MA 7 2 1 , 1 9 0 2 TEE TIMES-REPUBLICAN: CANISTEO BRL1CH BRC PIIGLRS8 111 rami i mm cm —Mrs. CharlesjCL-Burrell viaitfd her & P. railroad was the guest of Theodore « « 5 aunt, Mrs Wm. Hallett, in Cameron sev- Cobb and family at Spring Mills Saturday evening. eral days list week. % —The Canisteo Knight Templars who —Miss Ina Wyckoff, who has been working in Geneva the past few months attended the conclave of DeMolay Commandery, Mo. 22, at Horn* llsville last has returned home. —Mrs. C. E. 8utton and children of Thursday evening, at which annual the Record of Goings and Com. Arcade are guests ot her parents, Mr. •lection of officers took place, were: T)r. H. P. Jack, J . S. Tucker, M. W . Davi- Plans Well Under Way F o r Inga of Our Townspeople and Mrs. J. F. Baker. —Theodore Hallett underwent an son, W. P . Goflf, J . C. Latham, L. D. Publication T h a t Will b e and Friends. operation yesterday for the removal of a Whiting of Jasper nad D. D. Davis of Creditable. Mt. Morris. —Kanneth Langley returned to New cataract from his eye. —Beoj. F . Taylor of New York City, —John H. Paine and son, John, of The graduating class of the Canisteo York Monday. This is an unusual thing to do—but we are doing a numberJl Greenwood were in town Monday on spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and High School will issue a high school —P. 0 . Bigelow spent Monday with Mrs. W. B. Taylor. Mr. Taylor is a paper this year to appear on commence- unusual things this season—n fact this is an unusual season^ul the way to Wellsville. friends in town. —Mrs. James ftoblee has moved from member of the firm of A. M. Mears & ment day, as has been t h e c u t o m of it saves money for the customer and brings us increased patronaw I tT—Walter H. Stewart had business in the John Bailey house into her bouse Co., bankers and brokers, 26 Broad preceeding classes. Plans are already Cameron last week. We have made a careful inventory of our sutys and find we hail street, one of t h e prominent financial well advanced for its publication, and it just repaired since the fire. —Dr. U. C. Rowley was called t o s He is will contain a large quantitv of new and altogether too many—can't afford to carry them—mnst sell thetsj —Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Thoraas, for- establishments of the metropolis Cameron last week. a business hustler and the marked sue m e d ? of this place, are now located at interesting reading matter, illustrations and while most stores wait until the season is over, this progress^,! —Mrs. Frank Knapp^ttas returned cess he is making is very pleasing to of the class and others, and several other 215 West Vtica street, Buffalo.^ from visiting in Bath, v ' . store inaugurates this May Sale a t J u l y prices. You will tirnl a d J —C. Lee Peck, a well known young many Canisteo friends. attractive features. —Mrs. G. M. Webster of Greenwood cisive cut in prices, and although the stock is large and well assorJ attorney of Coudetsport, was in town on The Board of Education will also use was in town last week; MEMORIAL SERVICES legal business several days list week. it as a catalogue for the school and will ed we anticipate that present pricos will steadily decrease it. —D. D..Davis of Mt. Morris was in —Mrs. E. E Crary and children of distubute a considerable number of town Thursday and Friday. Costello, Pa., are visiting her parents, Plans are Completed For Decora* copies instead of issuing a "catalogue this —Miss Amy Crary was the guest of Mr. an* Mrs. J . D. Carter, in Walnut year. T h e opinion is growing rapidly Hon Day. friends in Almond last week. The assortment of uncommon styles with^big lines of Wash Goods and H street. Plans have been completed for thethat i t would be much more advantage- of Shirt Waist is enormous here—No We are confident your Petticoat i —Miss Elaine Putnam entertained a W —Mrs. L. R. Latham has returned observance ot memorial day. An inter/ ous to have a representative ana respon- such lines have been shown by any store party of friends Friday evening. . can be supplied here to your advanfc this Faction—We make a specialty of —Stephen Hubertus visited friends in frem sp^Bdteg^&ge—weeks— witfL Jier_ esttngr progrant, consisttngrof ^Bpeecrresr ^rble^pftp»rorelserBO««. T i > » £ ^ | j u r i p e ^ daughter, Mrs. F.