Today`s Bulletin - Ebenezer Lutheran Church

Abide in Christ and Bear Fruit
That Will Last
6th Sunday of Easter
May 9 & 10, 2015
Ebenezer Lutheran Church – Port Hudson
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
9100 Highway YY Leslie, Missouri
Parsonage 573-459-6432
Church 573-459-6431
Rev. William F. Zastrow, Pastor
Mary Sprick, Secretary
AS WE GATHER: The meaning of Easter continues to
unfold for the life of the Christian. The words of Jesus take on
new significance. We are called to abide in Christ through His
Word and Sacraments. Abiding in Christ through the Means
of Grace will enable us to bear the fruit of His new life in us
now and even to eternal life. The fruits that endure are the
good works that flow from a living faith and, by the power of
the Holy Spirit, testify to Christ living in us.
PRAYER BEFORE WORSHIP: Blessed Lord, You sent
forth Your own Son as love come down from heaven to enter
our death and to bestow upon us new and everlasting life.
Give us such love so that we may believe rightly and live
faithfully in Christ, bearing the good fruit that lasts by loving
our neighbor as Christ has loved us; through Jesus Christ, our
Lord. Amen.
HYMN “O Love, How Deep” LW 275
O Lord, open Thou my lips.
And my mouth shall show forth Thy praise
Make haste O God, to deliver me.
Make haste to help me, O God.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the
Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever shall be forever. Amen. Hallelujah!
O come, let us worship the Lord;
For he is our Maker
THE VINITE (Psalm 95) (sung to POTSDAM LW 89)
Come, sound his praise abroad,
and hymns of glory sing:
Jehovah is the sovereign God,
the universal King.
He formed the deeps unknown,
he gave the seas their bound;
the wat'ry worlds are all his own,
and all the solid ground.
Come, worship at his throne;
come, bow before the Lord:
we are his works, and not our own;
he formed us by his word.
Today attend his voice,
nor dare provoke his rod;
come, like the people of his choice,
and own your gracious God.
HYMN PSALM 98 “Earth and All Stars” LW 438
LECTION 1 John 5:1–8 (Everyone who is born of God
overcomes the world.)
John 15:9–17(Abide in Christ and bear the
good fruit that endures.)
But You, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
Thanks be to You, O Lord.
Te Deum
God, we praise you, Lord, we bless you.
We acknowledge you as Lord.
You, the Father everlasting,
Be eternally adored.
Angels sing, all heav'n rejoices,
Cherubim and Seraphim,
Join the choir of heavenly voices
In the never ending hymn.
Holy, Holy, You are Holy,
God of Glory, Lord of Might.
Earth and heaven extol your glory,
Majesty of Highest Height.
Martyrs, Prophets, Saints, Apostles,
All the church does worship You.
Father, Christ the King of Glory,
Spirit, who makes all things new.
Christ, you came and lived among us,
Humbly of a virgin born.
Grave and Death You have defeated.
Heav'n was opened Easter Morn.
On the throne of God you are seated,
You will come and be our Judge.
Count us as your saints before you,
Redeemed by your precious blood.
Let your mercy fall upon us,
In you, Lord our trust we place.
Rule our hearts and minds forever,
Lift us while we run the race.
Guard us, guide us, and protect us.
Keep us free from sin, we pray.
Day by day we magnify you,
You we worship and obey. Amen.
All: Lord have mercy upon us,
Christ have mercy upon us,
Lord have mercy upon us.
Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy
name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us; And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil; For Thine is
the kingdom and the power and the glory; Forever
and ever. Amen.
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit
ALL: I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus
Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously
kept me this day; and I pray that You would
forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong,
and graciously keep me this night. For into Your
hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all
things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil
foe may have no power over me. Amen.
I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus
Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this
night from all harm and danger; and I pray that
You would keep me this day also from sin and
every evil, that all my doings and life may please
You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my
body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel
be with me, that the evil foe may have no power
over me. Amen.
Bless we the Lord
Thanks be to God
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of
God and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be
with you all.
HYMN “Love in Christ Is Strong and Living” LW 376
IN OUR PRAYERS: We pray for all our Mothers on this
Mother’s Day and ask our Lord to keep them safe and wise as
they raise their children! We thank the Thrivent group for
their gifts today to all our Mothers.
We pray for comfort for the family of Wilbert Helling who
passed away in Sun City, Arizona. Funeral service was held
here at Ebenezer this past Friday morning with burial in our
cemetery. We especially remember in our prayers his wife,
Sharon, his children, Dan, Barb and Debbie and their
We pray for those in our congregation and community who
are sick and not feeling well, those who are facing surgery or
convalescing, including Lawrence Pelster, whose cancer has
returned; Jim and Babs Kormeier, Doris Biermann, Bob
Bunge, Robert Bunge who will be having more foot surgery,
Donna Kirschenmann, Patti Mathews, sister-law of Nancy
Quinn, and Dorris Bade, who is still having trouble with her
We also want to remember in our prayers, the many shut-ins
and friends of our congregation and community, especially,
Adeline Keune, Art Hohlt, Helen Bode, Wilma Helling,
Edna Deppermann and Hugo Nething and all those we
hold dear in our hearts.
