annual report 201 3 -1 4 tangible making science SciWorks is the best place to work in Winston-Salem, simply because of the excitement and amazement that you get to see on the faces of children on a regular basis. Also, being able to meet and interact with children who have special needs is really heart-warming. I could not ask for a more fulfilling job. Michael Seaward, Facilities/Exhibit Technician I have loved working at SciWorks for the last 22 years - where every day is different. Our staff is like a family, and our visitors are like guests in our home. There are always new people to meet, new things to learn, and the days are never boring. Kelli Isenhour, Vice President, Programs and Education SciWorks is the type of place where all educators dream of working. You get to teach full hands-on, letting the guests problem solve and experience something new. It’s fun to see all ages as they continue to learn. I also love working with the world’s best volunteers and our awesome SciWorks family! Patty Langston, Educator/Presenter/ Volunteer Coordinator I love working at SciWorks because even though I am 46 years old and thought I was done with my education, I learn something new here every day I work. Who would have thought? Jonathan Gunter, Visitor Services Assistant From the Executive Director Dear Friends of SciWorks, $Q$QQXDO5HSRUWLVDQRSSRUWXQHWLPHWRUHÁHFWRQWKHUROHRIDVFLHQFHFHQWHULQ DFRPPXQLW\DQGLQSDUWLFXODUWKLVFRPPXQLW\ 'XULQJ)LVFDO<HDU6FL:RUNVNLFNHGRIILWV*ROGHQ$QQLYHUVDU\ZLWKD Where Innovation Begins*DODWKDWFHOHEUDWHGLWVLQFHSWLRQDVWKH1DWXUH6FLHQFH &HQWHULQ,WZDVQRWHGWKDWWKHZRPHQRIWKH-XQLRU/HDJXHZKRIRXQGHG WKHVFLHQFHFHQWHUVDLG:LQVWRQ6DOHPQHHGHGDSODFHZKHUH´SHRSOHRIDOODJHV HVSHFLDOO\WKH\RXQJVWHUVFDQOHDUQPRUHµDERXWVFLHQFHDQGWKHZRUOGDURXQG WKHP7RGD\·V6FL:RUNVUHPDLQVWUXHWRWKDWPLVVLRQE\LQVSLULQJVFLHQWLÀF OLWHUDF\OLIHORQJOHDUQLQJDQGDQDSSUHFLDWLRQRIVFLHQFHWKURXJKHGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDPVH[KLELWVFDPSVVSHFLDOHYHQWVRXWUHDFKDQGPXFKPRUH $VWURQJDQGYLEUDQWVFLHQFHFHQWHUSOD\VDQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQDFRPPXQLW\E\HQJDJLQJYLVLWRUVZLWKVFLHQFHDOORZLQJ WKHPWRGHYHORSFXULRVLW\H[SHULHQFHDZHDQGEHFRPHPRWLYDWHGWROHDUQPRUHZKLOHGHYHORSLQJDGHHSHUXQGHUVWDQGLQJ 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DGXOWDQGFKLOGSDUWLFLSDQWVFKRVHDQDQLPDOIURP6FL:RUNVWR FUDIWLQWRDFOD\VFXOSWXUH The Science Behind Sports 9LVLWRUVGHOYHGLQWRWKHVFLHQFHEHKLQGVSRUWVZLWKWKH SportsologyH[KLELWGXULQJWKHVXPPHURI&RPSRVHGRI DVHULHVRIKDQGVRQFKDOOHQJHVWKHH[KLELWHQFRXUDJHGFKLOGUHQ DQGDGXOWVWRWHVWWKHLUDWKOHWLFDELOLWLHVE\SLWFKLQJMXPSLQJ DQGSHGGOLQJZKLOHOHDUQLQJKRZWKHLUERGLHVZRUN Hands-on Strange Matter Strange Matter,RSHQ-DQXDU\WKURXJK0D\IRFXVHGRQ PDWHULDOVVFLHQFHDOORZLQJKDQGVRQH[SORUDWLRQRIHYHU\WKLQJ IURPPDJQHWLFOLTXLGVDQGDPRUSKRXVPHWDOWRDWRXFKWDEOH ZLWKDYDULHW\RIH[SHULHQFHVLQYROYLQJWH[WXUHFRORUDQGRWKHU SURSHUWLHV Citizen Science As summer wound to an end, members and visitors engaged ZLWKWKHDPD]LQJZRUOGRIEXWWHUÁLHVWKURXJKDQH[FLWLQJQHZ SURJUDPDW6FL:RUNV7KHVFLHQFHFHQWHUKRVWHGDWHPSRUDU\ %XWWHUÁ\9LYDULXPDQGRIIHUHGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSDUWLFLSDWH LQ´FLWL]HQVFLHQFHµE\´DGRSWLQJµD0RQDUFKEXWWHUÁ\7KH EXWWHUÁLHVZHUHWDJJHGZLWKDXQLTXHQXPEHUDQGDGRSWHUV UHFHLYHGDFHUWLÀFDWHOLVWLQJWKDWQXPEHUIRUWUDFNLQJSXUSRVHV 7KH\DOVRUHOHDVHGWKHLURZQEXWWHUÁLHVDWDVSHFLDO0RQDUFK 0DVV5HOHDVHRQ6HSWHPEHU Spring into Science Scout Camp-ins, Brain Awareness Day, NanoDay, SciFest and Reptile Day provided a variety of fun ways for VWXGHQWVDQGRWKHUYLVLWRUVWRH[SHULHQFHWKHVFLHQFHFHQWHU GXULQJWKHVSULQJRI$QGZKDWEHWWHUZD\WRNLFNRII VXPPHUWKDQZLWKDQOcean Commotion Day",QWHUDFWLYH GHPRQVWUDWLRQVLOOXVWUDWHGKRZWKHRFHDQVKDSHVRXU(DUWK RXUFOLPDWHDQGRXUOLYHV Engineering Experiments The Physics of Flight 'XULQJWKHIDOORIYLVLWRUVRIDOODJHVZHUHDEOHWRWU\WKHLU KDQGVDWH[SHULPHQWLQJZLWK3DSHU$LUSODQH/DXQFKHUVWKH +RYHUSRUWWKH5RFNHW/DXQFKHUDQGRWKHUÁLJKWH[SHULHQFHV 7KHTake FlightWUDYHOLQJH[KLELWLQVSLUHGFXULRVLW\DERXW ZKDWPDNHVÁLJKWSRVVLEOHDQGRIIHUHGIDVFLQDWLQJH[SODQDWLRQV RIWKHSULQFLSOHVDQGIRUFHVLQYROYHG Film and Clay Creations SciWorks introduced a new Animation Creation program GXULQJWKHZLQWHURILQZKLFKIDPLOLHVFRXOGFUHDWH WKHLURZQDQLPDWHGVKRUWÀOPVXVLQJ.DSODQ(DUO\/HDUQLQJ &RPSDQ\·V6$06WRS$FWLRQ0RYLHVRIWZDUH,QDGGLWLRQWKH Tech City,DIDYRULWHDPRQJYLVLWRUVRSHQHGLQWKHHDUO\ VXPPHURI7KHH[KLELWKLJKOLJKWHGWKHHQJLQHHULQJ EHKLQGVRPDQ\RIWKHVWUXFWXUHVDQGIXQFWLRQVLQRXUGDLO\ OLYHVIURPEXLOGLQJVDQGEULGJHVWRWUDIÀFLQWHUVHFWLRQVDQG JUDYLW\GDPV7ZHOYHKLJKO\LQWHUDFWLYHH[KLELWVWDWLRQVXVHG KDQGVRQDFWLYLWLHVDQGPXOWLPHGLDH[SHULHQFHVWRSUHVHQW SUREOHPVWKDWFRXOGEHVROYHGXVLQJDQHQJLQHHULQJDSSURDFK ([KLELWKLJKOLJKWVLQFOXGHG´6HSDUDWLRQ6WDWLRQµZKHUH YLVLWRUV´FOHDQHGµWKHZDWHU´7UDIÀF-DPµZKHUHYLVLWRUVXVHG FRPSXWHUVWRRSWLPL]HWUDIÀFÁRZDQG´(DUWKTXDNHµZKHUH YLVLWRUVGHVLJQHGDQGEXLOWVWUXFWXUHVDQGWKHQWHVWHGWKH UHVXOWVDJDLQVWHDUWKTXDNHIRUFHVRQDVKDNHWDEOH inspiring making science Putting on shows in the SciWorks planetarium enables me to capture the imagination of young people as well as mature members of the community. As a retired school teacher of science, this is very gratifying. When kids come in the door and gasp in wonder, it is music to my ears! I love knowing they will have fun while they are learning. We are instilling in them a desire to explore and experience that will carry them into adulthood. Melissa Hilton, Visitor Services Supervisor/ Membership Coordinator Bob Patsiga, Planetarium Assistant SciWorks is full of energy. It is difficult to walk in the door and not feel the excitement of the visitors. I enjoy coming to work every day and experiencing the love of science as it grows in the eyes of the children. SciWorks can change the future for children in North Carolina, and we all get to be a part of that! There is no better joy. I love seeing the kids come in with their parents, and leave having learned something new and exciting. Tyler Foster, Visitor Services Assistant Jennifer Hudson, Director of Development I love working at SciWorks because every day is different, and I am always learning something new. Also, being part of a wonderful