TEE / GREENWOOD NEWS^NOTES TIMES-REPUBLICAN REXVILLE. . 0 A NI8 T E 0 , N. T., MAT II 1904 TROUPSBURG. LATEST NEWS FROM JASPER —-Rev. J . E . Casey was in Corning jge is —The last week. quite i l l . infant child of Myron P, —Charles Grofl and wife were in Can—Walter isteo Friday. , — day in town Ploss of Jasper spent Uun—Mrs Mary" McCormick was in Canis—J. E. Angel of Knoxville was in teo Thursday. A Complete Budget of Interesting News -Richard Coyle of St. Mary's was in Local News, Personals, Church Items town Wednesday. town Saturday. —Mrs. Andrew Snyder has returned Hems (lathered in a Busy Town to her home do Jasper. —James Moran was in Canisteo on And a Summary of all Jasper business Thursday. —George Dennis of Jasper was in 9 For Our Readers Happening —G. R. Browu of Canisteo was in town one day last week. town Wednesday. * —Rev, L. Mulhollen and wife of Jas—Miss Geuevieve Hamilton of HorNO WATER WORKS —Stella Barton returned from Canis- per were in town W ednesday. nellsville was in town Sunday. teo Tuesday. i—Mrs Pulver has returned from the — Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and Miss city with a fine line of millinery. proposition to Build Water System —Allen Wallace and wife spent SunMonica Conway visited in town Sunday. day in Canisteo. —Mrs Eliisa Rogers has returned to ed Down Last Saturday. —Mrs. Philip Conway visited her —Newell Whiting of Bath was in town her home after an absence of six weeks. The question of having a water system .daughter, Mrs. John Carter of Canisteo, last week on business. —We are glad to IPC Jonah Sanford ast week, ms submitted to the taxpayers of the ; district last Saturday afternoon and —Haryoy Boon of Woodhull was a out again after being ill for six or seven —Mortimer Richey, w h o spent the months. hen the votes were counted it was winter in California, returned home last business guest here Monday. -rRev; Mr. Lang of Hornellsville dehad been cast Thursday. f*ut)d that 38 votes —Rev^Brundage of'Ghemuog preached crfiiustthe measure and 82 for, with one - —Miss Margaret Harkonrider visited in the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. livered a sermon in the Baptist church Men's, 2 piece s t i t s , coat and trousers, w o r t h $ 8 . 5 0 at $5.00 Sunday. defective baljot, making the total vote Miss Beatrice MacDonald Sunday after—Edgar Northrup of Canisteo was °i There has probably not been a pro- noon and evening. —The singing school closed Friday Men's blue and black worsted suit*,worth $10,special$5.98 among the business visitors in town last '•sition submitted to the taxpayers withwith a concert which was very enter—Miss Madeline MacDonald, who is week. P recent years that has caused moretfis- attending school in Hornellsville, spent' taining. Men's very fine worsted suits, in clay, serge and tbibets, it) —Mrs. Laura Hulse was in Crittenden from Thursday till Monday at her h o m e and Hornellsville from Wednesday till CJ1891O0 and aroused more feeling than —Will Graves and wife of West field worth $12.50 and $15, special at $10. jg water works system but this is not in this place. •Spent Sunday with her parents, Asa Cross Friday. F t0 be wondered at for the question was and wife. ;„ —Friday, May 6, occurred the de —Lester Drake was ia Hornellsville e 0f vital Importance. T h e vote was of Mrs. William Wood. T h e funer —Norman and Frank Hernngton of last week to visit his aunt, }lrs. Agnes taken at the instance of Gov. Odell to was held Sunday from.the.If. E. churc Cameron are visiting their uncle, Noah ent. Mb. IL< set an expression or the taxpayers and it She leaves a husband and four children Brooks. * [ probably that he will now vet* the to mourn her loss. —Rev. Taylor of Greenwood preached .Separate pants—the DUCHESS make—every pair warran—Clifford Owens and wife of Jasper bill authorizing the fire commissioners Sunday morning and evening in the M. —Those from here who attended " A E. church. visited her parents, J . S. Hurd aud wife, ted; we pay you ten cents if a button comes off, one to bond the district The water works last Monday. question is now a matter of history for ft Chinese Honeymoon" in Hornellsville, -Leon Freeland has moved today dollar it' they rip—best pants 6n earth—$1 to $5 pr. Friday night, were: Mr. and Mrs, Chas. -George Potter and wife are rejoicing time at least. from town into the house on the Newell Groff. