ENGAGE . EDUCATE . EMPOWER ANNUAL REPORT 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO ABOUT SEDA SEDA Group (SEDA) exists to engage, educate and empower young people as they transition from school to employment or further study. The program was established in 2006 to meet the needs of young people whose education preference is for an applied and context relevant learning experience. I am pleased to report that 2014 has been a successful year for students who completed their education with SEDA. During the year, SEDA delivered programs to more than 2000 students across three states, linked to over 30 industry partners in sport, arts and community settings. As in previous years, we have continued to see strong Year 12 and Vocational Education and Training (VET) completions, as well as positive pathway outcomes for our students. For our 2014 diploma graduates, 61% are continuing onto further education, while 28% have gained employment or have commenced an apprenticeship. We are also particularly proud of the 706 Year 12 students who completed their Senior Secondary Certificate this year: 630 in Victoria, 17 in NT and 59 in WA. We expect these positive outcomes for our students to continue to grow as we establish new partnerships and consolidate existing arrangements with industry partners and higher education providers. SEDA values our partners for the opportunities they provide our students, providing engaging learning experiences and guaranteed access to higher education courses. The last twelve months has been a period of consolidation and improvement for SEDA. We have taken steps identified in our strategic plan to realise our vision of becoming a national organisation that is highly regarded for delivering quality education and training for all of our students. Our actions during this time have been focused on improving the educational experience for students, recognising that as more students seek to enrol at SEDA, we must continue to strive to meet the individual needs of each young person and ensure that their experience is both engaging and relevant. This is an ongoing process for SEDA, which we will utilise feedback from students, parents/carers and other stakeholders to continue to improve the student experience. SEDA engages students in their education by connecting their passion to a handson learning environment. Students have the opportunity to complete their Year 11 and 12 and gain nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications through Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). SEDA works with the strengths of each young person to develop their self-confidence and self-worth through positive learning experiences. SEDA provides all students with the opportunity to develop key life skills, including organisation, independence and teamwork, which will see them prepared for the real world. The result is mature, resilient and capable young men and women who, on successfully completing their secondary education, are empowered with a range of pathway choices, be it further study or employment. Over 2000 students are currently completing their education with SEDA in Victoria, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. There have been several highlights at SEDA during 2014: INDUSTRY •With funding support from the National Education and Employment Foundation, students were involved in powerful community-based learning initiatives, with projects undertaken in India, Fiji, Alice Springs as well as many more closer to home. A highlight of these community initiatives was an event organised and run by students in the lead up to the Special Olympics in Melbourne, which saw children from primary schools and all-ability schools come together for a day and share their love of sport. It was fantastic that this day was supported by many of our Industry partners. Education linked to real life industry experiences LIFE EDUCATION •The Simonds Building and Trade program, a joint initiative between SEDA, Builders Academy Australia and Simonds Group, was launched with the aim of engaging students in their education through their passion for trade industries. The program is specifically designed to support young people to complete Year 12 as well as prepare them for apprenticeships in the building and construction industry. Development of key life skills through practical experiences •The pilot program for the Senior Boys at Tiwi College saw 14 young men engaged in the SEDA program. In 2015,they will continue to work on completing VET Qualifications in the sport and recreation industry. SELF-DEVELOPMENT •The consistent growth of the Sports Development Programs in both Western Australia and the Northern Territory continued, with terrific support from our partner schools and industry partners. The SEDA program in Western Australia has been a significant factor in an increasing trend, which sees students moving from private schools to public education in WA. Students develop self-confidence and self-worth through positive learning experiences I would like to acknowledge and thank our industry partners for their ongoing involvement and support; together we are helping to prepare the next generation for life beyond the classroom. The connection to, and influence of our industry partners keeps the SEDA program engaging and relevant, setting our students on a