October 2014

And Surrounding Areas
Southside News
Pat Kalaman
Oscar’s Source for Adventure
Smithers Feed Store
Wess Neumeyer
Harold and Bonnie Moroski
Generation Electric
Ron Shively
Lakes District Maintenance
Jenny’s Shure Design
Shannon Piper
Blackwell Trucking
Dr. Issacc Pretorius & Dr. Barbra
BV Vet Clinic
Ootsa Lake Outfitting
Woods N Water
Fraser Canyon Outfitters
Tahtsa Timber
Benny Wiebe
Precious Moments
Burnt Bikes
United Equipement Rentals
Yarn & Sew On
Canadian Wholesale
Gwyn’s Green Grocer
DQ Smithers
Burns Lake Native Logging
Funded by the Bulkley
Nechako Regional
Lino’s Sales and Service :This year’s
official corporate sponsor
Coastal GasLink Pipelines Project
TransCanada Pipeline
Pine Ridge Holdings
Huckleberry Mines
Cheslatta Carrier Nation
Sullivan Motors
Radley Contracting
Village Insurance
Trails North Power Sports
Bulkley Valley Building Center
Finning (Houston)
Country Wide Sports
Rugged Edge Holdings
Robert and Heather Anderson
Evergreen Industrial
Gary Hainstock Jr.
McBike Sport
Blu Jay Sports
BV Taxi
Rio Tinto Alcan
BV Credit Union
Burns Lake Home Hardware
College of New Caledonia
LD News
Tombstone Ranch
Office hours are:
Monday to Friday
10 AM to 4 PM
2014 Ootsa Lake Fish Derby Sponsors
Phone: (250) 6943219
1246 Uncha Lake
Box 70
Southbank, B.C.
V0J 2P0, Canada
2014 Ootsa Lake Fishing Derby
1st Prize $2,000.00 = Melvin Fukushima
2nd Prize $1,000.00 = Mickey Gelz
3rd Prize $500.00 = Amanda Carley
4th Prize Pellet Barbeque = Sam Moroski
The Boat/Motor/Trailer
Ticket Draw was won by
Mr. Doug Johnson, currently living in Calgary
wonderful derby without
the ongoing support of
individuals and businesses
throughout this northern
corridor who faithfully
give of time, money and
Tweedsmuir Recreation
gifts year after year.
Commission would like to
Please know how much
thank all those who purwe appreciate each and
chased one or more tickets
every one of you. To all
in support of our ongoing
individuals and families
efforts to make Wistaria
who support us by particiCommunity Hall a safe
pating and entering the
and fully functioning
derby, Thank you! We
Community Centerpiece
also value your helpful
once again.
input so that each year we
can better accommodate
We would not be able to
your needs.
continue providing this
Fish, 9.55 lbs.
Fish, 9.18 lbs.
Fish, 8.62 lbs.
Fish, 8.32 lbs.
The Ootsa Lake Fishing
Derby has been going on
for over 30 years and will
continue to be the Labor
Day event that all fisher
folks have on their calendars. Please add it to your
calendar now..
List of Sponsors for this
event are on the back
Get Ready to ShakeOut!
The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako invites everyone to participate in the Great British Columbia
ShakeOut -- the largest earthquake drill in Canadian history on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 10:16
a.m. More than 690,000 British Columbians, including businesses, schools and community organizations,
participated in last year's ShakeOut drill!
This annual, province-wide earthquake drill is an opportunity to practice "Drop! Cover! and Hold On!"This is
the most effective method to reduce injury and death during an earthquake.
Registration for the Great British Columbia ShakeOut, as well as many tips and ideas on emergency preparedness are available online at www.shakeoutbc.ca. Register your family, school, and business, and join thousands of British Columbians in exercising earthquake safety and preparedness.
Local vendors, Betty Jeppesen and
Geneva Wiseman entered in the
Lakes District Fall Fair. Between
them they brought home High
Point Winner in both Knitting and
Crochet as well as over a dozen
First Prizes and several Second
Prizes. You can purchase these
prize winning items at the
Southside Market on Saturdays at
The SEDA Centre during the summer and at the Christmas Southside
Market. The Market also has
vendors selling baking
(including Donuts), veggies,
Avon, wood crafts.
The Christmas Southside Market will be held on October
26, 2014 from 10am -- 4pm at
the SEDA Centre. Anyone
wanting to have a space or
table to sell their wares should
call Geneva at 694-3757 soon.
