« I . . » \ 1 I. < • » / ONE DOLLAR P»y»forthi»p»p8roneye»r*nd giveayou thaeboio.- of four exoellaut P R E M I U M papers. Every subscriber in ne county, new or old, DM tfie premium, •wuupayiln »dv»uce : : : : FK0NL0UR CORRESPONDENTS. l O l U S H I D K T U I THCm»»AT AT . . . 7 N E W YORK, ^~~^ CHASS HILL. Mrs. Wm. Broughton is on the sick list. Sara Marian is visiting this week in Verm* oi dubecriptioo:—$1.00 par year If sant hi Steuben County, and $i.aj par year oat of Troupsburg among friends. -the County; $1.50 if not paid during the year. P X C a V N K .A.. Editor and Proprietor. ioTertumg Bate* made known on appUoattoa at akieoSoe. . _.' Oflteela Hallett Blook, Depot Street. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Northrup of Cam eron visited friends here Saturday. JOB PRINTING of every deaortpUon promptly tod akUHuUy done. h The TIMES ottet.ofaveryklad, uautiy and «*jiadltiou»Iy Joue, and «;iti«fa< tiou i{imr»nt»ed LoTrsst Possible Prices. CANISTEO, STEUBEN CO., N.Y., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, ,8«*6 VOL. XX. CANISTEO. Time QTani Job Frintingat:: I « T I I < > « t i « i « e « T * m a i » T O » » H T « O . a),v. • ( O a H . - O L A * . MAlk « » T T « . Mr. and Mrs. A Parsons of Way laud made a short visit here on Monday. J. K. Marian was quietly surprised last Friday evening by about 65 friends. Mr. Marlatt was presented with a very nice chair. Sept. 7 of the hoes in some way caught and drew the team over against the fence A new boy at Nelson Fisk'a. and backed them. Results: Platform Robert Chase was taken to W i l U r d wagon tipped over, horses ranaway, C'hauncey and his groceries left in the Asylum last Monday. mud, wagon'.demciished, team and man Miss Lee Tanner, who is working; in uninjured. E l i said, "can't hurt a Alford, is visiting at borne. druokeo man.'' Mary Parks of Jersey Heights and Hugh Sept. 8 Brown of Canisteo are io town. Hubert Seeley and Mr. North up of . SOUTH CAMtSTKO. Hornellsville are visiting friends in t o w n . Buckwheat harvest is quite general Mrs. Allen Price, who has been having Tracy Converse was a caller at Canisa run of typhoid fever, is getting bettor. teo on Sunday. John Palmer, who has been working One inch of rain fell here Thursday in the town of Howard, has returned and Saturday of last week. home. Chestnuts are reported quite plentiful TROUPSBURO NUMBER37. Highest of ail LB Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report UTTCLY P U R E Boots and Shoes at cost, at Davison's DON'T STOP T0BA000, Cash paid fojf fresh eggs, at the HOW TO CURE Y0UBSELP store of L4. Davison. & WiHLE USING IT. The tobacco habit grows on a man unCall at Davison's and be convinced til bis nervous system is seriously affectMarried, Sunday. Sept. 6, 189«, b y in the chestnut groves on the Swale. Take the Buffalo Express During* the that we are selling groceries tery cheap. ed, impairing health, comfort and h a p George Kent and h's mother visited Rev. P . H Rowley, Porter Springer and Campaign. SWALt. piness. T o quit suddenly is too severe friends at Hampshire last Wednesday Miss May Max, both of Troupsburg. This is Presidential year, the great a shock to the system, as tobacco, to an Special sale Sherman Dennis has traded off hisof Agate and Granite Iron ware X at the inveterate user becomes a stimulant that The lawsuit between Matbew Rogers J. J. Bowles preached at the Swale 0.1 year in politics. and Alonzo Owens, at Rexville, over a single horse and cart for a gold watch "Corner hardwarofstaVe. W . P. Goff, his system continually craves. "BacoYou should take a good Daily paper. Sunday. and chain. Curo" is a scientific cure for the tobacco agent. The Buffalo Express will be the best Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones are visiting docking, was decided in favor of Mr. habit, in all its forms, carefully c o m William Kellogg is laying the founda Rogers. political paper published hereabouts. at B. P. Tobey's in Lindley. tion wall for a large flower room annex There are all kinds of coffees, but only pounded after the formula of an eminentSept. 