journey through secondary school completion that presents a broad range of pathway options ahead. I would also like to thank the entire SEDA team, who are committed to providing a positive and engaging learning environment for our students and collaborative partnerships with all of our stakeholders. When I see the SEDA team in action, I have confidence that we have very skilled administrators and educators, who are flexible and prepared to take on every challenge, which allows us to improve the experience for all. We continue to operate in a dynamic environment, with the possibility of changes to government policy, funding and support always present. The challenge therefore remains for SEDA to work in partnership with, but not be too reliant upon government. Our strategic plan brings into focus how we can do this and, in turn, ensures our ongoing ability to empower young people with options for their future. Dominic Cato SEDA CEO HANDS-ON LEARNING Education delivered in an applied learning environment PATHWAYS Opportunities for further study and employment MISSION: SEDA exists to engage, educate and empower young people. CONNECTION Connections with people, education and industry 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 3 EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY SEDA’s educational philosophy is underpinned by the belief that every young person has the capacity to engage with learning, to achieve their life ambitions and make a significant and positive contribution to their community. SEDA sees education as an essential component of an equitable world. SEDA has built education programs to improve inclusion, to address disadvantage and to cater for students with a preference for a hands-on learning environment. STUDENT ENGAGEMENT STUDENT ATTENDANCE In 2014 student attendance has remained high. These results continue to be a reflection of the high levels of student engagement at SEDA. NATIONAL STUDENT ATTENDANCE 2014 The programs are built on applied, skill-based curriculum models and are delivered in industry, in the community and in the real world – not in classrooms. SEDA uses the real world, real projects and real experiences as the classroom. Different students have different learning styles and not all students excel in the same educational environment. SEDA’s approach to education is captured in one simple but powerful statement: To Engage, Educate and Empower young people. 99.3% STATE BASED STUDENT ATTENDANCE 2014 99.3% 98.4% 99.8% 99.5% 4 | sedagroup.com.au 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 5 PROGRAM OUTLINES In 2014 the program continued to engage students in their education through the delivery of Senior Secondary and VET qualifications that meet their interests and career aspirations. In 2014 SEDA built on their relationships with industry and community partners to provide students with the opportunity to develop organisation, communication and leadership skills. Students have the opportunity to complete curriculum combining VET and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) qualifications. PROGRAM 2 (YEAR 12) • VCALSEN001 Senior VCAL • SIS40113 Certificate IV in Community Recreation Students have the opportunity to complete curriculum combining VET and VCAL qualifications PROGRAM 1 (YEAR 10) • VCALINT001 Intermediate VCAL • CUA30213 Certificate III in Community Dance, Theatre and Events PROGRAM 2 (YEAR 11) • VCALSEN001 Senior VCAL • CUA40213 Certificate IV in Community Culture FURTHER STUDY PROGRAM 3 (YEAR 12) • CUF50107 Diploma of Screen and Media EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM OUTLINE 2014 – SPORTS (VIC) PROGRAM 1 (YEAR 11) • SIS20113 Certificate III in Community Activities Program • VCALINT001 Intermediate VCAL PROGRAM OUTLINE 2014 – ARTS (VIC) FURTHER STUDY PROGRAM 3 (YEAR 12) • SIS50612 Diploma in Sport Development EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM OUTLINE 2014 - SPORTS (NT) Students have the opportunity to complete VET qualifications and the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). PROGRAM 1 (YEAR 10) • NTCET Units • SIS20313 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation PROGRAM 2 (YEAR 11) • NTCET Units • SIS30513 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation FURTHER STUDY PROGRAM 3 (YEAR 12) • NTCET Completion • CHC40708 Certificate IV in Community Services Work EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM OUTLINE 2014 - SPORTS (WA) Students have the opportunity to complete VET qualifications and the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). PROGRAM 1 (YEAR 11) • WACE Units • SIS20313 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation FURTHER STUDY PROGRAM 2 (YEAR 12) • WACE Completion • SIS30513 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation EMPLOYMENT 6 | sedagroup.com.au 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 7 STUDENT COMPLETION Class sizes have remained small at an average of 23 students per class, enabling staff to foster positive relationships with their students. SEDA students continue to achieve exceptional completion rates for both their Senior Secondary Certificates and their VET certificates. These results are particularly positive when compared with the state averages. VICTORIA SPORT 2014 NT WA WA WA VIC VIC VICTORIA ARTS 2014 VCALINT001 – Victorian Certificate