NEWSLETTER 20 March 2015 30 March Cookie Dough delivered to school 1 April Cross Country 2 April Prep Easter Hat Parade, 9.30-10.30am, Gathering area 3-19 April School holidays 22 April P&C Meeting, 7pm, Hall conference room 24 April ANZAC Day Ceremony, 9-10am, Jnr Courtyard 1 May 1st Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport 4-8 May Prep & Yr 1 Parent Teacher Interviews, classroom 6 May Yrs 2-6 Parent Teacher Interviews 7-8am, 3.20-6.30pm, Hall 9 May Uniting Church Fete, Choir & Band performances 12-14 May NAPLAN Yrs 3 & 5 Date claimers Running Club: Monday-Friday on the school oval, 8.15-8.45am. All students Yrs1-6 welcome to attend. A message from our Principal….. Our Shared Responsibility We are now in the closing weeks of term 1 and it is pleasing to see so many of our students making good progress with their learning. High expectations continue to be the order of the day for all students in the areas of Attendance, Behaviour and Academic Performance. These areas are continuing to be monitored by staff and I appreciate the support from parents as we strive to get the best from our students. I continue to impress on staff and students that we need to improve our results in Reading, Writing and Numeracy and that “setting a benchmark to aspire to should be more like a pole vault than a limbo dance”. Thank you Eatons Hill Presbyterian Church Last weekend a backyard blitz was conducted on our school grounds by the local Presbyterian Church. A number of gardens were cleaned up and a landscaping project was completed. Their work is very much appreciated by our school community especially our grounds staff. School Council Formation This year Eatons Hill State School became an Independent Public School. As part of this move toward school autonomy we will be forming a school council. Next term we will undertake a process to elect members to this strategic group. I would expect that our School Council will be operational by the beginning of Term 3. If you would like more information regarding the role of the school council please contact Sarah Ramsden - Phone: 3264 9222 Email: What I saw this week in Year 5 This week I visited our year 5 classes to see how our boys were progressing in the area of English. What I saw was some great work and results particularly in the first five weeks of the term. The challenge for our boys is whether this progress will be mirrored as term 1 comes to a close. I look forward to visiting these classes again in week 1 of term 2 to see if they have met my challenge. Student Council Success Congratulations to our Student Council on the success of the recent skate nights. All who attended had a great time. From the money raised at these nights a donation will be made to Vanuatu Cyclone Relief. GIVING OUR BEST IS THE EATONS HILL WAY! COME, LEARN AND UNDERSTAND. FOLLOW EATONS HILL STATE SCHOOL ON TWITTER AND ON THE QSCHOOLS APP PHIL SAVILL Absence Line: 3264 9260 OSH: 3264 8500 School Website – Newsletter 20 March 2015 Page 2 of 6 From the Deputies Mrs Sarah Ramsden (Prep & 1) Mrs Wendy McKay (Yrs 2&3) Mr Brad Geisel (Yrs 4-6) Volunteer for Team Read in 2015! Bullying, No Way! Friday, March 20 marks the fifth National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. This day provides a focus for all schools to say Bullying, No Way! It also allows us to strengthen our existing everyday messages that bullying and violence at Eatons Hill State School are not okay. Students will be made aware of this day during their class lessons. Please take the opportunity to reinforce to your child at home, that bullying and violence at school are not acceptable and cannot be justified by ‘I was just joking’ or ‘I didn’t do anything. I was just watching’. The BullyingNoWay website suggests the following tips for parents: - Stay calm and positive Talk with your child Do not advise your child to fight the other child Report the bullying to the school Seek help for your child to support his/her social skills When it comes to Cyberbullying, the above strategies can be used as well as staying informed about available resources and teaching your child how to remain safe while online. There are some great websites to assist parents. (focuses on girls) ICAS Testing Eatons Hill SS has registered to participate in the ICAS academic competitions this year. The competitions are for students in years 2-6. Specifically, our school has registered for the following competitions listed in the table below. A parent letter has been distributed to all years 2 – 6 students outlining costs associated with entering these competitions (also available under Notes for Parents on the website). Digital Technologies Science Writing Spelling English Mathematics Tuesday 19/5 Wednesday 3/6 Monday 15/6 Tuesday 16/6 Tuesday 28/7 Tuesday 11/8 8am 8am 8am 8am 8am 8am – 9am – 9am – 9am – 9am – 9am – 9am Be a part of something new in 2015 by joining Team Read at Eatons Hill State School. Volunteers will be recruited and trained early next year to deliver targeted reading skills to students. Register your interest below by clicking on the link and completing the form. We look forward to having you as