Services Available in RDBN Area E
Hair Cuts by Janice. All ages welcome, call for an appointment. 250-691-1000
North Country Cottages—prefab homes, summertime
getaways or year round living. Contact Dan Martin
250-694-3686 or cell 250-692-6477
Prime Time Food is available from Burns Lake - call
Linda or Joe 250-692-0334 restaurant quality frozen
Matilda D’Silva CGA
Ph 250-685-8229 3115 Taylor Frontage Road
Fax 250-692-7779 Burns Lake BC V0J 1E2
Email: matilda@matildadsilvacga.com
Taxes, accounting and payroll service for individuals, small
and medium businesses and self employed persons.
Willow Falls Cabinets custom cabinets / kitchens / vanities
and such—call Dave 250-692-0521
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
Cliff Giesbrecht sells handcrafted antler and saw blade 10 yrs experience, providing quality workmanship at reahunting knives—the prefect gift for that hard to buy for sonable rates. Free of VOC, biodegradable and non-toxic
hunter. 250-694-3828
Call Colin Fifield 250-696-3121
The 2014 Summer season has been
a very busy one for projects. Our
Hwy Billboard is almost complete
as is the Takysie Rec Site enhancements. We would like to thank
Evan Plesko for his hard work and
our Ministry of Forests partners for
their in-put as we work to make
this spot the first universal access
Page 2
Recreation Site in the area. We
have had our challenges with complying with the Archeological requirements that are part of working
along a body of water with its own
unique history. There were some
changes that had to be done but we
believe the results will serve the
community well in the years to
come. Check out SEDA’s facebook page for pictures of the project as it completes.
This project is expected to be finished by the end of October.
SEDA is planning to host October
31 Halloween celebrations for
2014—hope to see you here.
Katie Lambert, waxing and esthetics 250-251-0521 call Small Engine Repair (minor repairs, carb cleaning,
to book today!
lawnmover blade sharpening, winterizing, chainsaw sharpAustin Knapp. Quality Farrier & Horse Training
ening) call 250-694-3884
Contact for appointment. 250-691-8301
Handy Man—carpentry, minor renovations and repairs,
Shannon’s Saddle Shop—Saddle repair. Bridles, reins, yard work, roofing and decks, sheds and outbuildings,
breast collars NEW or repairs, custom chaps and sadpainting. Call 250-694-3884
dles. 250-694-3716 or renegaderoper@yahoo.com
Page 7
Southside Health & Wellness Centre
Goat milk available; call 250-5-694-3535
have a wonderful wool. Asking $500.00 for all four , OBO.
Phone (250)694-3611
Farm Fresh Eggs for sale $3.50/ dozen Contact Kelly at the
SEDA Centre 250-694-3219 or 250-691-1490
Firewood, choose your own length, delivered to your door,
dry pine, free delivery within 30 km from Southbank
Call 250-694-3884
LOG SIDING $ 0.99 lin.ft. Call Albert 695-6954
Meat rabbits for sale. Five different breeds to choose from.
$10 each. Call Kasha 250-694-3737 or email at
Suffolk cross ewe lambs for sale $250/each. Great meat
producers, easy to handle. 250-694-3302
1 Well Casings 5’ x 40’ galvanized—NEW—never been
used $2,000. Call Abe or Eva 250-694-3495
Handsome, strong, healthy dairy Billy-goat. Toggenburg/Lamancha cross. Born May 7th. Call Lianne or Colin
500 gallon white plastic water tank (rectangular) never been
used (worth $700 ) selling for $550. 250-691-1988 text or
Cut & wrapped lamb—by cut, by side or whole 250-6943202
Customize your firewood needs :
Firewood per dump truck load. Southside $450 cash or
Northside $550/ load cash -call Harold for size and dimensions - H Moroski 694-3444—quantity of material in loads
was corrected to reflect what is accurate but didn’t make it
into last month SEDA newsletter
Moose or Deer Antlers. Please call: home 250-694-3828 or
text 250-692-6388
Laying hens, please call 250-999-9218
Propane Stove. Top & bottom need to be on propane. Call
Annie 250-694-3737
Used ATV with 4x4 in good condition, low mileage and
reasonably priced...please call 250 695-6368
Job wanted on the Southside, extensive office experience
but willing to try anything. Call Deanna 20-524-0321
any information of where abouts of our saddle gun scabbard
made by Beavers’ Saddle Shop, Clovis California. Very
sentimental value! Taken from our residence. Bishops’
Yarn & Sew On
#6 –870 Hwy 16 West, Burns Lake
Www.yarnandsewon.com 250-692-0080
Is looking to see if there is an interest in the community for
a quilting workshop on the southside. The workshop will
be held at the SEDA Centre at a time that would be most
Alpacas for sale. Older female and older male; one year old convenient for those interested. Contact Linda to discuss.
female and one year old male. All animals are healthy and
Nechako Reservoir Update (Sept 2014)
Reservoir Elevation: 851.57 (2793.88 ft) SLS Discharge: 169 m3/s
Nechako River @ Vanderhoof 48 m3/s
Skins Lake Spillway discharge will be maintained at approximately current levels until April 2015
Visit website www.wateroffice.ec.gc.ca for up to date real-time flow information for the Nechako River.
