LEADER-PRESS- . Wednesday, February 19, 1989 Eaxley vice-president; Mrs. FHA INTEREST UP John Kroger, secretary; Mrs. The Nixon Admimrtration hai Simonsen, treasurer; announced an increase to VM Reelects All Of fleers Andrew and Mra. Edwin Potter, sunshine per cent in the maximum interWOODBRIDGE — Past offic- chairman, est rate on mortgages insured ers of tine Ladies Aid Society of A Talent Auction will be eon by the Federal Housing AdminFirst Presbyterjam Church were ducted at the meeting Wednes- istration. George Romney, Secreelected and were re-installed day, February 26, with Mrs. Os retary of Housing and Urban by Mrs. Charles Barnekow At car Iversen in charge. Hostesses Development, said the incr*as» titie last meeting. will be Mrs. Kreger and Mrs. Idoes not affect the 4.6 million Officers are: Mrs. Fred Bald- Joseph McEwen. Mrs. Barnekow outstanding FHA insured mortgages already on the books. win, president; Mrs. Edwin will lead the devotion a Is. Ladles Aid Society Iselih Pastor Lists Services 1SELIN — The Revivel Crusade being heW at the Isejin Assembly of God Ohuch will continue through Sunday, Fobriin i-y 2!i, according to Rev. Samuel Clutter, pastor. Evan Kelist tleorge Butrin of Berwick, I'II. is the main speaker. Services are being held each week mi>ht, except Monday, at 7:45 P.M. and will be held Sunday at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. OLher service* a | ^ activities .set for Sunday include: 9:45 AM Sunday School for all age levels, with ten classes, Nursory through Adult; U A.M.J .hinior Church, for boys and Kirls two through eleven years of age; and 6 P.M., Christ's Ambassadores Youth Group mooting. The church nursery will be available, under* supervision, during the 11 o'clock services for small children up to two years old. Services and activities scheduled for the remainder of the week of February 23 include: Monday, Fbruary 24, 6 P.M.. Men's Fellowship, monthly visit lo Bowery Mission, New York FATHER AND SON JOIN ELKS: Among tin- I- new im-mfx'rs initiated into the Woodbridtjc ICIks I.odtfe last week were a City, leaving church at that father and son team shown above with lOlks dignitaries. Left to right: Steven Cymh;iluk, Mate vice-president; Kdwartl llanlon, time; Tuesday, February 25, state president; Bruno Kaslewicz, the father and Bernard Kasiewicz, the son; Dominic l.alYnta, exalted ruler of the lodge 9:30 A.M., ladies prayer meet- and Norman Nagy, a lodge member who sponsored the two m ing and 7:30 P.M., special prayer service; Wednesday, 7:45 I'M., Mid Week Bible Study and prayer service, with Sunday School Workers and Teachers •Conference afterwards; Friday, . February 28, 8 P.M., Ohoir prac• lice for all; and Saturday, 7:30 wedding Saturday of Miss Ger I'M., church open to public for AVENBL — Rev. Cheater C. aldine Theresa Lynn and-An- WOODBRIDGE - Miss Gloria and ushers were Steven Brakl, Jean Fillipcsuk, daughter of Mr. Peter Lichtenstein, Ned DiefenGenecki performed the 3 P. M. -paye. drew John Matlaga in St. An- and Mrs. Steven Fillipcsuk, 524 thai, Charles Dalsgaird aud Lee drew's Roman Catholic Church. Alice Place, became the bride of Dabgard. Parents of the couple are Mr. Frank Joseph Kaphan, son of Mrs. Kaphan attended Wood WORLD WIDE TRAVEL SPECIALISTS SINCE 1MI and Mrs. David D. Lynn, 726 Mr. and Mrst Edward Kaphan, bridge Senior High School