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Scott, Mr and Whitin« farm. over the birth of a little son, which Landlord Johnson to Leave. .Mrs. Will Scott, Misses Gertrude Moran came May 1. —Henry Young of Greenwood was a and Anna McDonald, George McKinley, Landlord Vern Johnson of the J —Mrs. Lucinda Sanford has returned Ray Smith. Miss Rose Garvin, John guest at the home of Rev. W P . Trowson house, one of the most popu from Hornellsville, after an absence of bridge Monday. N Children'* suits in all new styles—$1.50 to $5. Hauber, Miss Helena Hargan, Neil Harbostelries in this section, will move Id two months. —Rev. Dr. Jacks of Geneva occupied Hornelleville in June where he has leae- gan, Charles Richey, Miss Hattie McTwo lots of odd suits for children, to close out, 75c. $1.25. —Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Rogers spent «d the Park hotel. He has conducted a Cormick, John Ragan. Miss Genevieve the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday in Jasper, the guests of Mr. aud Sunday morning. first class hotel and not many towns of Richey and Michael McOormiok. Mrs. Wesley White. Michael Sweeney ts the agent for the General and tins sii« have been favored with better —Mrs. Minnie Countryman has reyou call « n him he will explain the advantages — Earl Kelly cut lys hand quite badly holel accomodations than Greenwood. if over all other idmilar companies. All claims paid at turned to her home after an extended last Saturday while cutting wood. Dr. Bis many friends join in wishing his aight, no trouble nor red tape business for the in- visit at Warren, Pa. 200 dozens men's balbriggan shirts and drawers,in natural, sured. Everyone should have sick and accident Jolley bad to take quite a few stitches success in bis* new venture. Several protection. —Mrs. Charles Ciaig left on Saturday in it. . b.ack and fancy coiors'at 50c a garment—these goods parties are now negotiating for a lease for California where she expects to reof the hotel but it is not known as yet H A T , S T R A W , C E M E N T , COAL, WOOD. main several weeks. can not be bought in any other place at the same price A N UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. I have rented the Ackley building, iu ffho the future landlord will be. —Edith Simpson, who has been the Greenwood street, and have a stock of E. C BarKer will pay back your money 200 dozen men's shirts and drawers in blue, black and n a t hay, straw, lime, cement and wall plas- guest'of her mother, Mrs Geo. Simpson, if Pepsikola fails to cure dyspepsia. Author of a Text Book. returned on Thursday to Elmira. ter. Orders for coal and wood will reural colors, worth 35c, special 25c garment. Messrs Bacon & Vincent, educational —Anyone wishing to send their laun- "Never in the history of tbis store," publishers of Buffalo, have finished pub- ceive prompt attention. P . O. BRASTED. dry to Caniste© can do so by leaving it said Mr. Barker to a representative of a ^JSHOES AND OXFORDS lishing Prof. J. O. Lansing's history of jwitb Earl Ploss, who is agent for the wholesale drug house, "has there been BENNETT'S CREEK. so great a demand for a new remedy as education. Prof. Lansing's long experiCrescent laundry. We only ca^ry the best shoes.—The Douglass shoes for the —Mrs. Hannah Putnam is quite ill a t ence as an educator has equipped him to —Mrs. Levi Whiting and James Cor- there is just now for Pepsikola." "Canisteo people are coming in every treat this subject from a teacher's point this writing.—Bert Cbilds spent Sunday bett and wife of Canisteo witnessed last men; the Kelly shoes for the women; the Dayton for of view. The plan of the work gives a at the Marsh.—The ladies' aid met on week graduation exercises at the Buf- day inquiring if it really is true that we working shoes—none of these grades can be beat. If glance view touching the keynote of the Thursday with Mrs. Adeline Vanderhoef falo medical college and the presentation sell Pepsikola with the understanding it Will cure dyspep?ia or pay back the Proceeds $5.15. —Charles Hults of Spring subject, detailed view of t h e subject, you want good shoes at low prices we carry them. of a diploma to Glenn L. Whiting. money." "Of course tbis guarantee plan summary, life and vitality questions and Mills visited Ray Bassett Sunday.