- S. Parkhurst, m music and recitations h a s been, prepared issued by the graduating class last year bavicg uncommon styles Bt^orfrrfWO Hornellsville yesterday afternoon. prices. Our Hos-ery department can in M and will prove more enjoyable than the was a credit to the school and the pre—Dr. Thad B. Smith of Bolivar visit- LeRoy. be called a Hosiery store, so large sent plans ate to make this year's paper —Albeit Whitecomb of Neils Creek This week finds the very latest styles usual perfunctory oration. ed N. S. Baker and family Sunday. the varieties to be found here-p of Shirt Waist Suits open for your in- gause Lisle's and k c e effects are The annual memorial sermon will be even superior to that of 1901. —Miss Bessie Potter of Alfred was and his son of Arkport spent Sunday spection—The line this season embraces season's leaders—We have them info, with J . H. Braisted and family in Rail- delivered in the M. E. church next Sunthe guest of friends in town last week. T h e D a t e C h a n g e d . all the staple styles and many novelties black, white and all new shades—i| day morning a t 10:30 by Rev, L. P. —Miss Ella A. Dubois went to Wash- road^stre-at. make a specially strong school hose fd The date of the talk by Rev. J . E . We invite your early examination. — Henry McMinn, who injured the Thurston. Services will not be held in ington lsst week for a ten day's visit. boys and girls, Lovejoy on " A Night In The Slums of little finger of his left hand a short time the other churches. —Miss Marion Wnitwood was home ago in the mill, is seriously ill with A special purchase of Wrappers from The veterans of the Civil war will New York and the Red Light District" from Almond several days last* week. a big manufacturer's clearing sale en has been changed from Friday to WedC New Chatelaine and Wrist Bags t blood pouonwhich has set in. assemble at G. A.' R. hall over the Fire —George Braisted spent Saturday and —Mrs. George Holmes and children Department building, Main street, on nesday evening of this week. I t will abies us to offer some grand Wrapper from all kinds of leather. bargains —See the Wrapper we are sellSunday with his aunt in Hornellsville. of Canisteo, N. Y., were visiting in town Sunday morning, May 25 h and will at- be given tonight iu the Baptist chuich. ing for 50 cents- Some stores»ask a —Fred Brown of West Cameron was part of last week, guests at the home of tend the usual service at the M. E. It will be well worthy of attendance. E v e r y hing new in Belts. dollar forthettfr a caller on friends in Hullettsville Sun- Robert Mason-and wife.—Shingle House church. Brevities. day. Our showing of Petticoats is the largMail. The trial of Gabriel t i . Bishop of Cuba Special Muslin Underwear est we ever had—Making a specialy of —Horace Potter of St. Mary's, P a , That Bath Game. —Miss Mabel Lovejoy is expected t o for causing the death of E v t r t t t Austin the popular "Elite " Petticoat together always. was the guest of friends in town over arrive here* Saturday night to spend the Editor Times-Be uublican: was b' gun in Buffalo yesterday. Sunday. vacation with her parents, Rev. and We would like to state that the- Bath The firemen were called out on a wild —Thomas Hallett left Monday after- Mrs. J*. E. Lovejoy. She is attending correspondent of the Elroira Telegram goose chase Monday morning. At seven noon on train 14 for Norwich, Conn., t o college in New York City. was very much off his trolley in stating o'clock some one saw the smoke from a play ball. —Rev. L P . Thurston returned on that the team that played Haverling N . Y. & P. engine and immediately —A. L. DenniB, wife and daughter of Thurston from Buffalo a n d Pike. On last Thursday was t h e Canisteo base started the whistles blowing. North Jasper were in 'town on business Sunday last he occupied the pulpit of ball team. They were only the juniors The Endeavor society of the PresbyThursday. , the Central Park M. E. church of Buf- and they extcted to play against the terian church is arranging for lawn partj, —Dr. F . L. Sutton, wife and daugh- falo and Wednesday evening he deliver- juniors of Bath instead of half of the and t h e sale of cream and caKe on the * ter, were guests of J. B. Rumsey a t ed an address before the people of. Pik e first team. lawn of the manse en tbe afternoon and Oswayo Sunday. under Epworth League auspices. We would like to state that any time eyening of Memorial day. —Miss Ethel Johnson of East Ran —Whitesville News^-Miss Goldie Canisteo can't do up anjtbing Bath haf The announcement is made of the dolph was the guest of Miss Minnie We will play coming marriage of Miss Lucy May Norton of the Parlor cafe visited at h e r we will make it uood. Eason last week. home in Canisteo Sunday. She was ac- them anywhere, any time and for any Ackley to Thomas Bennett Jamison at —Loren M. Hewitt of Buffalo was in companied by Miss Nellie Cathcart.—G. amount. the home of the bride's parents in East t< wn last Saimdiiy on electric railway CANISTEO BASK BALL TBAM. R Brown, general manager of the N. Y Main street, to occur in the near future. * : cd mill matters. George Hoel, a student at Alfred University and son of Erie baggage master Advertised Letters. The following letters remain unclaimed O. E. Hoel of Hornellsville, was suffoca- * ted by escaping gas in his bedroom in * in the Canisteo post office, May 22th. E. W. Gillett, J . M. Goff. Cora Hol- that city Friday night. He graduated lingett, W. B. Adams, J . J . Gregory, from the Hornellsville High School in * Mrs. K . Butter, J . V J . Clark, Mrs. E '99 and was a highly respected young * Green, A. Conetable, Mrs. J . Caven, man. Chas. Watson, Phil. Cole, Fred D. Mott, There will be a quarterly meeting ser- * H. Durfee, A. Gurnsey Han, C. Dealey, vice at the church in Adrian next SunW. J. Langley, May Parks, F . Terry, day afternoon. A love feast service wl \ Mrs. E. Thomas Wagness. begin at half past two, after which Rev. Loozo Ellis, C. R . Bennett, Anna E. P. Hubbell, presiding elder of CornNugent, Freeman Rogers. Mrs. Estella ing, N . Y., will preach and administer • for our customers is always our watch-word. We are more particular Allen. the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, All J to please one customer perfectly than to make twenty sales that are likely L^A. WALDO, P . M. are invited to participate. * to prove in any way unsatis'actory. 