and Woodbridige Avenue and Mr. and100 Dover Road, Coloni-a, Satur- was employed' by M. and T. Mrs. Andrew Matlaga, 51 Fifth day afternoon ait 4 in the Ukrai- Chemicals Inc., Rahway, as a nian Catholic Church of the As-secretary to the manager of Avenue. sumption, Perth Amboy. Ms.gr. marketing operations. . Miss Miehaelene Hrabar was Stephen Sulyk performer the ceis our Her husband attended Pingry maid of honor and bridesmaids remony. School, Hillside, and Cornell were the Misses Carol Ann and Sandra Matlaga, Nicholas Mat- Mrs. Albert D, MaTtiiielli, sis- University, Ithaca, N.Y., where laga was best man and ushers ter of the bride, served as ma-he received his bachelor of tron of honor and Miss Audrey science degree in business adwere Joseph Lynn aad Charles Mcsaros was maid of honor. ministration. He is employed by Air • Rail • Steamship Balanka. Bridesmaids were the Misses Lumered Corp., Woodbridge, as Hotel • Tour and Cruise The bride attended Woodbridge Diane Barrett, Joann Morgan, a production manager. Senior High School and is em-Mary Jane and Carol Ann Fil- After a wedding trip to Puerto Reservations The World ployed by Ronson Corp., Wood- lipcsuk. Rico the couple will reside at Over — VA 8-3681. bridge, as a clerk typist. Her Robert Kaphan was best man|546 Woodbridge Avenue, A vend. husband attended Middlesex County Vocational and Technical High School, Perth Amboy. He is em/ployed by Mauro Motors, 303 Maple Street Wood-bridge. After a wedding trip* to FloriPERTH AMBOY, N. J. da tine couple will make their WORLD WIDE TRAVEL home in Sayreville. SPECIALISTS SINCE 1907 COLONIA - St. John Vianney Her husband is a 1962 gradCastro little change after 10 Roman Catholic Church was theuate of Woodbridge Senior High years of power. setting Sunday, 4 P. M., for the School and a 1966 graduate of wedding of Mies I>olores Anne Montclair State College. He is Kelly and John Velcbik, Jr. Rev.an instrumental music teacher A. David Bathkovsky officiated employed by 4)he Newark Board at the ceremony. of Education. The bride i s the daughter of After a wedding trip to Miami Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kelly, Beach, Fla. tihe couple will make 188 Cypress Drive, and the their home in Beachwood. bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Velchik, 41 Paul Street, Fords. Auditions Being Held Miss Carole Velchik, sister of the bridegroom, served as maid For Service Club Show of honor. Bridesmaids were the EDISON — Auditions for the i Misses Kathy Machado and Ma-Edison High School Variety' ! ry Susan Winslow. Georg« Do- Show will be held today. bronic served as best man and The show, co sponsored by Ski ushers were Michael Velchik dio Pauline and the Girls' Ser l vice Club of EHS will be held j and Thomas Itoflier. 011 March 15, Proceeds will be Mrs. Vetehik attended Mount j St. Mary's Academy, North donated to the ETAC. Plainfield, and is a 1964 grad- Anyone interested is encour uate of Woodbridge Senior Iligh aged to audition — Rock and School. She is employed is a Folk Groups, Comedy, Dance, bank teller by National State and Dramatic Reading!, will bo welcome. Bank, EkizabeKh. For further information call, ON FIXED BROKER FEES Janice Mwtysyn after 3 P. M The Justice Department has at 287 2533. announced plans requiring an hourly minimum wage of at least $1.60 be paid all foreigners entering the United States on work permits. The $1 60 federal MUSIC STUDIO minimum wage does not apply Lessons • Sheet Music to all occupations and the pay • Sales On All Instruments sralc would be adjusted to their • Band Rentals COLONIA: occupation. , IIIITITTIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIITITII GARMENT CENTER MANUFACTURER'S OUTLET W/HOM located at 27 JEFFERSON AVENUE ELIZABETH . . . 