Upcoming Events

International House
Spring 2015: Week 3
Community Fellows Newsletter
April 13, 2015
Resident Spotlight: Waleed Zaghlol
I'm Waleed from one of the most crowded, busy, and beautiful cities in the world:
Cairo, Egypt. I study Economics at Cairo University. I like sports, cooking, open
air activities, and learning languages. I was admitted to UChicago as part of the
Sawiras scholarship program. I like the surrounding intellectual environment,
and the people with great ambition here at UChicago. I like I-House as it
introduced me to some great people and diverse ideas. One of the best things I
like at the I-House is cooking and sharing recipes in the Community Kitchen.
Also, the ice cream social is something no one can say no to.
Upcoming Events
Monday, April 13
Turkish Table
6PM in the Dining Room
Improve your Turkish
speaking skills and learn
more about the culture!
Wednesday, April 15
Japanese Table
7PM in the Dining Room
Come participate at the Japanese table
to learn the language and more about
the culture.
Thursday, April 16
Sunday, April 19
iFilm Series: Amore
8PM in the Dining Room
Come and enjoy a remarkable love story!
Georges and Anne are an octogenarian
couple. They are cultivated, retired music
teachers. Their daughter, also a musician,
lives in Britain with her family. One day,
Anne has a stroke, and the couple's bond
of love is severely tested. Presented by
Sigrid Thomsen.
iFocus: A History of Girly Food in
Thursday, April 16
7.30PM in the Dance
Your books will still be there when you're
done - come get a change of pace with
Korea: Gender issues in Korean food
8PM in the Dining Room
pasta. Double
cheesecake. In
society, foods are often gendered for
marketing purposes. In South Korea,
where traditional gender roles occupy a
prominent place in culture, "manly" and
"girly" food makes a great iFocus lens for
understanding modern Korean culture
and present gender issues. How did
pasta and coffee change femininity in
Korea? And what are the implications of
being a "foodie" in a country obsessed
with beauty and weight loss? Find out in
the next iFocus presentation with
Doyoung Lim.
Sunday, April 19
Sunday Social Hour
9PM in the Dining Room
This week’s Social Hour is
brought to you by Max and the
residents of 2W!
Interested in playing
outdoor intramural
soccer this quarter?
Jared Reynolds
Sunday, April 19
Game of Thrones
9.30PM in the
Dining Room
Community Fellows Newsletter
For a better
Upcoming Programs
Contact the
Community Fellows
2W: Maksym Markevych
Ice Cream Float Night
Wednesday, April 22
9pm, Rockefeller Lounge
3W: Bogdan Popescu
6E: Jared Reynolds
The Garden Party
7E: Shauna Taylor
Tuesday, May 12
5:30pm, Courtyard
8E: Anqi Zhang
Lauren Carty
9E and Tower:
Festival of Nations
Natalia Pavlou
Sunday, May 17
Lauren Morgenthaler
2pm, Assembly Hall