Page 6
Employment Opportunity: Casual Community Health Nurse
Purpose: The Community Health Nurse will provide quality nursing care guided by the Canadian Community Health
Nursing Standards of Practice and be an integral part of a diverse primary care team. Providing primary clinical
treatment services using the nursing process and collaborating with the interdisciplinary team to implement multiple
health promotion strategies using the determinants of health.
Typical Duties and Responsibilities:
Uses Culturally Competent Nursing Care to help the individual, family, group, community and populations to
identify strengths and available resources to access health and take action to address their needs.
Indentifies needs, implements and evaluates health services in multiple settings such as schools, clinic, and individuals homes.
Provide health education and promotion to individual and target groups to increase knowledge regarding acute
and chronic health conditions.
Guide individuals toward the vision of Primary Care while fostering teamwork and commitment to excellence in
the provision of care.
Health promotion programs focus on the client throughout the lifespan: Prenatal and Postnatal education and
support, Newborn and well-baby assessments, Immunizations, Puberty Talks, Well-woman and Men’s
Health exams, Healthy eating, Home care and elder visits, Fitness programs, Informational sessions, Foot
care program, and Palliative care.
Qualifications and Education:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, completion of Nursing Diploma or Practical Nursing Diploma from a recognized
School of Nursing, with recent experience in rural health care delivery, or an equivalent combination of education,
training and experience. Current practicing registration with the CRNBC.
Please refer to the full job posting at www.southsidewellness.ca. Resume with cover letters may be submitted until
October 15, 2014 by email: southsidewellness@hotmail.com or fax 250-694-3290. W e thank all applicants for their
Lakes Animal Friendship
Cats that aren't spayed or neutered
can multiply VERY quickly!
This special funding comes from
PetSmart Charities ® of Canada (to
whom we are very grateful for the
program extension!), the Burns Lake
Veterinary Clinic, and the BC SPCA
and the Lakes Animal Friendship
Society. PROGRAM ENDS OCTOBER 31st SO CALL (250) 692-7476
Burns Lake Veterinary Clinic (250)
692-7476 or on facebook: Simond's Sanctuary c/
o Burns Lake Veterinary Clinic
Lakes Animal Friendship Society is 100% volunteer-powered. Often when we post an ad looking for assistance,
there is no response. So, if you want to help local critters or just make the community a better place please drop us
a line! Email Valerie@lakesanimalfriendship.ca. Don’t assume that “somebody else” already did… And remember there are lots of different jobs to do, from baking cookies for events to offering to foster an animal on occasion.
Contact us and we can figure out great ways for you to help!
Page 3
Community Listings
Danskin Mennonite Church
Daniel Martin 250-694-3686
Grassy Plains Gospel Church
Alain Vitela-Campos 250-694-3756
Our Lady of the Plains Catholic Mission Church
John & Tracy Connolly 250-694-3715
Wistaria Community Church
Tim Plesko 250-3377
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Kent Lambert 250-694-3748
B’s Free Ent. Ltd.250-692-4353
delivery of ink and computer supplies
28540 Colleymount R.d.
Cheslatta Band Office and Chief Louie Paddle Company
250-694-3334 Hours: Mon-Fri 8-4pm (8-12 every other Fri)
The Grassy Plains Country Store 250-694-3315
Hours: Mon-Fri except Wed 9-7, Wed & Sat 9– 6
Mountaineer Meat Shop Gary Martin 250-694-3359 (shop)
250-694-3322 (home) Custom Cutting & Wrapping
White Raven Grill & Grocery (Keefe’s Landing Café )
Grill hours: Mon-Sat 9-6:30 pm,
Store hours: Mon-Sat 9-7 pm, Sunday 11—5 pm
Lakeside Stop & Shop 250-695-6476
46980 Colleymount Rd
Moosehorn Lodge 250-694-3730 Cabins available
Southbank Post Office 250-694-3320
Hours: Monday & Friday 9 am to 3pm; Wed 11am to 5 pm
Nadina Lake Lodge - Lodge open May 15th to November 1st. Available year round for information or reservations. Call Brad or Wendy 250-695-6788 or
email nadina@shaw.ca
Page 4
Community Notices & Events
Nee Tahi Buhn Band Office 250-694-3494
Hours: Tue Wed Thur 9 am to 3 pm
Noralee Resort Store and Restaurant 250-695-6399
Hours: Mon-Sun 8am-8pm
