f AGE NINI Proportion A .COMPLETE LIISE OF, o f ".$w*r Apjialafcs] ted T «:• A -v «y° Wpoh ajt Sajne^Time~; ^Traffic Amendment Limiting Parking to, 2 , Hours in Downtown Streets—Matter of Pension for City Em* ploye» Ducussed Loan Le»gUflI Delve Election Selection of ing Plafce ' ^ ^ 33&y.e favored Several tax.- 4** JmBertan.ee to, the Thia it 'vim AT «-.?*.»i «•!*• i the perpetuity of our .received followed by jjeat>>l discussion, m'.mpf i.-ata—star aon of the Common Council last night considerable, discussion. No change order, arguments for* was, recommended in the limits of the to * e •with you Vaad venture t The amendment, to the t'raffio ordinv secretary pr< d as th'e'fire tliefire commiscomm hope, ypu. will.ask, me provides that no- driver of anyfire- district and • f"*/***• entire morSn^TSeWiBIT'efrtW^; inr . ,. . . iSBHes" motor truck, motorcycle etonefa Uav np disoretlonarv, pbw r asto tothe the&)o &)o ot ot ffiit as "Royal S. fiopeland," I o other vehicle shall park that ve- w4tHin tjilfttiiffiit !„[, of the N.9W* Yorkb whicji' nit^y erected, ^ fee fe td the t Weloome by Mayor1 ^CatohpoT© ' |Wcle tor longer "than two houra on buMingnf Savings mattet remained as it. waa, The com-- first" speaker- waa Mayo? Catch- ;; Seneoa street, on Exchange street *e. Hobart mittee WJO» 4nstcupiefttoagain «o;iaf w Mio." conveyed t h * welqome~dn jween "Seneca street and the * T — tion ut,,roposition provides,*o?'.$ witft. tt»fire:cpmmiasonefs a«d it The of the .city to. the> •visfttiSg <lel- f *ork Central tracks, on; Oqstle possible recommend a clianeo In the for and he' was^ollo^d-;** X a m ^ J h ^ ^ n .Ewhange ; . ? treH, and fire district limitations, reporting at entire dt-vuU' nest meeting st m e t n g of of-the the council" cou licity for the League; who nMEfrtotogr** t&rar £g*jr J S V 1 ^ ; r t 5 £ ! ? 5»™ th»"The p p J i c U n lot, lot Paul P l Ge "The. aappJicaUpn^ GeEUaasio • associations f ,t. v_v.. to; erect and' operate a gas .stalion at * iis that ^ o ^ of anyth© corner ot. North <3eiie.se© and more pr-SgteftllV© Ip between all '.Ijie leagues and, 'MWBdmejnt. no driver street »id in tho organizing of neW Gates avenue was received and New ToFiTnieetinff. is a f y t o l o a d i ff a n d discharge paswen- and ordered rettifned-*o him- a s it carried ion* throughout the 3taW.JP*. » ~ ; from being abla to be present at the • Senator Seymour Lownnan of Elmi- /'**™;, ' no approval by the fire commissioners ILLS i t s manj Two hour* this inodi t 1 has .been e n constructed, he g a to a s s o ^ t t Sw"Ij * » *'- Mfcnager Glenn E£. Morton tion --on. W.RSHWv ,_* \ thlloan . ! °* » • it.,, 4 tank t k 1installed i t l l d without i tho . Je ' I OaW ,. ^ ; ? ! . ! . ej+n*n. the tarnt-i Hotel Seneca, appeared **md- pump an4was time t6ir"ttt1Jb'''«lB0.--A sanction ot the." Common Council' in There Qeorge Plant of th<T New Tork State " " Jt ^ t the h _ finally ... ... .. . t h eDepartment Of Banldi}g Wa^ itfEro- ; resolution waa violation o* a city lordlnance. It -was *% 2J2?tfi2 , eftePt that such a position and "dedecided upon motion to call the at- ^ a> S the partment of thet League- be created be ntta- tontion of the police t o the matter .and. ^ ttat oocaalonally It would be with the place for t a.longer diy i i l hare the station closed until suj3h tfcpiw aary.to y t take g time jordioarily thantoJ d passengera r n a that t h tthe theas THFaazfoli application haa beea the choosing of the secretary to'Siii Joad d o l i ' f i f i s h l d ST,!