VCALINT001 of – Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (intermediate) Applied – 85.2% Learning (intermediate) – 85.2% NT WA VCALINT001 – Victorian Certificate VCALINT001 of – Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (intermediate) Applied – 76.5% Learning (intermediate) – 76.5% VCALSEN001 – Victorian Certificate VCALSEN001 of – Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Senior) – 91.5% Applied Learning (Senior) – 91.5% VIC 2013 VIC NT NT 2013 CHC30213 – Certificate III in CHC30213 Education – Certificate III in Education Support – 87.6% Support – 87.6% VCALSEN001 – Victorian Certificate VCALSEN001 of – Victorian Certificate o Applied Learning (Senior) – 57.9% Applied Learning (Senior) – 57.9% 22238VIC – Certificate III 22238VIC – Certificate III in General Education – 78.3% in General Education – 78.3% CUA30213 – Certificate III in Community CUA30213 – Dance, Certificate III in C Theatre and Events – 66.6% Theatre and Events – 66.6% SIS40113 – Certificate IV in Community SIS40113 – Certificate IV in Community Development – 87.2% Development – 87.2% 22 23 23 24 S SIZE CLASS SIZE 24 25 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 CUA40213 – Certificate IV in Community CUA40213 –Culture Certificate – 47% IV in Community Culture – 4 2014 2014 2 CLASS SIZE SIS40113 – Certificate IV in SIS40113 – Certificate IV in Community Development – 77.4% Community Development – 77.4% CUF50107 – Diploma of Screen CUF50107 and Media – Diploma – 100% of Screen and Media – 100% SIS50612 – Diploma of SportSIS50612 Development – Diploma of Sport Development – 84% – 84% CUE50303 – Diploma of Live Production, CUE50303 –Theatre Diploma of Live Production, Theatre and Events (Technical Production) and Events – 81.8% (Technical Production) – 81.8% 21 40% 2150% 60%40% 70%50% 80%60% 90%70% 100%80% 90% 100% 50% 60%40% 70%50% 80%60% 90%70% 100%80% 90% AVERAGE CLASS SIZE AVERAGE CLASS SIZE WESTERN AUSTRALIA 2014 WACE Completion – 94% NORTHERN TERRITORY 2014 WACE Completion – 94% NTCET Completion – 100% NTCET Completion – 100% SIS30510 – Certificate III in Sport SIS30510 and Recreation – Certificate III in Sport and Recreation – 91.5% – 91.5% SIS40113 – Certificate IV in Community SIS40113 –Recreation Certificate IV – 100% in Community Recreation – 100% SIS20513 – Certificate II in Sport SIS20513 Coaching – Certificate – 91% II in Sport Coaching – 91% SIS30510 – Certificate III in Sport SIS30510 and Recreation – Certificate III in Sport and Recreation – 88% – 88% SIS20313 – Certificate II in Sport SIS20313 and Recreation – Certificate II in Sport and Recreation – 89% – 89% SIS20313 – Certificate II in Sport SIS20313 and Recreation – Certificate II in Sport and Recreation – 84% – 84% 40% 8 | sedagroup.com.au 40% 50% 60%40% 70%50% 80%60% 90%70% 100%80% 90% 100% 40% 50% 60%40% 70%50% 80%60% 90%70% 100%80% 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 9 90% % STUDENT TRANSITION 25% 7% Employed Part Time Students who completed their SEDA program in 2014 have created positive pathways into further education, training and employment in a variety of industries. Unemployed/Seeking University TAFE/RTO 34% Apprenticeship 19% 1.85% 4.6% 3% Apprenticeships 1.85% 9.61% 4.6% 3.87% 63.7% 7% Employed - Full Time Apprenticeships Employed Destination Unknown 3% - Part Time Employed - Full Time Government School 7% Employed - Part Time 1% 4.6% 63.7% 25% SEDA (Program 3) 1.15% 0.3% 6.03% 2% Destination Unknown 1.15% 0.3% 6.03% Destination Unkown WESTERN AUSTRALIA PROGRAM 2 2014-2015 SEDA (Program 3) 9.61% Non-Governement School Government School Non-Governement School TAFE/RTO 1% 3.87% TAFE/RTO Unemployed - Not Seeking 0.86% 34% Unemployed - Not Seeking 0.86% Unemployed Unemployed - Seeking NORTHERN TERRITORY PROGRAM 3 2014-2015 - Seeking University University 19% 3% 30% VICTORIAN PROGRAM 3 2014-2015 2% Part Time Employed 2% 5% 6% Employed Full Time Employed Part Time 14% University Employed Full Time Unemployed/Not Seeking 40% Unemployed/Seeking 7% 60% Unemployed/Not Seeking 7% VICTORIAN PROGRAM 2 2014-2015 4.6% Employed Full Time 3% 5% University 1% 30% TAFE/RTO Apprenticeship Destination Unkown Employed Part Time 30% Employed Full Time Unemployed/Not Seeking Employed Part Time Unemployed/Seeking Employed Full Time University University TAFE/RTO Apprenticeship 40% Destination Unkown 30% 10 | sedagroup.com.au 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 11 OUR GRADUATES At SEDA, students are encouraged to realise their ambitions and goals through the development of a focused education and career plan. Each student’s plan reflects their individual interests and is designed around achieving positive long-term outcomes. Students who completed their SEDA program in 2014 have been offered positions at the following universities and TAFES: •Australian Catholic University •Australian College of Sports Therapy •Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts •Central Institute of Technology •Charles Darwin University •Deakin University •Federation University •Holmsglen Institute •La Trobe University •Murdoch University •RMIT University •Swinburne University •University of Notre Dame 2014 SEDA graduates are now studying and working in various industries including: •Sport and Exercise Science •Fan and Community Development •Human Movement •Health and Physical Education •State Sporting