We pray for our ministry here at Ebenezer and the people
of this congregation, that we say and do those things that
give glory to God and spread the love of Christ in all the
world. We pray also for all the Pastors and Teachers of our
Circuit, District and Missouri Synod, that our Lord Jesus
would sustain His Church here and around the world with His
Word and Sacraments.
We also ask the Lord to keep our Missionaries here in our
country and around the world safe. We especially want to
pray for Robin McCoy and her students that they will
remain safe in Thailand. We also want to remember former
Missionary John Stasen now that he is retired and returned to
the United States.
Please, Lord, guide and direct the hearts and minds of all
leaders in Government that peace may prevail, evil be
punished and good rewarded. Grant wisdom to our
elected officials, our President, Vice President, Governors
of all states, and community leaders, those who respond to
emergencies of health, fire, flood and who meet the
physical and emotional needs of those who rely on them.
To our members and guests who are here with us today. We
are very glad you are here for worship services on this Sixth
Sunday of Easter. May the Lord refresh you with peace and
love during our worship services. Please join us here at
Ebenezer again soon! Please sign the guest register near
the front entrance with your name, address and Church
affiliation. Thank you!
Washington Circuit Ascension Service and Dinner here
next Thursday, May 14th. We will have a 10:00 AM
Worship Service with Holy Communion here at Church.
Then at 5:30 we will have a dinner here at Church provided
by Ebenezer and Thrivent Financial. At 7:00 PM we will
have a worship service at the Lake Pavilion. Bring a lawn
chair if you like, otherwise we have folding chairs. There is
plenty of parking at the lake. The offering from the dinner
and the Worship service will go to the Washington Student
Aid Fund.
All youth and children of our congregation are invited to sing
“A Hymn of Glory, Let Us Sing” stanzas 1, 2, & 7.
We hope you are able to join us!
THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY will resume May 21. This will
be the last class in this series. The Bible Study Regrets,
Realty, Restoration has been well received with 16 people
attending. Feel free to attend May 21 even though you have
not attended the previous ones to reflect on the Scriptural
teaching of God’s forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
Auction Sale: The congregation has been asked to serve the
lunch at Leola Deppermann’s auction on June 6. Donations
of pies or desserts would be appreciated. They may be taken
to the sale at 300 Circle Drive in New Haven or brought to
church by 8:30 am Saturday June 6th. Please sign the sheet at
the back of church if you can work at the sale and help with
the preparation and serving. All proceeds will be divided
between Robin McCoy and Lutheran World Relief for the
Nepal disaster. Your help is needed and appreciated.
Ebenezer Mission Society Meeting – Ebenezer Mission
Society will have their quarterly meeting on Monday, May
18th. At 6:30 PM we will be making Rice Comfort Bags for
Mercy Hospital and the meeting will follow at 7:30 PM. All
ladies are welcome and if you need more information or a
ride to the meeting, please call Kathy Scheer at 237-2631.
Picnic Information – The picnic is fast approaching so all
help will be appreciated! There are sign-up sheets in the back
of Church. Please consider helping at this project of our
congregation!! There is more information about the picnic in
last Sunday’s bulletin and the May Newsletter. There are still
letters to be used to ask businesses you frequent if they would
like to make a donation, on the table at the back of Church. If
you have any craft items you personally would like to donate,
that would be greatly appreciated!! Please have all items at
Church no later than June 7th, or if you can’t bring it that
early, please call Karen Sprick at (636-239-5098) with what
the item is, it’s cost and the donor. Thank you for your
cooperation and help.
Karen Sprick
Please also pick up some posters to place in stores, etc. that
you frequent!
By the way – we will have peeled potatoes for picnic on
June 14th. Not boxed potatoes!
Those Serving Today
Organist Saturday
Jenny Huellinghoff
Organist Sunday
Jenny Huellinghoff
Head Usher Saturday
Tracey Bade
Head Usher Sunday
Lee Kassebaum
Altar Guild
Judy Hubenthal &Wanda
7th Grade Confirmation Class
Bell Ringer
Jeff Hohlt
Offerings and Attendance
Weekly Contributions
Sunday School
Aluminum Recycle
Easter Offering
Good Friday Offering
Marie Adams Memorials
Cemetery Maintenance Fee
Attendance: Saturday Worship 25
Sunday Worship 78
Sunday School: Children 8
This Week At Ebenezer
Sunday (today)
Lake Pavilion reserved
Ascension Day Worship with
Holy Communion 10:00 AM
Dinner 5:30 PM
Lake - Ascension Day Service 7:00 PM
Cub Scouts Camp
Worship with Holy Communion 5:00
Movie Night here 6:30 PM
Family Movie Night
Sat., May 16
(following evening Service)
Join Us For A Movie Themed
Night of Food, Fun, Games and
A Movie, Too!
What shall we eat?
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
“Gilbert Grape”
What shall we see?
“Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”