-.. •wr.u-'Ti. -—-••-?-? •r-ii-j-'-. vc""--"v'" poUoe'omcerSTshouid use some discrfe• elded iil-un later. This— — ^ ' ^ feyrassociation* *teoughg The sincere expression of thanks ingg doneifeyrthe tfon in dealing with such cashes. finally 52 to 21. w s hintense inally passed i _£ out the owning:,-she he s*ate. e. Home H w n g : , e ar- j j j ^ gecond gecondgmatter matter of later for the Qenfcva Lodge of Hlk« was reof intense laterMuoli uf the afternoon. session will g a fe f ceived and read in iyhlch the. <sJty of* d i t i e h i th <lealing liwithhthe h garbage b ficlala were "thanked for their participrobably be occupied with; dlsbusfiiojl guea, mafef for good - citizenship. e a bw f t 8 that pation i n the Elks' Flag Day celebraand final action on thia matter, which tion and parade. . Y. M. C A. Officials Plan baa been uppermost ilij%$>^ttffi,b£ fctl PrealflentiH. ,T« ex<3er|>t.lrc8ni.her "j*ma?Ss. . chase, of a new pumper of d^«^4jiWJOB0NMW Aldermen ^' Campaign of Intbructiorf "a home is. a* #jodiJ'yo&t- with •ot 760 gallons per minute for the Btay lH-re. ;'• " Wheeler, woman under it." ? department was 'also Wnought at and The < lwtion of officers7 ior Adult*, Boys, Girl* Following this ^adjournment was th§ same time. -The twin reaolufcms -executive committee originally*iched- taken. •^were passed and date for a special eluied for this morntag wa$ Ic'r^.wued out ectton for the - taxpayers ot the city Reception at Country Club. Practically a new j5Wlmmlngr pool, and will prob_ably be held "later, jf" * Ijtom S,$O G o'clock in the iafterno«n set tor July 18th t o vote on theae rellned and repaired and placed In f Ir-si aftornoi'ii. The -seleotfoh ojt dc*"" . • |t-Teeption*'iOr W® Wives of. the dole- questions. to tho rutted states League.,;»? S«»e*»nd their irlenda was held at th», The garbage collection proposal will Miss <Jonsuela M. liusk of N«wr Tork class condition throughout, is one of City arrlvsd in Geneva Thursday «vbe mam1 tills afternoon* •- A ' i »" Cottntiy eii*b..,fWs was ieaimrea by, b» aubmitted a u b t d to^the taxpayers ys in^toree .enlng l t o wpianfl ta» » sammer a m r *?lta hef $]}» incentives being held out by T. M. •|ii'*xhiSftionr0f.,danc}nK by ttat pupils form*- toe first" tho soliHHiun of t h e 'only With parrots, O. A. officials in a campaign t o sign d M O K, K Lu»k L kof f MX. and Mrs. O. #l^v <3la«iA, garbag*, the ;of :Mrs.' Alyce Brewer Slemana *nd, <3la«i•'A b the second convintum of t h e members on the^ summer-memberahlp with Andes -<aveoue. Clasaea A and S and th the thi third wi Cl 1 is utfc~6T Classes A, B, and, C. The coUeoUon s M e and Mm, .STank.A. Snyder^ot plan, dues For^-S'hlch ere lower than atfrndi'ti were t h e to oover-a period of three month*, It Springfi.eld, Mass^ formnrly o f Cl»ne for the regular yearly rtftmberahip* fcteUyo - . _ „ at the j ^ IjTvTow OJ present weather conditions, and 6i t h e Stive their sanction to thetettjng,o t in'Preequ© Me, Mi»ney,,ar« in the city the "X" leaders believe that cool, clear, the contacts and speoltylng; which majority of t h o delegate*;-are for « f » v days. sparkling depths ot the association's . the three proposals. Is desired. Edward M.