NEWSLETTER 8 May 2015 Date claimers 9 May Uniting Church Fete, Choir & Band performances 19 May ICAS Testing – Digital Technologies (Computer Skills) 8am 12 May Yr 1 RAW Art 20 May QYMA Junior Choir competition 12-14 May NAPLAN Yrs 3 & 5 22 May 2nd Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport 13 May RAW Art (2R, 2G, 2N, 2NM) 28 May Dance Eisteddfod Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Dance Extension Groups 14 May RAW Art (2WH, 2MJ, 2M) 3 June ICAS Science Test, 8am 15 May NAPLAN Catchup Day 1-4 June Yr 6 Canberra Tour 15 May Dance Extension Program Parent Viewing Afternoon 5 June 3rd Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport 18-20 May Yr 4 Excursion to Bunyaville 18/5 4GM & 3/4T 19/5 4KM & 4FH 20/5 4F & 4W 8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday A message from our Principal….. School Captains recent visit to Parliament House Our School Council We will be running information sessions for parents who are interested in becoming a part of our School Council. The dates for these sessions will be advertised in our newsletter this week. Our School Council will be in place in Term 3. The contact person for these sessions is Sarah Ramsden. ( Updates to our Website Our website continues to be updated every week with lots of information about our school. As well as our fortnightly newsletter being posted, we regularly update our twitter feed to ensure that information is disseminated as soon as possible. There are also a number of Quicklinks that I encourage parents to use to stay informed about our school. (One Quicklink that you might be interested in is our 2015 School Improvement Plan.) Prep Enrolments 2016 We are now taking expression of interest for enrolment for 2016. Please contact our office to register your child. A word about our Learning Priority As I have communicated for the last 18 months and will continue to communicate, our priority at Eatons Hill State School is to improve reading standards in our school. I am pleased to report that we are seeing great gains in this area and it is having an impact across all our subject areas. Phone: 3264 9222 Email: GIVING OUR BEST IS THE EATONS HILL WAY! COME, LEARN AND UNDERSTAND. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER & QSCHOOLS APP PHIL SAVILL PRINCIPAL Absence Line: 3264 9260 OSH: 3264 8500 School Website – Newsletter 8 May 2015 From the Deputies Mrs Sarah Ramsden (Prep & 1) Mrs Wendy McKay (Yrs 2&3) Mr Brad Geisel (Yrs 4-6) Safety Reminders A reminder that the road that runs behind A, C and F blocks is out of bounds for all students and parents (except those parents delivering to or picking up from OSH). Students waiting for parents at the front of the school must wait either behind the wire fence to the right of the Administration building or behind the brick walled area directly in front of the Administration building. There are no exceptions. Attendance Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Your child will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day. • they learn better • they make friends • they are happier • they have a brighter future. Under Queensland law, you must make sure your child of school age is enrolled and attends school all day, every school day unless they have an acceptable reason. Illness and competing in a school sporting event are acceptable reasons for being absent from school. You must let the school know the reason why your child has been absent from school within two school days of their return. If possible, advise the school beforehand. Spotlight on Reading Our Prep students have been showing us the Eatons Hill Way by giving their best in Reading. These students have been working hard on achieving personal reading goals their Teachers have set for them with sight word recognition. Congratulations to our Prep students and thank you to our Prep teachers and parents for encouraging our students and reinforcing the importance of Reading. School Council Formation Information Sessions As an Independent Public School, we will be moving toward school autonomy through the formation of our School Council. We will be hosting two information sessions for parents and members of our community to outline the roles and responsibilities of the council and how this council will be formed and operate. These sessions will be held on Tuesday 26 May at 9am and on Wednesday 27 May at 6:30pm. Both Page 2 of 8 sessions will be held in our Hall. At the end of this term we will undertake a process to elect members to this strategic group. Our School Council will be operational by the beginning of Term 3. If you would like more information regarding the role of the School Council please contact Sarah Ramsden 2016 Prep Information Sessions We will host two information sessions for parents of children eligible to begin Prep in 2016. These sessions will be held in our Community Hall on: Friday 12th June 2015 10am – 11am Saturday 13th June 2015 10am – 11am Any enquiries regarding Prep enrolment for 2016 should be directed to Sarah Ramsden (Deputy Principal, Prep and Year 1, ) or through the school office (Ph. 32649222). Classroom Focus: Year 4 It has been wonderful to visit Year 4 classrooms this week. A real highlight was seeing students engaged in classroom curriculum programs and being able to explain: “What they were learning?” and “How they would be assessed on their learning?” Students were very willing to share work they’d completed in their