science center allows me to leave my office and walk around the museum and outdoor park and see all of the visitors having a great time learning and exploring the world around them. Carol Clarke, Finance Specialist Annual Fund Donations WKURXJK 7RLQVSLUHOHDUQLQJWKURXJKVFLHQWLÀFGLVFRYHU\6FL:RUNVUHOLHVRQLQGLYLGXDO DQGFRUSRUDWHVXSSRUWWKURXJKWKH$QQXDO)XQG7KHVHGRQDWLRQVDOORZWKH PXVHXPWRFUHDWHDQGKRVWH[KLELWVWKDWLJQLWHDORYHRIVFLHQFHDQGOHDUQLQJ FUHDWHVSHFLDOHYHQWVWKDWVSDUNWKHLPDJLQDWLRQKRVWDZLGHYDULHW\RIFDPSV DQGFODVVHVEULQJ67(0HGXFDWLRQWRWKRXVDQGVRIVWXGHQWVHDFK\HDUDQG SURYLGHKLJKTXDOLW\SURIHVVLRQDOGHYHORSPHQWIRUHGXFDWRUV 7KDQN\RXWRWKH$QQXDO)XQGGRQRUVIRU\RXUJHQHURXV FRQWULEXWLRQV³WRJHWKHUZHDUHEXLOGLQJDVWURQJIRXQGDWLRQIRUGHYHORSLQJ WKHFULWLFDOWKLQNLQJDQGVNLOOVRILQQRYDWLRQQHFHVVDU\IRUWKHGHPDQGVRI 21st&HQWXU\FDUHHUV:LWKVLQFHUHJUDWLWXGHZHDFNQRZOHGJHWKHLQGLYLGXDO IDPLO\FRUSRUDWHDQGIRXQGDWLRQGRQRUVWKDWPDNHLWDOOSRVVLEOH accessible making science I love meeting a different array of people, from infants to seniors. You meet different people from across the whole country. Teresa Dean, Visitor Services Assistant I’ve been here for 27+ years. The reason I like SciWorks is the kids—to see the happy faces of the kids. To see kids who drop to the floor at the door because they don’t want to leave—that says a lot. Lots of people who used to come here as kids now bring their own children here. Ronzo Reid, Facilities Assistant There are many things that I love about working at SciWorks, but probably the most rewarding is being able to share my passion for animals and nature, and my love of learning, with others. Seeing a child (or adult) light up with enthusiasm when they meet an animal or learn something new sparks me with excitement and furthers my dedication to the mission of SciWorks. Melissa Perryman, Natural Science Assistant/Educator SciWorks is a great place to work. I enjoy having a chance to provide interactive educational exhibits for all our visitors, both young and old. Adam Wilson, Exhibits Manager SciChampions $5,000+ 0UV$QQH2ZHQ$UPÀHOG Annie Bennett Glenn Foundation %%7 City of Winston-Salem Duke Energy Foundation 'U6WHYH5)HOGPDQ )RUV\WK&RXQW\ 31&)RXQGDWLRQ 6WDWHRI1RUWK&DUROLQD 7LPH:DUQHU&DEOH Winston-Salem Foundation SciInvestors $2,500-$4,999 Caterpillar 'UDQG0UV-DPHV3'LFNHUVRQ 5H\QROGV$PHULFDQ,QF 9XOFDQ0DWHULDOV&RPSDQ\ SciPartners $1,000-$2,499 'UV$QWKRQ\DQG.DWKHULQH$WDOD 0UDQG0UV-RQDWKDQ&RFKUDQH 0UDQG0UV-RHO&RRN Dogwood Garden Club 'UV$QQH%R\OHDQG0DUN(VSHODQG 0UDQG0UV&UDLJ$*XQFNHO 0UV$QQ+DQHV 0U)%RUGHQ+DQHV 'UDQG0UV0LFKDHO+LWFKFRFN /LWWOH*UHHQV*DUGHQ&OXE 0UDQG0UV'DQLHO0LOOHU 0UDQG0UV/*RUGRQ3IHIIHUNRUQ 0UDQG0UV6WHSKHQ3RUWHU 'UV'DYLGDQG%HWK5HERXVVLQ 0V%HWV\6DZ\HU 7RP'DYLV)XQG 7UXOLDQW)HGHUDO&UHGLW8QLRQ 0UDQG0UV7LP6FURQFH 0UDQG0UV%U\DQ6SDFK 0UDQG0UV-RKQ$7D\ORU Walter Robbs SciSustainers $500-$999 0UDQG0UV0DUWLQ0%DNHU 'UDQG0UV0DOFROP%URZQ 0UDQG0UV'UHZ'DYLV 0UDQG0UV:KLWQH\-RQHV 'UV0LFKDHODQG$LPHH/LVFKNH 0UDQG0UV-HII0DF,QWRVK 0HUFHGHV%HQ]RI:LQVWRQ6DOHP 0UDQG0UV3KLOLS0RKU 0UDQG0UV0LFKDHO$0\HUV 0V$QJHOD3DUWLQ 