- (3'Harav lotittfcrty of t h U pool provides about the mqst^tempting JFjjr_.tj9..,thrfte.jnnhs p o , r J attraction tliatcaiiba '«ffiered"to .iiien J a f t » » » thousand Ootobw 1 to December 81, the lowewt city, wan .ampag --Jaft'»»» seventythree students who graduatea and boys. I bid tor Class A garbage to be voted upon; seventy-three SOCIAL NOTES lilting tu this part of their state in and Incidentally, Physical Director Mils is tl,907.82'i for Classes A and & the from the tfniversity of Michigan last around the Finger Lakes are planning lowest bid is $3,222, and for Class A. Monday:. JBCo- received the degree of and Seoretary Warr have- planned an in Mechanical Bn- intensive campaign to make every boy . to stay a few days longer on. an ex-,- The. following additional report* on B and O the loweet bid is $l,07l.6(, Bachelor of-Sclencs Begenjtg .examinations, hav» b»en reglnoerlng.1 Mr. O'Ham will bo w^ith in Qeneya who cannot swim, a swimMrs. W. E. Cralb of 21 Hofman -aveClass .A garbage Is defined a» th« ~ dd v.tentlon. It was th« oonaensua Begenjtg ceived: ••••'•' " ~ y, Inc-, ot P mer. joxhJe^wpM^on^ tftbi jlrti i l l t onjlrt -fSpwrta1-to~The Ttmes rroTtTHTISirir Q)lg«T». Mr.% Ejjabeth O'BAra auJKorTtifl&*DlEftiaarL EUii Has b t h O' kd~anhn«t Wwer_ >wd KHohjH! M>mb»r» cf ths 'rim. baa and hotels, rest«u> of OS Qenosee' street, whoa Ts hqnor ot the 80th birthday of nor epondliig obtained a nit of all tUo boys and girls [ mother, • Dean Bennett, Gladys Berry, Mildred looted from, residences,' Mrs. Martha Good, the affair New York -Stock Exchange, 100 Pow well. They were especially pleased of the publio schools who are at presthe summer in Detroit, attended the Blood, Dorl» Buchholz. Raymond rants,-food and fruit stores Olaii B Buiidlnp, Roohetteiv N Y. Tatar with the banquet uet ^ast aight.ana all Its Burtch, Clifford Campbell,' Kenneth garbage Is known as the dry rubbish Commencement exercises at Ann Ar-ent unable to swim and effort will be be(ng a genuine surprise. The guests •n •Mrs. Ann Paine ot Juntas, Mrs. Sara phone. Main SOW), inada t q > induce every one ot these bor, .Monday. l i of ashes and.--ls to be c»U«>« C i U S G t a Fuller, F l l Ellibt to come to the "V,1 and learn the MllUs ot .Waterloo* Mrs. Eliza Heater A Mr, and Mrs. Edward M. iO'Har*- Of «oys to 1-f pleasures of this Increasingly popular of Macedon, were old school-mates of AllU Chalmem , . , H&ncoc_,. _ * New York ,..___ a, are rejoicing j g •port. eiass c ' g i r b a g e " wns|»t en? Ann Arbor, Michigan, St As soon as all the boys are ta- Mm. Good. The ages of the four totalled American Beet Sugar th Wrth^6f.A Wrth6f son named d 33dw*urd 3 3 dw* u d ken care Helns, Elmer Jorgenseh, Eliot Kaplan7 over th* th* ed , night in th»,<fltlfcei» of the girls will be invited, 325 years. Other gruests lncludod Mrs. American Can 94 1-4 to * « oollecied from r»»ld«nces . , . Francis, torn Monflay, June-fitti, at St St. according of, Fi with appi-uximately J5-: to present Diana. H i t l y, A Abor ' There w a s ebme discussion, amorie J rh ' , Thomas Edwards and Misrf Allo* Ed- American Car and Foundry . . . . . . 16S in attendance'*" *"" """ Meanwhile adults ' unable to swim wards, daughter and grand-daughter American Locomotive „...