact the DIP team on 0208 662 4770 or via email at Croydon Outreach provides the following services The Croydon outreach team focuses on various substance misusing street populations including: street based sex workers, chaotic drug users, poly drug users, dual diagnosis clients, service users from black, minority and other ethnic groups, homeless people, and street drinkers. In addition to engaging with substance users, the team also makes contact with local businesses and members of the public to ensure that they are aware of the services that are available in Croydon. This also provides further insight into the local community, helps to identify any problem hotspots and new clients in need of substance misuse support. The outreach work involves working closely with Safer Neighbourhood teams in the borough doing joint outreach to target problematic drug and alcohol users and reduce the impact on the local community. The Outreach team provides satellites services in strategic locations in Croydon including at the Job Centre Plus, treatment agencies, Salvation Army and local hostels. Outreach practitioners support clients by offering harm minimisation advice, referral into treatment, as well as housing advice and referral. The team also attends weekly meeting for housing provision in the borough focusing on linking clients into suitable local housing options to address support needs. Practitioners support clients by offering the following services • • • • • • Keywork sessions Harm minimisation advice and information Referral into drug and/or alcohol treatment services Housing advice and referral Support with accessing benefits Assertive outreach for clients who have dropped out of treatment / are not engaging. How to access the Outreach service WDP Outreach service is open to all residents of the borough of Croydon aged over 18 who have a substance misuse issue and would like support with accessing treatment or housing. Clients can self refer, or agencies can refer by contacting the Outreach team on 0208 662 4792 or by email on
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