7 It will be fair to all parties Charles Johnson of West Cameron is ed to his bouse. one kind that is always delirious, always Berlin Physician who has used it in hia It will have special dispatches every on the hill with his hay press. JASPER' Farmers are a little anxious for apple the same, and that is Sancuta Blended private practice since 1872, without a day from the political centers. failure. It is purely vegetable and guaranGeorge Wilson and John Clark were buyers to come along and unburden the Coffee. Done up in sealed packages. It will cover the field thoroughly. [Gleaned from Weekly Monitor.] teed perfectly harmless. You can use alt callers at R. K. Wilson's Sunday. heayy ladened trees. If you want to keep up with the times, Miss May Andrews is teachiDg iu North the tobacco you want, while taking "BacoNew Goods, Prices Redtrcnd. Come Our boys were beaten in a ball game Mrs. Charles Fairbanks of Hornellsorder The Buffalo Express sent to you Curo," It will notify you when to stop. Tonawanda. us over and we will We give a written guarantee to pertuaTuesday, by the Gully nine. The score in and look through your newsdealer, newsboy or ville is visiting at Geoige Fairbanks'. Fred Walrath has returned t o h i s convince you that we can sell Groceries uetuly cure any case with three boxes, was 8 to 38 in favor of the latter. A boy baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. postmaster, or address Buffalo Express, studies at Geneseo Normal School. cheaper than anycody. DAVISON'S. Much interest is manifest by interested or lefuud the money with 10 w cent. Buffalo, N. Y., 2 cents a copy, or 50 Monroe Dickey Monday morning, and a A. N . and C. H. Craig will soon open ones, by the coming well-shooting, ox interest. "Baco-Curo" is not a substitute, boy babe to Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins, cents a month. Ladies shirt waists laundered for loo. but ;t scientific cure, that cures without a large general store at West Union. roast and platform dance, Tuesday the both "gold bugs." In club with the TIMES at low rate. Color always set befafewlkslnusi. Give the aid of will power and with no inconM. J. Hollenbeck started his ensilage loth inst. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson of South venienct-. It leaves the system as pare cutter on Bennett's creek last Thursday. Prizes for Your Skill. Isaac Vanhouten, who has been sutler us a trial. Canisteo were cullers at Isaac Yanhouand frt-e from nicotine as the day you DAWIS & CKOZIEH. Au'ts -The person t>rmin»>±bi&Jarge8t number of words Andrew Hilborn is making extensive nig with a frog felon of the right hand Mr. Vauhouten is re t OK vour first chew or smoke. »n,J.W! the letters-in tbc '.oxt "EXCELSIOR," will be ten's, on Sunday. improvements 10 his barn and building is improving uuder the treatment of Dr. For Sale C h e a p . given $100 in cash. $11-•;•' will be given to the person ported to be improving, his hand has Cured By Buco-Ciir© «n»t ( . i t l n o l 1 l.lrty Williamson. new she '8. fcriuinit the next largest list. The next will receive beguu to heal Founda. A s e c o n d h a n d oue^ltorse urnJ50.0.: . . ,. >; 3 for each of the next e:even largFrom hundreds of testimonials, tha Frfd B o w k s , L. D. Rathbone. and Robert Hilborn ia moving from his Sept. 8 est lists will be paid $25.00 each. Money deposited ber w a g o n . I n q u i r e of origiuais ot which are on file and open to farm, two miles north of Jasper into J. Mr. and Mr E. R. Gay, ure absent this in Bay City Bank, corner Center and Washingtou BUENA VISTA. inspect'on. tin* following is presented: I F . D . ( LOSSEY avenues. week at the annual conference at the M. B. Foster's hou^Lon Bridge street. Clayton. Nevada Co., Ark , Jan. 28, 1895. Separate the letters in the text thus E-X-C-E-LIra Edgett is suffering from an attack Glen luaAy^m badly kicked in the P. church, at Corfu, N . Y. Euieka Chemical & Mfg.. Co., La S-I-O-K, and form &a many words as you can. For Buffalo Market has on hand spring For forty face by a h o J ^ P c e n t l y , and was taken The road from Brown's crossing to lamb, and spring chickens dre^s* d >o Crosse, Wis.