*. l « Hospital, Ann Arbor the »ldermen"relattve->to «ie rfisblution Joseph's JKatStotdn Morris, JtoWatdTSf& IMS «ad «ad M M n y of. . will Mrs* T. T. ifo MMoney from among- the receive tha benefit of the same in: calling for an election to sanction th» thl* city t«tufft#d nl, f arker, John JPremdergasfe j f ' Mr». Good. At 8 o'clock the com-American Smelting . „ „ . . . . . . . , 6} 1-j 'fiu»i ev»nlrfig from |? Interest to the organization .jthl» MM»' SSSers; muth Scnfe-iibkr'itu purchase of tho hew <*» emilpmant. Toronto, Canada, where they have struction, by taking out short summer^ of U j-4 m c n -Steol Steol Foundry memberships. Actual statistics, if pany sat down to a sumptuous .re- A fliectlon was discussed, .throughoutth the,ens, =Chaflea. Stolp, Helen .St6U>, This) lioparatut 4s ^ oostjaot Jp;exAmerican Foundry . . . . . . U j 4 been ipending several days. th*y could bs determined, would show past. The evening .wa«._jpjoasajtly. American Sugar 69 7 -8 which continued,-from 9 unK"meeting, abeth Thalmani ri^ftnTelephone^.v.:r12J^| l ^ ^r y ig el nl u ^a }f f "P p and Binglne by theA r i T Woolen l h U^ u . . . .*.„ American . . i . . m t4 in Geneva unfamiliar with the- art of-young, people wnd niitcft enjoyed b y th* Anaeouaa o ........,.,.,,. ......,.,.,,. «F?-f»«F?f»James A .DeVinei, secretary ot thirjvaniuperi,3P*ul Vogt.•. drfd Webb, a communication from th» fire cora.- lag; and Dr. W. B. Campbell, koeplng their heads above the water-? miaUoners was read; the vote showw treatment for Diatwtea with Inold, Miss MUdrea Scott Rave some ff Atchison u ii .. ii ii .. ,, ,, ,, ,, .. . . . . , . . KB ll -ty. Atchio . u KB IjQblo Stnte League ^ f building and - - • — ' - ' — line ivhile i n tho water, j llrs Siais <T theHrtsohrtlott callingfort h e origlnftt*d. tine selections on the violin with. American A i iinternational t r 20 B-8^ states. Ordinary .sat'oty demand a that: very joaji AssociatioffS*" dellver@d^& forceful h w * » M « « unanlmoujfly. Mrs. Cr*lt> * t the piano. The vocal Baldwin Locomotive , » , , . . 121 tfdress yvsterday afternooDf empha--4 Bosilyn tfreedon, Cit* bond* wiu t>* lasued to meet Ottok. G. H, Buckbae of, Elmwqod everyone Hhoffta know how to swim, numbers by Marine Cralb and Olive Baltimore and Ohio GO 1-g friends in Nelson, he sayg. SwlmminsL is-easily learned oil* Estey, Florence Huff, Jfiorold Klue, th» aUMiUw of th« tir« apparatus, aopng.tli._/agt that ^jgrajr ,an oirganis t Bathierrem Steel " . . . . . . 51 JSdwards were especially «njoyod. The 1 tinder export teachers and with the cordin* to the provision of th» rtaow tion inust be winineAo pl^ce an incompany dispersed at i o o'oloolc after Callahan Zlno and L*ad . . . . . . . . e 1-4 forJ.atirw. days. ution. The sum ^eoasaary1 t& qolleot Mrs.. I Busine»» English itment He pointed •$i^> c^e^te.;eac*; A, Day and daughter Flbr* advantages -for^ learning available In singing "Auld Langr. Syhe" and wishing C o n a PetroleumPetrol California 22 1-2 every community, including Geneva, this garbag«Mn the oity Is t o * * I n Jtildred "fcawrence, Cllftbrd Nester, -'sa HI.a referrgi|.#jiSiy tiniea \o the. Canadian Paoiflo no9. o t WRnnin«t<?n, !>• C , have «r- today there 1* little; or no reason why Mrs. Good many returns of the day. ., • 161" S-4 cluded in the next' taxlevy. Th* *k PMIllpB,. Harold Shaiansky, C t l L h Central Leather 26 ii - 4 Maw League which Is today con* "- - «*iffinj»fik s rjy*d k in Geneva and expect to* spend everyone should not be an expert ChlcagOf Mil. and St, Paul . . . . . 