English and Maths books. The standard of student bookwork was very high with setting out of operations in Maths Books being a real standout. Keep up the great work Eatons Hill Students! Parent Teacher Interviews Parent teacher interviews were held this week. Thank you to all parents who attended and our teachers for meeting outside of rostered curriculum time. These interviews were well attended by parents/carers and provided great insight into each child’s learning in the core areas of English, Maths and Science. If you have further questions about your child’s learning your first point of call should be the classroom teacher. Semester 1 Report Cards Please be aware that Semester 1 Report Cards will be issued on Friday 26 June (last day of Term 2). Report cards provide information to parents/carers about student learning in all curriculum areas. Information is also provided on student attitude, effort and behaviour throughout the semester. Inter-School Sport Gala Days Our first Inter-School Sport Gala Day was held on Friday 8th May. What a brilliant day of sunshine and warm weather. Well done to our students who demonstrated great skills, great attitude and effort and great sportsmanship. Well-done Eatons Hill students! Newsletter 8 May 2015 Page 3 of 8 Australian Curriculum Update Health and Physical Education (Prep – 10) is the most recent subject to be rolled out by the Australian National Curriculum. The curriculum is organised into two content strands — Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. The first strand can be taught in classrooms, with units such as healthy choices, food and drink packaging, safety, positive relationships and media influences on health. The latter can be taught during Physical Education lessons, which aim to develop a wide range of gross motor skills such as running, catching, throwing, balancing, swimming, etc. More details about the HPE curriculum can be accessed at: Students playing volleyball at our Gala Inter-School Sport Day Dance Extension Program We visited students who are enrolled in our Dance Extension Program this week. Students in this program have been selected through a rigorous audition process and have a high level of enthusiasm and aptitude in dance. The level of skill and real love of dancing was clearly evident on the faces of all students! Our Dance Extension Students are performing next Monday 11 & Wednesday 13 May at lunch break (11am) in our hall. Our school choirs will also be performing at this time. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend these special performances. Year 6 Dance Extension Students completing a dance routine. Girls Soccer at Southpine Sporting Complex Boys Rugby action at Southpine Sporting Complex Golf Extension Program As a first for Eatons Hill School we have established a partnership with Wantima Golf Club. Commencing in Term 3 we will offer a Golf Extension Program for students from Years 4 – 6. Students will be selected to participate in this program in accordance with specific selection criteria. More information relating to our Golf Extension Program will be shared with parents in the coming weeks. Visit our School Captains blog site: Newsletter 8 May 2015 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been an everyday part of the school calendar since 2008. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. The assessments are undertaken nationwide and are being held this year from Tuesday 12 May to Thursday 14 May. NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum. Parent Tips for preparing your child for NAPLAN While it’s important that students perform at their best, it’s also important that students are not unduly stressed. Here are some general tips for your child’s preparation: Students must be on time to school. Students must be at school before 8.45 am and have been to the bathroom before the bell. Get at least eight hours sleep prior to each day of testing. It is extremely important for your child to have a balanced breakfast on each testing day. It is also important that your child have access to healthy food for lunch each day of testing (packed lunch or tuckshop). Reassure your child in order to ease any anxiety towards the tests. It’s all about trying your best. Results from the tests will be used for reports to parents, school reporting to their communities, and reporting by states and territories to form a national overview. The tests will also help teachers identify key areas for learning during the rest of the school year. Engaging Boys in Reading “A good book for a boy is one he wants to read.” (Maloney, 2002) The Boys’ Reading Commission Report (2012) has found that boys’ underachievement in reading is associated with an interplay of a number of factors. Two major factors impacting on the uptake of reading by boys are male gender identities, which do not value reading as a mark of success, and the more limited role modelling of reading by males within the home. Page 4 of 8 In working to negate these factors, we can look to appeal to boys with a mix of rich and varied reading material. Material that boys like to read includes: books that reflect their image of themselves – what they aspire to be and do; books that are humorous and appeal to their sense of mischief; fiction that focuses on action; books in series, such as the Captain Underpants or Harry Potter; magazines, comic books, newspapers and instructional manuals. The links below provide over 