Organisations •Sport Management •Sport and Recreation •Teaching and Education •Outdoor Recreation •Sport Coaching •Occupational Therapy •Youth Work •Technical Production •Performance •Live Production •Business •Paramedics •Events Management •Administration •Psychology •International Relations UNIVERSITY PATHWAYS SEDA’s commitment to providing pathway opportunities to students has seen the signing of multiple partnership and articulation agreements with universities across Australia. The following partners continued to enable students pathways into university following completion of their program: •Journalism •Trade Apprenticeship •Police Force •Defence Force Victoria University (VU) and SEDA announced the signing of a pathways partnership agreement in 2013. The ground-breaking partnership guarantees SEDA Diploma graduates a place at VU in a choice of 11 courses. •Victoria University •Melbourne Polytechnic •William Anglis La Trobe University will offer 80 places into a Bachelor of Teaching at La Trobe Bundoora and 60 places into a Bachelor of Education at La Trobe Bendigo upon student’s successful completion of their Diploma. Positions will be offered to students with a minimum 60% GPA or offered to the highest achieving students if quota is exceeded. For students completing their Certificate II and III in Sport and Recreation at SEDA, CIT will offer 20 guaranteed places into the Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation. In the Northern Territory, CDU will guarantee entry into any Certificate IV level qualification for students who successfully complete their Program Three with SEDA. For further information regarding SEDA’s university pathway agreements, visit sedagroup.com.au/benefits-outcomes 12 | sedagroup.com.au In 2014, SEDA signed new articulation agreements with the following universities, extending the opportunities available to SEDA students following successful completion of their program. Federation University is guaranteeing entry into the student’s choice of one of two courses upon successful completion of their Diploma, or guaranteed entry into the student’s choice of one of three courses upon successful completion of their Diploma with a minimum GPA of 60%. Federation Training will guarantee entry into the Bachelor of Sports Management (Gippsland campuses) for SEDA students completing their Diploma. SEDA students who successfully complete their Diploma will be guaranteed an opportunity to interview for the Bachelor of Sports Media. In mid-2014 SEDA announced the signing of an articulation agreement with Murdoch University and Murdoch Institute of Technology (MIT). The partnership agreement opens the door for SEDA students to attend Murdoch University and complete a range of Bachelor Degrees or Diploma courses. SEDA students who have successfully completed their Certificate III in Sport and Recreation have the opportunity to complete a six month prep course at Murdoch Institute of Technology before articulating into a range of courses at Murdoch University. In 2014 SEDA announced the signing of a second Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Western Australia, with The University of Notre Dame. This agreement gives SEDA students preferential selection into the Foundation Year Program, enabling students to enter a degree with maximum credits at the University. This MOU is nationally recognised, with the University of Notre Dame also having a campus in NSW. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 13 JACOB SPURR, 2014 RACHAEL MCLLHENEY, 2014 COMMUNITY CRICKET OFFICER, WESTERN AUSTRALIA CRICKET ASSOCIATION (WACA) FOUNDATION YEAR – UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME “One of my favourite things about SEDA was that you were able to network with people in the industry you are passionate about.” “SEDA has given me the experience and skills to be able to be confident in the workforce” Having always loved participating in her PE classes, Rachael saw SEDA as an opportunity for her gain the skills to help her prepare her for a career as a Physical Education teacher. The hands-on approach to learning and the large coaching focus of the SEDA program ensured Rachael was able to develop her confidence and public speaking skills as well as her independence and maturity. When Jacob found out about the SEDA program he thought it would be an exciting opportunity to complete his Year 11 and 12, while being able to focus on sport. During his time at SEDA, Jacob was given the opportunity to work with a number of SEDA’s sporting partners through volunteer work and completion of his SWL. Jacob’s knowledge in running cricket participation programs to community groups became his strength. Following completion of the program, Jacob was employed in the position of Community Cricket Officer at the WACA. WHERE ARE THEY NOW? SHAILEE SMITH, 2014 PERSONAL TRAINER – FREEDOM FITNESS WOMEN’S HEALTH AND FITNESS CENTRE “The independence and confidence I gained at SEDA has helped me achieve success in my role.” Shailee found out about the SEDA program through a friend and, after researching the program, she knew it would suit her passion for sport and fitness. The highlight of the program for Shailee was the opportunity to develop her independence and confidence. After graduating, Shailee accepted a position as a Personal Trainer at Freedom Fitness