21 X-t Id-^»t8o% f-eo! *• the first In -the Union- ih^the! James B. e~ ne© tbre* months Bt.-tUetr suai- swimmer. >i the city hall on Miss Molly Wolls of 75 Hamilton Phyfiet Chile Copper 25 fi-S a;id stabiHty£a£ i t s ' savings, Campbell, Hanion, O» 15. Scbumann; Haxol* *fter hom» "The Cobblestone," at Senestreet dolighttully entertained a num-Consolidated Go* , '. 50 5-$ und G Green and * Malcolm M l o l All$ Allen wee* were rUame* ca Falls JN. Y. American Legion Auxiliary ber of friends last evening at dinner Cerro de Paso© 40 G-8 ad the four inspectors ot election for Frank Hantsock, John 69 EC/Seng of Crucible-Steel a ty what paint to uso on tumor and his tins special election, ,- : T - Eo iMli' H^ar Blmgr Held a Buiy Meeting JUi-honor 7 Philadelphia,' who i s aguest in the . make no mistake with Alderman;. Beatty introduded two your flouss • jfeou before hia hearer* * sen, askthleen BSpcHain, Wesl»y 104 lt£/f4 city. Covers were laid for twenty. Eastman Kodak amendment* t o the tratfta ordlnanc* the Sherwln William* P&int. We do !> tVlne one of-the best Speakers •ot the tin, Harold Hewers, Hazelton M Eleotrio . . . . . . . » « , ffT %if very pleasant meeting was on-The table WB» dainty with Juno roses. Goneral Q E for their first reading. The Safe t * not Know of a .better one and there are Henry Page, laoyd Rhodes, A Ganefal Motors , , . . . , . . . * . , » » . j y t S - g .entire convention. .*-'•'" Joyed by twenty--five members'of the be known * l Sec. 20 A, provides that plenty which wa would .not use. —Adv. Smith, Harold Snlffen, Leo fitaunton, Great Northern Preferred . . . . . . 71 $-4 i Previous to Mr. no driver shall remain parked in MilAmerican Legion Auxiliary at the LeLittle Miss Helen Hodge Is giving a Inspiration Copper * -...." 8$ S-* tatter of an executive. ton rtNet north of the center of thegion "Home on Main street, last even- party this afternoon at nor home, 11 International Paper . , . 30 P "1-2 OB1TUAR? .woutfu up. The street any longer tthan i s necessary to ing, 1 Seen interest ia being shown in Goodeile TSrra'ce .for her Mend, Dor- Lehigh Valley Commercial Geography •" »£»...;. 62 valley ..'., 0. _Gordon Eactos, rr OU the work of tho Auxiliary. The presi- othy Stults, who Is soon to leave the Marland OU Kenneth Balliett, r , 89 6-» Seo. tt_A._pPO»idesto*t;no driver Mr*. Cordelia executive committed i^aa. heard ,-dena" Cole,-Loi» Cross, _ElsBlyn..I>un8^ dttnt w-M-espactally gratified-at the ca? ct$jr_ . The, little follw wera entertained Marine Preferred ^JS 1 with garnet on thof lawn from 4 to *HiaaTeStattSft the rrciposed plin for permanent moor, Graham Oarlick, Florenoe Huff, given- when an opportunity load or tlxan Ja. necessary Who died W«dhe«day morn- operation 7 1-t" Miami Copper aaua, Who office previously subtuitted t o thl'fft": 3H^nnnah - -Huff, Chaiiefc -JiacsPM! longer cited of the Auxiliary" being able o'clock, after which a buffot luncheon Mldvalo p er». ' . M l d l SSteoll , , 25 1- . .hg hg aatelier t l i e r ho hmeV-tt h V t t Maisott Miai °«tr«eti ° t « t was is JenBen, Bruce Lottus, Fr.ed- dlsonarge' •ooiationa. L>lsous8jftff"5ira3 started' on';1 21 1-* was served out-of-doors. Pictures to give assistance to a local family to explanation it waa stated that behh « jH b dd tomorrow afterncrfin at Iflpmis, Frank Mann, Bloise tih»tt flrat New York Central .'