'U'DQLHO-3HDUFH 0UV60DUJDUHW3LNHDQG0U'DYLG0:HUOH 'U$OH[3RZHUV Robert Strickland Family Foundation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atching Gift Foundation )LUVW7HQQHVVHH)RXQGDWLRQ 3LHGPRQW1DWXUDO*DV 7KH$PJHQ)RXQGDWLRQ Gifts in Kind Animal Ark Veterinary Hospital &KLFNÀO$DW6WDQOH\YLOOH 0V%UHQGD.QLJKW 'HZH\·V%DNHU\ /RZH·V)RRGV 0RXQWDLQ)ULHG&KLFNHQ Primo Water Adopt an Animal Program +HOHQ-HDQ$UWKXU Andre Barsony 0D\DK'LQJ .DWKOHHQ*RLQV Ann Greene Alice Kennedy -DQH-RKQVRQ 0R\H/RZH 0DU\$OGHQ/XWWUHOO Sallie Serosky -RVHSK:RRGUXII innovation celebrating Where Innovation Begins 2014 The 50th Anniversary Gala 6FL:RUNVPDUNHGLWV*ROGHQ$QQLYHUVDU\E\NLFNLQJRIIVL[PRQWKVRIHYHQWVZLWK WKHWhere Innovation Begins 50th Anniversary Gala&KDLUHGE\0LFKHOOHDQG &UDLJ*XQFNHODQG/L]DQG6WXDUW9DXJKQWKHHOHJDQWEODFNWLHHYHQLQJRIFRFNWDLOV GLQQHUDQGGDQFLQJZDVKHOGRQ0D\DW%LR7HFK3ODFHLQWKH:DNH)RUHVW ,QQRYDWLRQ4XDUWHU 6FL:RUNV·IULHQGO\75H[JUHHWHGPRUHWKDQJXHVWVDVWKH\HQWHUHGDWUDQVIRUPHG %LR7HFK3ODFHÀOOHGZLWKJOLWWHULQJWDEOHVHWWLQJVDQGDEXQGDQWÁRUDODUUDQJHPHQWV 3DUWLFLSDQWVWULHGWKHLUKDQGVDW*DPHVRI&KDQFHVXFKDV´%XEEOHV%OLQJµDQG ´0\VWHU\*LIWµHQMR\HGDFDWHUHGGLQQHUDQGSDUWLFLSDWHGLQDOLYHO\DXFWLRQÀOOHG ZLWKH[FLWLQJSDFNDJHVUDQJLQJIURP´'RFWRUIRUD'D\µWR´3DOPHWWRVDQG3DUDGLVHµ 7KHHYHQLQJZUDSSHGXSZLWKGHVVHUWDQGFRIIHHVHUYHG´8QGHUWKH6WDUVµDQG GDQFLQJWRWKHKLJKHQHUJ\WXQHVRIWKHEDQG´&RPSOHWH'HVLUHµ 7KHÀIWKDQQXDOWhere Innovation Begins event was a great success, raising DSSUR[LPDWHO\WRVXSSRUW6FL:RUNV7KDQN\RXWRWKHJHQHURXVVSRQVRUV DXFWLRQELGGHUV*DPHVRI&KDQFHSDUWLFLSDQWVDQGDWWHQGHHVIRUPDNLQJWKHWhere Innovation Begins 50WK$QQLYHUVDU\*DODVXFKDVSHFWDFXODUHYHQW Title Sponsor — $20,000 SciChampions — $5,000 %%7 %HOO'DYLV3LWW3$ &DUROLQD/LTXLG&KHPLVWULHV Duke Energy )LUVW7HQQHVVHH Hatteras Financial 0HUFHGHV%HQ]RI:LQVWRQ6DOHP Reynolds American 5RFN7HQQ 7DUJDFHSW Wells Fargo Womble Carolyle Sandridge 5LFH//3 7KH9DULDEOH Premier Sponsor — $15,000 1RYDQW+HDOWK Presenting Sponsors — $10,000 ,QPDU .LOSDWULFN7RZQVHQG6WRFNWRQ//3 :DNH)RUHVW%DSWLVW0HGLFDO&HQWHU SciInvestors — $2,500 $OOHJDF\)HGHUDO&UHGLW8QLRQ %OXH5KLQR &RRN0HGLFDO +DQHV%UDQGV,QF :DNH)RUHVW,QQRYDWLRQ4XDUWHU :KLWQH\-RQHV,QF SciPartners — $1,500 0RGHUQ$XWRPRWLYH 9XOFDQ0DWHULDOV&RPSDQ\ -RQDWKDQ&RFKUDQH 'U6WHYH)HOGPDQ SciPatrons — $500 0HOLVVDDQG0LFKDHO$\HUV 9LFWRULD%R\VHQDQG&KDG Greene Ann and Borden Hanes -HQQLIHUDQG-RQ+XGVRQ 0DUN.LQJ %HWKDQG0LNH6NRULFK %HYHUO\DQG/DZUHQFH6QLYHO\ $QQDDQG)OHWFKHU6WHHOH 6XPPLW6FKRRO /L]DQG6WXDUW9DXJKQ 9LOODJH7DYHUQ 0DUJDUHW3LNHDQG'DYLG:HUOH .ULVWHQDQG-DVRQ=DNV A special thank you to these individuals and organizations who helped make the :KHUH,QQRYDWLRQ%HJLQV 50th Anniversary Gala possible. Artwork, Design and Printing $OOHJUD·V)RRW35,17® Fund Partin Design Group Salem Printing Sir Speedy 7KH9DULDEOH Spirits )RRWKLOOV%UHZLQJ Piedmont Distillery 7RWDO:LQH0RUH Live Auction $ODGGLQ7UDYHO &DWK\&UDQGDOO 0DU\%HWKDQG'RXJ&URVV -DVPLQH3RUFK .LDZDK,VODQG*ROI5HVRUW &DSWDLQ-RQ0F%ULGH 3DOPHWWR'XQHV2FHDQIURQW5HVRUW Port Royal Golf Club 'U$OH[3RZHUV SciWorks -HDQ2OLYHDQG$OOVWRQ6WXEEV :DNH)RUHVW,QVWLWXWHIRU 5HJHQHUDWLYH0HGLFLQH Mystery Gift Display $GULHQQH)OHWFKHU3KRWRJUDSK\ $QJHO7RXFK %RQHÀVK*ULOO %ODFN7LH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Brandon Hills Vineyard Busy as a Bee Concierge &DPHO3DZQ6KRS &DWFKD6SDUN3KRWRJUDSK\ &KLFNÀO$7KUXZD\6KRSSLQJ&HQWHU &UHHNVLGH/DQHV *UD\O\Q,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFH Center Krispy Kreme 7KH/RRS3L]]D*ULOO 3LHGPRQW2SHUD 0RQNHH·VRIWKH9LOODJH 2OG6DOHP0XVHXP*DUGHQV 7KH3RUFK.LWFKHQDQG&DQWLQD 5HEHFFDDQG&R 5H\QROGD+RXVH0XVHXPRI American Art 6RXWKHUQ+RPH.LWFKHQ 6SULQJ+RXVH5HVWDXUDQW.LWFKHQ & Bar -HDQ2OLYHDQG$OOVWRQ6WXEEV 7KH7DYHUQLQ2OG6DOHP 7RWDO:LQH0RUH &KDUOHV7UHI]JHU0HULGDQ6HQLRU /LYLQJ//& 9LOODJH7DYHUQ :DNH)RUHVW8QLYHUVLW\$WKOHWLFV :LQVWRQ6DOHP'DVK :LQVWRQ6DOHP2SHQ Bubbles & Bling :LQGVRU-HZHOHUV Dine Around the Town 1703 Bagel Station Bistro B %RE·V%LJ*DV6XEV3XE %URWKHUV %U\QQ·V)UR]HQ<RJXUW %XUNH6WUHHW3L]]D Camino Bakery 7KH&DUYLQJ%RDUG &KLFNÀO$RI6WDQOH\YLOOH City Beverage &UHHNVLGH/DQHV 'LFNH\·V2ULJLQDO%DUEHFXH 'LROL·V )LQQHJDQ·V:DNH,ULVK3XE.LWFKHQ Five Points Bistro 7KH2OG)RXUWK6WUHHW)LOOLQJ6WDWLRQ )UDWHOOLV,WDOLDQ6WHDNKRXVH 7KH)UHVK0DUNHW Grecian Corner *UHHQ*DWH2OLYH2LOV +DUULV7HHWHU -HIIUH\$GDPV -XLFH6KRS -XOLD·V7DNH$ZD\*RXUPHW Kilwins /LJKWKRXVH5HVWDXUDQW 7KH/RRS3L]]D*ULOO /RZHV)RRGV 0DU\·V*RXUPHW'LQHU 0LGWRZQ&DIH'HVVHUWHU\ 0LOQHU·V 0LVVLRQ3L]]D 0RH·V 0RRQH\·V0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&DIp 0R]HOOH·V 2QWKH%RUGHU&KLOH·V0DJJLDQRV 0DFDURQL*ULOO 2VFDU·V*ULOOH 3DSD0XUSK\·V7DNH·1·%DNH3L]]D Pintxos Pour House 7KH4XLHW3LQW7DYHUQ 5LYHU%LUFK 5\DQ·V5HVWDXUDQW 6DOHP.LWFKHQ 9LOODJH7DYHUQ 9LQFHQ]R·V West End Cafe :KLFK:LFK6XSHULRU6DQGZLFKHV :KROH)RRGV0DUNHW :LQH0HUFKDQWV*RXUPHW9,1 =RsV.LWFKHQ Wine Wall Anonymous 'U$QWKRQ\$WDOD +HDWKHU%XPJDUQHU Diamondback Grill $GULHQQH)OHWFKHU )UDWHOOLV,WDOLDQ6WHDNKRXVH $P\DQG0LFKDHO+RXJK 6WHYH/RZH 0XWXDO'LVWULEXWLQJ 1REOH·V*ULOOH 2XWZHVW6WHDN+RXVH 5\DQ·V5HVWDXUDQW Brenda Scronce 7RWDO:LQH0RUH :LQH0HUFKDQWV*RXUPHW Whiskey Wall Beam Suntory Brad Bennet Hunter Coords Steve Dollase -DUURG'XQODS /HH)UHQFK Evan Goldman Doug Hoffman -LPP\+RRWV 3HWHU-XUDQ 0LFKDHO/LVFKNH -HII0DF,QWRVK -RKQ0LOODUG -RKQ0LOOLFDQ 0LFKDHO0\HUV &DUO1LVEHW 0DWW3HWURQ]LR Patrick Rock 3KLO6KXJDUW (ULF7RPOLQVRQ 6WXDUW9DXJKQ (WKDQ:LHVOHU engaging making science I love working at SciWorks because it gives me the opportunity to excite young people about science. I am lucky enough to be doing that both in the SciWorks Planetarium and on SciWorks Radio WFDD. What I enjoy most about my job is interacting with the community and watching their love for learning science grow. Each day I am here I get the pleasure of seeing all the enjoyment from the young and older visitor alike. Experiencing a new burst of “WOW!” and “Oooh COOL!” is like a jolt of energy, and I enjoy every moment. I have always had a fondness for the “non-traditional” educational setting, leading all the way back to my own childhood. If I were asked where and what I’d like to do on a vacation, my answer was