part of the team. Helpers are required to distribute Cookie Dough on 30 March 2015. Please contact the P&C via if you are able to help out. Wavell State High Middle School Problem Solving Challenge Bright and early Monday morning 16 very studious year five and six students set off to participate in the Wavell State High Middle School Problem Solving Challenge. They competed alongside students for year 5, 6, 7& 8. This amazing event consisted of 84 teams from over 20 different schools. We were transported all the way to France from the moment we entered the hall. Our exciting day started with a hilarious dramatic performance set to the pink panther theme. A foreign exchange Newsletter 20 March 2015 student welcomed us in her beautiful French language, fortunately we had a translator. The competition was intense from the moment the students entered the scorching hall. The day consisted of three sessions that tested the students’ mathematics, science, technology and problem solving skills. The first session was a range of vigorous mathematic problems that made even the teachers nervous. Our students gave it their all and did our school proud. They even faced the same questions as the year seven & eight students! After a quick Morning Tea break the students were recharged and ready to face the science challenges. This time the students had to answer a range of perplexing questions that kept the students on their toes. This was an area where our students truly shined. The final session was a technology challenge that really tested the students’ creativity and design skills. The students were given a selection of materials and had to create a tower to rival the Eiffel Tower. The students received points based on their design and the height of their tower. Even though they did not place, they tried their hardest and did our school proud. One of the year six team even came 3rd in their year level! This was not a day for the faint hearted and we are looking forward to doing even better next year. Thank you to all the parents who assisted in the transport to and from the event. The students did a wonderful job and should be congratulated. Well Done! Page 3 of 6 Library News New Faces Ms Belinda and Ms Lesleigh have joined us in the Library this year. Next time you are in the library make sure you say hello to these lovely ladies. Our 2015 Library Captains Congratulations Benedek, Lucy and Portia. Looking forward to a great year. Volunteers A big thank you to the lovely mums who have been doing a fabulous job covering our new books. Make sure you come into the library and check out the New Books Display. There is some great holiday reading there for you. Interschool Sport Term 2 Interschool sport will commence in Term 2. There will be 3 GALA Days held over the course of the term on Friday May 1 (week 2), May 22 (week 5) and June 5 (week 7). Students are required to attend weekly practice times, commencing Week 9 of Term 1. Individual coaches have designated practice times and locations, which can be found on the school website and will be distributed to students at their first practice date, outlined on the Gala Days Interschool Sport Permission Note. Permission notes are to be returned to the coach and payments returned to the office no later than Friday 27th March. Please feel free to contact Mara Graham with any queries. (NOTE: There will be no practice times or dates for intraschool sports such as Golf and Options) Newsletter 20 March 2015 Rugby League Training: Please note that Rugby League Interschool Sport training that was scheduled for Week 8 and 9 will be cancelled due to the coach's absence. Training will commence as scheduled Week 1, Term 2. Cross Country The Inter-House Cross Country will be conducted on Wednesday April 1st. All children in Years Prep – Year 6 will participate in the Cross Country running in a variety of distances appropriate to their age group. Maximum participation is encouraged with house points being awarded to all children in year 4-6 who participate, therefore the House that wins the Inter-House Cross Country trophy will be the House that exhibits the best team performance, not the House that has only one or two fast runners. Please Note - This year, the Prep, year 1 and 2 children will be running in a NON-Competitive race. They will run in year level groups rather than age groups. Preps will run in class groups. NO medals will be awarded to place getters. All children who participate will receive a certificate. This is in keeping with our junior school sports philosophy of maximum participation in a non-competitive environment. Years 3-6 will be competing in championship races with medals awarded to the first 3 place getters. Programs have been distributed to students and can be found on the school website. MUSIC NEWS Eatons Hill State School has an exceptional Instrumental Music Program. To maintain such high standards, we must ensure all students involved in the Instrumental Music Program pledge their ongoing commitment on acceptance into the program. This requires ongoing motivation and enthusiasm when participating in class and practicing at home. Students