MAY/JUNE 2015 THE NAVIGATOR 1250 Williams Road Brandon, FL 33510 813.651.2110 Fax 813.651.2114 A Hillsborough County Public School Succeed Achieve Imagine Learn We are a Title 1 School S A I L O R Safety First Always Responsible I Care Attitude Listen Well On Task Respect Others School Mission ~ All children will learn. School Vision ~ To be anchored in Academic Excellence and Integrity CAPTAIN’S LOG Dear Parents, Can you believe we are in the last marking period of the year? This will be the final newsletter of the year. Our last day of school is Friday, June 5th. Students will be released at 11:45am. It seems like yesterday that the kindergartners were ringing in the new school year in the courtyard. It won’t be long before the fifth graders will ring the bell for the final time. Please keep track of the calendar as there are many activities you will not want to miss especially our Sailor Carnival on May 8th. I look forward to seeing all of our returning students in August at our Sneak Peek. Please make sure our office has your current address for our 2015-2016 Back-to-School post card. Our post card was very successful last year. Instead of sending you a big packet of papers, we will send you one postcard. It will give you directions to go to the school website to find your child’s teacher and supply lists. If you do not have a way to access our website, we will have the information at the front office. If the card is returned, your child will be withdrawn from our school and you will need to register at your current neighborhood school. I 5th GRADE SINGLE GENDER As we prepare to end the 2014-2015 school year, plans are already being put in place for next year. We will again provide single gender classes for next year in 5th grade. Our 4th graders will learn about this program on May 5th with a presentation from current students in the program. Parents are invited to an informational meeting on May 6th, beginning at 5:00pm, to learn about the benefits of this program. I hope that all of our families enjoy their summer vacation together. Please encourage your students to read during the summer months and practice those math facts (addition or multiplication). If your child was enrolled in I-station during the year, he/she can continue during the summer. Thank you for your continued support and involvement at Hugo Schmidt Elementary. Jan Kelly, Principal TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 4:00PM - 8:00PM Brandon Chuck E Cheese Page 2 THE NAVIGATOR A NOTE FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL The Extended Year Program, known as Summer Camp, will be available to 3rd grade students who have met specific criteria. Summer Camp classes will be held on Monday through Thursday from June 15 to July 9, 2015. We’ll distribute registration forms the third week of May to eligible 3rd grade students. This year’s 16 day, Monday through Thursday Summer Camp will be held at Seffner Elementary at 109 Cactus Seffner, FL 33584. Driving distance from Hugo Schmidt Elementary to Seffner Elementary is 3.2 miles. Further detailed information regarding student-teacher assignment, bus information and times will accompany the participating student’s final report card. We are making every effort to make the experience a rewarding and safe one for our campers. Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at 651-2110 x226. Kenneth Gay Assistant Principal ext. 226 COUNSELORS CORNER Our character trait for the month of May is Hope, believing some good will come, believing in oneself, in others, and in a dream or goal. Take time to discuss and explain that sometimes we can help or work towards our hopes and dreams but sometimes we can only be patient. A butterfly is a perfect example of hope in nature. We see how a caterpillar starts, small, inching along bit by bit. Then we see the way it changes, growing into a different creature, one that flies through the air. We have also discussed many other character traits this year. None more important than Respect; treat others the way you want to be treated. When you notice your child demonstrating things such as respect, responsibility and honesty let them know you see them. Tell them how their behavior makes you feel and if time allows share with them a time from your past when you did something similar. As Anne Frank once wrote, “Parents can only give good advice or put their children on the right path, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful summer! Parent’s Point Ms. Tidwell Our parent programs for May and June included the following activities: School Counselor ext. 231 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015. STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED AT 11:45AM. SPELL (Support for Parents of English Language Learners) join us for our Spring Concert in the multipurpose room on May 19th. Also, the summer SPELL program will start in June, Monday through Thursday! Come to learn English or to study for your citizenship exam or to learn about resources online. It’s free and fun just sign-up by contacting Mrs. Lopez 651-2110 ext. 238. Page 3 THE NAVIGATOR Counselor Corner Cont. Carnival News On Friday, May 8, 2015, from 4:30pm until 7:30pm, we will host our 1st annual “Sailing into Summer” Carnival. Bouncy Houses, Hot Dogs, Pizza, Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Mother’s Day Raffle, Gift Cards, BIG Prizes and more! Raffle tickets will be available for purchase. Students can use “Carnival Cash” they earned during testing for games, activities and food. Come out and join the fun! Congratulations to Mrs. Andrea Wing, who was selected as our Outstanding Volunteer for the 2014-2015 school year. Mrs. Wing has shown tireless advocacy on behalf of our students, faculty, and staff. Her spirit and commitment creates a better place for our students to be anchored in academic excellence. We are proud to honor Mrs. Wing for her outstanding dedication to Hugo Schmidt. Thank you for all you do Mrs. Wing! Hugo Schmidt Elementary would like to thank our business partners for the 2014-2015 school year: Chick-fil-a Mathnasium Buffalo Wild Wings Chuck E. Cheese McDonalds Mimi’s Café Publix Yogurtology Steak n Shake USF We greatly appreciate your support of our school! Please visit these businesses when you can! COMING UP…. DON’T FORGET 5/29/15 - Mystery Event - 1:00pm 5/8/15 - Sailor Carnival - 4:30pm -7:30pm 6/5/15 - Last Day Of School STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED AT 11:45AM Page 4 THE NAVIGATOR COACH V’S COURT For this month we are preparing for our Special Area End of the Year Exam. Each specials class will have an exam on the computer sometime during this month. Each exam will be 20 questions long and will cover all the material we have learned this year. To prepare the students for the test we are doing a different activity each class as a review. This way by the time your child takes the test they will have all of the information we have learned fresh in their mind Field Day is also coming up. Field Day will be on Wednesday June 3rd and will last all day. We do not have a concrete schedule yet but we are starting to look for volunteers. Anyone that is interested in being a volunteer please email me. Any help would be great, whether it is all day or for just an hour. My email is IMPORTANT DATES MAY 5/4 - Teacher Appreciation Week 5/4 - National Music Week 5/4 - National Physical Education and Sports Week 5/5 - National Teacher Day 5/5 - Chuck E Cheese 4:00pm-8:00pm 5/6 - National School Nurse Day 5/6 - Schmidt Battle of the Books 5/6 - Single Gender Parent Meeting 5:00pm 5/7 - Book Fair 5/8 - Sailor Carnival 4:30pm-7:30pm 5/14 - Kindergarten Graduation 6:00pm 5/19 - Spring Concert 5/22 - Patrol Picnic 5/25 - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day JUNE 6/1 - Distinguished Sailors 6/3 - Field Day 6/4 - 5th Grade Banquet 6/5 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL STUDENTS RELEASED ST 11:45AM 6/5 - 5th Grade Ring Out 11:30am 6/5 - Report Cards Distributed SUMMER VOLUNTARY PRE-KINDERGARTEN Do you have a child that will be five years old by 9/1/2015? Hugo Schmidt Elementary is offering a summer VPK program for children entering kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. Students who have attended a prior VKP program are not eligible for the summer VPK program. In Hillsborough, all VPK registrations are now conducted electronically/online! To get detailed information regarding online registration and to begin your secure VPK registration, please visit and enter the Parent VPK Information link. County School Board Chair - Susan L. Valdes Vice Chair - Doretha W. Edgecomb Members - April Griffin, Sally A. Harris, Carol W. Kurdell, Melissa Snively, Cindy Stuart Superintendent of Schools MaryEllen Elia Acting Superintendent Jeff Eakins Hugo Schmidt Elementary Janet Kelly - Principal Kenneth Gay - Assistant Principal
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