148 Main Street, - Hox-nellsville, N, Y May Sale of Womens Suits | July Prices. ERLICH I' • BROS. w C^E^HARDWARE STORE WHAT MORE ! Complete -^fc Satisfaction Could You Want? Will Organize Tonight. HODSE TO RENT—House in go »d reA meeting will be held tonight in the pair, large fine garden. F . E. COMFOKT. A O. U. W. ha'l for the purpose of organizing a Women's Relief Corps. FOR SALE—House and half acre of Mary E. Opp of Wellsville will be p r e - ground, well fruited, city water and sent. gas. Call at house for particulars. E. W GRAMES. Ganisteo«Dansville. Manager Stephens has scheduled a base ball came for Friday afternoon between Canisteo a n d Dansville which promises to be a game well worth seeing. Everybody s-hould turn out and see Canisteo win. The local boys are playintr fast ball this season a Milwaukee Mower You can cut more hay with the same team in the same time and with less work Consult M. W. DAVISON, Agent for the Firemen's Ineurance Co., before p'acine your risk. FOR SALE—House In good repair, large, fine garden, fruit trees, excellent water, and gas, desirable location In Spruce street, easy terms. Inquire of J. VICKBRS. 4w. FOR SALE—House and two lots or five lots. Just t h e place for a farmer desiring a home in the village Will be sold for about hxlf its cost. + UOY^' * * * si _ •'" SUITS. That will wear like iron almost and give you the greatest value for your money that you ever received. Double Breasted Knee-Trousers Suit $1 00 tn $5.00 Single Breasted Suits, with vests % 00 to 7 50 Norfolk Jacket S u i t s . . , . 2.75 to 4-.50 Little poys' Vestee, Sailor Blouse and Norfolk Suits at many prices * * * * DaVIS, CGOZtSft i, MllUG, \\ 9 M A I N S T R E E T , CANISTEO. N. Y * *•*•• At Burrell Bros , store Leahy & Wheatley. THERE'S SOMETHING and - """ DEVOE PAINT There's something NEW and different constantly b< ing brnugh f o\it M particularly is this so of dress adornments and lit le novelties, whicn pu£ the finishing touches and make the dress complete. Absolute death to m all Insect Life. V^ A new costume demands these new accessions. The improvtd waist k*ngtheoer, the most practical and easily adjusted vice yet brought out to give the shirt waist the straight front effect- ' notion counter •— itbe Another necessary adjunct is th«« skirt and waist holder, which Keep cotf"* skirt from sagging and holds the waist in proper p o i t i o n — k i notion c ter .....„..„ ., It positively kills Potato Bugs, squash bugs, pumpkin hugs, watermelon bugs, rose bugs, currant worms, cab bfge worms. The newest ideas in • Florodora " and Parisian novelties for the hair. BLACK DEATH is an inexpensive powder as fine as tiour and completely covers with a fine dust every plant over, which it is sprinkled. I t also acts as a fertilizer, benefitting .alI plants to whicb applied, especially potatoes. 1 lb, 5c; 0 f?XSv5XSva5vv?ISvaSv?XK!13iS * Bug Killer! Than with any other mower, W. P. GOFF, ftgi + S?8®«*?*8®8i®8*s«8^ You can cut heavier hay on rougher ground and closer to the ground with less repairs. ' H E best Paint made is . • • w the Devoe Paint. I t Wears Longer, Looks Better and is by far cheaper in the end than any other kind. Don't buy paint until you talk with us and get our prices, * Inquire of G. C. BORRELL Than with any other mower. With a Milwaukee Mower • Spring and SummeF^ACK^SUTT^ and SPRING TOP COATS. Mens Sack Suits and Top Coats $10 to $18, + Pirn Latest s p r i n g novelties in M e ^ a l ion a n d Cameo B r o o c h o r Sash Bolero P'ms—Belt Olsfps S t . . -not* Parasols—where can you find a s l a r g e a n assortment of n e w styles ffrtitK Hornellsville. Linen colored silk with fancy stripe Black »nd White ft!«j plain white and sowing silk ruffle. Hemstitched and plain fancy—»t rl P covers in great, variety. Remember, For Sate Only By > •*..»> f V *s *> <3 ^ > « . Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 S^S«^ Laterf T h r e e and four piece shirts w»ist s e t s in pearl, t u r q u o i s e , g i l t and %t * » | Per s e t complete. 25c 3lbe, 13c; 51bs, 20c. lOlbs, 35c; 15 lbs, 50; 26 lbs, 75c. BURRELL BROS., - Canisteo, N. Y J Newport Roll " Combs LEAHY & WHEATLEY . » 1SS M a l a S t . , HornelLwillts, ® . T .
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