2015 Information for

Information for
International Program
As an International Education Services Accredited school
students come from a range of countries to be a part of, and
contribute to, our school community. Short term study tours
are hosted by the school each year and a scholarship to visit
our sister school in Mishima, Japan is offered. Cultural exchange
programs are also offered to senior language students.
Learning Support
Students are provided with opportunities for acceleration and
extension. Specialist staff provide assistance for students with identified
learning difficulties.
Vision Support Unit
Students with Vision Impairment are fully integrated in classes and
supported by specialist staff.
A personalised approach to quality learning
EALD and ESL Programs
English as an Alternative Language or Dialect and Second Language
(ESL) classes are provided for students from non-English speaking
backgrounds. The students may also be enrolled in courses to assist them
in their proficiency and development of English.
Specialist Facilities
• Automotive Centre (including Pedal Prix)
• Digital Technology Resource Centre
• Advanced Electronics Lab
• Performing Arts/Dance Studio
• Purpose-built, industry standard Science Laboratories
• Music recording and editing studio
• Wireless Broadband, which provides full access to technology across
the school
• BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) access and support
• iPad program
• ICT Help Desk
• Specialist areas for
> Visual Art, Craft and Design
> Photography and Computer Art
> Home Economics
> Physical Education
> Tennis
• The school also has a dedicated Language Centre and
Technology Centre.
Seaview High School
Seacombe Road
Seacombe Heights
South Australia 5047
T 61 8 8377 8000
F 61 8 8377 8050
E info@seaviewhs.sa.edu.au
W ww.seaviewhs.sa.edu.au
Department for Education and Child Development T/A South
Australian Government Schools CRICOS provider number 00018A
© Seaview High 2014
Seaview High School delivers high quality teaching and learning that is
personalised to meet the needs of the young people in our care.
As a medium- sized school we pride ourselves on developing a deep
understanding of our students and tailoring programs that build on
their strengths and abilities. We offer diverse programs that cater for all
learners; including hybrid classes, acceleration, extension programs and
learning support. Our DAYMAP Learner Management System provides
24/7 access to learning and the online Portal allows parents to follow
their child’s progress at school.
Seaview High School is an identified Lead School in the TfEL (Teaching
for Effective Learning) Partnership.
With high quality teaching and learning as a school priority we are
acknowledged by the DECD Pedagogy and Leadership Team as a school
that will provide insight and learning for other DECD schools. Seaview
staff will continue to develop and showcase teaching and learning
programs that empower the learner and increase student engagement
and intellectual stretch.
We are excited that Seaview has been identified as the site for a new
$2.5million Skill Centre for Advanced Manufacturing.
Specialist subjects including Virtual Engineering and Robotics, Digital
Animation and Design, Computer-aided Design and Modelling,
Laser Based Manufacturing and 3D Printing will further enhance our
diverse curriculum. Seaview High School will work in partnership with
Flinders University and Tonsley TAFE to develop courses that provide
opportunities for further study and 21st
Century career pathways.
Student Wellbeing
Seaview High School is committed to
preparing students for life beyond school, by
providing challenging and enriching learning
opportunities and supporting students to
achieve their personal best.
We work to:
1. Ensure a safe and friendly environment
2. Develop a deep understanding of all students and to instil a
sense of pride in student achievement and success
3. Develop a challenging and relevant curriculum, which meets the
future needs of all learners via innovative and flexible teaching and
learning programs.
4. Enrich and celebrate our community’s international and inter cultural
understandings and opportunities.
The Seaview High School community’s actions and interactions are
based on Respect, Empathy, Integrity and Resilience. Our school is a
comprehensive state secondary school providing a range of personalised
learning experiences.
We have a dedicated team to support
the engagement and learner wellbeing
of your child at school. The team, led
by the Assistant Principal, includes Year
Level Managers, Student Counsellors, a
Christian Pastoral Support Worker (Chaplain)
and Aboriginal Education Worker. Their
role includes providing a range of engaging
opportunities including; Pastoral Care Programs,
Academic Competitions, Clubs and Activities, Year
Level Camps, Ski Trips, Student Leadership, Youth Forums and
Overseas Cultural Trips.
Seaview High School
We offer a comprehensive curriculum that promotes academic success
for all. Programs are personalised to maximise learning outcomes.
Middle School students study a full range of subjects from mandated
National and State curriculum frameworks. Senior School students can
study from a full range of academic subjects accredited by the SACE
Board. We also work in partnership with other education providers,
including Quality LinCS, Trade Schools and TAFE to access Vocational
Education and Training (VET) courses.
• Offers a differentiated curriculum that challenges and supports all
Certificate II & III in Creative Industries - Media, Certificate III in
Technical Production - Music Industry and Recording, Certificate III in
Rural Care and Animal Husbandry and Certificate I Automotive are fully
accredited SACE courses currently offered at the school.
• Provides a range of pathways, which lead to University, TAFE and
Special Programs
• Celebrates success.
• Recognises and values difference.
• Our students participate in a comprehensive transition program.
• Learn in a challenging and supportive environment that assists them
to achieve their best.
• Develop leadership skills and teamwork by participating in a range
of curricular and co-curricular programs including camps, excursions,
ski trip, community services, sports, the arts, public speaking and
student voice.
• Participate in Southern Zone competitions, as well as SASSSA
carnivals and state-wide knock out championships including
tennis, badminton, basketball, netball, cricket, soccer and
Tennis Program
We offer a Special Interest Tennis Program as part of
the school curriculum with support from Tennis
SA and the Dover Square
Tennis Club.
Performing Arts Focus
Seaview has a strong Performing
Arts focus and offers Dance and
Drama (Year 8-12) as well as a
Special Interest Music program
with a focus on Contemporary
Music and Music Industry
(Certificate III).