. 102 1-f &' then, but upon motion {t were taken ol th« group and when finhad been wjH d n ottb f i t amendment n of a former Ijegionaire, who has been o'clock at the raaidenca amd a t 1 j ,toogickttrd) Edwaisd to tiold tHIa digqussjon this , frKmed t o cover the south 8ld» of Hil- i:8O i f |><; an invalid for several years. Several ished each gueat will t>o presented Now Itevon .•..-!_,, o'clock a t Trinity Church. Rev. 8. H. ton street because therei were no op-Edsail tog, limiting: speakers t odlenn Kogers, Marlon So-oor, Bei ,• f%• S~$ *> wtU otflclate. Interment will members volunteered to give iperson- with one. The young folks were Dor- Northern Paciflo .....•-» Shankwilier, Hazel Smith, Alberta ening* or street intersections on that ...«, 69 1-J Inutes ana the entire -cUBOUsslOn to seryloe and tho AtSaiiary voted to otny StultSi Claythera McElnney, Ruth Pan American .rt^T. - - - • steele. Charles " aide. It wan also torought out th»t with be made in Washington Street Ceme- al , ft The sena. m e family a check for $25.00 Spengier, Madeleine Northrup, Marga- Pacific OU the complgtldn1 "of the new high achoojt Pennsylvania, 43 3-< continued. Mlsa Mable Simpson "W«u» appolhUd ret Bugan and Holqn Hodge. provision will b e made ttetiugh the Philip* 1Pet 44 6-* •• avid U- Huttons manager Qf .theWithiara. Gienn Roy 8outt. Thaonometty filling i n o f t h e land In the rear for Bonding ...- . " 74 chairman of this committee and all funeral o t Glenn Boy Scutt, members who wishtoassist i s this The ©oroas Clubm——rth* parking ot a s many as 100 auto48 of the Lutheran, Republic Iron and Steel Dean Bennatt, John PaokarH, Leo nsfcflea Who died at his home, 45-Cherry street I t necewary. With regard t o Hock Island 30 ••>• delightful touch <» the Staunton, Fra-ncis Stebbins, Cather- the Franklin street limitation, i t w&tyesterday morning, Will bo held from worthy causa of hslping oufi. Legion-, church' held their annual dinner last Sinclair Oil . , , 23 as he wove evening at tho- "Wanna Kenna" Inn ine Stillman, Kugofte T.tuslonr. stated-^a* of ten people drive into this the r»«tde>pc«i to-morrow afternoon at alres ^riio are ill or unfortunate are toon Canandaiguo, Lake. A very delight- Southern Pacific 88 1-2 BDttBMBNSPAR'T ALGEB5aA.T-i jtoland statedtoM?often p e p e vise 'her. 106 1 - * ful evenig was spent there. The rnem- Studgbaker Seoor, Arthur Snltfen. 0oi-othy J>ocss6e street whoh exiSnds ffom Sen«ca~street 2:30 o'cto«t. • Rev: Bruce"M Kerce of The constitution and by-laws recent .." 65 7-8 ahD & , Jxa. Who Btejce HSSCft . preaeiriL preaant w wnro, Mra» Stroniborg Garb./ ' Mary Withee^ Xislfl to the lako.'park their «ar», lo«fc,them thft U n i t Methodist Church officia-t- ly dmfted wero road before tne meet- h6E8 v r r V t " * # • • • > * • » • & $ 4 %~$ Clarence Haag, Mrs. Herman Oorney, tJiiTloii irftcifixsr leBvo tnem there lor hours. This inf. Itttetment will be made In Gleni Newman, Eleanor -and United States Rubber 46 5-8 ster County Assoolatroh. Ing a s a requirement toward securing Misa Anita Carroll, MJSB Josephine it was .pointed out, is 4 *erlou« htaf • States' Stejl ..' . . . . . 