NEWSLETTER 24 April 2015 Date claimers 27 April North District Cross Country (Pine Rivers Park) st 15 May Dance Extension Program Parent Viewing Afternoon 1 May 1 Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport 18-20 May Yr 4 Excursion to Bunyaville 18/5 4GM & 3/4T 19/5 4KM & 4FH 20/5 4F & 4W 4-8 May Prep & Yr 1 Parent Teacher Interviews, classroom 19 May ICAS Testing – Digital Technologies (Computer Skills) 8am 6 May Yrs 2-6 Parent Teacher Interviews 7-8am, 3.20-6.30pm, Hall 22 May 2nd Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport 9 May Uniting Church Fete, Choir & Band performances 28 May Dance Eisteddfod Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Dance Extension Groups 12-14 May NAPLAN Yrs 3 & 5 3 June ICAS Science Test, 8am 13 May RAW Art (2R, 2G, 2N, 2NM) 1-4 June Yr 6 Canberra Tour 14 May RAW Art (2WH, 2MJ, 2M) 5 June 3rd Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport 15 May NAPLAN Catchup Day 8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Events at our School this week – Cross Country & ANZAC Day Ceremony Phone: 3264 9222 Email: Absence Line: 3264 9260 OSH: 3264 8500 School Website – Newsletter 24 April 2015 Page 2 of 9 A message from our Principal….. Term 2 Begins Welcome back to Eatons Hill State School for the start of a very exciting Term 2. A warm welcome is also extended to new students and their families. It has been a busy and productive start with lots of learning already occurring in classrooms. I would like to congratulate our students on the way they continue to apply themselves to all aspects of their schooling as they endeavour to Come, Learn and Understand. Improvement in Reading Remains Our Priority A reminder to parents that the teaching of reading remains a priority for improvement here at Eatons Hill State School. We regularly assess and track student progress so that we can ascertain the extent to which our teaching programs are effective and to organize support programs for students where necessary. I encourage parents to speak with your child’s teacher about their reading progress at the upcoming ParentTeacher Interviews. I draw your attention to the following article from Sarah Cracknell, our Master teacher highlighting the importance of reading. Cross Country Under blue skies and on a dry track our Athletics Season kicked off on Tuesday with our 2015 Cross Country. Well done to our students who participated to the best of their ability. Congratulations to Pegasus our champion house and thank you to the many parents & family members who joined us on the day to cheer on all competitors. Thank you to Mrs Graham and Mr Bull for their coordination of this event. ANZAC Commemoration Our Anzac commemoration was held today. Thank you to our staff and students for their participation in this important event and the acknowledgement that they gave to those Australians who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Parent Teacher Interviews Prep – 1: Parent teacher interviews will be held during the week 4-8 May in classrooms. Further information will be provided via letter shortly. Yrs 2-6: Parent teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday 6 May (7-8am & 3.20-6.30pm). Bookings will be via Parent Teacher Online (PTO). Information has been provided via letter this week. GIVING OUR BEST IS THE EATONS HILL WAY! COME, LEARN AND UNDERSTAND. PHIL SAVILL, PRINCIPAL Reading Evidence Learning to read is the most important academic skill children master at school. Improvement in reading ability is the major focus for every child, every day. Evidence gathered over the past decade, from over 30 000 schools, highlights the following worthwhile findings: A minimum of 15-30 minutes a day of independent reading is essential. The 'sweet spot' for independent, engaged reading is maximised at 30 minutes. Reading gain is still made after this point but to maximise reading growth aim for 30 minutes every day. Girls outpace boys in reading. From Year 4 onwards, girls on average read over 100 000 words more per year than boys. Cumulatively, girls read close to a million words more than boys by the end of high school. In your family you can support your child in achieving their full potential by both encouraging boys to read and making set times for daily reading in your home. Sarah Cracknell Master Teacher From the Deputies Mrs Sarah Ramsden (Prep & 1) Mrs Wendy McKay (Yrs 2&3) Mr Brad Geisel (Yrs 4-6) ANZAC Day Ceremony Our school commemorated ANZAC Day on Friday 24 April. We would like to thank and make special mention of our guest conductor Mr Kevin Edwards from Griffith Conservatorium of Music and also Bray Park State High Student Matthew Ashton who played the “Last Post.” We would like to extend a huge thank you to all parents, family and community members who attended. Congratulations to our students who demonstrated exemplary behaviour and attentiveness. Eatons Hill Student Supporting “Foodbank” One of our Year 4 students has recently been asked to speak on behalf of “Foodbank Australia” to promote their “School Can Drives Project” to encourage