200 reading texts specifically targeted to engage boys. Uniform Shop Due to popular demand, we will be stocking a new range of hair accessories. These will include clips, hair ties and hair bands. Prices will range from $4.00 up to $10.00. These should be arriving in the next couple of weeks. We will have a display board available at the uniform shop showing you all of the available options and prices. Prices on the Zip Fleecy Jumpers have gone up $1 to $28 and Sports House TShirts have also gone up $1 to $14. New price lists are available on the website or at the Uniform Shop. Parent Workshop - Flipping the Classroom 25th May @ 2:00-2:45pm or 26th May 8:00-8:30am Presenter: Jan Johnson Location: Base Club (beside the library) What on earth is a flipped classroom? School certainly isn't like it was in my day! Find out how a flipped classroom can benefit your child. What are the benefits? Bring your questions and coffee to one of our workshops. Website: Please email Jan if you are interested in attending Newsletter 8 May 2015 Defence News Firstly a huge thank you to all of the Defence Mums who helped make our 5,000 poppy project a success. Many thanks also to the Dads who turned up in uniform at our ceremony. It helped to make our ceremony one that we can be proud of, and ensure our school community continues the proud tradition we have established. Our Heroes, Our Families, Our Stories Defence children have been asked to participate in the Hero Flag project organised by the Defence Community Organisation (DCO) Any Defence child who wishes to take part, can do so at lunchtime on Wednesday and Thursday. We already have 20 made and another 30 to do if the children wish to participate. The flags are being decorated and will all be joined together to create a symbolic Hero Flag. The unveiling will be held during National Families Week (15 – 21 May). The flags will be displayed at Mitchelton and North Lakes Libraries between the 11th and 14th of May. Defence Club for children is Wednesday, both lunch times and Thursday at first break. Coffee afternoons are Tuesday from 1.30pm. We are looking for a suitable community project to work on. If you have a suggestion, please come along and let me know. A number of our parents have deployed this term, and many others are absent for other reasons. It is important to continue to let me know so that I can stay in touch with the children and support them where needed. A collection for the painting donated on behalf of the Defence families has been set up. Please leave any donation in an envelope marked with Defence Painting donation, at the office. Gayle Kratzmann Defence School Transition Aide School Banking Hello and welcome to school banking for term two. Term one saw the return of many bankers from 2014 and an amazing 109 new bankers. It is truly rewarding for us on the school banking team to watch so many students develop strong savings Page 5 of 8 habits. We encourage you to continue throughout the rest of the school year. To help you keep motivated the CBA has released two new rewards. Intergalactic Rocket Invisible Ink Martian Pens Previous rewards may still be claimed subject to availability. School Banking Parent Packs (these have the redemption vouchers for rewards) were handed out in term one, if you have not received one of these please let us know and we will forward a pack to your child’s classroom. If you have any questions with regards to School Banking please do not hesitate to contact or call or text Kim on 0421 572 403. RIDES GAMES RACING PIGS MARKET STALLS DOG SHOW ANIMAL NURSERY CHOCOLATE GAME GROCERY WHEEL DANCE & CHOIR PERFORMANCES SCIENCE SHOW FACE PAINTING BALLOON TWISTING SAND ART BEADING HEAPS OF FOOD Contact us for Sponsorship opportunities – Sponsor a Piglet Race! Please contact if you would like a stall in the Market Hall – over 40 stalls booked already! Newsletter 8 May 2015 Community News Vacancy - School Crossing Supervisor Applications are currently being called for the position of a School Crossing Supervisor at Albany Creek State High School. It’s a good opportunity for a parent to earn a bit of pocket money while waiting for pick up after school. One position is available. This is a 5 day per school week (two weeks off, two weeks on roster), in all weather conditions, 30 minutes per day (2.55 pm to 3.25 pm); afternoons only paid Casual position. The current rate of pay is $27.49 per hour. Page 6 of 8 Albany Creek State High School Instrumental Music Committee “Let’s Rock!” Fundraising TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday 25 July 2015 7.00pm – 11.00pm MPC Building at ACSHS $10.00 per person, Tables of 8 (18yo and over) Tickets must be ordered together Tickets on sale until Monday 20 July 2015 Come dressed up & decorate your table as your favourite band/musician Doors open at 6.30pm to decorate your team’s table BYO snacks and drinks Prizes for Best Dressed/Table, Lucky Door, as well as Raffle, Silent Auction and Game Prizes All funds raised support the 2016 Music Tour How to pay for Pre-paid Trivia Night Tickets If you are interested in finding out more about this position, please contact Simon Knowles, Treasurer at email who will be able to organise an application pack to be sent to you. Place in a sealed envelope, a completed Trivia Night Ticket Form below and the correct amount of money or cheque (payable to Albany Creek State High School P&C Assn General Account) and addressed to: Albany Creek State