—Gentlemen: •example; Excel, is, etc. It i< said that over ten of sciatic rheumatism. years I used tobarTTo in all its forma. small words can be formod from these letters, and Mrs. Margaret Stewart of Canisteo is home unc the Swale church is the best kept hil but is much i m :>us. order. We buy all varieties of first c a s s For twenty-five years of that time I was we will give a prize to every person sending ten visiting friends in this place. road we know of in this part of tin- fat stock—cattle, hogs, sheep, lambs, a great suffe.ier from general debility IUUL proved. words or more; so ii you ar good at word-making, James Anderson is laying the founda or are bright, you are sure of something for your ims had the misfortune to town; one waterways are frequent and etc. We sell ail kiDds/of meats at low heart disease. For fifteen years I tried D. E. to quit, but couldn't. I took various trouble, while you have au equal opportunity for tiou for a aew dwelling bouse. Jadly bruised and nei well k l p t opened est prices. get an remedies, at^oiisr others " N o - T o - R a c " George R. Stewart is the proud fathe. laOHiiifuiii^ju ^afl Had JaWre and on the ettjng i t ^ ^ g h t 11 >ur wagon ruuf^ twice a week (Monfracturt jrar 'EXCELSIOI etc., etc., but none . the, of them did me the least, bit of good. man, who is absent at Greece, ,N. f o r k i n g . >t creekiroau. the Tall "ins of water it attiftcfea* to few days with Rev. JB, D. Chapnfan and Fi'.iallj, however, I purchased a box of Y ^ B s i m n g Rev. S. El Matthews*in O. YOLK, Canisteo. iicu re. your "Baco-Curo" and it has entirely family at North Cohocton recently. person sending i)8t of worto must enclose WHEELER. ( j u a » r l y meeting. 1 cured me of the habit in all its forms, The accidental discharge of a revolver f tke same thirteen tw"o-cent stamps for a pack i n v o l u t i o n of Partnership. and I have increased thirty pounds in Charles B'oughton sa,Js potatoes are ?%ge of EXOEGBIOR GERMAN MEAD, which will in the hands of Charles Thompson reThere is a large crop of apples in this The firm of Crosby & DeLany, dealers weight and air. relieved from all t h e ' be sent postpaid, together with full rules and parworth one dollar a bushel in N e w York. sulted in powder burning his face and section this year. numerous aches aud pains of body and ticulars governing the contest. ^ ; •'.".". Farmers here will take 50 cents a bushe 1 in general merchandise at Adrian, N. Y., mint,. I eoald wiite a quire of paper As a guarantee of good faith, the Mayor and Chief eyes, but with no further injury. Mrs. J. C, Carlton of Bstb visited at for theirs, which would give the rai« is this day dissolved by mutual consent. upon my changed feelings and condition. of Police of this eity will act as judges in the award A number in this place .have received F. F. Lewis' over Sunday. The busine-s will be continued at the Yours respectfully, P. H, M A R B U R T . of prizes, •; SOB! W B P . roads a fair profit for cartage. invitations ffHthe wedding of Herbert *ame stand by N. S. CrosbyAwho will Pastor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. Number your-word* and write your name plainly. Oats harvest about finished. Some Sept. 9 Hall, formerly of this place but now of Address THEGFRSHH SIEADCO., Sold by all druggists at $ 1.00 per b o x ; -ett'.e the businegs-'of ihe late firm, and are cutting com, some sowing wheat. Cor. Adams and Center Ste. Bay City, Mich, three boxes, (thirty days treatment),$2.50 Temple, Texas, to Miss Edith LaVantia •0 who-ii all accouuts sh/v.ld be p i e GREENWOOD. Miss Grace Var.Wormer of Cohocton with ironclad, written auarautee, or sent Convor, to occur Sept. 16, at her home ented. All accounts due the late firm direct upon receipt of price. Write for is speuding a few weeks with F . F. Always in season, Hopkins' Steamed in Waco. Texas. All the housewive are now constantly must be settled within thirty days from booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical Lewis and wife. 1 Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch & Manufacturing Company, La Crosse, Sept. 8 hm date. '. . / in a "pickle." •Ln Milk.' Qt. can. 10c. Tobacco all cut; M. C. Myrtle raised Wis., and Boston. M»ss. Adrian. N. Y., Aug. 25, lsi<«. BENNETT'S CREEK. Miss Le-oa Goldsmith viiited f.