schools to collect food cans for those most in need. Danny Blessen Newsletter 24 April 2015 was chosen by “Foodbank Australia” after they viewed a YouTube clip of Danny speaking about world hunger and poverty. Congratulations to Danny and we are very proud of you representing such a worthy cause. Further information about “Foodbank Australia” can be found on their website: Preparing For Learning the Eatons Hill Way – Students in Year 1-6 Every day and minute counts for learning and at Eatons Hill State School our teachers maximise learning time. Our daily lining up routines before school and after each lunch break ensure that students quickly settle to prepare for learning. We ask that parents support our teachers by adhering to the follow procedures before school: Each year level has a gathering area where they go to when they arrive at school: - Years 1 & 2 – Underneath the Administration Building & Shelter Extension - Years 3 & 4 – Gathering Area beside Tuckshop and Uniform Shop - Years 5 & 6 - Senior Eating Area When the 8:10am bell rings, students leave their bags, wear their hats and walk to the Oval and line up waiting for the supervising staff member/s. Students in iPad classes drop their bags off at Base Club. Students arriving after 8:10am, drop their bag off to their gathering area and walk to the oval. The staff member/s on duty will send students back to their gathering areas between 8:40-8:45am. Students are to sit in 2 lines with their class and wait for their classroom teacher to collect them. Classes will walk with their teachers back to their classrooms to begin learning time promptly at 8:50am. Even if you are waiting with your child it is important to remind them that they must follow our morning routines. The use of playground equipment is not permitted before and after school. Preparing For Learning the Eatons Hill Way – Students in Prep Parents and Caregivers of our Prep students prepare their children for learning by waiting with their child in the designated Prep waiting areas beneath the double storey Prep building. You can help prepare your child for learning by encouraging them to go to the toilet, have a drink and using the waiting opportunity to read with your child. Prep teachers will open their classroom doors at 8:45am. A reminder that the use of playground equipment is not permitted before and after school. Mathletics Our school has purchased a license for this on-line mathematics website this year as a tool to support student learning. Mathletics is the next generation in learning, helping students enjoy maths and improve their results. Mathletics covers mathematical content for students from Prep to Year 6 and is clearly aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Every student in our school has been provided with a username and password to access this site. (If your child has forgotten his/her username & password, please contact your child’s teacher). Students can access Mathletics from school and from home. Mathletics is Page 3 of 9 accessible from the following or “Mathletics.” website simply address: Google Mathletics a fantastic tool to support learning for the following reasons: • Students are engaged and motivated to learn • Easy to use • Students have access to Mathletics 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • Provides the perfect link between home and school, where results flow seamlessly Student Safety at school At EHSS, we are committed to quality learning and teaching in a safe and respectful environment. Our Responsible Behaviour plan outlines our system for facilitating positive behaviours and responding to inappropriate and unacceptable behaviours. Each fortnight, an aspect of our plan will be communicated in this newsletter. This week’s behaviour focus is being safe around our school grounds! When arriving at or leaving school, students must dismount and walk their bikes and scooters when in the school grounds. Parents and students must stay off the road that runs behind A block and up to the Hall. This is NOT a walkway or bikeway. When crossing any road, always Stop, Look and Listen. Stay out of gardens and trees. Use playground equipment only when supervised by a teacher. Avoid all out of bounds areas. Play fairly and follow the rules of the game. Remain within school grounds unless permission has been given to leave by a teacher, Deputy Principal or Principal. If waiting for the afternoon bus or parent pick up, wait inside the designated areas eg. brick walled area near flagpole or grassy area inside fence. These expectations are communicated to students and reinforced in a variety of contexts, including classroom lessons, Gatherings and during active playground supervision. We would appreciate all parents and caregivers supporting our plan and leading by example. EVERY DAY COUNTS Parents are reminded of the importance of sending children to school on every school day unless there is a strong reason for the student to be away, such as illness that requires exclusion from others or bed rest. Research shows that students who have a very