and teachers have an understanding of the following expectations. Expectations of students: 1. I will care for and maintain my instrument 2. I will attend all lessons for a minimum of one year 3. I will practice at least 15 mins (beginners) and 30 mins (2nd yr and above) per day, 5 days a week 4. I will bring all my equipment (tutor book, music folder and instrument), and arrive on time, to all lessons and rehearsals 5. I will become a member of the Concert Band or String Ensemble when I have reached the required standard 6. I will attend all Concert Band/String Ensemble rehearsal, performances, concerts & camps Page 4 of 6 We want all of our Instrumental Music Students to achieve their full potential. Thank you for supporting us by reinforcing these expectations with your child. The Senior String Ensemble, Senior Concert Band and Junior Choir will be performing at the Albany Creek Uniting Church Fete on Saturday 9th May. This is a wonderful opportunity for our ensembles to perform for their parents and friends. Details will be sent home to parents and can be found on the school internet. PLEASE NOTE: Choral Teacher Ms Kim Podlich will be absent Week 10 of Term 1 and therefore Senior and Junior Choir practice (Monday 30th and Tues 31st) will be cancelled. Students will be reminded of this the second last week of school. Choir practice will resume in Term 2. Kim Podlich DANCE NEWS This year we have decided to enter our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 Dance Extension teams into the Brisbane Eisteddfod, Arts In Focus, within the Primary School Groups section. The Brisbane Eisteddfod is a very well-known and well organised competitive event that allows our students the opportunity to perform onstage and also to view what is happening in primary schools around them. Where: Edmund Rice Performing Arts Centre, St Laurence’s College, 82 Stephens Road, South Brisbane, 4101. When: Thursday 28th May. The times will be confirmed shortly, but it is anticipated that this activity will occur within school hours. Details will be sent home to parents and can be found on the school internet. As this is our first major performance we would like to offer our students a second rehearsal each week. When and where possible we would like to see all students at this extra rehearsal time. If your child is involved with another before school activity (ie Band/Ensemble/Choir/Sport), they must attend that activity first and then come to the extra dance rehearsals if time permits. Extra rehearsals will run in Term 2 from week 2 to week 6. Please remember that all other Dance Extension lessons remain as normal. Please feel free to contact us with any queries. Newsletter 20 March 2015 Monday 7.45- 8.45 am Tuesday 7.45 -8.45 am Wednesday 7.45 -8.45 am Thursday 7.45- 8.45 am First Break Nicole Galea Page 5 of 6 Year 5 Dance Extension Year 6 Dance Extension join at 8.15 am Year 6 Dance Extension (as normal) Year 4 Dance Extension Year 5 Dance Extension to join at 8.15 am Year 3 Dance Extension Year 4 Dance Extension Robert King Mara Graham An update from our Local High Schools A New University Pathway at Albany Creek SHS One of the exciting challenges that faces our school involves finding new ways to challenge our more capable students to extend themselves beyond normal expectations. For the past few years, high performing students in English have been targeted for an accelerated English course which has seen them complete the Australian Curriculum six months ahead of schedule. The additional time created will provide these students with a new opportunity for Albany Creek students – they will study a first year University of Queensland course as part of their Year 12 Senior English program. Past Eatons Hill State School Captain Tom Gurnett is one of the 100 students involved in the program across Years 8 to 12. Tom has been a part of the English Extension program since its inception in 2012 and is looking forward to the challenge presented by the early university start. “I’m excited about this program and the preparation that it’s giving me for university. Regardless of the university I go to, I know this program is going to make a big difference for me”. Students successfully completing the program will receive a bonus tertiary rank as well as credit for the course they study towards their degree program. Families wishing to learn more about the program should contact Mrs Wendy White, Head of Department English at Albany Creek State High School by phoning 3325 6333. Alternatively, information will be available at the school’s upcoming Open Day to be held on Thursday 28th May commencing at 3.30pm. Craigslea State High School Open Day On Sunday, 3 May Craigslea State High School will present an Open Day for interested parents, carers, prospective students and friends wishing to view our range of resources and programs. This is an opportunity to meet students and staff and to take a tour of the school. This occasion will commence in the school hall at 1.30pm. For further details please see the flyer below. Newsletter 20 March 2015 Page 6 of 6
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