—Mrs. Miller and two children of Whitesville outline of what has been discussed. ALL OUR GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, DO NOT DOSE THE STOMACH. is quite unusual but we do just as we agree and we will hand back your quarvisited her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Spencer, Sunday.—Alfred Childs spent a few Cure Catarrh by Nature's Own ter without the least argument if you are Graduated With Honor, sot decidedly benefited." "As a matter days with his brother at Smethport.— Method—Every Breath of HyoGlenn Cos ton finished, his course i of fact," continued Mr. Barker, "not rs. Charles Jackson of Greenwood visthe Department of Pharmacy of the one person in fifty has asked for their mei Brings Relief. ed her daughter, Mrs. William VanderUniversity of Buffalo last week Tuesday hoef, for a few days this week.—The money, and it may surprise you to know Nearly every one who has catarrh and is now a full fledged druggist. He farmers say tbis is seed time and they at least a dozen within the last ten days was signally honored by bis class in be- are improving every nour.—Everyone knows how foolish it is to try and cure have been in to tell us bow much they MMAIN STREET, CANISTEO, N.Y. ^ it by drugging the stomach. Temporary ing chosen class prophet, which is one was pleased to see Harry Walker of have been relieved, and how glad they relief may be given, but a cure seldom of the highest honors that comes to a Canisteo traveling on our streets again are to knew at last there is a remedy graduate at commencement time. His with bis grocery wagon.—Mrs. George comes. that really will cure indigestion and dysUntil recently your physician would many friends here were glad to hear of Bassett, Mrs. Fred Bassett and daughter, pepsia." the honor conferred and predict a bright Lottie, were in Hornellsville Tuesday.— have said the only way to cure catarrh Pepsikola braces up and tones every would be to have a change of climate; furture for him; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Norton of Canisteo but now with Hyomei you can carry a nerve and fiber, helps digest the food, —John French is on the sick list. y attended the aid society meeting at Mrs. health giving climate in your vest pocket puts new life into the digestive organs, A, Vanderboef's Thursday. —Woodward and by breathing it a few minutes four improves t h e appetite, clears up the -W. A. Scrtbner and wife were In complexion, cures biliousness, sick head& Young's grocery wagon of Greenwood times a day soon cure yourself. Jasper Monday. is now seen on our streets. Edward The complete Hyomei outfit costs but ache, dizzy spells and coated tongue. . Mary Keegan of Rexyille was Scribner is in charge. —Lena Bassett was Try it for ten days and if you don't $1, and constats of an inhaler that can in town Saturday. see a big improvement step in and tell home from Friday till Sunday. be carried in the vest pocket, a medicine -rtuby Tyler was on the sick list Mr. Barker and he will hand back your dropper and a bottle of Hyomei. The teveral days last week. inhaler lasts a lifetime, and if one bottle quarter cheerfully and without arguNORTON HOLLOW. -Daniel Pease and wife were guests m 11-25 does not cure, an extra bottle of Hvomei ment. of Clayton Scribner Saturday. —Mrs. Maggie McCormick of Rexville -D. D. Smith of West Union was the visited her sister, Rose Birmingham, can be obtained for of/cents ^ I t i s t h e FOR SALE—Double harness nearly guest of S, 0 . Brown Saturday. a few days last week.—Mrs. W . R. most economical of all remedies adver- new. Price very reasonable. Inquire —Misses Bessie Cheesman and Manic Whitmarsh and son, Newton, visited tised fei the cure of catarrh, and is the W. J. UPSON. Pease were in Canisteo jj&tnrdav. her daughter, Mrs Frank Harrison, of onlv one that follows nature in berr For rent, house, 27 Spruce street, in —Mrs. Chas. French of Canitjeo spent Woodward creek, Tuesday. — Wilbur method of treating diseases of the respiT . AtRSMAN. good repair. Sunday with her mother, Mrs Alfred Stephens has so far recovered from mea- ratory organs. J . W. Mitchell has sold a great many "less. sles as to be out again.