good attendance record are more likely to achieve high results. Going shopping, visiting family, staying up late, being tired or extending school holidays are not acceptable reasons to be away from school. Please visit the Department of Education and Training website for more information: Curriculum Update This semester, our curriculum focus is on aligning English tasks to improve writing results across the school. The alignment ensures that students in every year level are taught a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive Newsletter 24 April 2015 Page 4 of 9 genres, and are able to practise and build upon these as they progress through the grades. Year Level Coordinators met with our Head of Curriculum and Master Teacher at the end of Term 1 to plan assessment tasks, refine criteria and develop lessons in preparation for Term 2. We will continue to monitor and build upon students' success in the area of English. Is coming to EHSS… Tuesday May 5th & Thursday May 7th Red Prep in the Spotlight In English this week our class has been studying ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We learnt how to read the sentence ‘Once upon a time, there were three little pigs’ and then created a fantastic picture that showed the straw, sticks and bricks that the pigs used to build their houses. Junior Gathering Area 8:30am-9:30am First & Second Break After School Everything $2 - $6 News from the PE Dept This activity compliments our Science unit where we have been investigating various materials and their properties. We have built some of our own houses from straw, sticks and bricks to see which one is the strongest. During Mathematics we have been investigating 3D shapes and finding which shapes are good for building a house. We used a variety of different 3D shapes to see which ones are best for sliding, rolling and stacking. Cross Country Results Congratulations to all students who participated in our Cross Country event on Tuesday 21st April. All participants displayed courage and determination and an enjoyable day was had by all. Thank you to all the staff that contributed to making this a fantastic school event. Particular compliments to the students who will attend the North District Trials on Monday 27th April at Pine Rivers Park. Interschool Sport Term 2 The deadline for permission notes and payment was on the last day of Term 1, Friday 27th March. Students must bring back permission notes and pay the fee to attend. Gala Sports dates are Friday May 1st, Friday May 22nd and Friday June 5th. Training has commenced for all sports excluding golf. North District Representatives Congratulations to Alex Shaw, Kyle Beckey and Jordan Griffin who were chosen to represent our school for North District Boys Hockey competition. Excellent efforts to you all! Congratulations also to Korey Brady who participated as a State Representative for the 1100m Race Walking Event last term and achieved a fantastic second place!. Wonderful effort! North District Details and Dates TERM 2 A reminder that students must obtain the North District form pack from either Mara Graham (Music Room) or Dan Bull (PE Room), pay the fee well before the trial date, sign Newsletter 24 April 2015 Page 5 of 9 the forms and bring with them to the trial. As we receive trial notices intermittently, students can keep a track of which week they need to collect forms by checking the whiteboard just inside the Indoor Sporting Complex. Each week we will write up the forms available for collection. Media Release Lodging of an entry either individually, or via a school, consents to the athlete’s name and/or image being used by either of the organising partners, and to their name and/or image being displayed on related websites/social media sites, or being displayed by the official photographer. North District Trials are for students turning 10,11 & 12. Students turning 13 can trial for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics only. Parents are required to fill out forms titled “Permission to Attend a Regional Trial”. Students need to take these forms to the North District Trials. No form no trial. Objections to this must be lodged with Queensland Running in writing before the event. Please note the following North District trial dates: Touch Football (12&U)Girls- Thurs 23rd April (Please note that District Competition clashes with the EHSS Canberra trip in Term 2) Touch Football (12&U)Boys- Thurs 30th April (Please note that District Competition clashes with the EHSS Canberra trip in Term 2) Cross Country- Monday 27th April Softball (12&U) Girls-Tues 9th June Rugby Union; Boys- Wed 10th June Track & Field- Mon 27th/ Tues 28th July Cricket (12&U) Boys and Girls- Wed 19th Aug 2015 Queensland All Schools Championship Saturday 9 May 2015 St Paul’s School, Bald Hills Indemnity It shall be the sole responsibility of the individual or their legal guardian, coach or teacher, to decide whether they start or continue in an event. Queensland Running, its parent body the State Athletic Clubs Association Inc, their officials, volunteers and/or