1504 April Newsletter - SD68 School District

7000 Lantzville School Road
Lantzville, BC V0R 2H0
Phone: 250-390-4022
Mr. David Cooper, Principal
Mrs. Angela Forster, Secretary
April 2015
Principal’s Message
Spring has sprung. We hope everyone had a
very relaxing and enjoyable Spring Break and
Easter weekend. As we enter the final
months it is important for students to
continue to follow their school routine as
much as possible. Setting aside time to study
and read each day will help each student
remain focused on school and their goals.
This week our staff and students put on an
amazing Learning Showcase that allowed
students to share work they have been
working on. This event showed the great
effort the students and staff put into their
On Wednesday, April 22nd, our students will
give back to the environment during our
Earth Day activity.
Each class will be
responsible for cleaning up a section of our
lovely Lantzville community. We would like to
thank Tim Horton’s for providing materials to
help make the event a success.
There are some more fun events in the
coming weeks including a Mad Science
presentation, two author visits, and classes
will begin planting seeds in our garden.
I look forward to more great work and spirit
from our Seaview Community as we focus on
our final term of the year.
Zone Track Meet
Final PLC Dismissal @1:25
District Track Meet
Spring Music Show
Cooperative Games Day
Grade 7 Assembly
All School Assembly
Last Day of School
Report Cards issued @2.:25
Building closes for summer
May 21
May 25
June 4
June 9
June 19
June 23
June 24
June 24
June 24
July 3
School Jerseys
We are asking all
Seaview Athletes and
their parents to do a
thorough search of your
Jerseys. We have many
jerseys that haven’t
been returned following the different
sports. Please return them to Mr. Cooper at
your earliest convenience.
We need all
jerseys for our Zone and District Track
School Photos
Our school photo day is on Wednesday, May
6th. This is when class photos, team photos,
and our whole school photo are taken.
House Points Update
David Cooper
Report Card Envelopes
Please remember to return your child’s
report card envelope as soon as possible.
Thanks to all those who have already
returned them to school.
Important Dates
PLC Early Dismissal @1:25
Apr. 20
Earth Day Clean Up
Apr. 22
School Track Meet
Apr. 30
ProD Day (students don’t attend) May 4
Class/Team Photo Day
May 6
PLC Early Dismissal @1:25
May 11
Welcome to Kindergarten
May 13
Break a Rule Spirit Day
May 15
Victoria Day Stat
May 18
competition is turning
into a real nail biter.
The current House
Team Point Standings
are: Avalanche (49), Fire Storm (52), and
Solar Storm (33),Tsunami (47).
Keep up the great House spirit especially on
the spirit days!
Permission Forms
School Board policy states that we are
unable to accept verbal permission for
fieldtrips and events. Please remember to
sign and return permission forms. We want
all students to participate in fieldtrip
Seaview Storm Alerts
Following are the names of
some of our wonderful Seaview
Students who had their names
drawn at our Storm Alert
These students received a fancy smancy
house team pencil and a point for their house
team. Their name along with all the other
students receiving a storm alert will be
entered into a prize draw for later in the
Our recent storm alert draw winners were:
Div. 1: Ronan T (Solar Storm) & Wyatt S (Avalanche)
Div. 2: Rachel C (Firestorm) & Annika V (Avalanche)
Div. 3: Tristan B (Solar Storm) & Ryan D (Tsunami)
Div. 4: Brendan B (Avalanche) & Jack S (Solar Storm)
Div. 5: Tristan C (Solar Storm) & Abby C (Avalanche)
Div. 6: Dylan B (Tsunami) & Emma R (Fire Storm)
Div. 7: Kennedi K (Tsunami) & Austin P (Solar Storm)
Div. 8: Xavier T (Avalanche) & Ayden L (Avalanche)
Div. 9: Brody L (Tsunami) & Julia M (Solar Storm)
Div. 10: Attila P (Avalanche) & Kiona M (Solar Storm)
Div. 11: Cole P (Solar Storm) & Alisha CR (Solar Storm)
Thanks to all the students who are busy
making Seaview such a great place to be!.
Are You Moving?
Schools will soon be in the process of
preparing school organizations for the 2015 2016 school year. It is important that we
have accurate student
numbers in order to
project the number of
classes required for
next year. If you are
moving to another school or district, please
phone Mrs. Forster in the office at your
earliest convenience. Or if you know of
someone that is planning on registering at
Seaview, encourage them to do so as soon as
possible. Student space is only guaranteed
to those who register prior to June 15.
Thank you.
Parent Tea/Talent Show
On Friday, May 1st staff will be having a
parent appreciation tea. This event will take
place in the library from 2:00-3:00. We look
forward to seeing many of you.
Before the tea there will be the Seaview
Talent Show. We have a number of students
that will be showing their talents to the
school. Parents are welcome and encouraged
to attend. Thank you to Mrs. Miller for
organizing this event.
Book Fest 2015
BookFest 2015 is taking
place Saturday, May 2nd in
downtown Nanaimo. The hub
of activity will be in the
Diana Krall Plaza, while the
presenter sessions are held in the Vancouver
Island Conference Centre and the Nanaimo
Art Gallery’s Art Lab. Free Pre-school
sessions will be held in the Nanaimo
Museum and are available for children under
5 with an accompanying adult. Tickets are
$10 per child for 3 sessions, to a maximum of
$25 per family.