always “go to the museum, state park or aquarium.” And my love for SciWorks (and previously the Nature Science Center) sprouted to a deep passion when I was volunteering in the facility at age 15 and 16, and it has grown ever since. SciWorks has deep roots here in Forsyth County, kind of like a rite of passage for the inquisitive minded, and I want to always be a part of that love for learning. Shawn Fitzmaurice, Planetarium Technician/SciWorks Radio Host and Producer I enjoy SciWorks because it affords me an opportunity to work with astronomy in the planetarium. I also enjoy the friendship and company of my fellow employees. Dave Gosinski, Planetarium Assistant Christy Ferguson, Scheduling Coordinator Coming to work is interest-driven. We live in an amazing world (and beyond). Learning about it and sharing with others is exciting and meaningful. I just love the people that come in! These people are so great, they just make my day! And they tell me that I make THEIR day! Shirley Young, Facilities Assistant Phyllis Weatherly-Rosner, Educator The best thing about working with SciWorks is that nothing is routine – every day is different. It’s been a rewarding 23 years working with SciWorks and its great staff. Carl Nisbet, Vice President, Facilities and Grounds Income and Expenses 7/1/2013 to 6/30/2014 )LVFDO\HDUZDVDSRVLWLYH\HDUIRU6FL:RUNV)XQGUDLVLQJLQFUHDVHGE\SHUFHQWOHDGLQJWRDQ SHUFHQWLQFUHDVHLQWRWDOUHYHQXH,QDGGLWLRQWRWDODWWHQGDQFHDWWKHPXVHXPLQFUHDVHGE\PRUHWKDQ SHUFHQWDQGH[SHQVHVLQFUHDVHGOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWDOORZLQJ6FL:RUNVWRH[SHULHQFHDSURÀWDEOHÀVFDO\HDU W-S 12% NC 6% Forsyth Co. 13% Earned Income 41% Personnel & Program Development Maintenance, etc. Fundraising 28% Exhibit Dev. & Maint. Operating Supplies Other Advertising & Fundraising Prof. Services Cost of Merch. Travel, etc. Total Operating Revenue: $1,391,430 Total Operating Expenses: $1,373,050 Earned Income ....................................................$568,816 Personnel & Program Development .....................$780,395 Fundraising .........................................................$391,687 Maintenance, Utilities & Insurance ......................$234,257 Forsyth County....................................................$180,336 Advertising & Fundraising .....................................$99,601 City of Winston-Salem ........................................$166,910 Exhibit Development & Maintenance ....................$81,705 State of North Carolina .........................................$83,681 Professional Services ..............................................$66,234 Operating Supplies ..................................................$46,748 Cost of Merchandise Sold .......................................$37,600 Other/Leases/Dues ..................................................$16,773 Travel & Meetings ....................................................