Women’s Health and Fitness Centre. Her role involves running personal training sessions, conducting group fitness classes and assisting with administration. The opportunity to build her public speaking skills at SEDA means that she can now talk confidently to clients and achieve success in her role. In the future, Shailee hopes to own her own successful personal training business. MITCH WHELAN, 2014 BACHELOR OF ARTS (THEATRE) – WESTERN AUSTRALIA ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS (WAAPA) “I’ve always been an organised person; however, SEDA put that to the test and gave me the chance to become self-driven and self-motivated. I’ve learned how to communicate with professionals and the etiquettes and behaviours expected from within the arts industry” The opportunity to pursue his love of acting and complete school in an environment dedicated to the arts made Mitch’s decision to move from Traralgon to Melbourne to join the SEDA Arts program easy. The highlight of the program for Mitch was the opportunity to develop and tour a “theatre in education” show around Melbourne. This experience was further enhanced following the raising of $2000 to tour the show in Alice Springs. It was an incredible experience for Mitch and one of the projects he is most proud of from his time at SEDA. 14 | sedagroup.com.au Through her work placement at Perth Modern School, Rachael was able to gain an accurate insight into the working environment she would one day like to be a part of. Mitch was accepted into the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts, where he will be completing his Bachelor of Arts (Theatre). Following his studies, Mitch plans on moving back to Melbourne and establishing himself as an artist with the hope of one day owning an amateur theatre company. Rachael has been accepted into The University of Notre Dame, where she will be completing her Foundation Year, before articulating into a degree in physical education. ELLE SABLOTNY, 2014 BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATIONS (MEDIA) – RMIT “SEDA gives you great insight into all aspects of the entertainment industry and teaches you how to put the right amount of effort into achieving your dreams” SEDA provided an opportunity for Elle to develop her skills in the subjects and areas of study she already enjoyed, including drama and literature, as well as surrounding herself with like-minded people. Elle found SEDA was able to teach her how to work in a professional environment as well as the importance of using initiative in every situation. She found this beneficial in having her skills recognised by others in the industry and taking on new opportunities when they arose. Highlights of SEDA included the industry placement opportunities Elle was able to secure, which have enhanced her CV. Elle had the opportunity to co-direct a theatre show that toured across Melbourne and Alice Springs, as well as working backstage on the State School Spectacular and assisting with music video shoots. Following SEDA, Elle was accepted into a Bachelor of Communications (Media) at RMIT, where she then hopes to work in the film industry as well NATHAN COPEY, 2014 as performing her EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCE/ own music. BUSINESS (SPORTS MANAGEMENT) DEAKIN UNIVERSITY “SEDA was a great foundation for me to develop the right skills to succeed in my career.” For Nathan, the highlights of the SEDA program were having the opportunity to work with organisations in the sporting industry and gain valuable work experience, as well the opportunity to network with a range of contacts. Nathan completed his SEDA work placement with the Melbourne Stars and had the opportunity to be involved with other programs run by Cricket Victoria. After graduating from SEDA, Nathan was lucky enough to gain a position as a Membership and Ticketing Coordinator at Cricket Victoria. This was a 3 month position working for both the Melbourne Stars and Melbourne Renegades in the membership and ticketing area for the T20 Big Bash season. Nathan is now at university studying a Double Degree in Exercise and Sport Science/Business (Sports Management) at Deakin University. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 15 COMMUNITY AND INDUSTRY Through the development of SEDA’s five year strategic plan, industry and community impact were two of the six objectives identified by SEDA’s executive team as areas of focus. EDUCATION PARTNERS HOST SCHOOLS SEDA continually strives to provide positive results and outcomes for every student. The strong relationships with the principals and staff of our host schools contribute significantly to the success of the program. In 2014, SEDA partnered with the following host schools: In 2014, SEDA continued to develop, maintain and grow relationship-focused partnerships with organisations that contribute to positive outcomes for SEDA and our students. The key improvement strategies have been focused on establishing and maintaining strong relationships with key industry stakeholders. SEDA also looks to be recognised as an educator that develops community minded young adults, who are capable of contributing to strong community outcomes and building community capacity. In 2014 SEDA continued building an educational program that establishes community related work as a viable career pathway. REGISTERED