sponsors accept no responsibility whatsoever for any injury, accident or loss sustained by an competitor whilst competing in or attending the Championship. Lodgement of an entry with the appropriate entry fee acknowledges acceptance of these conditions. Competition Bibs All competitors will be issued with, and be required to wear, a printed competition bib number on the front of their person for the duration of the event, including pre-race check in and postrace recording. Further Information For further information about your school’s entries please contact: Mara Graham,, Sports Coordinator For further information from Queensland Running about the event, please contact: Anne Scott Phone: 0418 11 33 77 Email: Jointly conducted by Queensland Running and Future State Greats Parent Information Sheet Entries Obtain a registration form from Mara Graham. Pay the registration fee to the office. $5.00 students 5-9 years; $10.00 student 10-19 years. Closing Date Entries close with Queensland Running on Wednesday 6 May 2015. Return to Mara Graham by Friday May 1st. Late Entries Entries received after the closing date may incur an additional $10.00 late entry fee. Late entries will be accepted until sixty (60) minutes before the scheduled event starting time, when accompanied by the late entry fee. NOTE: Parents are requested to double check entries with their school prior to the event. Competitors or parents who claim to have lodged entries through their school, but who do not appear on official entry lists, may be required to pay the late fee and then follow this up with their school. If this is found to be an error on the part of the organisers, then any late fee paid will be refunded. Flipped Class Approach – Ms Johnson This year I will be working with a number of students and teachers within the school. I will be using a blog to assist in lesson delivery. This blog can be viewed at home and therefore learning can be reinforced at your leisure. URL: Please note students are welcome to post comments and ask questions on the blog. Look for the comment section at the end of each post. Students are invited to attempt any lessons available on the blog. Blogger of the Week: Allyse 5B Family Quiz Week 1 – Ben 6LB Top Bloggin’ Grade – Year 3 Jan Johnson, Best Practice, GEM, Great Results Team, Project Unify Newsletter 24 April 2015 Page 6 of 9 MUSIC NEWS DANCE NEWS A reminder that the timetables for all classes are rotating and need weekly checks for a change of time. This is to foster educational equity and reduce subject-specific loss of learning. Each classroom should have rosters displayed and accessible for the students. Rosters are also found on the school website and in the windows of the music room. Senior Choir rehearsals are Monday mornings at 7.45am. Junior Choir remains at first break Tuesdays at 11.10am. The Senior String Ensemble, Senior Concert Band and Junior Choir will be performing at the Albany Creek Uniting Church Fete on Saturday 9th May. This is a wonderful opportunity for our ensembles to perform for their parents and friends. Details will be sent home to parents and can be found on the school internet. Instrumental Music Timetable — Semester 1, 2015 Ms Mara Graham—Instrumental Music Coordinator Mr John Nagy—Woodwind Mr Tim Lefever—Woodwind/Brass and Percussion Mr Georges Stylianou—Strings This year we have decided to enter our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 Dance Extension teams into the Brisbane Eisteddfod, Arts In Focus, within the Primary School Groups section. The Brisbane Eisteddfod is a very wellknown and well organised competitive event that allows our students the opportunity to perform onstage and also to view what is happening in primary schools around them. Where: Edmund Rice Performing Arts Centre, St Laurence’s College, 82 Stephens Road, South Brisbane, 4101. When: Thursday 28th May. Our session has been confirmed to start at 8.30am on Thursday 28 May. Details will be sent home to parents and can be found on the school internet. Term 2 Dance Performance dates Wednesday 11 May, First Performance Year 3,4,5,6 DX Break, Lunchtime Friday 15 May, 2-3 pm, Dance Extension Parent Viewing Day Year 3,4,5,6 DX TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Thursday 28 May, All Day, Brisbane Eisteddfod Year 4, 5,6 DX 7.30— 8.40am Senior Concert Band 7.30am in the hall Junior Concert Band 7.45 am (Commencing in Term 3) in the hall Senior Strings Ensemble 7.30am in the Hall Monday 15 June, First Break, Lunchtime Performance, Year 3-4 Dance Club & Year 5-6 Dance Club 9.00— 11.00 Mr Lefever Mr Nagy Mr Stylianou 11.00 Mr Lefever — 1.00 Mr Stylianou Mr Lefever Mr Nagy Mr Stylianou 2.00— 3.00 Mr Lefever Mr Nagy Mr Stylianou MONDAY Mr Lefever MADDNESS News Welcome back to Term 2. All music, dance and drama students are busy and into their classes. There are some events coming up: the Uniting Church fete on 9th May, the QYMA events with junior choir on the 20th May and the Dance Eisteddfod on the 28th May. We are looking for a small number of volunteers to assist with the QYMA junior choir 