High School P&C Assn Cnr Old Northern Rd & Albany Forest Dr Albany Creek Qld 4035 Attention: The Treasurer – Music Supporters Or go to the Administration Office for the Office Staff to place envelope into the locked P&C Assn red box Applications close on Thursday 14th May, 2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Let’s Rock!” Fundraising Trivia Night – Ticket Order Form There are some pre-employment conditions outlined in the application pack which is available upon request. Full training will be provided to the successful candidate. Name: __________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Proud supporter of Eatons Hill State School and our Inter-School Sports Program Address: ____________________________________________ Student Name: ________________________________ Roll Class: ______________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______________________ Date: ___________________________ Custom sportswear Unique custom design Manufactured in Queensland Name of Parent/Guardian (printed): __________________________________________________ My cash/cheque payment of $____________ is enclosed for ____________ tickets I do not have a student at ACSHS so I have enclosed a stamped sealed return addressed envelope for my tickets Newsletter 8 May 2015 Page 7 of 8 A CAREER WORKSHOP FOR EATONS HILL MUMS REGISTRATION FORM As an initiative to support our families Eatons Hills SS is partnering with local career coach, Donna Thistlethwaite, to offer a workshop which has proven successful in supporting mums considering returning to work. Are you a mum thinking about going back to work but who feels that she has little to offer anymore? Do you need support identifying your skills, knowing how to get a job or working out what direction to take? Does it feel like you’re the only one in this situation? CareerSmart Mums invites you to join a community of Mums, some of whom have commenced work or study, set up their own businesses or simply achieved some clarity on their future direction. Enjoy the benefits of a supportive group environment where you can build confidence, explore careers, discuss ways to overcome some of the barriers working mums face, develop job search skills, be inspired and have fun. What to expect … The workshop runs for two hours weekly over five weeks. During the program you will undertake a range of activities to enhance self-awareness and confidence and build your knowledge of the employment market. You will be introduced to a bunch of resources to assist your career planning and you will develop some practical job search skills to maximise your ability to successfully engage with work. You will identify your transferable skills and achievements which will look great on your new resume. By the end of the program your confidence and ability to plan a career will have increased significantly and you will have ongoing access to career support through the CareerSmart Mums community including the private Facebook group hangout. You can learn more by visiting the CareerSmart Mums Facebook page and by viewing a past participant video testimonial or Eatons Hill State School 9-11am Thursdays 28 May to 25 June 2015 Hall Conference Room, EHSS If you want to gain the confidence and skills to re-enter the workforce or to plan a career, CareerSmart Mums is for you. Come on a journey with a small group of likeminded Mums over five weeks. Sessions are two hours long from 9.00am on Thursdays from 28 May 2015 and will be held in the Hall Conference Room. There is small amount of ‘homework’ to do between sessions so that you can maximise what you achieve. Seven participants are needed to go ahead (this ensures an ideal mix of experiences, ideas and personalities) so rally up some other mums who you know would also benefit. Cost: $150 for all 5 sessions Deadline: 25 May 2015 Enquiries: Donna Thistlethwaite on 0419 120 601 Name: __________________________________ Address: ____________________________ ____________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Dates: Thursday 28 May, 4 , 11 , 18 & 25 June from 9-11am Venue: Conference Room Eatons Hill State School Community Hall Cost: $150 Enquiries: Donna Thistlethwaite 0419 120 601 Please provide a snapshot of your career history? Registration Form follows. ___________________________________________ Check out what past-participants have said: ___________________________________________ Donna delivered the program in a professional, friendly, approachable manner. With 100% support throughout the course and beyond. Payment Options: th th th th th Fantastic program. Would highly recommend attendance. I thought the program was wonderful and very informative. I am looking more positively at searching for a job for when I actually decide what it is I want to do and feeling more confident in my ability to do so. Thanks Donna :) It's a great program and I will be recommending it to other mums. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Direct Debit: Account Name: Career Vitality BSB: 064-110 Account No.:1031 6777 Please use your name as reference Credit card (please phone Donna on 0419 120 601) Please scan and email form to: by 25 May 2015. Places are limited. (If minimum numbers are not reached registration fee will be fully refunded.) A proportion of the workshop registration fee will be disbursed to Eatons Hill State School. Newsletter 8 May 2015 Page 8 of 8
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