TRAINING ORGANISATIONS (RTOs) SEDA’s ongoing relationship with highly regarded universities and RTOs ensures all students are academically supported during their studies with SEDA. In 2014, SEDA partnered with the following university and RTOs: 16 | sedagroup.com.au 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 17 INDUSTRY PARTNERS Connecting students’ education to industry is critical in continuing to engage each individual throughout their time at SEDA. The sports and arts partners who co-brand the programs provide students with the opportunity to develop networks, learn directly from industry experts, gain access to high profile venues and work in and around established organisations in the sport and recreation, arts and trade industries. WA SPORTING INDUSTRY PARTNERS: ARTS INDUSTRY PARTNERS: SEDA students engage with industry partners and their staff in a range of applied learning settings. Students have the opportunity to be involved in participation programs, major events and productions, practical placement and other industry experience. SPORTING PARTNERS In 2014, SEDA partnered with the following national and state sporting organisations. NATIONAL SPORTING INDUSTRY PARTNER: NT SPORTING INDUSTRY PARTNERS: VIC SPORTING INDUSTRY PARTNERS: OUR STAFF 160 staff are employed nationally across teaching, operations and administration positions. Staff are qualified and experienced in areas including: physical education, arts, literacy, numeracy, welfare and career pathways. All teachers are registered with the relevant teaching authority in their state or territory. Staff come to the program with a wealth of experience from a variety of education sectors and with the common desire to make a difference in the lives of young adults. Staff develop a close professional relationship with their students and a sense of responsibility for their future. SEDA provides the best possible learning environment for students. With access to support services, SEDA provides an environment where students can develop life skills integral to their self-development. The educational support team consists of wellbeing, pathways and literacy staff, who ensure SEDA students are well supported throughout their time at SEDA. 18 | sedagroup.com.au 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 19 COMMUNITY CONNECTION Engagement with the community is a fundamental part of the SEDA program. SEDA recognises that young people can develop individually and socially from working within the community. An integral part of a young person’s maturity is developing an understanding of the contribution they can make to their community. Through involvement in community days and execution of community projects, students develop core attributes of compassion and citizenship. Students also develop a range of project management skills essential for employment. SEDA further encourages all students to undertake voluntary work within their community to continue to develop their personal skills and attributes, work skills, industry knowledge and experience. SEDA IN THE COMMUNITY COMMUNITY PROJECTS In 2014, SEDA delivered community focused participation programs to over 308,000 individuals nationwide. Community Projects provide resources to local, national and international communities to deliver a range of participation programs. These programs and projects included working with a diverse range of community groups including but not limited to: Examples of community projects delivered in 2014: •Disability •Multicultural •Indigenous •Low SES SEDA’s approach to working with the community is underpinned by a desire to address inequality and promote social cohesion. COMMUNITY FOCUSSED We achieve this through the following principles: PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS •Connection •Capacity National Education and Employment Foundation 20 | sedagroup.com.au 308,000 •Equity •Sustainability NATION WIDE SEDA has partnerships with the following community organisations: NEEF Australia •Scope Disability Volunteering Project •Blind Swimming Project •The Elderly •Collaboration •Special Olympics Volunteer Training Project AMES •Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative Healthy Living Project •Wheelchair Sports Inclusion Project •Refugee Connect – Life Without Barriers Project •Blue Day – Beyond Blue Project IN 2014 SEDA DELIVERED COMMUNITY FOCUSED PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS TO OVER •Drug Awareness Education Project •Special Olympics Gala Inclusion Day •Child Safety Project •Step Back Think Project INDIVIDUALS NATIONWIDE •Community Radio Project In working with its partners, SEDA has been able to engage the wider community, encouraging students to develop their interpersonal and communication skills, including respect, tolerance, compassion and confidence. Through these relationships, SEDA students and their teachers grow to become more rounded individuals, prepared for a range of opportunities that are presented beyond the classroom walls. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT | 21 ENGAGE . EDUCATE . EMPOWER sedagroup.com.au or call 1300 11 7332 425 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East, VIC, 3123 Phone: 1300 11 7332 Fax: 03 9818 7549 Email: info@sedagroup.com.au sedagroup.com.au
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