$9,737 SciWorks Board of Directors 2013-2014 Officers Michael Myers, Chair Attorney, Bell Davis & Pitt Patricia A. Shugart, Vice Chair &KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2IÀFHU Carolina Liquid Chemistries Michael Lischke, Ed.D., MPH, Treasurer Associate Dean, Continuing Medical Education Director, Northwest AHEC Wake Forest University Health Sciences Shandra Nanette Stout, Secretary Attorney,Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP Members Anthony Atala, M.D. W.H. Boyce Professor and Chair of the Department of Urology at Wake Forest University; Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Mark Baker Forsyth County Commissioner; Principal, Salem Baptist Christian School Martin M. Baker Senior Vice President, Baker and Associates LLC Heather Bumgarner Human Resources Consultant, People Development Partners Jonathan M. Cochrane Senior Vice President, Wealth Management Advisor, BB&T Joel Cook Vice President of Application Development, Inmar Hunter H. Coords Senior Vice President, Private Client Services, First Tennessee Doug Cruitt Healthcare Tech Consultant Drew Davis Attorney and Educational Consultant Elizabeth Davis Customer Service Manager, Carolina Liquid Chemistries James Dickerson, Ph.D. Retired Research Scientist, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company; Retired Chemistry Teacher, Salem Academy Steven R. Feldman, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Dermatology, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Adrienne Fletcher Adrienne Fletcher Photography Craig A. Gunckel Executive Vice President/General Manager, RockTenn Edward Jones Deptuty County Manager, Forsyth County Government Center Paul Jones, III Managing Director, General Espresso Equipment Corporation Jeff MacIntosh Winston-Salem City Council Member; Realtor, Leonard Ryden Burr John S. Millard Business Relations Executive, Duke Energy Laura Miller Attorney, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Phillip Morgan Community Relations Manager, Northern Region, Piedmont Natural Gas Stacy J. Petronzio Susan Q. Phelps, Ph.D. Dean, Educational Partnerships, Forsyth Technical Community College S. Margaret Pike, J.D. Attorney, Contract Legal Services; Managing Member, Graduate Enterprises, LLC Alex Powers, M.D. Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery, Wake Forest Baptist Health Brenda A. Scronce Bryan D. Spach Area Sales Manager, Vulcan Materials Company Benika J. Thompson Science Program Manager, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Eric Tomlinson, DSc, Ph.D. President, Wake Forest Innovation Quarter; &KLHI,QQRYDWLRQ2IÀFHU Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Peggy Valentine, Ed.D. Dean, School of Health Sciences, Winston-Salem State University Meredith Welch Biology Teacher, Summit School Errol Wint Project Manager, Caterpillar Inc. Ex Officio Paul Kortenaar, Ph.D. Executive Director, SciWorks Full-time Staff Part-time Staff Kevin Caesar Natural Sciences Coordinator Carol Clarke Finance Specialist Christy Ferguson Scheduling Coordinator Shawn Fitzmaurice Planetarium Technician/Radio Host and Producer W. Sam Hancock Vice