Please phone before going to restaurant Mon and Tues because of grocery run
Northside General Store & Post Office 250-695-6391
Hours Mon—Fri 10—6 pm Closed Sat & Sun
Post Office Hours: Mon 12:30-5 Tues to Fri 1 –5
Skin Tyee Band Office 250-694-3517
Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am to 4 pm
Takysie Resort, Store & Café 250-694-3403
Store hours: Mon-Sat 9-9pm, Sun 12-8pm
Café hours: Mon-Sat 9-7pm, Fri 9-7:30pm Sun 12-7Ppm
Contact: Takysie@xplornet.com www.takysielakeresort.ca
Wagon Wheel 250-695-6486 seasonal closed after Sept 7
Hours are 11 AM to 7 PM
Clubs & Institutes
Both Sides Now Choir
Contact Martina Zechendorf 250-692-3951
Cattlemen’s Association
Contact Tom Shelford 250-695-6327
Francois-Ootsa Sportsman’s Association
Contact Gary Blackwell 0 250-694-3459
Lakes District Pony Club
Karen Ritchey 250-692-6611
Lakes District Team Penning Association
Contact Don Baker 250-694-3596
Southside 4-H Club
Deanna Lambert 250-694-3811
Southside Seniors Housing Society
Pat Critchlow 250-694-3340
Southside Women’s Institute
Contact Daphne Ewart 250-694-3596
Tatalrose Farmer’s Institute
Contact Don Baker 250-694-3525
AA MeetingsGr assy Plains Chur ch Monday & Thur sday
Trout Creek Hall
The newly renovated Trout Creek
Hall is for rent for weddings, reunions, political gatherings etc. Please
contact: Jenifer Lorentz 695 6777 or
Diane Tremblay 695 6618
Grassy Plains Community Hall
Please mark these two important
events on your calendar
Nadina Mackie Jackson
Performing at Grassy Plains Hall
Saturday, October 2nd
Doors Open - 6:30 pm
Performance Starts - 7:00 pm
Adults $15.00
Youth (16 yr & under) $12.00
This event is made possible through
the benevolence of Rio Tinto Alcan
And Lakes District Arts Council
Hope to see everyone there!
Harvest Supper
Hosted by Grassy Plains Hall
Saturday, October 25th
Doors Open - 5:30 pm
Supper - 6:00 pm
Youth & Adult $15.00
Children 6 yr & under no charge
Watch for posters & flyers
Enquiries: 1-250-220-6087
Southside Volunteer Fire Dept
Meetings are every Tuesday from
7pm to 9pm
Contact: Carl Doglione 250-694-3574
or Kevin Lazeski 250-694-3889 Visitors and new members always WELCOME.
School District 91
Keep abreast of developments at:
Students will be returning to school for
a half day on Monday, September 22,
2014. Schools will start at their normal
time but will dismiss three hours earlier than the normal end time. As a result bus drop off times at the end of
the day will be three hours earlier than
normal. Families should have already
been contacted by the transportation
department to confirm regular pickup
and drop off times. Bus route information is also available on the School
District website. Parents can also contact their local transportation office if
they have further questions.
Beginning on Tuesday, September 23,
2014 schools will operate on a regular
The Francois Tchesinkut Lake
Community Hall the Francois Lake
Community Hall is available for use
with rent for weddings, anniversaries,
reunions, political gatherings or any
other social event. This Hall is located
in a beautiful setting on the north side
of Francois Lake very near the free
ferry to the Southside and an easy 20
minute drive from Burns Lake. It sits
right across the road from the very old
and beautiful St. Lukes Church. Please
contact Kim Gillespie @ 695-6783 or
Joan McFee @ 695-6381
College News
The CNC Southside Adult Education
Centre opened September 9th at the
SEDA Board Room. The AEC will be
open 10am until 2pm on Tuesdays at
the SEDA Centre until further notice.
Full Time programs:
Heavy Equipment Operator (10 weeks)
Sept 29
Pipe Trade Foundation Level (26
weeks) Oct 6
Environmental Field Assistant Bridging
Program Oct. 27
Carpentry Level 2 Nov 3
Continuing Education
Enform Level 1 Chainsaw Basics Oct 1
Occupational First Aid Level 1 Oct 7
Myers Briggs Oct. 10
WHMIS Oct 17
Transportation of Dangerous Good s
Oct 17
Emergency Childcare First Aid Oct 18
Foodsafe Level 1 Oct 18
Canadian Firearms Safety (PAL) SS
Oct 18
Babysitter’s Training Oct 18
Excel Level 1 Oct 20
WorldHost Oct 22
Mental Health First Aid Oct 24
Occupational Fi4rst Aid Level 3 Oct 27
Occupational First Aid Level 3 Recert.
Nov 3
Christmas Market
Nov 1 from 10 to 4 at SEDA
There are a number of Christmas craft
markets in the area starting in Nov,
please check back with us as we confirm dates.
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