353-3914 Optr Monday 4 Thursday Nitti 'lil 9 P.M. Otlur Nitti & Saturday 6 f M, Matlaga-Lynn Wedding Miss Gloria Fillipcsuk Wed IQFrank J. Kaphan Held in St. Andrew's TRAVEL BUSINESS Travel Bureau t-r ONE DOUBLE KNIT JRS! D R E S S E S MISSES! Velchik-Kelly Nuptials Solemnized in Colonia SATURDAY FEB. 22 DAY ONLY We Scoop Up A Famous.Manufacturer's Entire Inventory of Fine Quality . . . Top Styled Knits . . . You Get The Savings! Cornplete Selection! Hurry In! it i n ( i i : \ \ i \ ( ; Bastardo ThifMi repeats demand for two-sided talks. GARMENT CENTER Lj MANUFACTURER'S OUTLET \ How to stop paying and 15^ toll charges when you call people living in other towns. O t uriT nnn ijrmffH flflitrd tnii linifh'H Hi r«|nl.tr price ind one mor» for only le. Enjoy the lm»-t drv rle*nin( lervice itiilible anywhere — A\O SAVE AS NEVEB BEFORE. FX AMPLE—First g«tm«t cleaned tnH finish«J at regular price. Any if rond similar or lower priced garmen 191 laman Aft., 3M-1JST ELIZABETH: Hi R l h w l y A T « . , MS-UOt 1 •Sorry . . . In order to pitnntei onr oraal high itnndard of Quality . . . ONE WEEK SERVICE FOR ALL le SALE ARTICLES. SIIIJS ITEMS IT KEG. PRICE MOREY LaltUE SIOI.IS — In This Area — OIM;\ WASHINGTON'S HUM n o w * * F.M/AIIKTIl! 536 N. Broad St. * ISEI.FNi l.VJB Onk Tree R<|. k UNION: 344 Chestnut St. * tOLONIA: 426 Lake: Ave. •k SPIUNGFlELD: 2 0 3 Mort-ii Ave. • M.mJCHKNi 402 Main St. * NEW PROVIDENCE: 592 Oumil Ave. many call* as you wish to those exchanges at no A similar Selective Tallin* nltrr Is avatfeble Here's a way to eliminate MV and l.V toll extra COM. j t different rates to customers vnth business phone*. charges on calk to New Jersey telephone numbers. 'I he monthly rate for the first exchange ytrtf* I or more information, pita* call your TcleIt's :i nrw service called Selective Calling, and it's select ratipes From SI.25 to V.50, Additional ex- phone Bn .mr>.<. Ollkc. I available rtpht now* clumps cr.'.i only ."'V lo %\M SI I I ("IIVT CAM INfi: iinoihrr new'setlire's,how it worls for imliviriii;il-liric rcsi>«>u like tu t;'llk long :intl nften • \ke From '•<•*, I'i'-y H<:ll thfit can s:ivi- >ou money. derice ciiitfiiii'-rs. Y o u ,eh-<t t h e 1 0 - o r l i - c c n i N e w t o f r i ' c i u l - i o i rt . ' i n i i l ) I ' M I I B H I t l i e . t . 1 1 0 o r ' l r ) J i ' N c y CMJKIIU 1 '. 1 .troii-. s>.r\f(l h y N o w J e r s e y Hell e x t l i . i n s ' i ' : i f c . i • . ' . ' A n i l t . i l k h a p | i i l v 'wilhuut lull llial yi HI t;;ill o r w m i l i l I l k ' In till I lra|llL'N(1^. V o n p a y i i n l u l d i t i d n i i l s m a l l f i x e d m o n t h l y flinr'jjt . t l i . i r i t c - . ' . ' I I ' M ) , S L I C C I I ; C C i i l l i i i " n u i k c i i t v o t y c ; t - . y New Jersey Bell ior cittli exchange sclccicd. Then you tun make as Pan ol tho Nanonwidi Bell System and wonuiiiic.il lo do just-that. ni H'ru, u\ til* llllff
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