President, Finances and Administration Melissa Hilton Visitor Services Supervisor/Membership Coordinator Jennifer Hudson Director of Development Kelli J. Isenhour Vice President, Programs and Education Paul Kortenaar, Ph.D. Executive Director Carl Nisbet Vice President, Facilities and Grounds Melissa Perryman Natural Science Assistant/Educator Michael Seaward Facilities/Exhibit Technician Phyllis Weatherly-Rosner Educator Adam Wilson Exhibits Manager Teresa Dean Visitor Services Assistant Katherine Goodell Visitor Services Assistant David Gosinski Planetarium Assistant Jonathan Gunter Visitor Services Assistant Kirsten Henkenius Online Marketing Coordinator Karla Jeselson Animal Curator Patty Langston Educator/Presenter/Volunteer Coordinator Allyson McCauley Marketing Coordinator Justin Nichols Planetarium Technician Robert Patsiga, Ph.D. Planetarium Assistant Ronzo Reid Facilities Assistant Sanford Rosner Facilities Assistant Teresa Slaughter Facilities Assistant Bobbie Tucker Science Shop Manager Alex Warthen Animal Care Assistant Tommy Vestal Visitor Services Assistant Supervisor Shirley Young Facilities Assistant making science The best part of SciWorks is working with the amazing staff; it’s a family-like community. The people make it feel like a big family. Alex Warthen, Animal Care Assistant SciWorks is fun, with great people. Teresa Slaughter, Facilities Assistant fun I have worked here 20 years, and I still love coming here every day and seeing the staff and visitors. Sam Hancock, Vice President, Finances and Administration exciting making science I have enjoyed educating children and adults for the past 20 years and forging friendships with many of our regular visitors and members. Kevin Caesar, Natural Sciences Coordinator I love working at SciWorks because I get to meet so many different kinds of people! It’s a new experience every day. Katherine Goodell, Visitor Services Assistant It’s a wonderful bonus in life if you are passionate about your work, and I am lucky to feel that way about my job at SciWorks. I love creating fun, new events for our Members and other visitors because I get to dream up something that MY family would enjoy attending and make it happen. And, even more importantly, I’m grateful to work with a family of other passionate, committed employees . . . all of whom care deeply about this museum and our community. Ally McCauley Marketing Coordinator I love it here—I love the people, I love my coworkers, I love the work. I’ve been here since 1990. It’s been a joy to come to work every day, and it’s been an education to me also. Bobbie Tucker, Science Shop Manager SciWorks: By the Numbers FY 2013-2014 85,103 Total Annual Attendance 11.3% Increase 242 7,225 Volunteer and Intern Hours 35 864 Volunteers & Interns 39% Increase Number of Counties Served 28 in NC + 7 in VA 3,111 13 Facebook Fans Full-Time Staff Twitter Followers 17 Part-Time Staff making science captivating :HVW+DQHV0LOO5RDG :LQVWRQ6DOHP1& LQIR#VFLZRUNVRUJ
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