20th May and the dance Eistedffod 28th May. If you are able to assist with either event please contact Our next meeting is 19 May at 6pm in the music room. All welcome. Year 6 Dance Extension - Change of Weekly Lesson After much consideration we feel that the Dance Extension rehearsal would be much better placed on a Friday morning from 7.45-8.45 am. This new time and day should enable us to have our full team together, on stage, to rehearse for the upcoming Brisbane Eisteddfod. This timeslot will remain even on Gala Sport Days, as there will be no clash for the students attending sport later in the day. Could you please let us know if this new time clashes with any other sport training your child may be involved with? The first Year 6 Dance Extension rehearsal will now be held on Friday 1st May (week 2) from 7.45-8.45 am in the Eatons Hill State School Hall, Stage End. The year 6’s also have an additional rehearsal on a Monday Morning from 8.15-8.45 am, on stage in the Hall, as notified in the previous Term 1 letter. This extra weekly rehearsal begins on Monday 27th April. We certainly appreciate how disruptive the changes have been over the past term, but we are hoping that we have found a solution and as always, we sincerely appreciate your patience and support. Newsletter 24 April 2015 Page 7 of 9 Congratulations to Jhett Calderwood! Jhett Calderwood, in 3I, competed in the QLD State Dirt Track (Motorbike) Titles over the Easter holidays. Jhett placed 1st in Long Track and 2nd in Dirt Track (2 different styles of race tracks) on his 85cc 4 stroke motorbike. Jhett also placed 4th in QLD in Long Track on his 65cc 2 stroke motorbike. As Jhett competed in the 7-10 age group, he was competing against older and more experienced boys. Eatons Hill State School is very excited and extremely proud of Jhett. Well done Jhett! 5 Tubs of Cookie Dough for sale!! RIDES GAMES RACING PIGS MARKET STALLS DOG SHOW ANIMAL NURSERY CHOCOLATE GAME GROCERY WHEEL DANCE & CHOIR PERFORMANCES SCIENCE SHOW FACE PAINTING BALLOON TWISTING SAND ART BEADING HEAPS OF FOOD Contact us for Sponsorship opportunities – Sponsor a Piglet Race! Please contact if you would like a stall in the Market Hall – over 40 stalls booked already! $13 each, cash only 1 x Chocolate Chunk 2 x Triple Chocolate 1 x Gluten Free 1 x Caramel An update from our Local High Schools Contact Thank You!! Your assistance with this fundraising has been much appreciated, we sold over 1300 tubs and made over $4000 for the tuckshop renovation!! Craigslea State High School is proud to present ‘High School Musical Onstage’ – a musical based on the Disney Channel Original Movie. This is an exciting opportunity for your students to view a live performance and enhance their appreciation of the Arts – Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art (set production). Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez come from two different worlds: Troy the Basketball God and Gabriella the Smart, Stunning Geek. When they meet at a New Year's Eve they instantly click. When they meet each other again at East High School, they accidentally audition for their high school's musical. The social cliques they belong to don't approve of this new friendship and try to separate them. At the same time, drama queen Sharpay Evans and her brother Ryan, the co-captains of the Drama department, Newsletter 24 April 2015 try in every way to prevent Troy and Gabriella from winning over them in the callbacks. Can Troy and Gabriella lead their friends to a more open-mind thinking and acceptance of one another? Or will their friends win? Date: 9th May 2015 Time: 11am Tickets: $5.00 Place: Craigslea State High School – Hall Hamilton Road, West Chermside Length: 2hours Community News Get your family active and eating well Local families can now sign up the free healthy lifestyle program called PEACH™ - Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health. Registrations are now open for a group to commence in term 2, 2015. The program is fun for kids and helps parents and carers make healthy eating and activity a part of every-day life. It is available to families with a child aged between 5-11 years who is above a healthy weight their age. It consists of 10 group sessions that run for 90 minutes each. The first 9 sessions are held weekly within the school term. Ongoing individualised family support is offered through the second half of the program ending with one final group session. Some of the topics covered include nutrition skills, relationships with food and eating, changing family lifestyle behaviours and making healthy eating affordable. While the parent sessions are taking place, children enjoy active play with a trained child physical activity facilitator. Page 8 of 9 The program is funded by the Queensland government and being delivered by the Queensland University of Technology. If you would like more information about the PEACH™ program or to register please contact free call 1800 263 519 or visit Newsletter 24 April 2015 Page 9 of 9
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