-itnds a flue crop this year, the best quality heN. S. CROSBY, In Oswayo last week. Golonial Food, Wheatiet, Hominy Shake Into Y o n f Shoes. Js"cutting is nearly completed and has ever raised, Jpbrn JOHN D E L A N Y . Allen's Foot-Ease,- a powder for the Grits, Farinose, iandOat FlalNtare a few silos are being filled. ind Mrs. A baby girl was born to Mr. a Alva Colson and wife of Thurston vis feet. It cures painful, swollen,smarting of the Breakfast F o ° d s 8 0 ' d at Davison's ited at W. A. Congdon's from last Fri- N, E, Coston, on Wednesday last. James Norton of Jasper was calling on feet am' instantly takes the *ting out of Marvin Goff is visiting his sun Floyd. day until Sunday. relatives here last week. It's the greatest corn1- and bunionMrs. Wallace Billings and Miss Lelin iu Westchester county. J. R. Stephens and family visited his t lie age. Alien's rnmlii' discovery of Prof and Mrs. Earlmah Fenner, of When you take Hood's 1M1K The big, old-fash- Foot- F.M»e makes t; >ht fil U;io t-hoest o Rose of Avoca visited J. H. Lewis ami mother near Ark port on Sunday. ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to Sea Cliff, L. I., visited in towu latt pieces, are not In it with Hood's. Easv to take new -l,(»-s feel ca-v. It Is a certain CH"1 Eesulting ln poor memory, irritability, nerwife last Tuesday. Ripple trees are so burdened with fruit vousness and Intellectual exhaustion; It f.,1 •-« eatir o, C«l!oii- an i hot. tired ai d Buckwheat is thought to bo a fas week. fhat many of them are breaking clown Induces other forms of disease, such as epi(I utterly meeting services will be Sold by crop but not large. Oats are n >r yield ;,. I ; . g fe«t. - TIN it »o d r y . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bwwted of Canlepsy, heart disease, apoplexy, lEsanity, etc. By mail all ir tfaifistB ann i*h(. <• o n >. he.d in the M. F. church next Sunday ing according to the straw. isteo visited her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Trial package free. lot Joe. in stumj'S Mr. und Mrs. Alonzo Bunts- of Troy. morning. Geo. Carter, on Sunday. Address, Allen S O ' m ^.d, L»Ro|tW.t. , , " , L and easy to operate, fa true N. Y . , vi ited D. V. Miller and wif- We should have 1 " * e k ! of Hood's Pills, which are Rev. A. C. Wiley will hold a fellow Special Sale , and other relatives here last week Thurs that Miss Grace Kellogg has returned to tip to date fn every respect. ship meeting at the Putnam schoulhou e tit the Park store, of Mey's, T3oys', Safe, certain and sure. All Oaweg. for another ye^r in the Normal day and Friday. on Saturday cveuingnext. Women's and Mj^Keflf bhoes for di'UKKists. S5c. C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass JBI Wheeler is proud to have one Of her s c h o o l . The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsapanK.- the next twfito^tlis^very SatEarl Fenner and wife of Long Island A photograph gallery on wheels artownsmtn, M G. Foster, named as canuiday I will |fve 10 per cent diswere guests of Mrs. Fenner's uncle, didate for scnool commissioner. He is a rived in town Saturday, and k- located count on all fcboes sold for cash. Floyd Smith, last Saturday. young man of intelligence and honor, a n | ou John Ward's tot on the east side of I?, D. 0LO88EY. 63 M A I N S T . , HORNELLSVILLE, N . Y . Mr. and Mrs. Dua< e Stephens ot Fre > highly respected by all who know hinr1, the street. Canisteo N. Y. mont visited at his brother's, H. 8. Ste— • • ! » — — i — u r n ••• i . FRACTICE LIMITED TO THE Sept. 7 , There w i l l b e an excursion and baski t phens, Saturday and Sunday. ANTED—SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN OR picnic on the N . Y. & P. R. R to near EYE, EAR, NOSE & T H R O A T . Woman to travel for' rtaponhlble entab lahed PURDY CREEK. The Ladies Aid society of Carter dis hou.e ln Hew York. Salary $7*), payable am weekOswayo, on Saturday of this week, undtr S P E t T A C L K PITTING). ly and eKpanaes. P. nation pemiaueiit. Reference. trict will meet