93 8-8 d son> s ) May y Harris, Ivan dranoe, not only to th* a^Taral ttaf- wood Cemetery, WnKl B a v e aa jntere«ting ad permanent charter for the Legton. Idnkneiv Miss Minnie JUnkner, Mias United < J . „ ; , , . , . , ft 1< Ytfn\ Riper, a er . , ., Auxiliary, "and are to be referred to JHelen Schnirel and Miss Cora Utah Copper eanor GWsslok, Harriet Ilo but also tflotasTdut « Q Several New Patterns of Sanitas— the bounty Committee meeting at Selmlrel. ^ • Kenney, Gladys House,, Florence Hoag? meht, it wa»5»tatea th*t this hsl QRAfN MARKET he h««t watt covering for Bathrooms Fhelpa, June 2Sth, at 2:30 P. M, Dele» WHEAT— " t t G d K e n e y Afflah ned maaiy times in the past. Gordon Kenney, 106 7-S July •• ichael Moses, James JohnThe report of tha fln»nc« cpnanitteer and Kitchens. Fairfax's. The Sherwin William* palhii coverlJ September grates frotti the Geneva Auxiliary will S6o sq. ft. toj;he gallon,-2,coats. Otliov. on-th« adoption ot the penalon •we** -attend.- A t the close et^tae meeting paint covers 250*ana 260~m. tt, fherel) 3Iai1e^aaTnoa;Z Am f JyeB T ^ ^ y e n ylor,' Dorcas- Aldrich, Edith M^tcalf orman 45aylora the, 'This evening a t 8:4B and tohjorrow last evening, refreshments' were served using more gallons and a poorer cORN— "Albert l PlatiBan, PltB "Albet Brown Edward committee made no r«commend*tlo»«. *t 3:30, 7:30 a y si will *e the ttnal by Mrs, Clifford Powell and Mrs. Sari quality. Tho best is tho cheapest. Do rl PlatiBa,i L l Jbtift d Mvot&* the *udertt»an MVO > , , , . . . . 80 NJght at the <31r«Churchill,, and a social time enjoyed not be satisfied with tho cheap paints. Septetrifror —S TPope, BJVang&lina Luslt, Jbtift Bagshaw by the members. thoughfe The matter 0 cus by the popular Oi'th Buy ot Fairfax's. —Aav. December •••*....; 68 Oit and a d Coleman Co ii HargrovS, Frank wood, the tact that h e ' Company Whose' engagement OATS— Thet next meeting of the Auxiliary atFlorence Barttij, Glenn Kogeca, -John July 4t of otficers W^elii terminate* tomorrow evening1. wlllba Jield in the Legion Home Thurs .Grange Masters and Coyne,* ^itgiriia Taylor, Myfanwy conve September 1. 87 3*4 n " WilU Barden, Chry«t&l % ; Manager HcVoy comes forth with day evening, July 12th, \ 89 1-4 Lecturers Hold Meeting j December klie atatexiiiientjthat the fjm^le Theatti & m&w Window Shades. We have one of p Two Matches In "Y" Court the most complete shade 'departments ' Tha Masters ana Lecturers of the i Benedict, Dorothy w o u ld be low-ftt «ntt oa the* «%rtetT t « Invites any" one to In Western New York. Have you noa * n « t t , " AlXoa B l b contest hit statement. Tourney Played Yesterday ticed those dandy grey shades on sev- Granges of Seneca, Ontario and Yatos Altfee e*nfl»l Counties met in conference today at m horeas* i t t d r . Jordan Hall, ESxpertment BUrttoh. The Rtv. B. E. Rife won in straight sets it would have to b» perpetual, pp and soot*. But* your morning session which was attended Harry Tarball In the' tir«t match p f kW id nmn . kW apoiw da p ay i td y. M. 0, A. ,hy forty j>f fleegSr-was-eatled—to-H&pderiri ^k inutefMs for Vt at 10:80 o'clock by the State Lecturer. tennlaJourney, 6-4 g-g. Elmer C . Commencienicnt Exercises li b» passed. H* t o l ? ; .. j InviUtioni C 1. I Pred ITreeotone of ^{nterlaken. -who ga;ve enadagor" and C. W. Martin fought i t