Read about our presenters and check out the
BookFest schedule to choose your 3 sessions.
Buy tickets online, over the phone or in
person through The Port Theatre
School Track Meet
On Thursday, April 30, 2015, Seaview
Elementary (along with Frank J. Ney
Elementary) will have our school Track and
Field meet at Rotary Bowl (located near the
Aquatic Centre/NDSS).
All students in
Grades 3 to 7 will participate in their choice
of at least 3 events. Information regarding
this event was sent home last week, along
with a student sign-up sheet and permission
Class Placements
We are in the process of planning the next
academic year. Parents should understand
the assignment of students into classes each
year is a careful process where considerable
time and effort is spent by staff. In
arranging new classes, we try to achieve an
optimal class composition by balancing such
factors as:
 Student’s strengths and needs
 His or her best learning style
 Matching learning and teaching styles
 Social, emotional and behavioural
strengths and needs
 Student relationships
 Past class placements
 Age, physical and emotional maturity
 Male/Female balance in the class
 Degree of independent work habits
Our goal is to create balanced social and
academic educational settings where optimal
teaching and learning can take place. Parents
who have children with specific medical or
educational needs should discuss their child’s
future academic and behavioural needs with
their child’s current teacher.
Following these discussions, parents may put
their educational concerns in writing to the
principal by June 1st.
Parents are advised that requests should
focus on specific educational needs of the
child and not on placement with a specific
teacher. All letters will be shared with staff
during the placement process.
This process is complex and, as a result,
individual requests do not guarantee class
The actual division structure and teacher
assignments will not be complete until
September, once we have our final enrolment
NLPS Aboriginal Education
We want to continue to ensure that the good
work that goes on throughout the District as
it relates to Aboriginal Education is
celebrated appropriately. We are continuing
to build a social media presence for Ab Ed on
Facebook and Twitter; as well as on the
District website.
Take a look at some of the amazing things
School Dress Code
As we look forward to more sunshine, it is a
good time to review the Seaview Dress Code
“Students are expected to dress in a manner
that is appropriate and conducive to a
positive and safe learning environment. At
school we rely on the good sense of students
and their parents rather than a strict code
as to what is suitable to wear to school.
These are some general guidelines:
Hats are not worn in the building
Beach wear/leisure wear or clothes
that are revealing are not acceptable
(i.e. low cut tops, spaghetti straps,
muscle t-shirts, halter tops, bare
midriffs, bare backs.)
Items of clothing that display
offensive graphics/writing are not
appropriate for school
Shorts/skirts should be, at a
minimum, of a reasonable mid- thigh
Thanks in advance for your support in this
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16
Registration for Kindergarten for September
2015 started at all elementary schools on
Monday, January 6. If you have a child that
will be attending kindergarten in September
2015 please make sure that you register
them at the school office.
Our Welcome to Kindergarten tour and
information session will be held on
Wednesday, May 13 for all kindergarten
students who have registered to attend
Seaview in September.
Fruit & Veggie/Milk Program
Fruit & Veggie Deliveries & Milk/Soy in the
future will be as follows: (week of)
May 26
June 9
Grape Tomatoes/Milk
Baby Cucumbers/Milk
If you have any questions about the BC
SFVNP go to www.sfvnp.ca
White Rapids Summer Swim Club
Come join the Nanaimo White Rapids Summer
Swim Club this summer and experience
summer the way it’s meant to be! The club
swims in the outdoor Kin Pool in beautiful
Bowen Park. Registration is on Saturday,
April 25 and Sunday, April 26 from noon until
2:00 pm.
Please bring care card, birth
certificate, cheque book, swimmer and swim
suit for a short swimming assessment. All
swimmers must be able to swim the width of
the pool without touching the bottom or side
and without any flotation devices or adult
assistance. The season officially starts on
Monday, May 4th.
For more information
http://www.nanaimowhiterapids.ca/ or email
GrandKids University
Get a glimpse of what being a VIU student is
like, Stay in residence, eat meals in the
cafeteria, earn a degree! Share hands-on
learning activities attend a BBQ and take
part in evening recreation but most
importantly have fun and create lasting
memories. Open to Grandparents and
GrandKids (ages 7 – 13) on July 9 & 10. For
more info go to www.viu.ca/grandkids
Qualicum Beach Triathlon
Date: Sunday, June 28th
Location: Ravensong Aquatic Centre, Qualicum
Beach (www.qualicumbeachtriathlon.com )
Online registration is mandatory through link
above. Enter early if interested in this event.
Spirit Day: Break A Rule
Friday, May 15th is our last
Spirit Day for this school
year. It will be Break a
Rule Day. Students, in
conversation with their
teachers, identify rules
they could break on this special day. The
money raised by this yearly fundraiser is
used to support the grade 7 class’ year-end
trip to Camp Capernwray.
Spring Cleaning?
If you have gently used clothing that you
would like to donate please contact our Child,
Youth, Family Support Worker Sheri Martin
who will gladly collect them from you. Please
email her at smartin@sd68.bc.ca to arrange
drop off.