with Mrs. Geo. Carter, Encloied >•«;(-, ddre*ee<l stamped envelope. The the auspices of the M. E. Sunday school C. King's thrashing machine is tootBonn: 10 to 11 a. iu., 1 n 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. National, Star bu.l tti.ig, Ci tcago. Sr., on Thursday of this week. of this place. Superintendent G. M. ing as usual. Charles Smith and family of Hornells Woodward goes to-morrow to perfect Ed. Gay hart has bought a new corn ville were" guests of Mrs. Smith's mother, the arrangements. cutting machine. Mrs. Amanda Purdy, on Sunday. Officers elected in the Epworth League Mrs. 0 . Teribury of Fall creek visited ftr the coming year are as follows: PresThe Ladies Aid sooiety of Putnam district met with Mrs. Abram Crusen on C. Tice over Sunday. ident, W. Reynolds; 1st vice president, Mrs. Martha YanBuskirk cleaned the, Addie Smith; 2d vice president. Charles Thursday last; proceeds nearly $5. His. Chas. A. Myers, 201 Hanna St., Fort Wayne, Ind., writes Oct. 7,1894: "I suffered A. J. Aldnch and wife attended the schoolhouse i > district N o . 5 last week Adams; 3d vice president, Mrs. C. F. terribly with severe headaches, dizziness, annual reunion of his regiment, the 1st Comrade N . P. Stryker and son of tfmUb; 4tb vice president, Mrs. J. F. backache and nervousness, gradually growing worse until my life was despaired ot, N. Y. dragoons, at Portage on the 27th Hornellsville are visiting at G. R. Cor Baker; secretary, Velma Hoyt; treasurer, A. P. Woodward; organist, Jessie bett's, and hunting. and try what we would, I found no relief of August ;;'i.> until I commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine. Biker. Mrs. L. C. Fitch and her t w o daughOur depot tor the new railroad will be I have taken five bottles and believe I am a : ->--: Last Tuesday Will Vanderhoef, of /'T™: well woman, and I have taken great com- near the cemetery. The switch has been ters returned home last Saturday from a fort la recommending all of my friends to laid, and we expect a fine building there two weeks visit here with her daughter, fiennett's Creek, wv» sitting in his car use Nervine. You may publish this letter riage holding h i l horse in Byron Ru Mr*. Frank Zeliff. If you Wish, and t hope It may be the means in the near future. Rug*r of saving some other sick mother's life, as It The two expected iron bridges have gar's lane, facing the foundry. School commences next Monday in the did mine." let the steam iff an engine he was reCarter dirtrict with Miss Mary Whit- arrived—came last Saturday—and will On sale by all druggists. Book on Heart wood for tescher; and also in the Pat- be put up at once. The t w o cost $1260. pairing in front of the mill, which so and Nerves sent FREE. Dr. Miles Medical nam district with John Goff for teacher. One u 50 feet in length, the other 40 ' frightened the horfce that it partially Co., Elkhart, Ind. turned 'ourid ana sprang up on a pile of J Owing t o t h e inclemency of thefeet timbers and ladders and over the picket weather the Sunday school picnic was Last Saturday C. Tice and Frank held in the Putnam sehoolhouse on Sat- Zeliff went to Hornellsville and they got fence into vS. Reynolds' garden, and ASTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN OR All enjoyed U in jpite of the pretty full. Chauncey came home in neither hor*e. carri »ge nor man « a s Women to travel for reaponslblo «<!*bll*!wi1 urday, HoTtW! u. S»*w York. 8 -lary $780 payable $15 flreekthe afternoon caving hi^ jmrd by the hurt, 1» sad exneiieea. Potfttoa permanent. Reference. rain and limited space. foetowl wlf-addreiwed rtmipfd envelope The gg x. 8. MAX. Sept. 7 tuavide. G u up tin. In,, i v S l i s o n e Sstiona!, gter Building, Chicago. — — . - • • No Gripe Headache Destroys Health Hood's Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Pills b. MITCHELL, M. D„ W :Esa ! Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health. W ^ . — , . . mumm WBaW . 1 . , m ?*'** ir ? lis.;1 Untitled Document ;"J ; ~:~~T"':"" ;-v;::;Sr" Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com iHHawn ?5sffl
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