prorlsori*. Other 8tt, •3CllOO» SM. interesting and instructive ijcidrcss. out In the second match for three seta v '- slating j t > - "" j ' Cards are out announcing the forthoutlining many now lines of work for before the • issue was decided*1 Mr. Wgaiy ' favor «>f the w w«t*t*. coming marrlaj;9;of TfcJi e: Jdcia.1 Oranges. Worthy Deputy Laugfotenslager finally winning cut The Commencement exorcists, of the firemen are-^ lncli»dedr under th»; •daughter of Helen DsckmAn, Salisbury of Ontario county. Worthy 6-4, 3-6, B-2, J. C. Ellis, physical tmaaar Department of St, Francis b h i l i t jifcg telailbtt but the pquoe a«B not Mr.._and.. Mrs^Jamen .Deputy Qw«a. "of Tate* coan^y Sntt OlFS&tor of the *TP» In charge o€ the are ffiwr contrioutinir t o a tuna do gales School will be held this Lyons, to 3Dootor Andrew '1:4,5 o'clocK-at St*Francis Worthy T^sputy Brownell. of Seneca tourney announced thi»*ntornlng- that of this city and- Dunag:ft*» addreaie.t which .»were Mr. iMartln, one ot the jplayors in. the Design-^- JBllsa de Salea church, fjfe .••marriage *wlll | itecond match, had donated his prilappredatefl. and enjoyed. Bfcrf B«:y»|B* Sid^K ayeniiur, Sum 24^h, M, ev«nlngf, Jiine ?8,t||,^ajt^ o'clock'it I 'ffntik Btfi'eau Mtnitger Psase of On- vate court at hl» residence? on Castle o?«loek tho High School will holo William street. Lyons; W l w p i ** whefeby .a' •cpmy p , Florence • coun%? spoke of hfa Work in this Heights for the uae of th% fT" players. G0hHnen,cement in Smith "Opel* t d v investigate tftdtov-, i i t the th county atfa in tho wider field of the.Should the M. E. church court, leaaod the plibftjs i» j and to confer with the New Supply >«f; Weighted Mwatds, " "• - ' Many by the "It" prove inadequate to hany matf»n» of Intatemt came Iy tf i$,! Jjjiit; i 4 | « t t George fairfax. John oil Public Works relative to that Pruahes at lower prices Fairfax Bros the closing- exercises ie the afternoon session. te-JJ die di the h l u]p play, ]p of S t Stephen's Faimer Nit* "Wtorn*, -, ^ , board taklnr «trecof Its jratw' Parochial School win.bo,hel& port o f w h i c h w i l ll b a ^Iveh later. ham, Donald Watson Leslie Funnel!, Paint now later. prevent Wy*tt. Ronald Harrtion Marl the Green, Grey and a u i f Henry, t-ucllle.Heisit, Ruth Kidd oreh Chetolk setbothfSohoolj* to been arranged tor both to©laok comes front Fairfax's and < tees, -«rter which nil i peraons interested t ar« in> w a Don*—the ,w*y it ***9 «Ptodate by reading The New Hardware Store R-F Supply Co. " ei 519-521 Exchange St., North Side of Seneca Hotel !S TO TEACH ALL Experienced HOW TO SWIM • . % Budders find Tyers RICE BROS. CO. Steady Work - _ • Sl'OCK MARKET • • ' - . ^ t , ". ^ * i '. *** ' iMil—i r "i i >• » i. nwj.6i r. i•• - -- -• - - . — - - . . —r--— ^ - - v ^ *~mw W 4 • • • » V * * B 4 M V if * * ^ xi ' 1 . • •-,'""» LI 9 ^••^•^ ^ * A W l £ * * » -><*«* ^.4^* w M^ I I C4r* K*. k^^>«^ VAA t ^ ' O A*Jb**?Q JiUlA«4ll l^UfA 1 V l i f ly^ i n n U U t n ? Jk/I M l i U t 'mZ ^^fiS _ ' . * - - r > ' J " ^ ' k i ' ^ :i>^-*^V' - ^ i '^T* ' * . * • .IT!; - . *m \ ^ ^ 2 A r t c S 4 vtted *o%u«k: •; : ; " i iM \V-"'T~~ - 'i : ;: '.'• 6? '' ' " , . '*'•''».,• ^ ' '"«%••>'. .- . ij : • ^ w - , j/_l " . «*"'' - A /,,, _ * " * " *r "a."-' • ^fti •'. *' ^ r :
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