—Mrs. E. M. Hoyt EAST GREENWOOD. —Blooma Cheesman was the guest of and Mrs. E. B Quick were gusstt of Hyomei outfits and the more he sells the her friend Jessie King at Bennetts last Rose Birmingham Wednesday.—George more convinced he is that he is perfectly —Prof. L. A. Baker and wife of HowR. Norton a n d . son, Earnest, were in safe in guaranteeing to refund the money are visited bis parents from Friday until week. > _, M25 Sunday.—The infant child of Mr.-and —E. G. Hall and wife spent a part of Greenwood Tuesday.—Measles seem to if Hyomei does not cure lsst week with relatives in Young be the order of the day —Fay Taylor and Mrs. Will Slocum is on the sick list.— "MNTV^STAT family were entertained at E . M. Hoyt's Hickory. Miss Nettie Banks is caring for her sis— W. E . Drake is making some im- ter, Mrs. Erwin Holt.—Mr. and Mr*. —Mrs. R, P. Stephens visited friends Sunday. A u g u s a Graves of Whitesville ID Hornellsville and Canisteo part of called at Leonard Sherman's Friday. provements on his residence.—A num George Conkey were in town Thursday. —M. E, Ostrander had the misfortune ber in this place are sick with measles. —Mrs. Minnie Hough of West Jasper last week. to be kicked by a horse recently and as —Emery Stewart and family visited atr was in Andover Saturday.—Mrs, Mary —Delbert Minard and wife of Hor a j o s u l t "rs quite lame.—Alickr Birming- Mrs. F. A. Allen's Sunday.—Frank Mul- Hovey called at the home of her brother, nellsville visited their mother, Mrs. P . ham was in Greenwood Thursday.—M. likin and Clarence Spencer attended the George Case, Sunday.—:Mrs. F . K AlFisk Sunday."' E. Ostrander and wife were in Green church service at Towlesville, Sunday vord and daughter, Ciira, were in Rex—Mrs. Joseph Hargan of Buffalo is wood Thursday. —Wm. McKay, Sr., was eveaing.—Myrtle Matthews is home on ville Saturday. visiting her mother, Mrs. Phineas Fisk seen to pass through this place Thurs- a vacation*"—Clarence and Arthur Cook for B few days. day.—M«rritt Ostrander and mother were home from their work over SunThe Morning Cup of Tea -Byion Rugar made a flying trip were in Greenwood oa Saturday. —Hen- day.—Leila E. Ross of Hornellsville visfast becoming popular in American househome from Wellsville Saturday, returr- ry Andrews of Jasper was seen passing iced friends in this place over Sunday.— Is holds. Business men, students and people in Ug the same day. „ on Friday.—Newton Whitmarsh visited Mrs J . H. Brasted visited her dauguter, every Walk of life are finding In tea a mild and Cynthin, in this place a few days of last gentle stimulant which leaves no evil after-Dudley Ersley of Jasper, a former at W. T. Sherman's Sunday. and causes no distress to the digestive week,—Charles Newman and son called effects, organs. One o£ the most popular teaa~Hf*©»rthe Greenwood resident, was greeting friends on his parent, Saturday.—Claude Tay- market is the famous " Blend " (ea, which Is put •bout town Saturday---^ up and sold In sealed packages of one pound ADRIAN. lor and Will Stewart were in Bath Sat- and one half pound each, by tbeC. R. Maltby Co. -Lena Sjiaut is home from FJprnellsurday.—Cynthia Brasted visited her paof Corning, N. Y. —Russell Morley called on friends in Til'e after several weeks visit with her Canisteo Sunday. rents over Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. D. C. •wter, Mrs. Albert Pease. Mullikin called on Mrs, F . A. Allen on —Miss Margaret Donley was in CanisEDISON PHONOGRAPHS Sunday. ' - Phineas Fisk and wife have return- teo Wednesday. •dfrom Canisteo where they were called $10 to $50 —P. A. Farrand was m Cameron on •J the illness of relatives. YOUNG HICKORY. business Wednesday. $1 down and $1 week until -Burr Cox of Port Allegany and —Fred Hill visited his parents over —Mrs. Rose Had ley visited her son, Mjma Cox and Elmer Burger of Wells Sunday.—E. G. Hall and wife visited at paid for, will buy an Edison wle were guests of Jennie Rugar Sun- Victor, at W;ellsboro, Saturday. Albert Lewis Saturday night.—Joe Hurd —Mr. andf MrB. S. L. Jackson were in was a caller in this p'ace Friday evening. machines. •y, —George Bishop has been thrashing for -Samuel Marshall and wife and Misses Hornellsville on business Wednesday. GARDE F. WAIGHT, —Charles Ross and daughter, Gladys, some of the farmers this week.—A. L. fmra Young and Alice Winebrewer took "theexcursion to Shingle House Sun- of Arkport visited friends here Sunday Lewis and wife of Greenwood visited his Jasper, N. Y. —Guy Marsh and Thomas Ryan of brother, A. H. Lewis, Friday.—George Brooks is working for Frank Lewis.— Local 'phone or Franklin Waight's —Will Miner of Sayre, Pa., Fannie Hornellsville called on friends here SunMrs. J. O. Potter and her daughters, Jn»ult and Mrs. Henry Miner of Hor- day. residence. —Allen Van Gorder and wife of Can- Achsa Day and Hattie Hall were callers veiisviiic visited at James Miner's Sunisteo visited a t R. W. M«irle>V fhf last on Mrs. J . R. Taggart one day last week. —Mrs. Li Hie Brooks visited Blanch of the week. Come and get some of our Home Cured Lewis Friday. —D. Baily is having his rill u t Johnson went to Hornells—Mils Frances Birkal"•«• r*« "H a suc- house repaired.—Miss Maggie Keegan ™««Monday to complete soma arrangeDENTIST HAM, also some of our Home Boiled HAM for preparatory to moving to that cessful term of school hens Friday with called at the cheese factory Thursday GREENWOOD, N . Y. appropriate exercises. afternoon.—P. McNeil has a new teleP nc Sunday. Saturday we run a special cash sale. —George Morley* of Hornc-PaviHe vis- phone on the century line.—Maud Brown Of Buffalo and Toronto Dental Schools. Robards of t h e A r k p o r t fc~ " 'pal Office in Jno. Guyon's residence. and Cora Lewis visited the school Thursited his parents, Mr. and "Urn. R. W. "^school, who Is a candidate for nV B«ef in chunk, f-*om 5c to 9c; shoulder steak 10c, 3 day afternoon. •jHiatiorj of school commissioner on the Morley, the latter part of the week. At Whitesville Thursdays and Fridays* I I pounds lor 25c; round steak 12 £c; sirloin and'porterhouse 1 ti5ket, WM i0 Gro6nw<HH • mi. ... ? i. I-,-,. p e e Hive Department Store I » it) MAIN ST.. CANISTEO, N.Y. % it) iff DryMillinery, Goods, Clothing, Shoes i/jjf Carpets. Hi it/ W it/ Hi Hi it/ Hi it/ TROUSERS Hi Hi it/ m it/ \ii it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ it/ CHILDREN'S SUITS . • - * MEN'S UNDERWEAR H> | M . N . SAMMET & BRO, S s 5SSSSSSSS>SSSSS$$ Dr. H. E. E l l i o t t , ErdT" NORTH JASPER. i«^ M /* r '. anfj ^ ,r «- Bmmett Coston were —Jarvis Punches has hired o u t for tha t o n art , f , M t w c e k at the season to Amasa Talbot. - J . B. [tend-n t hke P " it, '. K commeaoement exercises of Scutt is building a tenant boose on h i s 1 c J M« of 1904, at the university of farm and < xpects to move from CanisWo and of which their son, Glenn, teo to the farm soon.—Miss Julia Stew* as » member, art of S nth Cameron is working at A. h e Rev. 1 . G. Piper of Canisteo K. IVnnV.—A. K I)t»nhis and wife M ^ | • * * lecture on "The South" at the were iu Jasper on M«ndav. —Tber North • *• church last Friday evening before Jasper dairy association held a moatine Pi * p p T < , c j * t i ^ audience. Rev. Mr.list week Friday afternoon at which it lR R nent of h,e . P speaker and on account. was decided to start their factory during d e S r l r c l , a e n e e , n ^ 8 region which he this month They have hired Mr, Pierce eornn I ' W&8 a b l j t 0 &™ • * l v i d *«"* of Rlckford, New York, a graduate of ""naive nortr*v«l portrsyil 0 f conditions Cornell, who will move Into the factory i t o f t h T n ? Proceeds were for the bent- —Ira Sackott has taken F.C. Mulhollen's iertsi to work this seasos. church. #——•—•—/ M. E. Smith & CARRY A FULL U S E O F CHOICE GRASS SEEDS. RED CLOVER ORCHARD WHITE CLOVER ALSI^KE R E D TOR,E T C . ALEALihA GRASS 21 Sense® s t r e e t , T H 1 NEW STORE, i w m i i.SVIILI.E,fi».Y. i> •-X •"> •> •'"* •"*> •"*» •"* .*^B ."^ .•'*.•"> *:*'.#'. *: *• £ P f". *: ** & fr- €'• f'- Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Carters' Market. 16c; pork at 10c; loin 12c; fresh ham 12c; chunk pork, 8c and 9c; lard 10c, leaf lard 9e; pickled tongue 14c hamburg 12c; pressed meat I2e. These are a few bargains. Call and tee us and give us your orders. Both 'phones. E. A. CARTER & CO*9 Main Street, Canisteo. vA
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